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Organick E.I., Forsythe A.I., Plummer R.P. — Programming Language Structures |
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, END statement of a program 320
, END statement of a subprogram 329—331
, EQUIVALENCE declaration 322 334 371
, Exercises, normalize a list 352 353
, Exercises, simulating recursive calls 365
, Exercises, using FORMAT statements 370
, Field, descriptors 367
, Field, Hollerith 368
, Field, width in format codes 368
, Format 367—370
, Format, field descriptors 367—369
, Format, fields 367—369
, Format, specification 369
, Format, statement 367 369
, Function reference 332
, Global variables 312
, Global variables, accessing structure 313
, Global variables, blank array 314
, Global variables, declaration 313 see
, Global variables, sharing of 328
, Goal of, designers 309
, GOTO statement 320 322
, GOTO statement, computed 322 325
, Identifier for temporary, without conflict with a programmer-written name 357
, Identifier, rules of formation 334
, Identifier, synonym 334 see
, Identifier, synonym, declaration 334
, IF statement 187—189 324 374
, Indefinite iteration 325
, Input/output 366 373
, Input/output for pretty print 366
, Input/output, machine dependence 373
, Input/output, simplified 323 324 341 366
, Input/output, unit numbers 369
, Keywords 322
, Labels 320
, Library and predefined functions, COS 332
, Library and predefined functions, equivalence of CHOP and INT 333
, Library and predefined functions, FLOAT 333
, Library and predefined functions, IFIX 333
, Library and predefined functions, INT 333
, Lifetime of variables 371
, Linking program 373
, operator (//) 340
, Parameters, reference type 312
, Preallocation of workspace 312
, Preprocessor 374
, PRINT statement 366
, Procedure, parameter 352
, Procedure, parameter, reference 332 see
, Procedures 312
, Procedures, separate compilability of 372
, Processing of nonnumeric data 375
, Program examples, 1966 Fortran 321 337 344 353 355
, Program examples, 1977 Fortran 342 345 356
, Program, structure 309 310
, Program, units 309 373
, Program, units, linking and relinking of 373
, Recursive procedures, prohibition 312
, Recursive procedures, simulation 312 365
, Reference parameters 336
, Reference parameters, copying of references technique 347
, Semantics 310
, Semantics, contour diagrams for 310
, Separate compilability feature 372
, Statement(s), assignment 323
, Statement(s), CALL 332
, Statement(s), compound 373
, Statement(s), conditional 324 341 373
, Statement(s), CONTINUE 326
, Statement(s), DO 326 327
, Statement(s), FORMAT 367
, Statement(s), format free input/output 323 324 341 366
, Statement(s), GOTO 320 373
, Statement(s), IF 324 327
, Statement(s), IF THEN ELSE 341
, Statement(s), input 323
, Statement(s), labels 320
, Statement(s), line layout 320
, Statement(s), line layout, comment column 320 321
, Statement(s), line layout, continuation field 320 321
, Statement(s), mapped from flowchart counterparts 321
, Statement(s), n-way branch 325
, Statement(s), numbers 320
, Statement(s), output 324
, Statement(s), PRINT 366
, Statement(s), RETURN 329—331
, Statement(s), SAVE 341
, Storage, allocation of 338 351 370
, Storage, utilization 370
, Subprogram examples 329—331
, Subscripts, allowable range for 322 341
, Syntax 319
, Syntax, BNF definitions 319
, Syntax, BNF definitions of terminal symbols 320
, Syntax, BNF definitions, summary for 1966 Fortran 323—334
, Terminal symbols 320
, Type, specification 320
, Type, specification, explicit versus implicit 320 372
, Type, specification, integer 320
, Type, specification, real 320
, Types, default 372
, Variable names 334 see
, Variable(s), global 312
, Variable(s), global, declaration 313
, Variable(s), lifetimes 371
, Variable(s), temporary, with special names 357
, Variable(s), type 320
67, language 520 541
(ip, ep) pair 35
Abstract machine model 193
Action sequences, concurrent action 519
Action sequences, initiation, termination and coordination of 520
contour 24
Contour, diagram 520
Contour, diagram, origin 121
Contour, name, qualified with a superscript 33
Contour, procedure 36
Control of repetition 11
Control, sequence 11
Coroutine, relationship 521
Coroutine, suspension and resumption 523
Deadlock 553
Decision step 11
declaration 4
Definite iteration 10 18
Differentiation, recursive process 44
Differentiation, rules 444
Eight queens problem 555 610—611
Empty string 186
Englishlike language for describing an algorithm 4 6
Enumerated, array notation 20
Enumerated, list notation 18
Environment 24
Environment of a procedure 34
Environment of a subprogram 30
Environment, calling 56
Environment, pointer 35 50
EP see "Environment pointer"
Escape hatch concept in recursion 124 378
Expression, argument in a procedure call 89
Expression, argument in a procedure call, matched to a reference parameter 90
Expression, infix 52
Expression, postfix 52
Fibonacci series algorithm 4
Find zero procedure, exercise 117
Find zero procedure, flowchart 119
Flowchart(s) 4
Flowchart(s), choosing between, and textual forms 6
Flowchart(s), conventions 7
| Flowchart(s), ensembles 30
Flowchart(s), language summary 17—19
Flowchart(s), postponing details 6
Flowchart(s), representation of an algorithm 12
Flowchart(s), top-level 22
Flowchart/legend 6
Formal differentiation 170 see
Four color problem 597
Four coloring, algorithm 180
Four coloring, algorithm, as a tree search 597
Four coloring, algorithm, connection matrix and table 597
Four coloring, algorithm, input data 597
Function, exercise for converting from a procedure 99
Function, procedures 93
Function, value returned 113
Function, values 56
Global variable 42
Greatest common, divisor, GCD exercise 83
Greatest common, factor, GCF exersice 85
High-level language 2
Indefinite iteration 9 18
Infix expression 52 53
Information sharing 56
Input, output 18 19 20
Instruction pointer, ip 35 50
Integer division exercise 39 77
IP see "Instruction pointer"
Iteration, box 10
Iteration, definite 10 18
Iteration, indefinite 9 18
Iteration, variable 11
Iterative algorithm for, factorial 124
Iterative algorithm, Fibonacci series 165
Language preprocessors 464
Language preprocessors, similarities and differences 2
Language preprocessors, syntax, Backus — Naur Form 184
Language preprocessors, syntax, charts 189
Language preprocessors, syntax, formal definition 184
Least common multiple, LCM, exercise 81
Least common multiple, LCM, exercise, using gcd function 95
Least common multiple, LCM, exercise, using GCD procedure 94
legend 16
Legend entries for different types of parameters 80
Legend for a flowchart 4 5 12
Legend for a subflowchart 30
Legend, entry 6
Legend, entry, corresponding declaration 7
Legend, form, and corresponding contour cell form 112
Library procedures 22
Lisp 3 376
Lisp, AND predicate 414 454
Lisp, APPEND function 415 417
Lisp, Arguments, evaluation before application 392
Lisp, Arguments, postponing evaluation with QUOTE 392
Lisp, Arithmetic functions and predicates 416
Lisp, Arithmetic operations 416
LISP, atom 377
Lisp, ATOM predicate 389 414
Lisp, Atom, literal 377
Lisp, Atom, NIL 378
Lisp, Atom, numeric 377 389
Lisp, Atom, table 381
Lisp, Atomic symbol 377
Lisp, Basic functions 385
Lisp, Basic functions, ATOM 389 414
Lisp, Basic functions, CAR 387 414
Lisp, Basic functions, CDR 387 414
Lisp, Basic functions, CONS 385 414
Lisp, Basic functions, EQ 389 413 414
Lisp, CAAR 404 see "CDR"
Lisp, CAAR, chains 387
Lisp, CAR 387 414
Lisp, CAR and CDR chains 387
Lisp, CAR and CDR chains, abbreviations for 388
Lisp, Case studies, case 1, APPEND, flowchart 418
Lisp, Case studies, case 1, APPEND, LISP program 418
Lisp, Case studies, case 1, APPEND, RLISP program 418
Lisp, Case studies, case 1, APPEND, snapshot sequence 419—422
Lisp, Case studies, case 2, REVERSE, computer display in RLISP 430
Lisp, Case studies, case 2, REVERSE, LISP program 423
Lisp, Case studies, case 2, REVERSE, RLISP program 423
Lisp, Case studies, case 2, REVERSE, snapshot sequence 424—429
Lisp, Case studies, case 3, use of funargs, Part 1, MAPCAR 434
Lisp, Case studies, case 3, use of funargs, Part 1, MAPCAR, RLISP program 434
Lisp, Case studies, case 3, use of funargs, Part 1, MAPCAR, snapshot sequence 435—410
Lisp, Case studies, case 3, use of funargs, Part 2, USEY 441
Lisp, Case studies, case 3, use of funargs, Part 2, USEY, RLISP program 441
Lisp, Case studies, case 3, use of funargs, Part 2, USEY, snapshot sequence 442 443
Lisp, Case studies, case 4, symbolic differentiation, flowcharts, collect 458
Lisp, Case studies, case 4, symbolic differentiation, flowcharts, differentiate 444
Lisp, Case studies, case 4, symbolic differentiation, flowcharts, simplify 453
Lisp, Case studies, case 4, symbolic differentiation, flowcharts, simplify, plus 455
Lisp, Case studies, case 4, symbolic differentiation, flowcharts, simplify, times 457
Lisp, Case studies, case 4, symbolic differentiation, LISP program 446
Lisp, Case studies, case 4, symbolic differentiation, RLISP program 447 454 456 457 459
Lisp, Case studies, case 4, symbolic differentiation, sample input and output 447 448 449 451
Lisp, Case studies, case 4, symbolic differentiation, simplification rules 448
Lisp, Case studies, case 4, symbolic differentiation, simplification rules by pattern match 450 452
Lisp, CDAR 404 see "CDR"
Lisp, CDAR, chains 387
Lisp, CDR 387 414
Lisp, Command 394
Lisp, COND 411
Lisp, Conditional expression 400 411
Lisp, CONS 385 414
Lisp, CONS, applied to quoted atoms 393
Lisp, Contour cell for a procedure parameter 431
Lisp, Contour cells, shorthand notation 407
Lisp, Contours, nesting of 397
Lisp, Data objects 377
Lisp, Dotted pair 377
Lisp, Empty list symbol 378
Lisp, EQ predicate 389 413 414
Lisp, EQUAL predicate 413 414 453
Lisp, EVAL function 457
Lisp, EVAL function, use of a second argument for 463
Lisp, Exercises, copy a list of atoms 412
Lisp, Exercises, determine equality of two S-expressions 413
Lisp, Exercises, determine if two lists of atoms are equal 413
Lisp, Exercises, determine membership in a list of atoms 413
Lisp, Exercises, form a list of pairs 412
Lisp, Exercises, processing character strings with pattern match 461
Lisp, Exercises, remove an atom from a list 413
Lisp, Exercises, reverse a list (REVERSE) 429
Lisp, Exercises, reverse a list (SUPERREVERSE) 429
Lisp, FIRST 387 see
Lisp, Funarg 431
Lisp, Funarg, placement of its contour 432
Lisp, Funarg, placement of its contour, case where, is critical 441
Lisp, Funarg, use of 433
Lisp, Function applied to argument 392
Lisp, Function arguments 431 see
Lisp, FUNCTION function 431
Lisp, FUNCTION function, proper use of 434
Lisp, garbage collection 384
Lisp, HEAD 387 see
Lisp, HEAP 381
Lisp, HEAP, cell 381
Lisp, HEAP, treelike arrangement of, cells 382
Lisp, Interaction 395
Lisp, Interactive run 395
Lisp, Interpreter 394
Lisp, LENGTH function 417 434
Lisp, LISP 398
Lisp, LISP 1.5 398 410
Lisp, LISP, BNF syntax 410 412
Lisp, LISP, COND 411
Lisp, LISP, conditional expression 411
Lisp, LISP, DEFINE function 411
Lisp, LISP, procedure definition 411 412
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