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Underdahl K. — Digital Video For Dummies |
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inch Umatic analog video format 59
.Mac movie-hosting service (Web site) 252
.mov filename extension 20
.QT (QuickTime) file format 238
.RM (RealMedia) file format 238
12-bit audio versus 16-bit audio 122
12-bit audio versus sixteen-bit audio 122
3-chip camcorders 60
3-D transitions 164
4-pin versus 6-pin FireWire ports 98
8mm analog video format 59
Add CD Music option (Pinnacle Studio) 195
Add Text Field option (Pinnacle Studio) 177
Add Visual Effects option (Pinnacle Studio) 159—161
Adjust Colors option (iMovie) 159
Adjust Colors/Adjust Lighting option (Pinnacle Studio) 159—161 202—203
Adobe Photoshop, editing still graphics using 211—212
Adobe Photoshop, filtering illegal colors using 56
Adobe Premiere For Dummies (Underdahl) 32 202
Adobe Premiere video-editing software, audio tracks 186
Adobe Premiere video-editing software, display screen/controls 206
Adobe Premiere video-editing software, editing capabilities 320
Adobe Premiere video-editing software, export options 323
Adobe Premiere video-editing software, features 32 39 204 316
Adobe Premiere video-editing software, generators 322
Adobe Premiere video-editing software, import formats, supported 318
Adobe Premiere video-editing software, multimedia controllers with 310
Adobe Premiere video-editing software, QuickTime formatting capacity 243
Adobe Premiere video-editing software, special effects capabilities 202 321
Adobe Premiere video-editing software, tracks 149
Adobe Premiere video-editing software, video capture support 319
ADVC-50 (Canopus) video converter 311
AG-DV1000 (Panasonic) MiniDV video disk 314
Aged Film effect (iMovie) 19 161
Aluminum foil 76
ambient noise 86—88 123
Analog video, capture cards, breakout boxes 43
Analog video, capture cards, choosing 42—43
Analog video, capture cards, exporting video using 257
Analog video, capture cards, importing video using 113—114
Analog video, capture cards, installing, connecting 42—43 97—99
Analog video, capture process 99—106 111—112
Analog video, external converters 42 43
Analog video, TV displays 45
Analog video, video formats for 59
Animation 207
Aperture control 65
Apple Disk First Aid 95
Apple Final Cut Express video-editing software, editing capabilities 320
Apple Final Cut Express video-editing software, export options 323
Apple Final Cut Express video-editing software, features 33 204
Apple Final Cut Express video-editing software, generators 323
Apple Final Cut Express video-editing software, import formats, supported 318
Apple Final Cut Express video-editing software, multimedia controllers with 310
Apple Final Cut Express video-editing software, prices/platforms 317
Apple Final Cut Express video-editing software, special effects capabilities 321
Apple Final Cut Express video-editing software, video capture support 319
Apple Final Cut Pro video-editing software, editing capabilities 320
Apple Final Cut Pro video-editing software, export options 323
Apple Final Cut Pro video-editing software, features 32 202 204
Apple Final Cut Pro video-editing software, generators 323
Apple Final Cut Pro video-editing software, import formats, supported 318
Apple Final Cut Pro video-editing software, prices/platforms 317
Apple Final Cut Pro video-editing software, special effects capabilities 321
Apple Final Cut Pro video-editing software, tracks 149
Apple Final Cut Pro video-editing software, video capture support 319
Apple iMovie video-editing software, audio tools, iTunes program 195
Apple iMovie video-editing software, audio tools, recording audio 123—125 126
Apple iMovie video-editing software, audio tools, sound effects 193—194
Apple iMovie video-editing software, audio tools, volume adjustments 189—192
Apple iMovie video-editing software, audio tracks, adding to timelines 187—188
Apple iMovie video-editing software, audio tracks, viewing 151—152
Apple iMovie video-editing software, Capture command 12
Apple iMovie video-editing software, capturing video, analog video 115
Apple iMovie video-editing software, capturing video, digital video 106—107
Apple iMovie video-editing software, editing tools, adjusting image quality 161—162
Apple iMovie video-editing software, editing tools, editing capabilities 320
Apple iMovie video-editing software, editing tools, example editing project 14—16
Apple iMovie video-editing software, editing tools, NLE (nonlinear editing) 14
Apple iMovie video-editing software, editing tools, trimming video clips 144 153—155
Apple iMovie video-editing software, editing tools, unsplitting clips 146
Apple iMovie video-editing software, export tools, export options 323
Apple iMovie video-editing software, export tools, exporting to tape 259—260
Apple iMovie video-editing software, export tools, QuickTime formatting 20—21 227
Apple iMovie video-editing software, features 13 32
Apple iMovie video-editing software, generators 322
Apple iMovie video-editing software, import tools, CD audio 128
Apple iMovie video-editing software, import tools, MP3 files 130
Apple iMovie video-editing software, import tools, supported video formats 318
Apple iMovie video-editing software, import tools, video capture support 319
Apple iMovie video-editing software, new projects, creating importing clips 138
Apple iMovie video-editing software, new projects, creating storyboarding 146—147
Apple iMovie video-editing software, playback tools, keyboard controls 143
Apple iMovie video-editing software, playback tools, speed adjustment sliders 157—158
Apple iMovie video-editing software, plug-ins and extensions 33
Apple iMovie video-editing software, preview tools, clip browser 140—141
Apple iMovie video-editing software, previewing tools, adjusting playback speed 157—158
Apple iMovie video-editing software, previewing tools, clip browser 140—141
Apple iMovie video-editing software, previewing tools, full-screen playback 223
Apple iMovie video-editing software, previewing tools, using external monitors 225—226
Apple iMovie video-editing software, prices/platforms 316
Apple iMovie video-editing software, screen features 15
Apple iMovie video-editing software, special effects, built-in effects 198—200 321
Apple iMovie video-editing software, special effects, customizing 201—202
Apple iMovie video-editing software, special effects, using in movies 18—19
Apple iMovie video-editing software, still graphics, freeze frames 220—221
Apple iMovie video-editing software, still graphics, inserting in movies 212—216
Apple iMovie video-editing software, timeline controls 149
Apple iMovie video-editing software, titles, creating 181—182
Apple iMovie video-editing software, titles, title safe margins 174
Apple iMovie video-editing software, transitions and fades, accessing 165—166
Apple iMovie video-editing software, transitions and fades, adjusting/modifying 169—170
Apple iMovie video-editing software, transitions and fades, using in movies 17—18
Apple iMovie video-editing software, versus Microsoft Windows Movie Maker 26
Apple iMovie video-editing software, video standards, changing among 52
Apple iPhoto photo-editing software, organizing still graphics using 212—214
Apple iTunes audio editing software 195
Apple QuickTime video-player, exporting movies to 20—21 227
Apple QuickTime video-player, features 240
Apple QuickTime video-player, formatting movies for 243—248
Apple QuickTime video-player, Pro version 243
Apple QuickTime video-player, progressive download support 239
Apple SuperDrive 306
Appliances, editing 45
Apply control (iMovie) 201
Aspect ratios and importing still graphics 210—211
Aspect ratios, image aspect ratios 54—55
Aspect ratios, pixel aspect ratios 55
Aspect ratios, widescreen format 54—55
Assistants, crews 72 292
Audiences, previewing movies for 224 225
Audio Capture control panel (Pinnacle Studio) 116
Audio clips, audio tracks See also sound effects narration
Audio clips, audio tracks and playback speed adjustments 157
Audio clips, audio tracks, background music, creating using SmartSound 196
Audio clips, audio tracks, background music, locating on timelines 150
Audio clips, audio tracks, background music, tracks for in Apple iMovie 187
Audio clips, audio tracks, background music, when to use 194
Audio clips, audio tracks, defined 139
Audio clips, audio tracks, editing, adjusting volume 189—191
Audio clips, audio tracks, editing, advanced editing techniques 149
Audio clips, audio tracks, editing, in Apple iMovie 3 151—152
Audio clips, audio tracks, editing, sound effects 193—194
Audio clips, audio tracks, editing, tools for 185—186
Audio clips, audio tracks, importing, adding to timelines 187—188
Audio clips, audio tracks, importing, CD audio 128—130
Audio clips, audio tracks, importing, extracting from video clips 187
Audio clips, audio tracks, importing, importing soundtracks 195
Audio clips, audio tracks, importing, MP3 files 130
Audio clips, audio tracks, importing, prerecorded sound 86—88
| Audio clips, audio tracks, locating on timelines 150
Audio clips, audio tracks, number of 186—187
Audio clips, audio tracks, organizing 140—141
Audio clips, audio tracks, recording during video shoots, basic tips 85—86 122—123
Audio clips, audio tracks, recording during video shoots, preparing for, before shoots 81
Audio clips, audio tracks, recording during video shoots, recorders for 65 308—309
Audio clips, audio tracks, recording during video shoots, using Apple iMovie 123—125 126
Audio clips, audio tracks, recording during video shoots, using Pinnacle Studio 125—127
Audio clips, audio tracks, waveforms 186
Audio equipment, built-in, limits of 63
Audio equipment, connectors for 60
Audio equipment, microphones 63—65
Audio equipment, stand-alone audio recorders 65
Audio rubberbands 189 191—192
Audio toolbox (Pinnacle Studio) 129
Audio, physical characteristics 121—122
Authoring software 268 306
AVDV Capture Card (Pinnacle Systems) 113—114
AVI file format, codec options 229
AVI file format, Pinnacle Studio setting options 230—231
AVI file format, saving movies in 227 227—229
Avid Xpress DV video-editing software 33 39 204
B&H Photo (equipment supplier) 306
Backdrop materials 66 76 287
Background elements, pre-made 312
Background music tracks, creating using SmartSound 196
Background music tracks, locating on timelines 150
Background music tracks, tracks for in Apple iMovie 187
Background music tracks, when to use 194
Backgrounds, for titles 179—180
backlighting 78—80 295 296
Balanced audio connectors 60
Bars and tone generators 322—323
Batteries and camcorder selection 60
Batteries, extra, bringing to shoots 62 72
Bebak, Arthur (Creating Web Pages For Dummies) 254
Bell ringing sound effect 290
Betacam analog video format 59
Betacam-SP analog video format 59
Bidirectional microphones 64
Black & White effect (iMovie) 161
Black video 261
Blacking and coding tapes 85
Blankets, sound-muffling 88
blue screens 298—299
Bluetooth technology 61
Blur effect (Pinnacle Studio) 160 203
Bone breaking sound effect 87—88 290
Boundaries, title-safe 174
Breakout boxes (capture cards) 43
Breaks, timecode 84—85
Bright light 51
Brightness & Contrast effect (iMovie) 161 162
Brightness, adjusting in Pinnacle Studio 160
Brightness, computer versus TV monitors 56
Broadcast television standards 51
Browsers, for video clips 140—141
Built-in light, and camcorder selection 61
Burns, Ken (filmmaker) 214
Business productivity tools 207
Buzzing insect sound effect 87—88 290
Camcorders, digital, aperture control features 65
Camcorders, digital, as video converters 115
Camcorders, digital, audio capability 63—65
Camcorders, digital, camera mode 98
Camcorders, digital, capturing analog video using 108—110
Camcorders, digital, choosing/buying, desirable features 59—63
Camcorders, digital, choosing/buying, finding sources for 49—50
Camcorders, digital, choosing/buying, unnecessary features 61
Camcorders, digital, connecting to computer 97—99
Camcorders, digital, digital formats 57 60
Camcorders, digital, end-search feature 85
Camcorders, digital, exporting video using 257—258
Camcorders, digital, file sharing capability 9
Camcorders, digital, FireWire compatibility 12
Camcorders, digital, helmet cams 313
Camcorders, digital, lighting features 80
Camcorders, digital, mechanics of 50—51
Camcorders, digital, player/VTR mode 98
Camcorders, digital, sampling rates 122
Camcorders, digital, setting up for shoots 81—82
Camcorders, digital, viewing TV displays using 45
Camcorders, digital, VTR/Player modes 256
Camera mode (camcorders) 98
Camera mode (iMovie) 107
cameras, video See camcorders digital
Canopus ADVC-50 video converter 115 311
Capture command (camcorders) 12
Capture Format tab (Pinnacle Studio) 102
Capture hardware, analog video converters 43
Capture hardware, analog video-capture cards 42—43
Capture hardware, viewing TV displays using 45
Capture software, and timecode breaks 85
Capture Source option (Pinnacle Studio) 116
Capture Video dialog box (Pinnacle Studio) 105—106 118
Capturing video, analog video, capture process 115—119
Capturing video, analog video, preparing for 111—112
Capturing video, analog video, using capture cards 113—114
Capturing video, analog video, using video converters 114—115
Capturing video, digital video, capture process 99—107
Capturing video, digital video, connecting camcorders to computers 97—99
Capturing video, digital video, preparing for 93—96
Capturing video, digital video, troubleshooting capture problems 108—110
cardioid microphones 64
Casablanca Prestige (Macro System) 45
CCDs (charged coupled devices) 50 51 60
CD audio, adding to movies 195
CD audio, importing, iMovie for 128
CD audio, importing, using Pinnacle Studio 129—130
CD-R/W (Compact DiscRecordable/reWritable) digital format 58
Chapter links, for DVDs 274
Checklists for project planning 72
Checklists for video shoots 90—91
Checklists, equipment checklist 72
Cheesecloth 66 77—78
Chrominance 56
CinePlayer plug-in (Sonic Solutions) 133
Clamps 66
clean installations 37
Cleaners, lens 62
Clip browser, Apple iMovie 15
Clip browser, Microsoft Windows Movie Maker 16
Clip Properties window (Pinnacle Studio) 153 159—161
Clips, video, adding to movie 14—15
Clips, video, adding transitions to 16—18
Clips, video, creating movies using, storyboarding 146—148
Clips, video, creating movies using, timelines 148—152
Clips, video, organizing 140—141
Clips, video, previewing 142—143
Clips, video, rearranging 15 155—156
clips, video, trimming 143—146
Clips, video, types of 138—139
Clips, video, unsplitting 146
clock speed 29 34
Clothing, video-appropriate 74
CNET.com (equipment information) 50
Codecs, AVI file format options 229
Codecs, DV codec 57
Codecs, installed on system, viewing 104
Codecs, mechanics of 231
Collections button (Movie Maker), Video Effects option 18
Collections button (Movie Maker), Video Transitions option 17—18
Color and multi-CCD camcorders 51
Color in clothing, effects of 74
Color in special effects, adjusting 202
Color problems, handling, Apple iMovie 161—162
Color problems, handling, Pinnacle Studio 159—161
Color Properties window (Pinnacle Studio) 160
Color, computer versus TV monitors 44 56 255
Color, monitor differences 225
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