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Underdahl K. — Digital Video For Dummies |
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PC computers versus Macintosh computers 25—26
PC computers, FireWire support 12
PCI slots, for FireWire cards 37—38
Performance and clock speed 29
Performance and hard drive speed 36
Performance, internal versus external hard drives 31
Permissions, obtaining, before shooting 72
Perspective, forced 288—289
Photoshop See Adobe Photoshop
Pinnacle AVDV Capture Card 113—114
Pinnacle Edition video-editing software, editing capabilities 320—321
Pinnacle Edition video-editing software, export options 324
Pinnacle Edition video-editing software, features 39 204
Pinnacle Edition video-editing software, generators 323
Pinnacle Edition video-editing software, import formats, supported 318
Pinnacle Edition video-editing software, prices/platforms 317
Pinnacle Edition video-editing software, special effects capabilities 321
Pinnacle Edition video-editing software, video capture support 319
Pinnacle Studio Deluxe analog videocapture card 42
Pinnacle Studio for Windows video-editing software, audio tools, adding CD audio 195
Pinnacle Studio for Windows video-editing software, audio tools, adjusting volume 191—192
Pinnacle Studio for Windows video-editing software, audio tools, importing audio files 129—130
Pinnacle Studio for Windows video-editing software, audio tools, SmartSound 196
Pinnacle Studio for Windows video-editing software, audio tools, sound effects 194
Pinnacle Studio for Windows video-editing software, audio tracks 186—187
Pinnacle Studio for Windows video-editing software, capturing analog video 113 116—119
Pinnacle Studio for Windows video-editing software, capturing digital video 12 102—106
Pinnacle Studio for Windows video-editing software, changing file formats 52
Pinnacle Studio for Windows video-editing software, clip browser 141
Pinnacle Studio for Windows video-editing software, comparisons with other video editing software 13 317—323
Pinnacle Studio for Windows video-editing software, creating videos/movies using 138—139 147
Pinnacle Studio for Windows video-editing software, editing tools, adjusting image quality 159—161
Pinnacle Studio for Windows video-editing software, editing tools, listing of 320—321
Pinnacle Studio for Windows video-editing software, editing tools, SmartCapture offline editing 13
Pinnacle Studio for Windows video-editing software, editing tools, trimming video clips 144 153—154
Pinnacle Studio for Windows video-editing software, editing tools, unsplitting clips 146
Pinnacle Studio for Windows video-editing software, export tools, AVI file formatting 230—231
Pinnacle Studio for Windows video-editing software, export tools, creating DVDs 272—281
Pinnacle Studio for Windows video-editing software, export tools, export options 323
Pinnacle Studio for Windows video-editing software, export tools, exporting to tape 261—266
Pinnacle Studio for Windows video-editing software, export tools, formatting options 227—229
Pinnacle Studio for Windows video-editing software, export tools, MPEG file formatting 232—233
Pinnacle Studio for Windows video-editing software, export tools, RealVideo formatting 248—250
Pinnacle Studio for Windows video-editing software, export tools, to television monitors 45
Pinnacle Studio for Windows video-editing software, export tools, Windows Media formatting 250—251
Pinnacle Studio for Windows video-editing software, generators 323
Pinnacle Studio for Windows video-editing software, import formats, supported 318
Pinnacle Studio for Windows video-editing software, inserting still graphics 216—219
Pinnacle Studio for Windows video-editing software, nonlinear editing using 14
Pinnacle Studio for Windows video-editing software, preview tools, movies 226
Pinnacle Studio for Windows video-editing software, preview tools, video clips 142—143
Pinnacle Studio for Windows video-editing software, price and features 37 39 99
Pinnacle Studio for Windows video-editing software, recording audio 125—127
Pinnacle Studio for Windows video-editing software, special effects capabilities 321
Pinnacle Studio for Windows video-editing software, timeline controls 149
Pinnacle Studio for Windows video-editing software, titles, background images 179—180
Pinnacle Studio for Windows video-editing software, titles, creating/editing 175—179
Pinnacle Studio for Windows video-editing software, titles, title safe margins 174
Pinnacle Studio for Windows video-editing software, titles, using Title Designer 175—179
Pinnacle Studio for Windows video-editing software, tracks, locking 150—151
Pinnacle Studio for Windows video-editing software, transitions and fades, adding to movies 166
Pinnacle Studio for Windows video-editing software, transitions and fades, adjusting/modifying 170
Pinnacle Studio for Windows video-editing software, using still graphics, adding transparent overlays 218—219
Pinnacle Studio for Windows video-editing software, using still graphics, freeze frames 220
Pinnacle Studio for Windows video-editing software, video capture support 319
Pinnacle Studio for Windows video-editing software, video playback, keyboard controls 143
Pinnacle Studio for Windows video-editing software, video playback, speed adjustments 158—159
Pins, yellow (iMovie) 188
Pitts, Natanya (HTML 4 For Dummies) 254
Pixel aspect ratios, adjusting, for still graphics 210—211
Pixel aspect ratios, computer monitors versus TV screens 255—256
Pixel aspect ratios, importance of 55
Planning video projects 71—73
Plastic sheeting, managing light using 66 76—78
Platform support, video-editing software 316—317
Play button (iMovie) 107
Play Clip Continuously button (Pinnacle Studio) 153
Play Movie Fullscreen button (iMovie) 223—225
Play Through to Camera option (iMovie) 225—226
Playback controls for previewing clips 142
Playback controls with FireWire technology 12
Playback controls, keyboard controls 143
Playback controls, speed adjustment sliders 156—159 203
Player mode (camcorders) 98
Playhead button 142
playing movies 22—23
Plug-and-play, FireWire 12
Polarizing filters 62 291
Port configurations, FireWire 12 98
portable computers 30
Poster board 76
Posterize effect (Pinnacle Studio) 160 203
Power settings, optimizing for video 41—42
PowerBook G3s (Macintosh), adding FireWire capability 30
PowerMacs (Macintosh), adding FireWire capability 30
Pre-timecoding 85
Premiere See Adobe Premiere videoediting software
Prerecording audio 86—87
Presentation videos 207
Presets option (Pinnacle Studio) 232 248
Preview control (iMovie) 201
Preview-quality capture option (Pinnacle Studio) 101
Previewing audio 88
Previewing capture settings 103—104 116
Previewing clips 142—143
Previewing DVD menus 276—277
Previewing movies 156 223—226
Previewing titles 175
Previewing transitions and fades 165—166 168
Previewing video clips 17 19
Prices, video-editing software 316—317
Progressive downloads 239
Progressive scans 53 60
Projects, video See videos and movies; video shoots
Punch sound effect 290
Push transitions 164
QT Margins option (iMovie) 174
Quality or Data Rate option (Pinnacle Studio) 230
Quality, digital versus analog recordings 10
QuickTime See Apple QuickTime videoplayer
Rain effect (iMovie) 199
Rain, handling 294—295
RAM (Random Access Memory) minimums, Macintosh systems 29
RAM (Random Access Memory) minimums, Windows systems 34
Rathbone, Andy (Upgrading and Fixing PCs for Dummies) 35
RealMedia (.RM) file format 238
RealNetworks RealVideo video-player, exporting movies for 227
RealNetworks RealVideo video-player, features 241
RealNetworks RealVideo video-player, formatting movies for 248—250
RealNetworks RealVideo video-player, progressive download support 239
Rearranging clips 152 153
Recorders, DVD 268 306—307
Recording media, analog versus digital 10
Recording media, availability issues 58
Recording media, blacking and coding tapes 85
Recording media, Digital8/Hi8 format 57
Recording media, extra, bringing to shoots 72
Recording media, MiniDV format 57
Recording media, new versus reused tapes 82
Recording media, rewinding 110
Recording media, shuttling 85
Recording sound, basic tips 85—86 122—123
Recording sound, sound effects 88
Recycle bins, emptying 97
Red-green-blue (RGB) color space 56
Reflective surfaces, light reflections 66 76—77 291—292
Reflective surfaces, sound reflections 88 123
reflectors 305
Rehearsing 293
Reliability, Macintosh versus PC systems 26
| renaming clips 141
Rendering 162 168 281
Resolution and camcorder selection 60
Resolution, analog video formats 59
Resolution, video images 53
RGB (red-green-blue) color space 56
Ripping MP3 files 130—133
Roll control (Pinnacle Studio Title editor) 176
Roxio VideoWave video-editing software, editing capabilities 320—321
Roxio VideoWave video-editing software, export options 323
Roxio VideoWave video-editing software, features 38
Roxio VideoWave video-editing software, generators 323
Roxio VideoWave video-editing software, import formats, supported 318
Roxio VideoWave video-editing software, prices/platforms 317
Roxio VideoWave video-editing software, special effects capabilities 321
Roxio VideoWave video-editing software, video capture support 319
Rubberbands, audio 189 191—192
S-VCD (Super Video Compact Disks), exporting movies to 227 271
S-VHS analog video format 59 314
S-video connectors 42 43 114
Safety and health hazards, fire hazards 78
Safety and health hazards, helmet cams 313
Safety and health hazards, sun overexposure 295
Safety and health hazards, tripping hazards 86 123
Same as Project button (Pinnacle Studio) 231
Sampling rates 122
Saturation 160
Save Movie Wizard (Movie Maker) 21—22
Scene detection settings (Pinnacle Studio) 102 116
Scratch disk option (Pinnacle Studio) 101
Screen savers (Windows systems), disabling 41—42 259
SECAM (Sequential Couleur Avec Memoire) video standard 52 53
Senses, human, as analog data 9—10
Sepia Tone effect (iMovie) 161
Servers, streaming 239
Servers, Web, locating 251—252
Setup Options dialog box (Pinnacle Studio), capture option settings 52 101—102
Setup Options dialog box (Pinnacle Studio), formatting movie output 229
Setup Options dialog box (Pinnacle Studio), Make AVI File tab setting 230—231
Setup Options dialog box (Pinnacle Studio), Make MPEG File tab 233
Setup Options dialog box (Pinnacle Studio), Make RealVideo tab options 248—249
Setup Options dialog box (Pinnacle Studio), Make Windows Media tab options 250—251
Shadow effects (Pinnacle Studio) 178—179
Sharing files, exporting movies 20—22
Sharing files, FireWire technology 9
Sharpen effect (iMovie) 161
Sheeting, plastic, managing light using 66 76—78
Shooting video, avoiding timecode breaks 84—85
Shooting video, limiting use of zoom 84
Show Photos and Frame Grabs tab (Pinnacle Studio) 216—217 218—219
ShuttlePro (Contour Design) 47 310
Shuttling tape 85 105
Simmons, Curt (iPhoto For Dummies) 213
Size of video files 13
Slates 65 307
SmartCapture (Pinnacle Studio) 13
SmartSound (Pinnacle Studio) 196
Smith, Bud (Creating Web Pages For Dummies) 254
Snow sound effect 290
Soft filters 291
Soft Focus effect (iMovie) 161 199
Sonic Foundry Vegas and Sonic Foundry Video Factory video-editing software, editing capabilities 320—321
Sonic Foundry Vegas and Sonic Foundry Video Factory video-editing software, export options 323
Sonic Foundry Vegas and Sonic Foundry Video Factory video-editing software, features 39 204
Sonic Foundry Vegas and Sonic Foundry Video Factory video-editing software, generators 323
Sonic Foundry Vegas and Sonic Foundry Video Factory video-editing software, import formats, supported 318
Sonic Foundry Vegas and Sonic Foundry Video Factory video-editing software, prices/platforms 317
Sonic Foundry Vegas and Sonic Foundry Video Factory video-editing software, special effects capabilities 321
Sonic Foundry Vegas and Sonic Foundry Video Factory video-editing software, video capture support 319
Sonic Solutions, CinePlayer plug-in 133
Sony Digital Betacam digital format 58
Sony Digital8 camcorders 85
Sony MicroMV digital format 58
Sony MiniDV video disks 314
Sorting clips 141
Sound effects, narration tracks, audio tracks for 186—187
Sound effects, narration tracks, creating 89 290
Sound effects, narration tracks, locating on timelines 150
Sound effects, narration tracks, prepackaged 90
Sound effects, narration tracks, using in iMovie 193—194
Sound effects, narration tracks, using properly 88
Sound effects, narration tracks, value of 192—193
Sound, bit depth 122
Sound, characteristics of 121—122
Sound, importing 128—130
Sound, recording, basic tips 85—86 88 122—123
Sound, recording, managing ambient noise 87—88
Sound, recording, MiniDisc recorders 308—309
Sound, recording, using iMovie 123—125 126
Sound, recording, using Pinnacle Studio 125—127
Sound, sampling rates 122
Soundtracks, adding to movies 195—196
Soundtracks, soundtrack generators 322—323
Space travel special effects 287
Space, for storage, calculating needs for 96
Space, for storage, previewing 96—97
SpaceShuttle A/V (Contour Design) 46—47 309
Special effects in-camera special effects 61
special effects, adding 18—19
Special effects, Apple iMovie, adding to movies 161—162
Special effects, Apple iMovie, built-in effects 198—200
Special effects, Apple iMovie, customizing 201—202
Special effects, disabling before shoots 81
Special effects, disappearing subjects 285—287
Special effects, filtering video 291—292
Special effects, forced perspective 288—289
Special effects, managing using advanced editing programs 205—207
Special effects, Pinnacle Studio for Windows, adding to movies 160
Special effects, Pinnacle Studio for Windows, built-in effects 202—203
Special effects, Pinnacle Studio for Windows, title effects 178—179
Special effects, software capabilities, comparisons among 321
Special effects, starfields, space travel 287
Speed adjustment sliders for transitions and fades 169—170
Speed adjustment sliders in Apple iMovie 157—158
Speed, data transfer, FireWire technology 12
splitting clips 144
Stabilization devices, mobile stabilizers 305
Stabilization devices, monopods 304
Stabilization devices, tripods 66—67 303—304
Standards, video broadcast 51—52
Star filters 291
Starfield effects 287
Start/Stop Capture buttons (Pinnacle Studio) 118—119
Static electricity 28
Steadicam 305
Still graphics, still clips, adjusting colors 212
Still graphics, still clips, aspect ratios 210—211
Still graphics, still clips, defined 139
Still graphics, still clips, freeze frames 219—221
Still graphics, still clips, incorporating in movies 55 209—210
Still graphics, still clips, inserting in movies, using iMovie for 212—216
Still graphics, still clips, inserting in movies, using Pinnacle Studio for 216—219
Still graphics, still clips, Ken Burns Effect 214—215
Still graphics, still clips, organizing 140—141
Still graphics, still clips, using properly 61
Storage capacity, Macintosh hard drives 29
Storage capacity, Windows hard drives 34
Storage locations, settings for 101
Storage needs, DVD capacities 269—270
Storage needs, video files 29 96
Storyboarding, storyboards, advantages of 146—148
Storyboarding, storyboards, Apple iMovie 15
Storyboarding, storyboards, moving clips on 152 153
Storyboarding, storyboards, Windows Movie Maker 16
Straight cut transitions 164
streaming servers 239
Streaming video 238—239
Stripped clothing, effects from 74
Studio Capture mode (Pinnacle Studio) 100—102
Studio DV (Pinnacle) 37
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