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Underdahl K. — Digital Video For Dummies |
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Fps (fields per second) 53
Frame rates, defined 52
Frames in timecode notation 145
Frames, dropped frames 39
Frames, freeze frames 219—221
Frames/Second option (Pinnacle Studio) 230
Free space, for storage, viewing 96—97
Freeze frames 219—221
frequency 121
Full-quality video 13
Full-screen titles 172
Garbage bags, plastic 76
Gels, colored 78 306
Generate Background Music option (Pinnacle Studio) 196
Generational loss 11 311
Ghost Trails effect (iMovie) 199
Graphics, still, adjusting colors 212
Graphics, still, aspect ratios 210—211
Graphics, still, freeze frames 219—221
Graphics, still, incorporating in movies 55 209—210
Graphics, still, inserting in movies, Apple iMovie for 212—216
Graphics, still, inserting in movies, Pinnacle Studio for 203 216—219
Graphics, still, Ken Burns Effect 214—215
Gravel sound effect 290
GVD-200 VCR Walkman (Sony) MiniDV video disk 314
Halogen lighting 75
Hand-held microphones 63
Hard drives and capture problems 109—110
hard drives, adding 97
hard drives, defragmenting 95
Hard drives, heat management issues 31
Hard drives, Macintosh systems 29—31
Hard drives, Windows systems 34—36
Hardware, upgrading, tips for 27—28. See also equipment
HDTV (high-definition television), noninterlaced displays 53
headphones 88
Health and safety hazards, fire 78
Health and safety hazards, helmet cams 313
Health and safety hazards, sun overexposure 295
Health and safety hazards, tripping 86 123
Heat management, for hard drives 31
Heat, handling during shoots 294
Helmet cams 313
Hertz 121
Hi8 analog video format, blacking and coding 85
Hi8 analog video format, Hi8/Digital8 compatibility 58
Hi8 analog video format, uses for 59
High-definition television (HDTV), noninterlaced displays 53
Hollywood DV Bridge (Dazzle) video converter 311
Hollywood FX Plus/FX Pro tools (Pinnacle Studio) 39 203
Hood lens 62
Horse hooves sound effect 290
Hot-swapping 12 98
HR-DVS3 (JVC) MiniDV video deck 314
HTML 4 For Dummies (Tittel and Pitts) 254
Hue 160
HughHost movie-hosting service (Web site) 252
I.LINK See FireWire technology
IEEE-1394 See FireWire technology
Illegal colors, filtering 56 212
Image aspect ratios 54—55
Images, video, composing 73
Images, video, focus and exposure 80—81
Images, video, image-editing software 211 212
Images, video, lighting 73—80
iMovie See Apple iMovie video-editing software
Import button (iMovie) 107
Importing audio 128—130
Importing video, analog video 113—114
Importing video, Apple iMovie import tools 128 130 319
Importing video, Pinnacle Studio import tools 138—139
Importing video, supported formats 318
in points 145
in-camera special effects 61
Incandescent lighting 75
Include Video in AVI File option (Pinnacle Studio) 230
Include Video option (Pinnacle Studio) 232
Insect, buzzing, sound effect 87—88
Interlaced video monitors, computer monitors versus TV screens 256
Interlaced video monitors, interlacing jaggies 53—54
Interlaced video monitors, mechanics 53
Internal DVD-R drives 307
Internal hard drives, upgrading 30—31
Internet files, cleaning up 97
Internet, exporting movies to, download times 238—239
Internet, exporting movies to, format options 238
Internet, exporting movies to, hosting servers 251—252
Internet, exporting movies to, QuickTime formatting 243—248
Internet, exporting movies to, RealVideo formatting 248—250
Internet, exporting movies to, reasons for 227 250—251
Internet, exporting movies to, video-player options 240—243
Internet, exporting movies to, Web page for 252—254
Internet, exporting movies to, Windows Media formatting 250—251
Interplatform compatibility 12
iPhoto (Apple) image-editing software 212—214
iPhoto For Dummies (Simmons) 213
iTunes program (Apple) 130—132 195
Jaggies, on interlaced monitors 53—54
JVC HR-DVS3 MiniDV video disk 314
Ken Burns effect 214—215
Key lights 76—77
Keyboard video playback controls 143
Keyframes 202
Kiosk videos 207
Kiss sound effect 290
lavalier microphones 63 307
LCD (liquid crystal displays), versus viewfinders 256
Lens caps, blacking and coding tapes 85
Lens caps, storing properly 82
lens cleaners 62
lens filters 62—63 80
Lens Flare effect (iMovie) 199
Lens flares 73—74
Lens, hood 62
Lenses, shading, in bright sunlight 295
Lenses, telephoto and wide angle 84
Letterbox effect (iMovie) 199
Lighting and early camcorders 51
Lighting for blue screens 299
Lighting in special effects, adjusting 202
Lighting, automatic aperture control 65
Lighting, backlighting 78—80
Lighting, bouncing, reflecting light 75—76
Lighting, diffusing light 77—78
Lighting, evaluating before shooting 73—74
Lighting, fire hazards 78
Lighting, handling problems during editing 159—161
Lighting, lights, choosing and buying 66 305
Lighting, multiple light sources 75
Lighting, using lens filters 80
Linear media versus nonlinear media 13
Linear media, linear editing 13—14
Lines, thin, flickering from 45
Linux systems, digital video support 34
Liquid crystal displays (LCDs), versus viewfinders 256
List All Codecs option (Pinnacle Studio) 230
Lithium Ion batteries 60
Locations, surveying before shooting 72
Loss, generational 11
Luminance-chrominance (YUV) color space 56
Macintosh systems, advanced video-editing programs for 204
Macintosh systems, buying new, system requirements 28—29
Macintosh systems, capturing video, hardware needs 258
Macintosh systems, capturing video, space needs 95 97
Macintosh systems, defragmenting hard disks 95
Macintosh systems, exiting unnecessary programs 94
Macintosh systems, FireWire ports 12
Macintosh systems, recording audio 123—125
Macintosh systems, ripping MP3 files 130—132
Macintosh systems, text-editing programs 253
| Macintosh systems, undoing actions 156
Macintosh systems, upgrading 30—31
Macintosh systems, versus PC systems 25—26
Macintosh systems, video-editing software 32—33
Macro System Casablanca Prestige 45
Magazines, about camcorders 50
Magnetic tape 51
Make AVI File tab settings (Pinnacle Studio) 230—231
Make Movie mode (Pinnacle Studio), burning DVDs, options and settings 278—281
Make Movie mode (Pinnacle Studio), export process 227—229 263—266
Make Movie mode (Pinnacle Studio), RealVideo formatting options 248—249
Make Movie mode (Pinnacle Studio), Windows Media formatting options 250—251
Make MPEG File tab (Pinnacle Studio) 233
Margins, title safe 174
Marketing videos 207
Mastering software 268
Media 100 EditDV 2.0 FireWire card 30
Media and editing approach 13—14
Media for video-recording, alternative media, availability issues 58
Media for video-recording, blacking and coding 85
Media for video-recording, Digital8/Hi8 format 57
Media for video-recording, extra, bringing to shoots 72
Media for video-recording, MiniDV format 57
Media for video-recording, new versus reused tapes 82
Media for video-recording, rewinding 110
Media for video-recording, shuttling 85
Media, linear versus nonlinear 13
Memory requirements, for video capture 94
Menu return markers, for DVDs 275
Menus, for DVDs, creating in Pinnacle Studio 272—276
Menus, for DVDs, previewing 276—277
MicroMV (Sony) digital format 58
Microphones, accessory units 63—65
Microphones, built-in 63 64 307
Microphones, connectors for 60 124
Microphones, external 86 123 307—308
Microphones, managing ambient noise 87—88
microphones, omnidirectional 64
microphones, positioning 86
microprocessors 29 34
Microsoft Paint, modifying still images using 216—218
Microsoft Windows Media Player, features 242—243
Microsoft Windows Media Player, formatting movies for 250—251
Microsoft Windows Media Player, progressive download support 239
Microsoft Windows Movie Maker videoediting software, adding special effects 18—19
Microsoft Windows Movie Maker videoediting software, adding transitions 17—18
Microsoft Windows Movie Maker videoediting software, changing video standards 52
Microsoft Windows Movie Maker videoediting software, editing capabilities 320
Microsoft Windows Movie Maker videoediting software, example editing project 14—16
Microsoft Windows Movie Maker videoediting software, export options 261 324
Microsoft Windows Movie Maker videoediting software, exporting movies from 21—22
Microsoft Windows Movie Maker videoediting software, features 38
Microsoft Windows Movie Maker videoediting software, generators 323
Microsoft Windows Movie Maker videoediting software, import formats, supported 318
Microsoft Windows Movie Maker videoediting software, prices/platforms 317
Microsoft Windows Movie Maker videoediting software, recording audio 125
Microsoft Windows Movie Maker videoediting software, special effects capabilities 321
Microsoft Windows Movie Maker videoediting software, timeline controls 149
Microsoft Windows Movie Maker videoediting software, versus Apple iMovie 26
Microsoft Windows Movie Maker videoediting software, video capture support 319
MiniDisc recorders 308—309
MiniDV digital format, blacking and coding tapes 85
MiniDV digital format, media for 57
MiniDV digital format, tape players for 313—314
Mirror effect (iMovie) 199
Mobile stabilizers 305
Modes, camcorders 98
Moire patterns, from clothing 74
Moisture, handling 294—295
Monitors, computer versus television 44 56
Monitors, image aspect ratios 54—55
Monitors, interlaced versus noninterlaced displays 53—54
Monitors, pixel aspect ratios 55
Monitors, progressive scans 53
monitors, resolution 53
Monitors, television, connecting to computer 45
Monitors, television, viewing movies on 56 225—226
monopods 304
Mosaic effect (Pinnacle Studio) 160 203
Movie Maker See Microsoft Windows Movie Maker video-editing software
Movie shoots, blue screens 299—300
Movie shoots, checklists, advanced checklist 91
Movie shoots, checklists, basic checklist 90—91
Movie shoots, clothing and costumes 74
Movie shoots, crews and assistants 72 292
Movie shoots, forced perspective 288—289
Movie shoots, planning 71—73
Movie shoots, recording sound 85—86
Movie shoots, reflective surfaces 291—292
Movie shoots, rehearsing 293
Movie shoots, video images, composition 73
Movie shoots, video images, focus and exposure 80—81
Movie shoots, video images, lighting 73—80
Movie-hosting services 251—252
movies See videos and movies
Moving, rearranging clips 152 153
MP3 files, importing 130
MP3 files, ripping 130—133
MPEG capture settings (Pinnacle Studio) 100 102—103 130
MPEG file format, exporting movies to 227—229 231—233
Multi-CCD camcorders 51
Multimedia controllers 46—47 309—310
Muting audio tracks 190
N-Square effect (iMovie) 199 200
narration See also audio clips audio
Narration, audio tracks for 187
Narration, MiniDisc recorders for 309
National Television Standards Committee (NTSC) video standard and capture hardware 42
National Television Standards Committee (NTSC) video standard, default frame rate, resolution 53 104
National Television Standards Committee (NTSC) video standard, drop-frame timecode notation 145
National Television Standards Committee (NTSC) video standard, use of 51
Navigating movies, controllers for 46—47
ND (neutral density) filters 62—63 291
Neptune Mediashare movie-hosting service (Web site) 252
Night vision feature 61
NiMH (nickel-metal-hydride) batteries 60
NLE (nonlinear editing) 14 324
No Auto Scene Detection option (Pinnacle Studio) 102
noise, ambient 86—88 123
Noninterlaced video 53
Nonlinear editing (NLE) 14 324
Nonlinear media 13
Norton Disk-Doctor 95
Notation, for timecode 145
NTSC (National Television Standards Committee) video standard and capture hardware 42
NTSC (National Television Standards Committee) video standard, default frame rate 104
NTSC (National Television Standards Committee) video standard, drop-frame timecode notation 145
NTSC (National Television Standards Committee) video standard, frame rate, resolution 53
NTSC (National Television Standards Committee) video standard, use of 51
Offline editing 13
omnidirectional microphones 64
online editing 13
Opening computers, tips for 27—28
Operating systems 29 33
Optical zoom factor 60
Optimizing Windows systems 39—42
Options option (Pinnacle Studio) 230
OS X (Macintosh), Dock feature 94
OS X (Macintosh), reliability 26
OS X (Macintosh), using/upgrading to 29
Out of gamut colors 56 212
out points 145
Overlays, overlay graphics in titles 172
Overlays, overlay graphics, adding in Pinnacle Studio 203
Overlays, overlay graphics, creating and adding 216—219
overscanning 174
Paint (Microsoft), creating overlays using 216—218
PAL (Phase Alternating Line) video standard 42 51 53
Panasonic AG-DV1000 MiniDV video disk 314
PC computers See also Windows systems
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