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Eves H. — Mathematical Circles Adieu |
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San Francisco Opera Company 122
Saturday Evening Post, The 321
Saunderson, N. 78
Savile, H. 30
Savilian chair 27 30
Schellbach, F. 49
Schellbach, K. 46 46 47 48 49 50
Schild, A. 141
Schiller, J.C.F. von 44
Schlaefli, L. 65
Schmalfuss 95
Schoolcraft, H.R. 77
Schopenhauer, A. 271
Schor, H. 333
Schroeder's reversing staircase 1467
Schtelinn, Professor 33
Schwedt, Princess P. von 34
Scientific American 146 286
Scott, Sir W. 256
Sedgwick, Professor 188
Seelhoff, P. 296
Shaw, J.B. 159
Sheldon, C. 353
Shepherd, W.E. 280
Ship of Stars, The (A. Quiller-Couch) 235
Short Account of the History of Mathematics, A (W.W.R. Ball) 51 93
Simply normal number 279
Smith, D.E. 1
Sommerville, M. 68
Song of Hiawatha, The (H.W. Longfellow) 77
Spirogram 280
St. Augustine 149
Stamps, computer 282
Stamps, formula 283
Stanford University 272
Stark, H.M. 182
Statistics see "Table of Contents"
Statutes of Columbia College in the City of New York 3
Steiner, J. 46 52
Strong, T. 9
Struther, J. 77
Study in Scarlet, A (A.C. Doyle) 194
Sturm's theorem 123
Suitner, O. 122
Sylvester, J.J. 56 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 101
Synge, J.L. 144
Syracuse University 174
Table of Logarithms (G. von Vega) 255 256 257
Taine, J. 272
Tannhauser 294
Tarski, A. 232
Teach Yourself Trigonometry 126
Technological University of Eindhoven 282
Teller, E. 143
Terrail, C. 295
Theory of fluxions 4 5
Thermonuclear reactions 137
Thiery's reversible chimney 1467
Thirteen 293 294
Thomson W. (Lord Kelvin) 56 59 73 74
Thomson, S.P. 73
Tietze, H. 94
Tomorrow's World 325
Transactions of the American Philosophical Society 7 14
Transcendental numbers and 78
Transformation of coordinates 197
Transit of Mercury 6
Transit of Venus 7
Treatise on Algebra, A (C.W. Hackley) 124
Tree of mathematics 158
Treefrog 281
Trent's Last Case (E.C. Bentley) 32
Trigg, C.W. 240 341 345 346 347
Trigonometry 290
Trinity College 108 188
Tsiolkovskii, K. 283
| Tulsa Tribune 301
Turner, S.J. 153 261
Twain, M. (S. Clemens) 308
Ulysses 233
United States Coast and Geodetic Survey 12 14
Universal law of gravitation 283
University of Alberta 178 353
University of Berlin 97 98
University of British Columbia 161
University of California 184
University of Chicago 272
University of Colorado 128
University of Edinburgh 6
University of Greifswald 97
University of Halle 70
University of Heidelberg 97 98
University of Illinois 129 284
University of Konigsberg 70 98
University of Leipzig 94
University of Maine 34 101
University of Michigan 131
University of Oklahoma 343
University of Pennsylvania 7 14
University of Toronto 127 141 148 180 284
University of Washington 272
University of Waterloo 177
unnamed 280
Vandiver, H.S. 270
Vassar College 131
Vectors 192
Vega (Baron G. von) 255 256 257
Venus of Milo 135
Venus, transit of 7
Vining, T. 251
Virgil 77
Vitale, M.R. 352
von Neumann, J. 232 336
Vorlesungen iiber Zahlentheorie (H. Hasse) 186 187
Wagner, R. 294
Walker, G.W. 342
Wallis, J. 30
Walton, W. 77
Ward, J.E. III 135
Washington, G. 7 128
Watson, J. 194
Waves 280
Way of All Flesh, The (S. Butler) 26
Wayne, A. 333
Weaver, B. 344
Webb (Coach) 333
Webster's New International Dictionary of the English Language 241
Wegscheider 70
Weil, A. 151 326
Weinstein, A. 144
Weizmann, C. 118
Wharton, E. 172
Wheeler, J. 115
Whetham, W.C.D. 229
Whewell, W. 188
Whiston, W. 6
Whitefield, G. 4
Whitehead, A.N. 99 100 230
Widder, D.V. 189
Williams, B.A. 321
Wilson, W. 328
Winthrop, J. 6 7
Wolf, C. 6
Woodward, R.S. 13
Woolman, J. 4
Wren, C. 30 32
Wyman, M. 178
Yale University 2 5
Zaslavsky, C. 246
Zassenhaus, H. 139 140
Zimmerman, P. 280
Zwicky, F. 232
Zygmund, A. 176
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