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Eves H. — Mathematical Circles Adieu |
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H-bomb 137
Hackley, C.W. 124
Hadamard, J. 104 155 174
Haevernick 70
Haken, W. 284
Hall's theorem 329
Hall, R.T. 111
Halley, E. 6 30
Halmos, P. 132 184
Halsted, G.B. 224
Hanswurst 122
Hardin, G. 328
Hardy, G.H. 91 107 108 109 154 193
Harvard Business School 303
Harvard College 1 6
Harvard Press 12
Harvard University 5 10 11 12 116 189 272
Hasse, H. 101 102 103 108 134 186 187
Hassler, F.R. 9
Hegel, G.W.F. 50 51
Helmholtz, H.L.F. von 98
Hercules 157
Hermite, C. 78 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85
Hesemann, С.H. 45
Hewlett-Packard Company 280
Heyting, A. 232
Hilbert space 132
Hilbert, D. 78 101 102 103 234
Hilbert, Mrs. D. 101
Hill, G.W. 13
Hill, T. 11
Hilton, J. 194
History of Mathematics in America Before 1900, A (D.E. Smith and J. Ginsburg) 1
History of the Theory of Numbers (L. Dickson) 9
Hitler, A. 126 250 354
Hobbes, T. 25
Hobbs (cricketer) 108
Hochschild, G.P. 184
Hoffmann, B. 192 196
Hohlenlohe-Ingelfingen, Prinz K. zu 48
Hollis, T. 6
Hollywood Squares 248
Holmes, O.W. 191
Holmes, S. 194
Holton, G. 116
Homeomorphism 201
Homomorphism 201
Houtermans 137
Hua, L.K. 142
Hunting of the Snark, The (Lewis Carroll) 90
Huygens, C. 6 15
Hydrodamnics 307
imaginary numbers 340
Imperial Physics-Technical Institute 98
In Mathematical Circles (H.W. Eves) 14 17 18 24 47 68 75 77 94 101 346 348
In Praise of Idleness (B. Russell) 25 31
Infeld, L. 148 175
Infinite determinants 13
infinity 353
Institute for Advanced Studies 354
Institute of Control Science 281
Introduction to Modem Prime Number Theory (T. Estermann) 185
Introduction to Number Theory, An (H. M. Stark) 182
Introduction to the Foundations and Fundamental Concepts of Mathematics (H. Eves and C.V. Newsom) 202 231
Introduction to the History of Mathematics, An (H. Eves) 158
Isometric representation of a three-dimensional oscillator 280
Ixohoxi, The 351
Jackson, S.B. 107
Jacobi, C.G.J. 24 56 68 69 70 71 72 94
Jacobi, M.H. 68 94
Jefferson, T. 7
Jennings, S. 161
Johanneum in Lueneberg 95
Johns Hopkins University 12 61
Johnson, S. (first president of King's College) 4
Johnson, S. (lexicographer) 92
Jolly, R.F. 252
Joseph, A. 62
Joseph, J. 62
Juliana, Queen 278
Jupiter 40
Kaestner, A.G. 254
Kaissa 281
Kalevala. 77
Kapitza, P.L. 136
Karst, E. 345
Katherine II, Czarina 33
Kaysen, C. 354
Keill, J. 6
Kepler, J. 15
Keyboard 280
Keyser, C.J. 225
King's College 4
Klein, W. 260
Koelln, F. 135
Kostovskii, A.N. 183
Krahe, R.P. 280
Kronecker, L. 186 187
La Tour d'Argent Restaurant 295
Ladies ' Diary, The 9
Lagrange, J.L. 80 93
Lalande, F. de 6
Lambek, J. 140
Landau, E. 105 106
Laplace, P.S. 93
Latta, G. 290
Latta, R. 226
Law of academic decay 326
Law of conservation of energy 98
Law of excluded middle 232
Lawrence Scientific School 12
Leaning Tower of Pisa 305
Leary's bookstore 124
Lee, A. 128
Lefevre, A. 227
Leibniz, G.W. 15 226
Lenin 108
Les methodes nouvelles de la mechanique (H. Poincare) 13
Lettres a une Princesse d'Allemagne sur divers sujets de physique et de philosophie (L. Euler) 34
Levy, D. 281
Life of Lord Kelvin (S. P. Thomson) 73
Linde, P. 248
Little Herr Friedemann (T. Mann) 190
Loculus Archimedes 339
Logarithms 15 30 283
Logic see "Table of Contents"
Lohengrin 294
Lone, F.A. 253
Longfellow, H.W. 56 77
Lord Kelvin see "Thomson W."
Los Angeles City College 341 345
Lost Horizon (J. Hilton) 194
Louis-le-Grand Lycee 80
Lowell, A.L. 11
Lucas, H. 30
Lucasian chair 30
Luckiesh, M. 1450
Lukasiewicz, J. 232
m-valued logics 232
Macauley, T. 91
Mach's "open book" 1467
Maclaurin, C. 6
Magic squares 348 349 350 351
Mairhuber, J. 251
Malfatti's problem 46
Man Who Was Thursday, The (G.K. Chesterton) 32
Mann, T. 190
Marden, M. 320
MARS 40 167
| Maseres 6
Mason-Dixon line 7
Mass-energy equation 283
Mathematical and Physical Papers 1903-1913 (B.O. Peirce) 12
Mathematical Association 156
Mathematical Circles Revisited (H.W. Eves) 8 47 59 109 165 181 247 286 288 352
Mathematical Circles Squared (H.W. Eves) 39 41 68 81 83 94 155 181 348 1450
Mathematical Entertainments (M.H. Greenblatt) 183
Mathematical existence 83
Mathematical Gazette, The 156 289
Mathematical Journal 65
Mathematical Miscellany 9
Mathematically motivated art 1450
Mathematician's Apology, A (G.H. Hardy) 154
Mathematics Teacher, The 318
Mathematics—Queen and Servant of the Sciences (E.T. Bell) 297
Mathematiker-Anekdoten (W. Ahrens) 46 57 58 59 69 70 259
Mather, C. 4
Matter-wave equation 283
Maxwell's equations 283
Maxwell, J.C. 283
McAdoo, W.G. 328
McCloskey, R.J. 207
McDowell, R. 181
McFarlane, D. 73
McGill University 140
Mendelssohn, A. 58
Mendelssohn, F. 58
Mercury, transit of 6
Merrill, C.F. 340
Mersenne numbers 296 297 298
Mersenne, Father M. 296
Method of infinite descent 18
Milnarich, P. 280
Mnemonics 286 see also "Table of Contents"
Moebius strip 342
Moebius, A.F. 94
Mohr-Mascheroni compass constructions 183
Monadology 226
Mondeux, H. 259
Mordell, L.J. 104 123 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 133 150 155 323
Moser, L. 60 61 99 100 105 106 130 131 133 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 161 170 173 173 174 175 176 178 179 180 185 189 201 221 270 271 278 329 336 353
Mrs. Miniver (J. Struther) 77
Mwajombe, R. 318
Napier, J. 15 256 258 283
National Puzzlers' League, Inc. 346
Nature and Man's Fate (G. Hardin) 328
Nautical Almanac 13
Neptune 157
New logics 231 232
Newton, I. 4 5 6 7 15 30 91 162 258 283
Non-Aristotelian logics 232
Non-Euclidean geometry 98 190
Normal number 279
North Church 28
Northwestern University 281
Nouvelles Annales de Mathematiques 80
Novalis (F. L. Hardenberg) 47
Number theory 130
Numbers see "Table of Contents"
Oklahoma School of Accountancy 301
Olbers, H.W.M. 37 40
Olbersia 40
On the factorization of large numbers (F. N. Cole) 297
One-to-one correspondence 233 234
Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny 158
Oppenheimer, J.R. 354
Opthalmoscope 98
Optical Illusions (M. Luckiesh) 1450
Otto, F.B. 280
Oxenaar, R.D.E. 282
Oxford University 30 89
Parallel postulate 232
Pascal, B. 15
Patterson, R. 9
Peirce family 12
Peirce, B. 10 11 12
Peirce, B.O. 12
Peirce, C.S. 12 173
Peirce, J.M. 12
Pence, F. 347
Perfect numbers 296
Pervusin, J. 296
Peter III 33
Petersburg Academy of Sciences 33
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, The 65
PI 78 146 286 287 288 289
Piazzi, G. 40 51
Piazzia 40
Picard, E. 78
Picasso, P. 262
Plato 91 196
Plauderminuten 53
Playmate 280
Pleissenburg Observatory 94
Poincare, H. 13 68 94 155
Poincare, R. 68 94
Pointless geometry 336
Poisson distribution 291
Poisson, S.D. 35 36
Polya, G. 109 290
Polyphemus 233
Polytechnic Institute of Zurich 116
Post, E.L. 232
Poulet, P. 298
Powell, Y. 89
Prince of Mathematicians 39 45
Princeton University 7
Principia (I. Newton) 6 258
Principia mathematica (B. Russell and A. N. Whitehead) 100
probability 15 146 see
Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 14
Proceedings of the London Royal Society 67
Projective geometry 15
Purcell, H. 241
Pythagoras 83
Pythagorean relation 283
Pythagorean Theorem 25
Quadrature of a circle 1
Queens University 177
Quiller-Couch, A. 235
Rabener, G.W. 254
Rabinowitz 131
Rainich, G.Y. 131
Ramus, P. 6
Random plot 280
Recreational mathematics see "Table of Contents"
Regular 17-gon 41
Reichenbach, H. 232
Research versus teaching 171 172
Reversible cubes 1467
Ribbentrop, G.J. 39
Richard, Professor 80
Riemann hypothesis 109
Riemann, G.F.B. 95 96
Rig-Veda 52
Rising moon 1452
Rittenhouse, D. 7
Rocket equation 283
Rogers, W. 9
Rooney, P.G. 178
Rosenfeld, A. 345
Rothlein, B. 292
Rousseau, J.J. 243
Royal Exchange 28 29
Royal Society 6 7 67
Russell, B. 25 31 100 228
Rutger's University 13
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