Last In, First Out (LIFO) 367
Latency time 48
leaf node 368
Least significant bit 43
Left child pointer 381
Lempel — Ziv — Welsh encoding 78
Lempel, Abraham 78
Leonardo da Vinci 105
Lexical analysis 297
Lexical analyzer 297
Lg (logarithm base two) 250 524
Liebniz, Gottfried Wilhelm 21
LIFO see Last in first
Line feed 178
Linear algebra 86
Linguistics 455
Link layer (Internet) 191
Linux 136 142
Lisp 274
LIST 366
List, contiguous 376
List, linked 376
Literal 282
load balancing 139
Load factor (hash file) 438
Local area network fLAN) 164
local variables 289
Locking protocol 429
Logarithm (base 2 250
Logic programming 274 317 479
Logical cohesion 342
Logical deduction 466
Logical record 52
Logical shift 115
Login 155
Long division algorithm 18 214
Look and Feel 357
Lookahead carry adder 547
Loop 232
Loop invariant 256
Loop structures see Iterative structure
Lord of the Rings 453
Lossless compression 77
lossless decomposition 417
Lossy compression 77
Lost update problem 429
Lotus 1-2-3 357
Lotus Development Corporation 357
Loveless, Ada 22
Low-order end 43
Luminance 57
Mac OS 136
Machine cycle 106
Machine independence 269
Machine instructions 99 549
Machine instructions, ADD 103 116
Machine instructions, AND 100
Machine instructions, BRANCH 100
Machine instructions, HALT 102
Machine instructions, I/O 100 120
Machine instructions, Interrupt disable 151
Machine instructions, Interrupt enable 151
Machine instructions, JUMP 100 107 284
Machine instructions, LOAD 100 103 119
Machine instructions, OR 100
Machine instructions, ROTATE 100
Machine instructions, SHIFT 100
Machine instructions, STORE 100 102 119
Machine instructions, Test-and-set 152
Machine instructions, XOR (exclusive or) 100
Machine language 99 397 549
Macromedia 189
magnetic disk 47
Magnetic tape 49
Mail server 178
Main memory 43
malware 196
MAN see Metropolitan area network
Manchester encoding 170
Mantissa field 73
many-to-many relationship 346
Mark I 22 255
markup language 187
Mask 114
Masking 114
mass storage 46
Master file 432
Matrix theory 86
Mauchly, John 23
MB see Megabyte
Mbps see Mega-bps
McCarthy, John 456
MDfive 436
Mebi 45
Mebibyte 45
Mega-bps (Mbps) 82 122
Megabyte 45
megahertz 45
member function 307
Memory leak 389
memory manager 144
Memory Mapped I/O 119
Merge algorithm 433
Merge sort algorithm 241 522
Merge sort algorithm, Complexity of 522
Meta-reasoning 477
method 275 307
Metric 328
Metropolitan area network (MAN) 164
Microsoft Corporation 25 57 136 137 173 179 189 290 344 352 414 553
MIDI see Musical Instrument Digital Interface
Miller, George A. 218
Millisecond 49
MIMD 125
MOD 530
Modem 122
Modular notation 530
Modularity 337
Module 220 337
Mondrian, Piet 242
Monitor 313
Moore School of Engineering 23 105
Mosaic Software 357
Most significant bit 43
motherboard 96
Motion Picture Experts Group (MPEG) 81
Motorola 99
Mouse 142
MP 3 81
MPEG see Motion Picture Experts Group
MS — DOS 142
Multiplexing 122
Multitasking 139
Musical Instruments Digital Interface (MIDI) 58
Mutual exclusion 152
MySQL 422
name server 177
Nanosecond 48
NASA Mars rover 490
Natual language 270
Natural language processing 455 460
NET (.NET Framework) 173 352
Netscape Communications, Inc 189
Network 164
Network identifier 176
Network layer (Internet) 191
network topologies 164
Network Virtual Terminal (NVT) 180
| Neural network (biological) 125 480
neuron 125 480
Newton, Isaac 329
NIL pointer 376
Node 368 464
Nondeterministic algorithm 213 527
Nondeterministic polynomial (NP) problems 528
Nondisclosure agreement 358
Nonloss decomposition 417
Nonterminal 299
NOR 42
Normalized form 74
NOT 37
Novell, Inc 164
NP problems see Nondeterministic polynomial problems
NP-complete problem 528
null pointer 376
Numerical analysis 75
Object 275 305
Object program 297
Object-oriented database 424
object-oriented paradigm 275 337 343 344 348
Object-Oriented Programming 275
Odd parity 83
Off-line 46
On-line 46
one-to-many relationship 346
one-to-one relationship 346
OOP see Object-oriented programming
Op-code 101
Open (file operation) 144
Open network 164
Open System Interconnect (OSI) 195
Open-source development 336
Operand 101
Operating System 136
Operator precedence 283
Optical zoom 57
OR 36 113 114
Orwell, George (Eric Blair) 32
OSI see Open System Interconnect
OSI reference model 195
Outlier analysis 440
Overflow error 69
Overloading 284
P see Polynomial problems
P2P see Peer-to-peer model
Packet 193
Page (memory) 145
Paging 145
Parallel algorithm 213
Parallel communication 121
Parallel processing 124 312
Parameter, passed by reference 292
Parameter, passed by value 292
Parameter, passed by value-result 322
parent node 368
Pareto principle 352
Pareto, Vilfredo 352
Parity bit 83
Parse tree 300
Parser 297
Parsing 297
Pascal casing 222
Pascal, Blaise 21
Password 156
Patent law 357
PC see Personal computer
Peer-to-peer model 171
Pentium (cpu) 96 99 255
Performance oriented research 455
Persisent (object) 425
Personal computer (PC) 25
Personal digital assistant (PDA) 25 51
PGP see Prettv good privacy
phishing 197
PHP Hypertext Processor 189
Physical record 52
Pipelining 124
Pixel 56
Planned obsolescence 133
Plato 30
Poincare, H. 226
POINTER 369 379
Polymorphism 311
Polynomial problems 525
pop 3 179
Pop (stack operation) 367
POP3 see Post Office Protocol-version
Port (I/O) 118
port number 194
Post Office Protocol-version 3
Post, Emil 508
PostScript 57
Posttest loop 235
PowerPC 99
Precedence (of operators) 283
Preconditions (proof of correctness) 255
Predicate 317
Pretest loop 235
Pretty Good Privacy 200
Prime number 437
primitive 217
Primitive data type 279
Print server 170
Privacy Act of 442
Private key 201 530
privilege levels 157
Privileged instructions 157
Problem solving 223
Procedural knowledge 453
Procedural paradigm 273
Procedure 220 289
Procedure call 289
Procedure’s header 289
Process 147 215
Process state 147
Process switch 148
Process table 148
Processing unit (neural net) 480
Production system 464
Production system, control system 464
Production system, goal state 464
Production system, production 464
Production system, start state 464
Production system, state graph 464
PROGRAM 18 215
Program counter 106
Programmer 304 334
Programming language 217
Programming paradigms 272
PROJECT (database operation) 418
Proof by contradiction 517
Proof of correctness 254
Proprietary network 64
Protocol 166
Prototype 336
proxy server 199
Pseudocode 218
Public key 201 530
Public-key encryption 200 530
Push (stack operation) 367
QUEUE 136 367 379
Quick sort algorithm 241
Radio Shack 25
Radix point 63
RAM see Random access memory
Random access memory (RAM) 44