Denial of Service 197
Depth (of a tree) 368
Depth-first search 470
Design pattern 383
device driver 144
Dewey John 538
Dictionary encoding 78
Difference Engine 21 22 24
Differential encoding 78
Digital (vs analog) 65
Digital camera 57
Digital signature 202
Digital subscriber line (DSL) 122
Digital versatile disk (DVD) 51
digital zoom 57
Dijkstra, E. W. 160
Dining Philosophers 160
Direct addressing 399
Direct Memory Access (DMA) 120
Directed graph 154 464
Directory 143
directory path 144
Disclaimer 358
Discrete cosine transform 80
Disk storage (magnetic) 47
Diskette 48
Dispatcher 145
Distributed database 410 411
distributed system 172
DMA see Direct memory access
DNS see Domain name system
DOCTOR (ELIZA) program 456
Documentation 354
Documentation, by comment statements 287
Domain 173
Domain name 176
Domain Name System 177
dotted decimal notation 59 176
DRAM see Dynamic memory
Dual-core cpu 124
Duty-based ethics 30
DVD see Digital versatile disk
Dynamic memory 44
Eckert, J. Presper 23 105
Edge enhancement 458
Edison, Thomas 105 330
Editor 54 304
Effective 213
Effective input (of a processing unit) 481
Eight-puzzle 454
Electronic Communication Privacy Act (ECPA) 203
ELIZA program 456
Email 178
Encapsulation 311
encryption keys 429
end-of-file (EOF) 432
Enterprise JavaBeans 172
entity-relationship diagram 346
eof see End-of-file
Error-correcting code 84
Ethernet 165 170
Ethics 30
Euclid 18
Euclidean algorithm 223
Euclidean geometry 255
Even parity 84
Event-driven software 296
Evolutionary programming 479
Evolutionary prototyping 336
Evolutionary robotics 491
exception 551
Excess notation 69
Exclusive lock 429
Exclusive OR (XOR) 37 113 115
Expert system 467
Explicit coupling 341
Exponent field 73
Exponential time 525
Extensible markup language (XML) 187
Extreme programming 336
Factorial 262
Fibonacci sequence 260
Field (in a record) 52
FIFO see First in first
file descriptor 144
File Manager 143
File server 171
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) 178 194
FireWall 198
FireWire 118 121
First in, first out (FIFO) 136 367
First-generation language 269
First-order predicate logic 315
Fixed-format language 297
Flash 189
Flash drive 51
Flash memory 51
Flat file 408
Flip-flop 39
Floating-point notation 56 72
Floating-point notation, normalized form 74
Floppy disk 48
flowchart 218 234
Flowers, Tommy 23
Folder 143
for statement 286
forking 152
Formal language 270
Formal logic 274
Formal parameter 291
Formatting (a disk) 48
FORTRAN 270 277 280 281 286 556
Frame problem 477
Framework (.Net) 173 352 553
Free-format language 297
Frequency masking 81
Frequency-dependent encoding 77
FTE see File Transfer Protocol
FTP server 178
FTP site 178
FTPS 200
Full tree 383
Function, abstract 274 502
Function, computation of 502
Function, program unit 220 274 295
Functional cohesion 342
Functional paradigm 274
G del, Kurt 20 25 508
G del’s incompleteness theorem 20 25
G5 (cpu) 99
Gandhi, Mahatma 492
Garbage collection 389
Gate 37
Gateway 174
GB see Gigabyte
Gbps see Giga-bps
General Motors 133
General-purpose register 96
Generations (of programming languages) 269
Genetic algorithms 478
Gibi 45
GIF 79
Giga-bps (Gbps) 82 122
Gigabyte 45
gigahertz 110
Glass-box testing 353
global data 341
Global variable 289
| Goal directed behavior 452
GOTO statement 284
Grammar 298
Graph 464
Graph theory 353
Graphical user interface (GUI) 142
Greatest common divisor 18
GUI see Graphical user interface
Halting problem 515
Hamming distance 8
Hamming, R. W. 84
Handshaking 120
hard disk 48
Hardware 18
Harvard University 22 255
Hash file 435
Hash function 435
Hash table 435
Hashing 434
Head (of a list) 366
Head crash 48
Head pointer 376 379
Heap sort algorithm 241
Heathkit 25
Help packages 354
Hertz (Hz) 110
Heterogeneous array 281 366 374
Heuristic 470
Hexadecimal notation 41
High-order end 43
Hill climbing 593
Hollerith, Herman 22
Home page 182
Homogeneous array 280 366 371
Honda 490
Hop count 196
Hopfield networks 486
Hopper, Grace 270 460
Host 172
Host address 176
Hot Spot 175
HTML see Hypertext Markup Language
HTTP see Hypertext Transfer Protocol
Hub 165
Huffman code 77
Huffman, David A. 77 592
Hyperlink 180
Hypermedia 180
HypertexL Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 181 194
Hypertext 180
Hypertext markup language (HTML) 183
I-frame 81
I/O see Input/output
I/O bound 159
IBM 22 25 99 136 166 357
ICANN see Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
Identifiers 269
IEEE 802 170
IEEE Computer Society 330
If statement 219 285
Image analysis 458
Image processing 458
IMAP see Internet Mail Access Protocol
Imitation (learning by) 478
Immediate addressing 399
Imperative paradigm 273 337 344
Imperative statements 277
Implicit coupling 341
Inconsistent (statements) 315
incorrect summary problem 429
Incremental model 336
Incubation period (problem solving) 226
Indexed file 433
indices 280
Indirect addressing 399
Inference rule 314 466
Information extraction 461
Information retrieval 461
inheritance 309 350
Input/Output (I/O) 100
Input/output instructions (machine level) 100 120
insertion sort algorithm 238
Insertion sort algorithm, complexity of 250 522
Instance (of a class) 276 307
Instance (of a data type) 393
Instance variable 307
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 330 333
Institute of Radio Engineers 330
Instruction pointer 370
Instruction register 106
Integer data type 278
Intel 96
Interactive processing 138
International Court of Justice 202
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 54 57 194 271
Internet 18 169 174
Internet (the) 169 173
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) 173
Internet Mail Access Protocol 179
Internet protocol (IP) 194
Internet Service Provider 174
Interpreter 270
interprocess communication 170
Interrupt 148
Interrupt disable instruction 151
Interrupt enable instruction 151
interrupt handler 149
Intractable problem 526
Iowa State College (University) 23
IP see Internet Protocol
IP address 176
IPv4 196
IPv6 196
IQ test 492
IRobot Roomba vacuum cleaner 490
ISO see International Organization for Standardization
ISP see Internet service provider
Iterative structures 229 559
iun Microsystems 172 189 298 344 352 558
Iverson, Kenneth E. 283
Jacquard loom 22
Jacquard, Joseph 22
Java 189 276 277 278 279 281 282 284 286 287 298 306 308 309 312 345 372 395 396 558
JavaBeans 344
JavaScript 189
JavaServer Pages (JSP) 189
JCL (job control language) 139
Job 136
Job queue 136
Jobs, Steve 23
JOIN (database operation) 418
Joint Photographic Experts Group 80
JSP see JavaServer Pages
KB see Kilobyte
Kbps see Kilo-bps
Kernel 143
Key (cryptography) 201
Key field 52 432 433 435
Key words 298
Kibi 45
Kibibyte 45
Kill (a process) 153
Kilo-bps (Kbps) 82 122
Kilobyte 45
Knapsack problem 537
Korn Shell 142
LAN see Local area network
Language extensions 271