+ (concatenation) 284
.NET Framework 173 344 553
/* (comment) 287
// (comment) 287
: = (assignment operator) 283
:- (Prolog if symbol) 318
= (assignment operator) 283
abacus 20
Abstract data type 394
Abstract tools 27 40 220 337 369 386 390
Abstraction 26 369 384 386
Access (Microsoft database system) 414
Access time 48
Activation (of a procedure) 246
Active Server Pages (ASP) 189
actors 348
actual parameter 291
Ada 277 283 312 551
Adaptive dictionary encoding 78
Adaptor pattern 351
Address (of memory cell) 44
Address polynomial 374
Adleman, Leonard 200 529
Administrator 155
Adobe Systems 58
Agent 452
Aiken, Howard 22
Alexander, Christopher 352
Algebraic coding theory 86
Algorithm 18 213 215
Algorithm analysis 250
Algorithm, complexity/efficiency of 249
Algorithm, discovery of 223
Algorithm, representation of 215
Algorithm, verification of 253
ALVINN see Autonomous Land Vehicle in a Neural Net
Ambiguous grammar 300
AMD 96
America Online 441
American Institute of Electrical Engineers 330
American National Standards Institute (ANSI) 53 55 271
American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) 54 543
Analog (vs. digital) 65
Analytical engine 21 22
AND 36 113
Anonymous ftp 178
Anticybersquatting Protection Act 204
antivirus software 199
APL 283
Apple Computer, Inc 25 57 99 136 179
Applet 189
Application layer (Internet) 19
Application Programmer Interface (API) 343
Application software 140
Argument (of a predicate) 317
Aristotle 30
Arithmetic shift 115
Arithmetic/logic unit 96
Array, heterogeneous 281 366 374
Array, homogeneous 312 366 371
artificial intelligence 451 456
Artificial neural network 124 480
ASCII see American Standard Code for Information Interchange
Asimo 490
ASP see Active Server Pages
Assembler 269
Assembly language 269
assertion 256
assignment statement 219 283
association (UML) 349
Association analysis 440
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) 329 330
Associative memory 486
AT T 257
Atanasoff — Berry machine 23
Atanasoff, John 23
Athlon (cpu) 96
Attribute 413
Auditing Software 155 199
Authentication 202 436
Autonomous Land Vehicle in a Neural Net (ALVINN) 478 485
Average-case analysis 250
Axiom 255
Axon 480
Babbage, Charles 21 22 551
Backtracking 403
Balanced tree 383
Bandwidth 123
Bare Bones language 509 559
Bare Bones language, Universality of 513
Base (of stack) 366
Base case (recursion) 246
base two see Binary system
Basic Input/Output System 146
Basis path testing 353
Batch processing 136
Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony 187
Behavior-based intelligence 473
Bell Laboratories 22 551 552
Benchmark 112
Berners — Lee, Tim 181
Berry, Clifford 23
Best-case analysis 250
beta testing 353
Beta version 353
Big O notation 521
Big Theta notation 253
Binary file (FTP) 178
Binary notation see Binary system
binary search algorithm 246 249 386
Binary search algorithm, complexity of 249 521
Binary system 55 60
Binary tree 368 381
Bioinformatics 440
BIOS see Basic Input/Output System
Bit 36
Bit Map 56 114
Bits per second (bps) 82 122
black-box testing 353
Body (of a loop) 232
Boole, George 36
BOOLEAN data type 279
Boolean operations 36
Booting 145
Bootstrap 145
Bottom (of stack) 366
Bottom-up methodology 227
Boundary value analysis 354
Bourne shell 142
Bps see Bits per second
Branch (tree) 368
Breadth-first search 470
Bridge 168
Broadband 123
Browser 181
Bubble sort algorithm 239 241
Bucket (hashing) 435
Buffer 53
Bus 96
Bus network topology 164
Byron, Augusta Ada 22
Bytecode 298
C 276 277 278 279 280 286 291 372 551
C shell 142
C# 276 277 278 279 281 282 286 287 306 308 309 343
C++ 276 277 278 279 281 282 286 287 306 308 309
Cache memory 98
Call (procedure) 289
camel casing 222
| Carnegie — Mellon University 203 478
Carnivore 204
Carriage return 178
Carrier Sense, Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) 167
Cascading rollback 428
CASE see Computer-aided software engineering
case control structure 285
CASE tools 330
CD see Compact disk
CD-DA see Compact disk-digital audio
Celeron (cpu) 96
Cell (memory) 43
central processing unit (CPU) 96
CERN 183
CERT see Computer Emergency Response Team
Certificate 202
Certificate authority 202
CGI see Common gateway interface
CHARACTER data type 279
Character-based ethics 30
Check byte 84
check sum 84
Children (in a tree) 368
Chip 41
Chrominance 57
Church — Turing thesis 507 559
Church, Alonzo 507
Circular queue 380
Circular shift 115
CISC see Complex instruction set computer
class 276 395
Class description 439
Class diagram 349
Class discrimination 439
Class library (.NET Framework) 343
class-responsibility-collaboration (CRC) cards 351
Clause form 315
Client 170
client-side 188
Client/server model 270
clock 42 110
closed network 164
Closed-world assumption 477
Cloud (Internet) 174
Clowes, M. B. 592
Cluster analysis 440
Clustering (hashing) 437
Code Generation 303
Code generator 297
Code optimization 303
Coercion 302
Cohesion (intramodule) 342
Collaboration diagram 340
Collision (hashing) 438
Column major order 373
Comments 277 287
Commit point 428
Commit/Rollback protocol 428
Commodore 25
Common Gateway Interface (CGI) 189
Communication Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA) 204
Compact disk (CD) 49
Compact disk-digital audio (CD — DA) 50 86
Compiler 270
Complement (of a bit) 67
Complex Instruction Set Computer (CISC) 99 102
Complexity/Efficiency 520
Complexity/Efficiency, of binary search 249 521
Complexity/Efficiency, of insertion sort 250 522
Complexity/Efficiency, of merge sort 522
Complexity/Efficiency, of sequential search 249 521
Component (of an array) 366
Component (of software) 304 343
Component architecture 304 343
Component assembler 304 344
CompuServe 79
Computable function 504
Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) 203
Computer Fraud Abuse Act 203
Computer Science (definition) 18 25
Computer Society 330
Computer-aided design (CAD) 58
Computer-aided software engineering (CASE) 330
Concatenation 284
Concurrent processing 312
Conditional jump 100
connectionless protocol 195
Consequence-based ethics 30
Constant 282
constructor 308
context switch 148
Contextual analysis 461
Contiguous list see List
Contract-based ethics 30
Control coupling 341
Control of repetitive structures, iteration (looping) 232
Control of repetitive structures, recursion 246
control statements 284
Control unit 96
Controller 118
Cookies 209
Copyright law 356
Core 129
Core Wars 129
Country-code TLD 176
Coupling (intermodule) 340
CPU see Central processing unit
CRC cards see Class-responsibility-collaboration cards
Critical region 152
Cross-platform software 271
CSMA/CD see Carrier Sense Multiple
Cybersquatting 204
Cyclic redundancy checks 84
Cylinder 47
Dartmouth College 456
Darwin, Charles 492
Data compression 77
Data coupling 341
Data cubes 441
Data dictionary 347
data independence 411
Data Mining 439
Data structure 280
Data structure, Dynamic vs. static 369
Data type 278
Data type, boolean 279
Data type, Character 279
Data type, Float 278
Data type, Integer 278
Data type, real 278
data warehouse 439
Database 408
Database management system (DBMS) 410
Database model 412
Dataflow diagram 345
Deadlock 152
Deadlock avoidance 153
Deadlock detection/correction 152
Debugging 268
Declarative knowledge 453
Declarative paradigm 273
Declarative statements 277
decorator pattern 351
Decryption keys 529
Defect testing 335
Defense advanced research projects agency (DARPA) 173 203
Degenerative case (recursion) 246
Dendrite 480