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Wiedemann H. — Particle Accelerator Physics I: Basic Principles and Linear Beam Dynamics |
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Rutherford scattering 372
Sabersky A.P. 395
Sacherer F. 395 398
Safranek J. 211
Sanchez T. 211
Sands M. 4 309 350
Satellite frequencies 201
Saturation 135
Scalar potential 86
Scattering 371
Scattering, inelastic 378
Scharf W. 9
Schenkel M. 28 29
Schiff L.I. 317
Schnell W. 395
Schoch A. 225
Schott G.A. 3 300
Schwinger J. 4 54 315
Sebek J. 211
Sector magnet 114 137
Self fields 384
Self fields, electric 385
Self fields, magnetic 385
Separated function 119 347
Separatrix 280 281 286
Serber R. 4 58 68 301
Serbo V.G. 334
Servranckx R.V. 196 395
Sessler A.M. 396
Sewell D.C. 68
Sextupole magnet 93 100
Shunt impedance 39 299
Shunt impedance, effective 40
Siegbahn K. 174
Sign convention 80
Silvestrov G.I. 85
Simpson K.M. 68
Sine like solutions 104
Single bunch instabilities 392 396
Single particle dynamics 384
Skrinski A. 403
SLAC linac structure 40
Smooth approximation 201 342
Snyder H.S. 4 71 103 106 119 191 225 243
Sokolov A.A. 315
Sonkin S. 32
Space-charge forces 20
Space-charge self fields 387
Spatial beam envelope 356
Spatial coherence 317
Spectral brightness 324
Spectrometer 174
Spencer J. 328
Spencer N. 216
SPS 310
Stability criterion 58 59 190 192 200
Stability limit longitudinal 285
Stable fixed point 286
Stable phase space 292
Standard coordinate system 77
Standing wave 267
Stanford Linear Collider SLC 54 415
Static electric fields 5
Stationary buckets 281 288 292
Stationary target 16
Steenbeck's stability criterion 60
Steering magnet 168
Steffen K.G. 129 171 172 173
Stoker J.J. 197
Stokes' Integral Theorem 26
Stoney G.J. 2
Stop band 243 245 252
Stop band, width 243 253 254
Storage ring 6 71
Storage ring, principle 4
Strength parameter 329
Stripper 5
Strong focusing 4 69 71 103 119
Strubin P. 382
Structural resonances 249 252
Sum resonance 254
Superconducting magnets 97
Superconducting Super Collider SSC 53 196 310
Superperiodicity 253
Superperiods 184 210 211 252
Sutis C. 301
Svartholm N. 174
Syhchrotron frequency 274
Syhchrotron frequency, higher harmonics 281
Symmetric FODO lattice 186
Symmetric magnet lattice 184
Symmetric quadrupole triplet 127
Symon K.R. 294
Synchro cyclotron 67
Synchronicity condition 32 62 64 70 72 268 269 283
Synchronous particle 282
Synchronous phase 27 269 271 278 281 288
Synchrotron 7
Synchrotron magnet 99 119 139 170
Synchrotron oscillation 274
Synchrotron oscillation, frequency 275 277 281 288
Synchrotron oscillation, tune 276
Synchrotron radiation 3 4 53 61 229 273 301 305
Synchrotron radiation, coherent 317
Synchrotron radiation, energy loss per turn 310
Synchrotron radiation, losses 289
Synchrotron radiation, power 61 308 310
Synchrotron radiation, power total 310
Synchrotron tune 276
Tandem Van de Graaff 29
Taylor B.N. 75
Taylor T. 328
Tazzari S. 358 360
TE-modes 34
Telnov V.I. 334
Temporal coherence 317
Teng L. 385
Tesla N. 28
Tesla transformer 28
Thales of Milet 1
Theory of special relativity 3
Thermal desorption 381
Thermionic gun 6
Thin lens approximation 125 186
| Third order resonances 251
Thomas L.H. 68
Thomson J.J. 3
Thomson scattering 333
Thomson scattering, cross section 333
Thornton R.L. 68
Tigner M. 54 403
Time dilatation 13
TM-modes 34
Toge N. 196
Tolerance limits 226
Tolerance requirements 237
Tolerances assembly 225 235
Tolerances quadrupole field 240
Tolerances statistical 235
Tomboulian D.H. 315
Touschek B. 4 309 341
Transformation matrix 105
Transformation matrix for betatron functions 153
Transformation matrix in normalized coordinates 166
Transformation matrix in terms of betatron functions 163
Transformation matrix, 110
Transformation matrix, chromatic 202
Transformation matrix, defocusing quadrupole 124
Transformation matrix, drift space 123
Transformation matrix, focusing quadrupole 124
Transformation matrix, inverse lattice 126
Transformation matrix, quadrupole doublet 125
Transformation matrix, rectangular magnet 145
Transformation matrix, reversed lattice 126
Transformation matrix, sector magnet 139
Transformation matrix, sector magnet fringe field 143
Transformation matrix, synchrotron magnet 139
Transformation matrix, triplet 127
Transformation matrix, wedge magnet 144
Transit time 267
Transit time, factor 38 40
Transition energy 180 278
Transition energy, approximate 210
Transport 213
Transport systems periodic 81
Transport systems symmetric 81
Transverse fields 82
Transverse focusing 60
Travel time 179
Travelling wave 35
Trim magnets 238
Triple bend achromat 172 410
Triplet achromat 410
Trump J.G. 30
Tumanian V.A. 334
Tune 200 254
Tune approximate 201
Tune synchrotron oscillation 276
Tune, amplitude dependence 252
Tune, field errors 240
Tune, measurement 201
Tune, shift 242 243
Twin brother paradox 14
Twiss parameters 153
Twiss R.Q. 153
Ultra high vacuum 380
Undulator 225
Undulator magnet 330
Undulator, flat 331
Undulator, helical 331
Undulator, wavelength 331
Units cgs 10
Units MKS 10
Unity transformation matrix 199
Unstable fixed point 286
Upright magnets 92
Urey H.C. 4
Vacuum chamber environment 273
Van de Graaff accelerator 3 5 29
van der Meer S. 86 132
Varian K. 4
Varian R. 4
Varley C.F. 2
Vasserman I.B. 389
Vector relations 80
Veksler V.I. 4 67 267
Vignola G. 416
Voltage breakdown 265
Voltage multiplication 28
Voltage multiplier circuit 29
von Helmholtz H. 2
Voss G.A. 218 365 401 416
Voss J. 211
Wake fields 391
Wall losses 39
Walton E.T.S. 3 29 58
Wang D.F. 211
Wave guide 33 35
Wave length shifter 327
Wave length undulator 331
wave number 271
Weak focusing 60 68 119
Weaver J. 211
Wedge magnet 114 143
Weng W.T. 196
Wermelskirchen C. 211
Wideroe 1/2-condition 54 56 58
Wideroe linear accelerator structure 270
Wideroe principle 270
Wideroe R. 3 4 31 54
Wideroe structure 32
Wiechert E. 3 300
Wiedemann E. 3
Wiedemann H. 86 196 211 214 317 358 360 389 403 413 414 417
Wiggler magnet 4 173 225 327
Wiggler magnet, achromat 174
Wiggler magnet, dispersion function 174
Wiik B.H. 64 401
Willeke F. 195
Wilson P.B. 64 395
Wilson R.R. 4
Winick H. 328
Wire lens 85
Woodley M.D. 213
Wright B.T. 67
wronskian 106
X-rays 3
x-rays, beams 57
x-rays, tube 28
Yotam R. 211
Youngman B. 211
Zuo K. 211
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