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Wiedemann H. — Particle Accelerator Physics I: Basic Principles and Linear Beam Dynamics |
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Dissipating forces 107
Doppler effect 306 312
Double bend achromat 171 407
Drift tubes 31
Driftspace 123
Duty factor 339
Dynamic aperture 261 374 377
Edison T.A. 2
Edlefsen N.E. 65
Efficiency 43
Efficiency, linac 44
Eigenvalue 191
Eigenvalue, equation 191 206
Eigenvector 206
Eigenvector, equation 199
Einfeld D. 171 410
Einstein A. 3
Elder F. 301
Electric fields static 26
Electromagnetic fields 15
Electromagnetic radiation 3
Electromagnetic waves traveling 267
Electromagnetic wigglers 329
Electron 2
Electron volt 10
Electron, electric charge 3
Electron, linac 3 4
Electron, synchrotron 4
Electrostatic accelerators 27
Electrostatic fields 25
Electrostatic generator 29
Elirenfest's theorem 272
Emery L. 196 211
Emittance diffraction limited 323
Emittance equilibrium 353
Emittance longitudinal 280
End field effects quadrupole 127
Energy 337
Energy loss 62
Energy loss, per turn 310
Energy, center of mass 16
Energy, errors 257
Energy, gain 38
Energy, gain total 273
Energy, kinetic 14
Energy, total 14
Enhancement factor 382
Envelope 162
Equation of motion 18 26 55 79 100 102
Equation of motion, homogeneous 104
Equation of motion, inhomogeneous 107
Equilibrium beam emittance 353
Equilibrium energy spread 350
Equilibrium orbit 205 229 231 232
Equilibrium orbit, existence 229
Equipotential surfaces 87
Eriksson M. 64 302
Errors alignment 225
Errors field 225
ESRF European Synchrotron Radiation Facility 408
Eta function average 209
Euler's formula 191
Eusebio J.W. 213
Excitation coils 134
Excitation current 83 134
Faraday M. 2
Fast head tail instability 397
Ferioli G. 310
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory 53
Fermilab 21
Fieguth T. 196 214 413
Field error 225 227
Field error, sources 226
Field error, statistical dipole 235
Field gradient 84 95
Field gradient, maximum 135
Field index 58 68
Filamentation 294
fill factor 410
Filling time 40
First order achromat 113
Fischer G.E. 97 196 214 365 413
Fish type buckets 285
Fitting program 174
Fixed points 286
Fixed points, coordinates 286
Fixed target 7
Flat beam 387
Flat undulator 331
Floquet's coordinates 165
Floquet's theorem 197
Focal length 84 85 111 120 202
Focal point 84
Focusing devices 84
Focusing in bending magnets 137
Focusing principle of 84
Focusing quadrupole 123
Focusing sector magnets 137
Focusing strength 85
Focusing synchrotron magnet 170
FODO cell 185
FODO cell, chromaticity 259
FODO cell, maximum acceptance 188
FODO cell, optimum 188
FODO channel 127 185
FODO channel, acceptance 189
FODO channel, region of stability 193
FODO lattice 185
FODO parameter 187
Force centrifugal 81
Force Lorentz 81
Forsyth E.G. 85
Franck J. 3
Frank N.H. 153
Fraunhofer diffraction integral 321
Free electron laser 273 285 291
Freytag E. 315
Fringe field 122 136 140
Fringe field, correction quadrupole 127
Fringe field, effect bending magnets 140 141
Fringe field, effect of finite pole gap 142
Fundamental radiation 331
Gap height 133 140 144
Gareyte J. 394 395
Garren A.A. 196 213
Garwin E. 381
Ginzburg I. 34
Ginzton E.L. 4 32 33
Glow discharge 27
Glow discharge columns 5
Golceff P. 211
Goldman I.I. 334
Goldstein E. 2
Good field region 133
Gradient field errors 251
Gradient field quality 133
Gradient tolerance 133
Green G.K. 4 171 278 408
Green's function 107
Green's function, method 109
Greinacher H. 3 28 29
Greinaclier circuit 29
Groebner O. 382
Group velocity 37 41
GR[nmp] 209
Guignard G. 389
Gurewitsch A. 301
Haber F. 301
Haensel R. 315
| Hagedorn R. 225
Halbach K. 133 328 330
Half integer resonance 243 244 251
Hamiltonian 166 279 282
Hansen W.W. 4 33
Hard edge model 102 122 128 140
Harmonic number 71 269 275 390
harmonic oscillator 103
Hartman P.L. 315
Haworth L.J. 4
Haydon J. 211
Head on collision 17
Head tail instability 257
Heavy ion 10
Heavy ion, storage rings 288
Heitler W. 378
Helical undulator 331
Helms R. 414
Hemmie G. 195
Hereward H.G. 212
Herrera J.C. 389
Hertz G. 3
Hertz H. 2 28
Herzog R.F.K. 141
Hettel R. 211
High frequency electromagnetic fields 265
High vacuum 380
Higher order mode losses 274
Higher order resonance 255
Highland V.L. 371
Hill's equation 196
Hine M.G.N. 225
Hittorf J.W. 2
Hofmann A. 310
Hofstadter R. 174
Horton M. 211
Hostetler T. 211
Hoyer E. 328
Hutton A. 196
Ideal path 76 79
Induction accelerator 7
Induction linac 30
Induction linear accelerators 26
Inelastic scattering 378
Injector 5
insertion 199 215
Insertion, Collins 215 217
Insertion, devices 225 326
Insertion, low beta 215 218
Insertion, quadrupoles 218
Integer resonance 208 244 250
Interaction points 7
Interaction region 7 219
Intersecting storage rings 8
Intrabeam scattering 341
Inverse matrix 126
Ion beams 5
Ionization 5
Iron dominated quadrupole magnets 131
Iselin Ch. 132 213
Ising G. 3 31
Isochronous 115
Isochronous ring 291 351
Isochronous system 113
Isomagnetic ring 405
Ivanenko D. 4 301 315
Jach C. 211
Jackson A. 172
Jackson J.D. 311
Jaeger J. 213
Jensen D. 328
Johnsen K. 212 278
Johnson D.E. 196
Johnson G. 211
Johnson R. 328
Judd D.L. 174 175
Kanalstrahlen 2
Karantzoulis E. 21
Kaufmann W. 3
Keil E. 215
Kennedy W.R. 4 33
Kerst D.W. 4 58 301
Kheifets S. 196
Kim K.J. 328
Kinematic perturbation 228
kinetic energy 18
Kinetic energy, gain 41
King A.S. 213 328
Klystron 4 32
Kohaupt D. 398
Kotin G.L. 334
Kouptsidis J. 382
Kung P. 211 317 320
Kyhl R.L. 4
Langmuir R. 301
Laplace equation 33 88
Lapostolle P. 212
Larmor frequency 82
Larmor J. 3
Larmor precession 3
Laser beams 5
Laser field 26
Laslett L.J. 396
Lattice 184
Lattice, functions 161
Lattice, resonances 249 252
Lattice, unit 185
Lavender W.M. 332 211
Lawrence E.O. 3 65 68
LBL Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory 68
Lederman L.M. 85
Lee E.P. 21
Lee M.J. 213 216
Lenard P. 2
LEP 54
Li W. 211
Libration 280
Lichtenberg A.J. 212
Lienard A. 3 300
Lienard — Wiechert potentials 300
Light optics paraxial 111
Lihn H.C. 317 320
Lilliequist C.G. 294
Linac efficiency 43
Linear accelerator 7 25 31 53
Linear achromats 171
Linear approximation 119
Linear beam dynamics 75 118 120
Linear colliders 8 54 402
Linear coupling resonances 254
Linear equations of motion 104
Linear fields 75
Linear magnetic fields 119
Linear optics 78
Linear particle dynamics 78
Linear superposition 232 235
Linear systems 118
Liouville's theorem 149 294 340
Lithium lens 85
Livingston M.S. 3 4 65 71 103 119
Lofgren E.J. 4 67
Longitudinal beam emittance 292
Longitudinal fields 265
Longitudinal oscillations 274
Longitudinal phase space 276
Longitudinal phase space stability 67
Longitudinal stability limit 285
Longitudinal tune 201
Lorentz contraction 2 13
Lorentz equation 17 20 72 75
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