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Wiedemann H. — Particle Accelerator Physics I: Basic Principles and Linear Beam Dynamics |
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-transformation matrices 170
312 313
62 309
-mode 35
-function 203 206
Aberration chromatic 218
Aberration geometric 218
Accelerating cavity 62
Accelerating fields 265
Accelerating rf fields 269
Accelerating rf wave 268
Accelerating section 26 225 267 269 283
Accelerating section, electric field 41
Accelerating structure 266
Accelerating voltage 40 273 275
Acceleration 267
Acceleration by rf fields 62
Acceleration, column 30
Acceleration, efficiency 294
Acceleration, electrostatic field 265
Acceleration, longitudinal 292
Acceptance 189 212 292
Accumulator ring 6
Achromat 113 168
Achromat, linear 171
Achromatic lattice 112
Adiabatic capture 294
Adiabatic damping 61 340 347
Alignment error 225
Alignment error, displacement 225 227
Alignment error, rotational 226 227
Alignment tolerances 235 236 237
Alternating gradient synchrotron 4
Alvarez L.W. 4 270
Alvarez linear accelerator 5 21
Alvarez structure 4 33 270
Amman F. 389
Ampere turns 83 84
Amplification factor 237
Anderson C.D. 4
Angular beam envelope 357
Antiprotons 5
Aperture 86
Arc length 139
Arutyunian F.A. 334
Attenuation coefficient 39
Attenuation factor 40 42
Augustin J.E. 386 403
Average current 338
Avogadro number 373
Back scattered photon 333
Baird S. 211
Baker W.R. 85
Baltay M. 211
Banford A.P. 175
Baritchi D. 211
Baritchi L. 211
Bassetti M. 216
Bathow G. 315
Bayanov B.F. 85
Beam bump 168
Beam center displacement 228
Beam current 10
Beam current, average 339
Beam current, optimum 43
Beam dynamics 75
Beam emittance 147 153
Beam emittance, longitudinal 292
Beam emittance, quantum excitation 354
Beam envelope 162 356
Beam envelope, angular 357
Beam envelope, spatial 356
Beam focusing 58
Beam intensity 10
Beam lifetime 373
Beam loading 42
Beam matrix 155 156
Beam monitoring 237
Beam optics 75
Beam position monitors 238
Beam pulse 339
Beam rigidity 82
Beam stay clear 356
Beam transformer 54
Beam transport lines 184
Beam transport system 81
Beam waist 154
Beam-beam effect 218 389
Beam-beam perturbations 225
Beam-beam tune shift 416
Beat factor bending field 56
Belbeoch R. 389
Bending magnet 83 131
Bending magnet, radiation 326
Bending radius 79 82
BEPC 218
Berndt M. 328
Bessel functions 34
Betatron 3 26 54
Betatron frequency 59
Betatron functions 159 161
Betatron functions, average 201
Betatron functions, measurement 235 242
Betatron functions, perturbations 246
Betatron functions, symmetric 187
Betatron functions, transformation 153
Betatron functions, transformation in drift space 154 163
Betatron oscillation 59 161 230
Betatron phase 159
Betatron tune shift 240
Bethe H. 378
Bevatron 4
Bjorken J.D. 341
Blewett J.P. 4 301
Bludman S.A. 175
Blum E.B. 317
Booster 8
Booster, synchrotron 8
Borchardt I. 21
Bore radius 134
Borland M. 45 211
Boser J. 310
Bossart R. 310
Boyce R. 211
Bremsstrahlung 378
Brightness 321
Brightness, spectral 324
Broad band parasitic losses 391
Brobeck W.M. 68
Brown K.L. 196 213
Brunk W. 328
BSC 356
Bucherer A.H. 3
Bucket 281
Bucket, moving rf 284
Budker G.I. 86
Buechner W.W. 30
Bulos F. 196
Bunch current 338
Bunch length 286 290 350
Bunch length, manipulation 297
Bunch lengthening instability 396
Bunched beam 338
| Bunches 6
Bunching 47 49
Burnod L. 310
Canal rays 3
Canonical transformations 280
Canonical variables 279
Capture of particles 44 45
Carbon content 135
Carey D.C. 213
Cascade generator 3 28
Cathode 6
Cathode rays 2 3
CEA Cambridge Electron Accelerator 365
cells 184
Central limit theorem 236 350
Centrifugal force 55
Cerino J. 211
CESR Cornell Electron Storage Ring 417
Chadwick J. 4
Chambers E.E. 174
Chan T. 328
Chao A.W. 196 394 395
Characteristic length 99
Charge exchange 30
Charge multiplicity 18
Chasman Green lattice 171 408
Chasman R. 171 408
Chavis C. 211
Chin J.W.G. 328
Chodorow M. 4 32
Chopper 6 49
Chopping 47
Christofilos N.C. 4 71 103 119
Chromatic aberrations 255 256 257 262
Chromatic aberrations, correction of 257
Chromatic effects 256
Chromatic error 109
Chromatic tune shift 260
Chromaticity 257
Chromaticity, correction 261
Chromaticity, natural 259
Chromaticity, natural measurement 260
Circular accelerators 25 53
Circular orbit 58
Closed orbit 205 232
Closed orbit, correction 238
Closed orbit, distortion 231
Closed orbit, single dipole kick 235
Cockcroft J.D. 3 29
Cockcroft — Walton 5
Cockcroft — Walton, accelerator 3 29
Cohen E.R. 75
Coherent radiation 317
Coil slot 134
Coisson R. 310
Collective effects 384
Colliding beam facilities 7 17 218
Colliding beam storage ring 416
Collins insertion 215 217
Collins T.L. 217
Collision point 219
Combined function 347
Combined function, lattice 119
Comfort 213
Composite focusing system 111
Compton cross section 334
Compton scattering 334
Constant gradient structure 41
Constant impedance structure 40
Cooling 6
Cooper R.K. 21
Coordinate system 76
Coordinate system, curvilinear 77
Coordinate system, standard 77
Coordinates, longitudinal phase space 289
Coordinates, normalized 161 165
Cosine like solutions 105
Cosmotron 4
Coulomb forces 1
Coulomb regime 303
Coulomb scattering 372
Coulomb scattering lifetime 374
Coupling resonance 253 254
Coupling resonance, linear difference 254
Coupling resonance, linear sum 254
Coupling terms 253
Courant E.D. 4 71 103 116 119 191 225 243
Courant — Snyder invariant 160
Critical frequency 312
Critical photon energy 313
Critical photon frequency 312
Cronin R. 328
Cross section Compton scattering 334
Cross section Thomson scattering 333
Current average 11
Current density maximum 134
Current particle beam 10
Current peak 11
Curvature 77
Cut off wave number 34
Cutoff frequency 35
Cutoff wave number 35
Cyclotron 3 65 82
Cylindrical coordinate system 55
Cylindrical waveguide 34
D'Amico E. 310
Damped harmonic oscillator 61
Damping 274
Damping criterion Robinson 342 345
Damping, decrement 61 274
Damping, partition 363
Damping, partition numbers 348
Damping, ring 6 214
Damping, time 61 230
Damping, wigglers 360
Davis-White W. 214 413
DBA lattice 407
de Coulomb Ch.A. 1
Deacon D. 351
Debunching time 298
Decapole magnet 93
Dees of a cyclotron 66
Defocusing quadrupole 124
Defocusing synchrotron magnet 170
Derbenev V. 403
Design orbit 54
DESY Deutsche Electronen Synchrotron 196
Detectors for high energy physics 225
Deuterons 4
Dielectric constant absolute 11
Difference resonance 254
Diffraction 321
Diffraction, limit divergence 324
Diffraction, limit emittance 323
Diffraction, limit source size 324
Diffraction, limited photon emittance 323
Dikanski N. 403
Dipole field 83 90
Dipole field, errors 228 229
Dipole magnet 83 97
Dipole sector magnets 139
Dirac P.A.M. 3
Dirac PAM 3
Disk loaded linac 4
Disk loaded waveguide 37
dispersion 112
Dispersion function 109 202 206 232 290
Dispersion function, measurement 169
Dispersion, matching 213
Dispersion, suppressor 214
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