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Krantz S.G. — A mathematician's survival guide: Graduate school and early career development
Krantz S.G. — A mathematician's survival guide: Graduate school and early career development

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Название: A mathematician's survival guide: Graduate school and early career development

Автор: Krantz S.G.


Graduate school marks the first step toward a career in mathematics for young mathematicians. During this period, they make important decisions which will affect the rest of their careers. Here now is a detailed guide to help students navigate graduate school and the years that follow.

In his inimitable and forthright style, Steven Krantz addresses the major issues of graduate school, including choosing a program, passing the qualifying exams, finding an advisor, writing a thesis, and getting that first job. As with his earlier guide, How to Teach Mathematics, he avoids generalities, giving clear advice on how to handle real situations. The book also contains a description of the basic elements of a mathematical education, as well as a glossary and appendices on the structure of a typical department and university and the standard academic ranks.

Steven G. Krantz is an accomplished mathematician and an award-winning author. He has published 130 research articles and 45 books. He has worked in many different types of mathematics departments, supervised both masters and doctoral students, and is currently the Chair of the Mathematics Department at Washington University in St. Louis.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2003

Количество страниц: 236

Добавлена в каталог: 05.12.2013

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Предметный указатель
Thesis, first outline for      66
Thesis, form in which to publish      93
Thesis, gaps in the argument      67
Thesis, how much is enough for      77
Thesis, how to publish      93
Thesis, how to tell when it is done      77
Thesis, protecting the ideas in      87
Thesis, publishing of      93
Thesis, second outline for      66
Thesis, the writing process      67
Thesis, where to publish      93
Thesis, who on the committee will read      70
Thesis, writing of in $T_{E}X$      67
Thesis, writing up of      66
Things you can do to find a job      100
Three letters required      98
Time in rank of Associate Professor      130
TOEFL Exam      26
Tooling up      80
Top-rated graduate schools      21
topology      10
Training to be a TA      49
Tutoring for extra money      76
Twelve-month contract      123
UCSC      16
Undergraduate education, duration      4
Undergraduate education, gaps in      40
Undergraduate research      13 14
Undergraduate research and eligibility for graduate school      13
Undergraduate, one of the best      42
Underrepresented groups      25
Underrepresented groups, special fellowships for      25
Underrepresented groups, special housing for      25
Underrepresented groups, special mentors for      25
Unionization of graduate students      50
University of California at Santa Cruz      16
University of California step system      124
Upper division math courses      9
Vice Chairperson for Graduate Studies      194
Vice Chairperson for Undergraduate Studies      194
Vice Chairpersons      194
Visit for candidates      24
VITA      98
What to call your thesis advisor      59
When show up for first job      112
Women students      25
Women, isolated in graduate school      25
Work habits, good      64
Work, throwing away 90% of      64
Work, you have to be willing to do it      86
Working all the time      43
Working with more than one thesis advisor      57
Writing books      113 123
Writing up the thesis      66
“Faculty who can” direct theses      58
“Good old boy” network      98
1 2 3
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