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Henley E.M., Thirring W. — Elementary Quantum Field Theory |
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matrix, analytic properties 143—144 201—203 207 212
matrix, high-energy behavior 145 148—150
matrix, in Lee model 140—145
matrix, in pion theory 200—208 212 220
matrix, in pion theory, branch cuts 202
matrix, in pion theory, crossing symmetry 201 202 207 212
matrix, in pion theory, diagonalization 204—208
matrix, in pion theory, one-pion subspace 206
matrix, in pion theory, relation to phase shift 205
matrix, in pion theory, zero-energy behavior 203 207
matrix, low-energy behavior 145 146 148—150 203 207
Adiabatic principle 83 96 98n. 219
Analytic properties of scattering matrices 143 144 201 202 207 211
Anderson, H. L. 164n.
Angular distribution, in photomeson production 232n. 236 238 240 242
Angular distribution, in pion scattering 174 175 216 217
Angular momentum, commutation 36 60 64
Angular momentum, definition 35
Angular momentum, eigenstates 39 176 177
Angular momentum, eigenstates, expansion of field in 38 39 159 259
Angular momentum, in nuclear forces 249 251 252
Angular momentum, in photomeson production 232n. 236 238 240 242
Angular momentum, in pion theory 156 158 161 170 171 182 198 199 204
Angular momentum, projection operators 206
Antinucleons 154 155
Antinucleons, annihilation 224
Antisymmetric tensor 36
Arnous, E. 125n.
Bardeen, J. 154n.
Bare particles 77 78 129
Barnes, S. W. 209n. 210n.
Beneventano, M. 245n. 246n.
Bernardini, G. 245
Bethe, H. A. 118n. 155n. 157n. 184n. 198n.
Blatt, J. M. 116n. 117125n. 136n. 209n. 230n. 247n.
Bohr, A. 153n.
Bohr, N. 3n. 26n.
Born approximation see Perturbation theory
Born — Oppenheimer approximation 25
Born, M. 252n.
Bose gas 153 154
Bose — Einstein statistics 20 26 52 88 182 186
Bound states see States
Boundary conditions, for Green’s function 52
Boundary conditions, periodic 5 7 25
Boundary conditions, spherical 35 38
Bra 13
Branch cuts of T matrix 202
Bremsstrahlung 98 99
Brueckner, K. A. 257n.
Bumiller, F. 228 229 235
Canonical variables 7
Capps, R. H. 233n.
Carlson — Lee, D. 245n.
Castillejo, R. H. 144n. 211n.
Center-of-mass operator 42 43
Charap, J. M. 253n.
Charge 60 129
Charge independence in pion physics 176 216 251
Charge, commutation rules 60 61
Charge, conservation, in Lee model 129
Charge, conservation, in pion physics 157
Charge, degrees of freedom 58—67 126
Charge, density 60
Charge, density, of nucleon 219 221 225 226 228 229 232—234
Charge, eigenstates, in Lee model 129 142
Charge, of vacuum 62 66
Charged particles 61 62
Charged particles, creation operators 62
Charged particles, point nature 62 63
Charged pions 65
Chew — Low plot 209 210
Chew, G. F. 212 218n. 245n. 248n. 256n.
Christian, R. 186n.
Cini, M. 218n. 231n.
Circular components, of isospin 159
Circular components, of spin 159
Classical behavior of particles 56 89
Classical treatment 34
Classical treatment, for nucleon potential 249 250
Classical treatment, for pair theory 100—111
Classical treatment, for pion physics 166—172 192
Classical treatment, for pion physics, angular momentum 170 171 177
Classical treatment, for pion physics, bound state 171
Classical treatment, for pion physics, energy 170 171
Classical treatment, for pion physics, equation of motion 167—169
Classical treatment, for pion physics, excited state 167 170—174 214
Classical treatment, for pion physics, neutral theory 166
Classical treatment, for pion physics, scattering 172—175
Classical treatment, for pion physics, source 168 169
Classical treatment, for pion physics, strong coupling limit 171
Clebsch — Gordan coefficients 176 181
Commutation relations, canonical variables 9 30 32
Commutation relations, creation and destruction operators 10 24 25 38 75 259
Commutation relations, current 233 237 238
Commutation relations, distinguishable fields 58 62 63
Commutation relations, field operators 29 32 160
Commutation relations, in interaction 75 86 113
Commutation relations, isospin 65 160
Commutation relations, particle density 43 44
Commutation relations, spin 160
Compton scattering 232 247
Condon, E. U. 67n. 175n.
Constants of motion 34 59
Constants of motion, for distinguishable particles 64
Constants of motion, for pion physics 161 162
Continuity equation 60 233 234
Continuous vibrating line 6—8
Cooper, L. N. 154n.
Coordinates, normal 4
Core, repulsive 155
Corson, D. R. 245
Coulomb field 99
Coupled harmonic oscillators 4 5 23—29
Coupling constant, effective 164 165 214 215
Coupling constant, renormalized, in pion physics 203 209 210 223 246 255 256
Creation of particles 93—99 208 232 235—247
Creation operators 9 26 33 38 39 75
Cross section see Scattering
Crossing symmetry 201 202 207 212
Current 60 232—235 237—241
Current, commutation relations for 233 237 238
Current, distribution of nucleon 225—227
Cutcosky, R. E. 254
Cziffra, P. 256
Dalitz, R. H. 144n. 211n.
Dancoff, S. M. 184n. 192n. 196231n.
Davidon, W. C. 164 217
de Hoffmann, F. 118n. 157n. 184n. 198n.
Debye, P. 6
Degrees of freedom 9 19 27
Degrees of freedom, internal, in Lee model 126
Degrees of freedom, internal, in many dimensions 63—65
Degrees of freedom, internal, in pion physics 156
Degrees of freedom, internal, in three dimensions 65—67
Degrees of freedom, internal, in two dimensions 58—63
Demeur, M. 100n.
Destruction operators 9 26 33 38 39 75
Determinant, Fredholm 104—106
Deuteron 255
Dirac notation 13 14
Dirac, P. A. M. 7 12n. 13 63n.
Dirac’s function 7 29
Displaced harmonic oscillator 15 22
Displacement generator 36
Distinguishable particles 58
Drell, S. D. 101n. 163n. 240n.
Dressing operator 180 181 253 254
DuMond, J. W. M. 230n.
Dyson, F. J. 101n. 144n. 163n. 211n.
| Eden, R. J. 100n.
Effective coupling constant 164 165 214 215
Effective range 209 213
Ehrenfest theorem 42
Eigenstates, of angular momentum 176 177
Eigenstates, of charge 129 142
Eigenstates, of Hamiltonian, for coupled oscillators 10 19 20
Eigenstates, of Hamiltonian, for free fields 26 39
Eigenstates, of Hamiltonian, for harmonic oscillator 10—12 (see also Isospin; States; specific theories e.g. Lee
Eigenvalues of Hamiltonian, for coupled oscillators 18—21
Eigenvalues of Hamiltonian, for free fields 26 39
Eigenvalues of Hamiltonian, for harmonic oscillator 10 11
Eigenvalues of Hamiltonian, for Lee model 127
Eigenvalues of Hamiltonian, for neutral static sources 84 85 90 91
Eigenvalues of Hamiltonian, for pair theory 120—122
Eigenvalues of Hamiltonian, for pion physics 177 178
Einstein, A. 6 142
Electric-dipole transitions 234 243 245 246
Electrodynamics, quantum 77 98 117 154 235 236
electromagnetic field 8 28 46 60 61 90 96—98 100 101 125 166 232—248
Electron gas 153 154
Elementary particles 154
Endt, P. M. 100n.
Energy renormalization, in Lee model 127 131
Energy renormalization, in neutral static-source theory 84—86 91
Energy renormalization, in pair theory 121
Energy renormalization, in pion theory 160 224 225
Energy renormalization, in pion theory, intermediate coupling 187—189
Energy renormalization, in pion theory, numerical calculations 196 197
Energy renormalization, in pion theory, perturbation theory 183 225
Energy renormalization, in pion theory, strong-coupling theory 195 196 225
Energy renormalization, in pion theory, Tamm — Dancoff treatment 185
Energy, of excited state in pion theory 170 171 191 196 213 214
Energy, of ground state 160 (see also Energy renormalization)
Energy, of quanta in Lee model 128
Energy, of resonance in pion theory 173 174 196
Energy, transferred to field 95 96
Equations of motion, classical pion theory 167—169
Equations of motion, coupled oscillators 4 5 23 24
Euler 30
Euler, Lee model 128 130—132
Euler, neutral static source 71 73
Euler, pair theory 74 102
Euler, pion theory 160 161
Excited state 196 214;
Fermi — Dirac statistics 26
Feynman diagrams 203 208 215 250 251 253
Fields see specific fields e.g. Free
Fluctuation, in number of field quanta 55—57 88
Fluctuation, in position of nucleon 56
Fluctuation, zero-point 12 20 21 27 28 89
Foldy, L. L. 101n. 163n.
Form factor 235
Fourier series 7 29
Fourier transform 72 96 97 102
Frazer, W. R. 155n. 229n.
Fredholm determinant 104—106
Fredholm series 103
Free field 23—31
Free field, angular momentum 35
Free field, commutation relations for field operators 25 29 75
Free field, equations of motion 29—32
Free field, expansion, in plane waves 25 259
Free field, expansion, in spherical waves 38 39 259
Free field, Hamiltonian 24 30
Free field, Hamiltonian density 49
Free field, Lagrangian 31
Free field, linear momentum 35
Free field, linear-momentum density 49
Free field, zero-point energy 49
Free field, zero-point fluctuations 27—29
frequency 7
Frequency, negative and positive components of field 42 103 104
Frequency, negative and positive components of field, commutation rules 42 44
Friedman, M. H. 186n. 240n.
Fubini, S. 218n. 223n. 231n. 253n.
Fulco, J. R. 155n. 229n.
Functional derivative 7 29 30
Galilean invariance 156
Gartenhaus, S. 257n.
Gauge transformation 61
Gaussian cutoff for source 165
Gaussian distribution 15
Gell — Mann, M. 80n. 202n.
Giacomelli, G. 209 210
Glaser, V. 136n. 256n.
Glicksman, M. 217
Goldberger, M. L. 80n. 202n.
Goldschmidt — Clermont, Y. 246
Green’s function 71 73
Green’s function, advanced 72 73
Green’s function, retarded 72 74
Ground state see Eigenstates; Vacuum
Haber — Schaim, U. 182n.
Halpern, F. R. 196n.
Hamiltonian density 49 51
Hamiltonian, continuous vibrating line 7
Hamiltonian, coupled oscillators 4 18
Hamiltonian, free field 30 260
Hamiltonian, harmonic oscillator 9 10
Hamiltonian, Lee model 127 128 132 133
Hamiltonian, neutral static scalar source 84
Hamiltonian, pair theory 119 120
Hamiltonian, pion physics 160 176 224 250 260
Hamiltonian, pion physics, in intermediate coupling 186 188
Hamiltonian, pion physics, in strong coupling 192—194
Hamiltonian, radiation field 235 236
Hamiltonian, Schr dinger field 33
Hamiltonian, several sources 90 250
Hamilton’s equations 4 7
Hankel function 44 73
Harlow, F. 192n.
harmonic oscillator 9—17
Harmonic oscillator, displaced 15 16
Harmonic oscillator, eigenstates 10—12
Harmonic oscillator, ground state 11
Harmonic oscillator, ground state, zero-point fluctuations 12
Harmonic oscillator, Hamiltonian 9—11
Harmonic oscillator, number of particles 125
Harmonic oscillator, operators, commutation relations 10
Harmonic oscillator, spatial representation 11 13 14
Harmonic oscillator, time dependence 12—17
Harmonic oscillator, two-dimensional 59
Harmonic oscillator, wave packet 15
Harmonic oscillator, with external force 71
Heisenberg representation 13 200
Heisenberg representation, equations of motion 13
Heitler — London approximation 253
Henley, E. M. 78n. 101n. 163n. 186n. 257n.
Hilbert spaces 27
Hofstadter, R. 228n. 229n. 235n.
Holladay, W. G. 233n.
Hydrodynamics 153
Hydrogen atom 88
Hyperons 154 155
Ida, M. 144n.
Indefinite metric 138
Induced emission 142
Infrared divergence 99
interactions see Source; specific theories e.g. Pair
Interference between field quanta 52—54 56
Intermediate-coupling approximation 186—192
Intermediate-coupling approximation, energy renormalization 187—189
Intermediate-coupling approximation, excited state 190 191
Intermediate-coupling approximation, Hamiltonian 186 188
Intermediate-coupling approximation, neutral pseudoscalar theory 188—192
Intermediate-coupling approximation, pion wavefunction 186 187 189 191
Intermediate-coupling approximation, renormalization constants 192
Intermediate-coupling approximation, strong coupling limit 190 191
Invariants see Constants of motion
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