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Henley E.M., Thirring W. — Elementary Quantum Field Theory |
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Isobars 178 (see also States bound)
Isospin 59 65 127 157 159
Isospin, conservation 158 162 164
Isospin, eigenstates 175 176
Isospin, eigenstates, projection operators onto 206
Isospin, in pion physics 157 158
Isotopic spin see Isospin
Jacobsohn, B. A. 192n.
Jeffreys, B. — S. 4n.
Jeffreys, H. 4n.
K llen, G 136n. 138n.
Karzas, W. J. 247
Keck, J. C. 245
Ket 13
King, J. 209n. 210
Kinsey, K. 209n. 210
Klein — Gordon equation 24 25
Klein — Gordon wave function 3
Klein, A. 124n. 125n.
Knoll, N. 240n.
Koba, Z. 78n.
Koester, L. S. 245
Kr nig, R. 153n.
Kroll — Ruderman theorem 240n.
Kruse, U. E. 164 217
Lagrangian 29
Lagrangian density 29
Lagrangian multiplier 187
Lagrangian, canonical variables from 29 30
Lagrangian, field equations from 29 30
Lagrangian, for distinguishable particles 58 63
Lagrangian, for free fields 31 32
Lagrangian, for neutral static-source theory 75
Lagrangian, for pair theory 75 100 101
Lagrangian, for pion-nucleon interaction 158
Lagrangian, Hamiltonian from 30
Lamb, W. E. 125n.
Landau, L. D. 39n. 153n.
Lee model 101 118 126—150 156 182 185 190 199 200 202 203 208 211 213
Lee model, charge conservation 129
Lee model, commutation relations for operators 127 128 132 133
Lee model, definition 126 127
Lee model, degrees of freedom 126
Lee model, eigenstates of charge 129 142
Lee model, energy of quanta 128
Lee model, equations of motion 128
Lee model, equations of motion, solution 130—132
Lee model, Low equation 139 141 144—146
Lee model, modifications 150
Lee model, neutron 130 131 133—136
Lee model, phase shift, for 140 144
Lee model, phase shift, for 135—140
Lee model, phase shift, sign 136 142
Lee model, proton 129—131
Lee model, relativistic version 127 137
Lee model, renormalization, of coupling constant 136 137 144 149
Lee model, renormalization, of wave function 132—134 137 138
Lee model, scattering matrix 135—145
Lee model, scattering, Born approximation 137 138 145 146 148—150
Lee model, scattering, high-energy behavior 145 146 148—150
Lee model, scattering, low-energy behavior 136 145 148 149
Lee model, states, matrix 140—145
Lee model, states, bare 129 130
Lee model, states, continuum 131
Lee model, states, physical 129—131 134—136
Lee model, states, scattering 131 132 142 143
Lee model, states, virial theorem 134 135
Lee, T. D. 78n. 92n. 127n. 153n. 186n.
Lehmann, H. 218n.
Lewis, H. W. 78n.
Lifschitz, E. M. 39n. 153n.
Lindenbaum, S. J. 209
Line, continuous vibrating 6—8
Line, of vibrating atoms 4—6
Linear momentum see Momentum
Lippmann, B. A. 80n. 140n.
Localization of field quanta 48 50 51
Lorentz group 8 154
Lorentz invariance 8
Low equation, in Lee model 139 141 144—146
Low equation, in photomeson production 237
Low equation, in pion physics 198 199 208 210—214 256
Low, F. E. 141n. 153n. 198n. 212n. 218n. 248n.
M ller, C. 106n.
MacGregor, M. H. 256n.
Machida, S. 253n.
Magnetic dipole transitions 243 246
Magnetic moment of nucleon 219 225 230 231
Many-body problem 153
Margenau, H. 16n.
Marshak, R. E. 257n.
Mass renormalization see Energy renormalization
Matrix multiplication 104 107n. 110n.
McCormick, B. H. 124n. 125n.
McDonald, W. S. 245 246
Mesons 154 155
Mills, F. E. 245n.
Miyake, K. 209 210n.
Miyazawa, H. 231n.
Moment of inertia in pion theory 166 167 171
Momentum 5 260
Momentum distribution 87
Momentum, angular see Angular momentum
Momentum, commutation rules 36 60 64
Momentum, definition 35
Momentum, density 43
Momentum, eigenstates 36
Momentum, eigenvalues 36 37
Momentum, of field quanta 24 34—40
Momentum, zero-point 43 49
Moravcsik, M. J. 245n. 256n.
Morpurgo, G. 125n.
Morrison, P. 155n. 157n.
Mottelson, B. R. 153n.
Negative frequency components of field 42
Negatively charged particles see Charged particles
Neutral pseudoscalar theory 166—175 188 192
Neutral static-scalar theory 71 82—92 150 215
Neutral static-scalar theory, adiabatic theorem 83
Neutral static-scalar theory, asymptotic fields 75
Neutral static-scalar theory, energy 84 85 90 96
Neutral static-scalar theory, energy renormalization 85 86
Neutral static-scalar theory, field equation 71
Neutral static-scalar theory, fluctuations 89 90
Neutral static-scalar theory, Green’s function 72 73
Neutral static-scalar theory, ground state, energy 84 85 96
Neutral static-scalar theory, ground state, momenta of particles 87
Neutral static-scalar theory, ground state, number of particles 86—89
Neutral static-scalar theory, ground state, spatial extension 89
Neutral static-scalar theory, ground state, wave function 88
Neutral static-scalar theory, Hamiltonian 86—89
Neutral static-scalar theory, Hamiltonian, eigenstates 86
Neutral static-scalar theory, interpretation 82 83
Neutral static-scalar theory, Lagrangian 75
Neutral static-scalar theory, scattering 83 86
Neutral static-scalar theory, several sources 90—92
Neutral static-scalar theory, several sources, potential between 91 92
Neutral static-scalar theory, virial theorem 89
Neutron see Nucleon
Nishijima, K. 196n.
Nishimura, K. 253n.
Nonrelativistic field see Schr dinger field
Normal coordinates 4 5 18
Novozhilov, Iu. I. V. 254n.
Nuclear forces see Potential
Nuclear surface waves 153
Nucleon 139
Nucleon, bare 179 180 224 228
Nucleon, charge distribution 219 221 225 226 228 229
Nucleon, current distribution 225—227
| Nucleon, Feynman diagram 215
Nucleon, intermediate-coupling theory 186—192
Nucleon, magnetic moment 219 225 230 231
Nucleon, mesons in 180 181 220
Nucleon, mesons in, number 219 224
Nucleon, normalization of wavefunction 181
Nucleon, numerical method 196 197
Nucleon, perturbation theory 183 184
Nucleon, physical 179 180 181 224—231
Nucleon, quantization 256
Nucleon, strong-coupling theory 192—196
Nucleon, Tamm — Dancoff theory 184—186
Number, of particles 41—43 75
Number, of particles, charged 62
Number, of particles, density 43 44 52 54
Number, of particles, density, fluctuation 55
Number, of particles, for interacting fields 76
Number, of particles, in small volume 76
Number, of particles, incoming 76
Number, of particles, outgoing 76
Number, of pions in nucleon 219 224
Numerical methods in pion theory 196 197
Oakley, D. C. 246
Omn s, R. 239n.
One-particle states 47—52
Onuma, S. 257n.
Oppenheimer, J. R. 78n. 252n.
Osborne, L. S. 246
Oscillators, coupled harmonic 4 5 23—29
Oscillators, creation and destruction operators 19 21 22 24
Oscillators, displaced 22
Oscillators, equation of motion 5 23 24
Oscillators, generalized coordinates 18
Oscillators, ground state 19
Oscillators, Hamiltonian 18 23—25
Oscillators, Hamiltonian, eigenvalues 18 26
Oscillators, Hamiltonian, eigenvectors 19 26
Oscillators, harmonic see Harmonic oscillator
Oscillators, Lagrangian 29
Oscillators, normal coordinates 18 23
Oscillators, particle interpretation 20
Oscillators, wave packet 22
Oscillators, zero-point motion 20 27 28
Pair theory 74 100—125 213
Pair theory, matrix 114
Pair theory, bound states 103—106 108 109 117
Pair theory, bound states, Hamiltonian with 119 120
Pair theory, bound states, operators 113
Pair theory, bound states, quantization with 112
Pair theory, bound states, time dependence 108
Pair theory, bound states, wave function 109
Pair theory, classical treatment 100—111
Pair theory, commutation relations for field operators 113
Pair theory, energy of particles 120
Pair theory, energy renormalization 121
Pair theory, equations of motion 102
Pair theory, field operators 103 104 109 112 113 122
Pair theory, Fredholm determinant 104—106
Pair theory, Hamiltonian 119 120
Pair theory, in pion physics 163
Pair theory, Lagrangian 75 100 101
Pair theory, quantum mechanical treatment 112—125
Pair theory, renormalization of coupling constant 118
Pair theory, scattering 103 109—111 113 119
Pair theory, scattering, high-energy behavior 117
Pair theory, scattering, low-energy behavior 117 118
Pair theory, scattering, phase shift 111 114—117 119 122
Pair theory, scattering, resonance 115—117 119
Pair theory, several sources 111
Pair theory, virtual particles 122—125
Pair theory, wave matrix 104 106—111
Pais, A. 192n.
Parity 40 41 155 157 158 162 236
Parity, conservation in pion physics 162
Particles 20
Particles, bare 77 78 129
Particles, density 99
Particles, production 93—99 208 232 235—247
Particles, real 77 78 99
Particles, virtual 77 78 86—89 94 97 99 122—125 155 of
Pauli, W. 3n. 26n. 138n. 157n. 166n. 192n. 196n. 231n.
Periodic boundary conditions 5
Perturbation theory 178n.
Perturbation theory, for ground state, of neutral static-source theory 90
Perturbation theory, for ground state, of nucleon 183 184 189 196 221 222 225
Perturbation theory, for nucleon-nucleon potential 250 251
Perturbation theory, for photomeson production 236 238
Perturbation theory, for pion scattering 203 204 208 209
Peterson, V. Z. 245 246
Phase shift 80 81
Phase shift, in Lee model 135—138 139 140 144
Phase shift, in pair theory 111 114—119 122
Phase shift, in pair theory, sign 122
Phase shift, in pion theory 162 205 207 208 210 214—216
Phase shift, relation to matrix 205
Phonon 20 22
Photomeson production 232 235—247
Photomeson production, amplitude 238
Photomeson production, angular distribution 243 244 246 247
Photomeson production, angular momentum 232236 238 240 242
Photomeson production, cross section 241—247
Photomeson production, dipole contribution to, electric 234 243 245 246
Photomeson production, dipole contribution to, magnetic 243 246
Photomeson production, effects in, recoil 245
Photomeson production, effects in, rescattering 239—241 244
Photomeson production, effects in, resonance 244 246
Photomeson production, energy dependence 242—244
Photomeson production, Hamiltonian 235 236
Photomeson production, Low-type equation for 237
Photomeson production, perturbation theory 238
Photon 236
Pi mesons see Pions
Pines, D. 153n. 186n.
Pion-nucleon interaction 153—165
Pion-nucleon interaction, angular momentum states 156—158 163
Pion-nucleon interaction, constants of motion 161 162
Pion-nucleon interaction, effective strength 163—165
Pion-nucleon interaction, equations of motion 161 162
Pion-nucleon interaction, Hamiltonian 160
Pion-nucleon interaction, Lagrangian 158
Pion-nucleon interaction, nonlinear 155 162
Pion-nucleon interaction, relativistic 163
Pion-nucleon interaction, static theory 156
Pion-nucleon interaction, symmetry 162 181
Pion-pion forces 155
Pions 59 63 65—67 91 98
Pions, charge states 158
Pions, exchange between nucleons 249 252—255
Pions, parity 157
Pions, production 208 (see also Photomeson production)
Plane wave, expansion 37
Point sources see Sources
Poisson bracket 13 35
Poisson law 15 16 22 55 57 87 94 95
Polarization in pion scattering 217
Polaron 153
Poles of matrix 202 203
Positive frequency components 42
Positively charged particles see Charged particles
Potential, between neutral static-scalar sources 91 249
Potential, between nucleons 249—257
Potential, between nucleons, angular momentum 249 251 252
Potential, between nucleons, classical calculation 249 250
Potential, Feynman diagrams 250 251 253
Potential, for point sources 250
Potential, isospin dependence 251
Potential, one-pion exchange 249 250 252 255
Potential, perturbation theory 250 251
Potential, tensor 250—252
Potential, two-pion exchange 249 253 257
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