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Henley E.M., Thirring W. — Elementary Quantum Field Theory |
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Potential, Yukawa 249
Production of pions 208 (see also Photomeson production)
Products, ordered 49
Projection operator, in intermediate-coupling pion theory 189
Projection operator, in strong-coupling pion theory 195
Projection operator, onto bound states 107 220 221 223
Projection operator, onto eigenstates of matrix 80 81 205 206
Proton see Nucleon
Pseudoscalar field 40
Purcell, E. M. 51n.
Quantization rules 29—32 75—78 112 256
Quantum field, relation to classical field 3 4
Radiation field 235 236
Radius of nucleon 229
Recoil effects in pion physics 156 198 217 245 253
Relativistic field see Free field
Relativity 8
Renormalization constants in pion theory 180—183 203 209 210 222—224
Renormalization constants in pion theory, in intermediate coupling 191
Renormalization constants in pion theory, in perturbation theory 184
Renormalization constants in pion theory, in strong coupling 191
Renormalization constants in pion theory, in Tamm — Dancoff approximation 186
Renormalization constants in pion theory, numerical calculations 196 197
Renormalization, of coupling constant, in Lee model 136 137 144 149
Renormalization, of coupling constant, in pair theory 118
Renormalization, of coupling constant, in pion physics 203
Renormalization, of wave function in Lee model 132—134 137 138
Repulsive core 155
Resonance scattering, in pair theory 115—119
Resonance scattering, in pion physics 172—174 196 198 213 214 216
Retherford, R. C. 125n.
Rose, B. 209n. 210
Rose, M. E. 181n.
Rosenfeld, L. 3n.
Rotation, generators 36
Rotational symmetry 59 60 64
Ruderman, M. A. 240n. 257n.
Sachs, R. G. 188n. 233n.
Salzman, G. 231n.
Sartori, L. 196n.
Scalar field 24 40
Scattering matrix 78—81
Scattering matrix, for neutral static source 93—95
Scattering matrix, in pair theory 114
Scattering matrix, in pion physics 198—200 205
Scattering, in Lee model 131 132 135—150
Scattering, in neutral static-scalar theory 83 86
Scattering, in pair theory 109—111
Scattering, of pions by nucleons 158 198—218
Scattering, of pions by nucleons, matrix 200—208 212
Scattering, of pions by nucleons, analytic properties of matrices 201 202 207 211
Scattering, of pions by nucleons, angular distribution 174 175 216 217
Scattering, of pions by nucleons, angular momentum 198 199
Scattering, of pions by nucleons, charge independence 216
Scattering, of pions by nucleons, Chew — Low plot 209 210
Scattering, of pions by nucleons, classical treatment 172—175
Scattering, of pions by nucleons, cross section 156 205n. 207 208 210 214—217 223 224
Scattering, of pions by nucleons, effective range 209 213
Scattering, of pions by nucleons, Feynman diagrams 203 208
Scattering, of pions by nucleons, high-energy limit 204
Scattering, of pions by nucleons, Low equation 198 199 208
Scattering, of pions by nucleons, low-energy limit 203 207 214—216
Scattering, of pions by nucleons, perturbation theory 203 204 208 209
Scattering, of pions by nucleons, phase shifts 205 207—212 216
Scattering, of pions by nucleons, phase shifts, in photomeson production 239—241 244
Scattering, of pions by nucleons, polarization 217
Scattering, of pions by nucleons, recoil effects 198 217
Scattering, of pions by nucleons, renormalized coupling constant 203 209 210
Scattering, of pions by nucleons, resonance 198 213 214 216
Scattering, of pions by nucleons, scattering matrix 198—201 205
Scattering, of pions by nucleons, source term 199 200 213
Schiff, L. I. 18n. 29n. 37n. 42n. 85n. 157n. 236n. 252n.
Schr dinger field 31—33 127
Schr dinger field, angular momentum 35
Schr dinger field, center-of-mass 42
Schr dinger field, commutation rules 32 128
Schr dinger field, creation operator 33
Schr dinger field, destruction operator 33
Schr dinger field, equation of motion 32
Schr dinger field, Hamiltonian 33
Schr dinger field, Lagrangian 32
Schr dinger field, linear momentum 35
Schr dinger field, number of particles 42 43
Schr dinger field, one-particle state 41 48
Schr dinger field, two-particle state 52—54
Schr dinger representation 12
Schr dinger wave function 3 13
Schrieffer, J. R. 154n.
Schweber, S. S. 59n. 118n.
Schwinger, J. 80n. 140n.
Scott, M. 246
Segr , E. 224n.
Self-energy see Energy renormalization
Serber, R. 192n.
Shortley, G. H. 67n. 175n.
Signell, P. S. 257n.
Sources for pions 158 160n. 163 168 169 199 223
Sources for pions, cutoff 164 165 213 219
Sources for pions, point 72 90
Sources for pions, point, in Lee model 137
Sources for pions, point, in pair theory 74 100 101 111 118 119
Sources for pions, point, in pion physics 250
Sources for pions, several 90—92 111 249
Sources for pions, time-dependent 87 95—98 e.g. Neutral
| Sparnaay, M. J. 122n.
Spherical harmonics 37—39 159 160 220
Spherical harmonics, expansions in terms of 37—39 159 160
Spin operator 157 158n. 159
Spitzer, R. 196n.
Stapp, H. P. 256n.
States, bare 77 78 85—89 129 130
States, bound 79
States, bound, in Lee model 130 131 134 135
States, bound, in pair theory 101 109—106 108 109 112 113 117
States, bound, in pion theory 171 178
States, excited 167 170 171 190 191 196 214
States, ingoing 79 94
States, many-particle 55—57 199
States, metastable 117
States, one-particle 47—52
States, outgoing 79 94
States, physical 77 78 86—89 129—131 134 135 160
States, scattering 131 132 142 143
States, two-particle 52—54
States, virtual 117 (see also Eigenstates; Vacuum)
Stoppini, G. 245
Strong-coupling theory 171 178 189—191 231n.
Strong-coupling theory, energy renormalization 195 196 225
Strong-coupling theory, excited state 196 214
Strong-coupling theory, Hamiltonian 192—194
Strong-coupling theory, pion wave function 194 195
Strong-coupling theory, renormalization constants 195
Sum symbol 27
Symanzik, K. 218n.
Takeda, G. 78n.
Taketani, M. 257n.
Tamm — Dancoff approximation 184—187 211n.
Tamm — Dancoff approximation, energy renormalization 185
Tamm — Dancoff approximation, pion wave function 185
Tamm — Dancoff approximation, renormalization constants 186
Tamm, I. E. 155n. 184n.
Tau, L. 245
Teasdale, J. G. 245
Tensor force 250—252
Thellung, A. 153n.
Thirring, W. 28n. 46n. 63n. 73n. 96n. 125n. 182n. 223n. 231n.
Thomson scattering 247
Time dependence 12—17 21 22
Time dependence, of bound state 108
Time dependence, of Heisenberg operators 13
Time dependence, of operators in interacting fields 76
Time dependence, of Schr dinger state vector 12
Time dependence, of source 87 95—98
Tollestrup, A. V. 245
Tomonaga intermediate coupling see Intermediate-coupling approximation
Tomonaga, S. 92n. 186n.
Touschek, B. F. 125n.
Toyoda, T. 253n.
Transition probability 79
Transition rate 80
Uncertainty principle 12
Unitarity of wave matrix 107 108
VACUUM 39 47 49
Vacuum, bare 77
Vacuum, polarization 125
Van Hove, L. 92150n.
van Kampen, N. G. 120n.
Variational treatment for state function 186—196
Velte, J. I. 245
Vibrating atoms, line of 4—6
Vibrating line, continuous 6—8
Virial theorem, for Lee model 134 135
Virial theorem, for neutral static-scalar theory 89
Virial theorem, for pair theory 125
Virial theorem, for pion theory 222
Virtual particles see Particles
Wada, W. W. 175n.
Walker, R. L. 245 246
Watson, G. N. 37n. 44n.
Watson, K. M. 257n.
Watson, W. K. R. 247
Wave function, of bound state 108 109
Wave function, of quanta in ground state 88 124
Wave function, of two nucleons 255
Wave matrix 78 81 104 106—111 132
Wave packet 15—17 22
Wave property of field quanta 56 57
wave velocity 7
Waves, outgoing 97
Weisskopf, V. F. 116n. 136n. 209n. 230n. 247n.
Welton, T. A. 28
Wentzel, G. 35n. 92n. 103n. 111n. 125n. 154n.
Wick, G. C. 146n. 218n.
Width of resonance 115—117 174 214
Wightman, A. S. 59n.
Wigner — Eckart theorem 181n.
Worlock, R. M. 245
Wouthuysen, S. 78n.
Yang, C. N. 154n.
Yearian, M. R. 228n. 229n. 235n.
Yukawa cutoff 165
Yukawa potential 91 249
Zachariasen, F. 240n. 247n.
Zero-energy behavior of matrix 145 149 150 203 207
Zero-point energy 27 49
Zero-point fluctuations 12 20 21 27 28 89
Zero-point momentum 43 49
Zimmerman, W. 218n.
Zitterbewegung 63n.
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