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Rice J.A. — Mathematical statistics and data analysis |
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Normal distribution relation to Cauchy 95
Normal distribution, bivariate 79
Normal distribution, generation by polar method 97
Normal distribution, generation by rejection method 107
Normal distribution, maximum likelihood estimate 255
Normal distribution, standard normal 54
Normal distribution, sums of normal random variables 147
Normal distribution, tests of goodness of fit 327
Normal equations 531
Null distribution 242 302
Null hypothesis 299
O'Connell 422
Occupational mobility 18
Odds ratio 494
Ogden 50
Olson 383
One-sided alternative 300 390
One-way layout 443
Orcutt 558
Order statistics 101 321
Order statistics and probability plots 322
Order statistics, approximate mean and variance of 376
Order statistics, joint density function of 110
Orozco 379
Outliers 362
Overfield 499
Oxidant levels, wind speeds, humidity and insolation 570
Oxygen content of steel rods 442
Ozone effects on weight gains of rats 430
p-value 243
p-value, relation to significance level 302
Pareto distribution 293
Pareto distribution maximum likelihood estimate 293
Pareto distribution method of moments 293
Pauling, Linus 434
Pearson 269 330
Pearson's chi-square statistic 241
Pearson's chi-square statistic relation to likelihood ratio test 311
Pelletier 477
Permutation test 429
permutations 9
Perry 479
Personality and attitudes towards small cars 503
Phillips 335 498
Physicians' advice on smoking 505—506
Pisani 528
Placebo effect 418
Plasma epinephrine concentrations under various anesthetics 479
Plato 296
Poisson distribution 41
Poisson distribution approximation by normal 167
Poisson distribution approximation to binomial 43
Poisson distribution compound 147
Poisson distribution dispersion test 316
Poisson distribution expectation 112
Poisson distribution fit to alpha particle emissions 239
Poisson distribution fit to counts of asbestos fibers 247
Poisson distribution fit to counts of bacterial clumps in milk 314
Poisson distribution fit to counts of yeast cells 287
Poisson distribution fit to insect counts 279
Poisson distribution fit to traffic counts 286
Poisson distribution graphs 42
Poisson distribution maximum likelihood estimate 254
Poisson distribution method of moments 247
Poisson distribution moment generating function 144
Poisson distribution sufficient statistics 54
Poisson distribution variance 144
Poisson distribution, assumptions underlying 43
Poisson distribution, confidence interval for 269
Poisson distribution, sums of independent Poisson variables 146
Poisson process 44 106 136
Poisson process, distance to nearest neighbors 65
Poisson process, realizations of 45
Polar method 97
Polygraph 21
Pooled sample variance 389
Population correlation coefficient 207
Population covariance 207
Population mean 187
Population standard deviation 188
Population total 187
Population variance 187
Porter 455
Posterior distribution 579
Posterior risk 579
Potato beetle counts 297
Power 301
Power of two sample test 400
Prediction 140
Prediction interval 555
Predictor variable 507
Pressure and volume in a tank 560
Preston-Thomas 127
Prior distribution 574
Probability generating function 160
Probability integral transform 323
Probability mass function 34
Probability measure 4
Probability plots 322
Product of random variables 107
Propagation of error 148
Proportional allocation 220
Prospective study 495
Proving ring calibration 560
Purves 528
QR method 553
Quadratic form 535
Quadratic form, expectation of 535
Quality control 12
Quantile 47
Quantile, approximate variance of sample quantile 376
Quantile-quantile plot 353
quartile 47
Quenouille 232
Quotient of random variables 94
Qurashi 430
Raftery 292
Rainfall in Illinois 383—84
Random effects model 473
Random number generator 81
Random number generator, discrete random variables 106
Random number generator, exponential 81
Random number generator, geometric 67
Random number generator, inverse cdf method 61
Random number generator, linear congruential method 67
Random number generator, normal 97
Random number generator, polar method 97
Random number generator, rejection method 89
Random number generator, Weibull 67
Random sums 138
Random sums variance 139
Random sums, expectation 138
Random sums, moment generating function 147
Random variable 33
Random variable, continuous 46
Random variable, discrete 33
Random variable, function of jointly distributed random variables 92
Random variable, function of single random variable 57
Random variable, independent 83
Randomized block design 465
Randomized response 228
Rank 403
Rao — Blackwell theorem 284
Ratcliffe 418
Ratio estimate 209
Ratio estimate, approximate bias of 211
Ratio estimate, approximate variance of 211
| Ratio, approximate mean and variance of 153
Ratio, estimation of 206
Rayleigh distribution 96
Rayleigh distribution estimation 294
Rayleigh distribution, sufficient statistics 298
Reading scores of third graders 563
Red mite counts on leaves of apple trees 279
Regression 142 528
Rejection method 91
Rejection region 300
Reliability 24
Residual sum of squares 514
Residual sum of squares use in estimating error variance 514 540
Residuals from analysis of variance 450 469
Residuals from simple linear regression 515
Residuals standardized 541
Residuals, covariance matrix of 541
Respiratory resistance as a function of height 563
Response variable 507
Retrospective case-control study 504
Rhines 88
Rice 52 243
Riethof 346 375
Risk 571
Robson 341
Robust 363
Rosen 483
Ross 269
Rudemo 357
Ryan 441 516 565
Sample mean 179 189
Sample moments 249
Sample quantile, approximate variance of 376
Sample space 2
Sample variance 179
Sampling distribution 9 189 241 245
Sampling fraction 194
Sampling with and without replacement 188
Sampling, cluster 224
Sampling, simple 188
Sampling, stratified 213
Sampling, systematic 224
Sarah 27
Schacter 489 504
Schaefer 489
Schuhl 286
Sciandra 505
Selection bias 224 421
Serial correlation 570
Serum potassium levels 319
Settling times of amoebic cysts in water 562
Sex of pilots' offspring 500
Sex ratio in Saxony 338
Shift model 409
Sievers 430
Sign test 334 426
Signed rank test 413
Significance level 300
Simiu 381
Simple hypothesis 299
Simple random sample 188
Simpson 383
Simulation 189
skewness 143 329
smith 498 504 551
Snow geese counts 565
Snyder 500
speed of light 128
Springer 432 507
St. Petersburg paradox 113
Standard deviation 123 245
Standard error 192 248
standardizing 167
Stanley 431
State of nature 571
Steel 247
Stelazine treatment of schizophrenia 431
Stem-and-leaf plot 359
Stereology 88
Stigler 324
Stopping distance of an automobile as a function of velocity 561
Stopwatch lifetimes 480
Strang 553
Strata 213
Stratified random sampling 213
Stratified random sampling, optimal allocation 218
Stratified random sampling, properties of estimates 216
Stratified random sampling, proportional allocation 220
Stream depths and flow rate 517
Strengths of dyestuffs 474
Studentized range distribution 451
Suboticanec 434
Sufficient statistics 280
Sufficient statistics, Bernoulli 281
Sufficient statistics, exponential family 283
Sufficient statistics, gamma 298
Sufficient statistics, geometric 298
Sufficient statistics, normal 282
Sufficient statistics, Poisson 298
Sufficient statistics, Rayleigh 298
Suicide counts by month 336
Sum of squares 445 460
Sums of random variables 92 138
Sums of random variables, distribution of 92
Sums of random variables, variance of 131
Survival function 348
Survival times of animals 481
Survival times of guinea pigs infected with tubercle bacilli 349—350
Sutton 430
systematic sampling 224
t distribution 178
t test, independent samples 392
t test, paired samples 411—412
Tanur 186 225
Tay — Sachs disease 36
Test based on least squares estimates 542
Test for differences of means of independent samples 392
Test for differences of means of paired samples 412
Test for equality of binomial proportions 337
Test for equality of variance 430
Test for exponential parameter 333
Test for multinomial parameters 310
Test for normal mean 308
Test for Poisson mean 332
Test for slope and intercept in simple linear regression 515
Test, best 304
Test, Friedman's test 469
Test, Generalized likelihood ratio test 308
Test, Kruskal — Wallis test 453
Test, Likelihood ratio test 304
Test, Mann — Whitney test 403
Test, McNemar's test 493
Test, nonparametric 402
Test, Pearson's test 241
Test, Poisson dispersion test 316
Test, relation to confidence intervals 306
Test, sign test 426
Test, signed rank test 413
Test, uniformly most powerful 305
Thomas 596
Tibshirani 285
Toland 342 384
Tolerance interval 102
Traffic counts 286
Traugott 224
Trimmed mean 365
Tuberculosis incidence and blood type of Eskimos 499
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