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Rice J.A. — Mathematical statistics and data analysis |
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Abel's equation 89
Abundance ratios of potassium isotopes 340
Acceptance region 300
Acceptance sampling 26 230
action 571
Addition law 5
Additive model 456
Admissible decision function 585
Aggressiveness of three species of mice 479—480
AIDS 6 23
Alpha particle emission 239
Alpha particle emissions 341—342
Alternative hypothesis 299
Analysis of variance, one-way layout 443
Analysis of variance, table 449 464
Analysis of variance, two-way layout 455
Andrews 367
Anscombe 278
Anxiety and desire for company 504
Arithmetic mean 361
Armitage 474
Asbestos fiber concentration measured by microscope 564
Asbestos fiber counts 247
Asymptotic relative efficiency 274
Asymptotically efficient 276
Bacterial clumps in milk 313
Bailey 432 507
Balanced design 458
Banach match problem 24
Barlow 342 384
Barnothy 433
Bayes risk 574
Bayes rule 19 574
Bayes rule for quadratic loss 584
Bayes rule for zero-one loss 582
Bayes rule, minimizes posterior risk 579
Bayesian 24
Beecher 467 501
Beeswax hydrocarbon content 375
Beeswax melting points 346
Beller 15
Benjamin 574
Bennet 337
Berelson 502
Berkson 240 341
Bernoulli distribution 35
Bernoulli distribution expectation 120
Bernoulli distribution variance 124
Bernoulli distribution, moment generating function 160
Beta distribution 593
Beta distribution graphs 595
Beta distribution variance 594
Beta distribution, expectation 594
Bevan 243
Bias 126
Bickel 283 285 306 348 422 587
Binomial coefficients 12
Binomial distribution 36
Binomial distribution as limit of hypergeometric 63
Binomial distribution expectation 120
Binomial distribution mode 63
Binomial distribution variance 132
Binomial distribution, approximation by normal 172
Binomial distribution, approximation by Poisson 43
Binomial distribution, graphs 37
Binomial distribution, maximum likelihood estimate 287
Binomial distribution, moment generating function 160
Bird hops between flights 288
Birthday problem 10
Bishop 498
Bismuth I-II transition pressure as a function of temperature 525
Bismuth II-I transition pressure as a function of temperature 557
Bivariate normal distribution 79
Bivariate normal distribution characterization 97
Bivariate normal distribution conditional densities 89
Bivariate normal distribution conditional mean and variance 136
Bivariate normal distribution covariance and correlation 134
Bivariate normal distribution fit to turbulent wind flow 89
Bivariate normal distribution graphs 80 81 82
Bivariate normal distribution marginals 81
Bivariate normal distribution, scatter plots from 135
Bivariate normal distribution, standard 96
Bjerkdahl 349
Bjorck 258
Blehm 563
BLISS 278 341
Blood groups and peptic ulcer 504
Blood platelet aggregation 412
Blood types in Hong Kong 260
Bonferonni inequality 25 472
Bonferonni method 424 453
Bootstrap 252
Bootstrap of estimate of P(x < y) 410
Bootstrap of Hodges — Lehman shift estimate 434
Bootstrap of location estimate 367
Bootstrap of maximum likelihood estimate 257
Bootstrap of method of moments estimate 250—251
Bootstrap of odds ratio estimate 496
Bootstrap of regression parameter estimate 550
Bootstrap, confidence intervals 271
Bootstrap, nonparametric 367
Bootstrap, parametric 285
Bootstrap, percentile method 272 374
Bowman 330
box 472 481
Boxplot 372
Branching process 75
Breast cancer mortality 236—37
Brittleness of nylon bars 337
Brownlee 561
Buchan 563
Buffon's Needle Problem 103
Burr 339
Burt, Cyril 315
Buzina 434
Calcium content of animal feeds 428
California lottery 12 40
Camerin 27
Campbell 477
Capture/recapture method 13
Carey 379
Catheter lengths as a function of patient's height and weight 545
Cauchy distribution 65
Cauchy distribution, generation from 95
Cauchy distribution, nonexistence of mean 114
Cauchy distribution, relation to normal 95
Central limit theorem 169
Chagnon 383
Chalmers 419
Chambers 373
Chang 562
Chapman 561
Characteristic function 148
Chebyshev's inequality 125
Chen 56 89
Chernoff 329
Chi-square distribution 59 177
Chi-square distribution expectation 178
Chi-square distribution of sample variance 181
Chi-square distribution variance 178
Chi-square distribution, approximation by normal 318
Chi-square distribution, moment generating function 178
Chi-square test of goodness of fit 241
Chi-square test of homogeneity 485
Chi-square test of independence 489
Cholesky decomposition 554
Chris 29
Chvojka 412
Classification 572 580
Cleveland 355
| Cloud seeding experiments 383 437—440
cluster sampling 224
Cobb 418
Cochran 218 233
Coefficient of determination 546
Coefficient of variation 212 399
Cogswell 562
Coin tosses 337—338
Collinearity 548
Colquhoun 50
Combinations 11
Commutative law 3
Complement 3
Completeness 285
Composite hypothesis 300
Conditional probability 16
Confidence interval 202
Confidence interval based on arithmetic mean 363
Confidence interval based on trimmed mean 368
Confidence interval for difference of means based on independent samples 388 390
Confidence interval for difference of means based on paired samples 412
Confidence interval for maximum likelihood estimate 266
Confidence interval for median 364
Confidence interval for multinomial parameters 270
Confidence interval for normal parameters 266
Confidence interval for population mean 202
Confidence interval for population total 205
Confidence interval for quantile 383
Confidence interval for ratio of variances 430
Confidence interval for regression parameters 515
Confidence interval relation to hypothesis tests 306
Confidence interval, simultaneous 452
Confounding 423
Conjugate prior 597
Consistent estimate 252
Contingency table 490
Convergence almost surely 164
Convergence in distribution 166
Convergence in probability 164
Convolution 93
Cook 552
Cornell 574
Coronary artery disease, diagnosis of 20
Correlation 132
Correlation and mean squared prediction error 142
Correlation and regression 526
Correlation and scatterplots 135
Correlation properties 133
Coupon collection 120
Covariance 129
Covariance matrix 533
Covariance matrix, change under linear transformation 534
Covariance of independent random variables 131
Covariance of linear combinations 131
Cox 432 481 507
Cramer 261
Cramer — Rao lower bound 275
Credibility interval 588
Critical value 302
Cross covariance matrix 536
Cross covariance matrix, change under linear transformation 536
Cukoo egg lengths 339
Cummings 505
Cumulative distribution function (cdf) 34
Cumulative distribution function of a continuous random variable 47
Cumulative distribution function of a discrete random variable 34
Cumulative distribution function, joint 69 73
Cumulative distribution function, marginal 74
D'Agostino 330
Dahiya 329
Dahlquist 258
David 372
Davies 473 492
Deaths at the time of Passover 335
Deaths at the time of the Harvest Moon Festival 499
Deaths from accidental falls by month 336
Decision function 571
DeHoff 88
Delta method 149 see
Demeritt 561
DeMorgan's laws 25
Density function 46
Density function, conditional 86
Density function, joint 73
Density function, marginal 75
Dependent variable in regression 507
Desirability of being a college graduate 499
Diameters and ages of trees 561
diamond 20
Diane's shower 65
Differential effect 445
Digitalis intoxication 15
Disjoint events 3
Dissociation pressure as a function of temperature 558
Distributive laws 3
Doksum 283 285 306 348 430 587
Dominate 585
Dongarra 529
Dorfman 316
Dorsal lengths of octopods 341
Double exponential distribution 107 294
Double-blind experiment 418
Dowdall 500
Draper 557
Drew 29
Drugs' effects on duration of itching 467
Drugs' effects on postoperative nausea 501
Eden 383
Education, age, and interest in political elections 502
Educational and marital status of women in Who's Who 489
Efficiency 273
Efficiency, asymptotic relative efficiency 274
Efficient 276
Efficient, asymptotically efficient 276
Efron 285
Electron cascade 147
Emont 505
Empirical cumulative distribution function (ecdf) 346
Empirical cumulative distribution function (ecdf), covariance function of 375
Empty set 3
Energy consumption of electric ranges 455
Energy consumption of gas ranges 473
Estimate standard error 198 248
Estrogen use and endometrial carcinoma 504
Ethnic backgrounds and attitudes towards womens' roles 500
Evans 297
Event 2
Expectation 111 113
Expectation interpretation as long run average 112
Expectation of functions of random variables 116 117
Expectation of linear combinations 119
Expectation of non-negative continuous random variable 155
Expectation of positive discrete random variable 154
Expectation of product of independent random variables 118
Expectation, conditional 135
Experiment 2
Exponential distribution 48
Exponential distribution cdf 48
Exponential distribution fit to durations of ion channel openings 50
Exponential distribution fit to times between alpha particle emissions 341
Exponential distribution fit to times between microearthquakes 52
Exponential distribution graph 49
Exponential distribution maximum likelihood estimate 291
Exponential distribution median 48
Exponential distribution memoryless property 49
Exponential distribution quartiles 65
Exponential distribution relation to gamma distribution 87 94
Exponential distribution relation to Poisson process 49
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