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Intriligator M.D. — Mathematical optimization and economic theory |
Предметный указатель |
Relation, asymmetric 453
Relation, equivalence 453
Relation, preordering 453
Relation, reflexive 453
Relation, symmetric 453
Relation, transitive 453
Relative prices 154
Relevant interval 294
Relevant region 180 181
Retrograde path equation 474
Returns to scale 181
Revealed preference 163—166
Revenue 202
Ridge lines 184
Routh — Hurwitz theorem 494
Rybczynski theorem 238
Saddle point 56 112
Savings ratio 438
Scarce factors 236
Second best 41 285
Separating hyperplane 462
Separatrix 471
Sequence, convergent 456
Sequence, limit 456
Servomechanism 298
Set 450
Set, complement 451
Set, convex 460
Set, countable 454
Set, difference 452
Set, disjoint 452
Set, element 450
Set, empty 451
Set, infinite 454
Set, intersection 452
Set, point 450
Set, proper subset 451
Set, subset 451
Set, sum 458
Set, union 451
Set, universal set 451
Shadow price 38 88 352
Shapley value 99
Short run 190
Simplex algorithm 40 89—95
Slack variables 49
Slutsky equation 158
Social indifference curve 285
Social welfare function 259
Solution algorithms 62—64
Solution algorithms, gradient projection method 63
Solution algorithms, initially constrained approach 62
Solution algorithms, initially unconstrained approach 62
Solution algorithms, Lagrangian differential gradient method 63
Spiral point 472
Stability of general equilibrium 241—245
Stable equilibrium 241
Stackelberg analysis of duopoly 209
Stages of production 186
State, trajectory 294
State, variable 294
State, vector 294
Static economizing problem 8
Stationary point 26
Stochastic, control 302
Stochastic, programming 69 103
Stolper — Samuelson Theorem 238
Strategy 107 373
Strategy, dominant 134
Strategy, maximin 112
Strategy, minimax 112
Strategy, mixed 114
Strategy, pure 114
Strictly determined game 113
Strong axiom of revealed preference 165
Substitute commodity 162
Substitute input 201
Substitution effect 159
Substitution possibilities 182
| Substitution theorem 254
Superior commodity 159
Supply function 192
Supporting hyperplane 461
Switching function 358
Synthesis problem 300
Tatonnement process 242
Taylor series expansion 466
technology 179 229 262 272
Terminal, state 294
Terminal, state problem 296
Terminal, surface 296
Terminal, time 294 296
Terminal, time problem 296
Theorem on the alternative for matrices 492
Theory of the firm 178—219
Theory of the firm, comparative statics of the firm 196—201
Theory of the firm, neoclassical theory of the firm 189—196
Theory of the household 142—177
Theory of the household, comparative statics of the household 154—163
Theory of the household, neoclassical problem of the household 148—154
Threat payoff 123
Time optimal control problem 298
Tornquist demand function 171
Total differential 466
Total effect 159
Trade union 3
Transportation problem 102
Transversality condition 315—317
Traveling salesman problem 101
Turnpike, property 413 435
Turnpike, theorem 435
Two person nonzero-sum games 120—123
Two person zero-sum games 110—120 373—377
Two sector growth model 416
Types of control 299—302
Upper semicontinuity of a correspondence 457
Upper semicontinuity of a function 457
Utility function 145—148
Utility function, additive 170
Utility function, Bernoulli 148
Utility function, constant elasticity 148
Utility function, indirect 172 286
Utility function, logarithmic 148
Utility function, ordinal 146
Utility function, quadratic 148
Utility function, von Neumann — Morgenstern 166—169 175
Utility possibility curve 266
Value of a game 113
Value of the marginal product 190
Vector 457
Vector maximum problem 67
Vector space 457
Vector space, basis 459
Vector space, subspace 459
Vector, addition 457
Vector, characteristic 493
Vector, linearly dependent 459
Vector, linearly independent 459
Vector, orthogonal 482
Vector, unit 478
Vector, unity 478
Vertices 74
Von Neumann model of an expanding economy 246—249
Von Neumann ray 249
von Neumann — Morgenstern solution 127
Von Neumann — Morgenstern utility 166—169 175
Vortex 472
Wage-rental ratio 419
Walras’ law 225
Weak axiom of revealed preference 165
Weak preference relation 143
Wealth of the economy 274
Weierstrass condition 312 314
Weierstrass excess function 312
Weierstrass theorem 13 303
Weierstrass — Erdmann corner conditions 312 314
Welfare economics 260—291
Zero-one normalized form 126
Zero-sum game 108
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