Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Intriligator M.D. — Mathematical optimization and economic theory |
Предметный указатель |
Golden Rule 403—404
Gossen’s law 148
Governments 4
Gradient vector 465 497
Gross investment identity 400
Gross substitute commodity 244
Group rationality 126
Half space 460
Hamilton — Jacobi equation 342
Hamiltonian function 347—351
Hawkins — Simon conditions 254 485
Hessian matrix 465 499
Homogeneous function 467
Household 4 142—177
Hyperplane 460
Hyperplane, bounding 461
Hyperplane, separating 462
Hyperplane, supporting 461
Imperfect competition 201—205 205—213
Implicit function theorem 499
Impossibility of the land of Cockaigne 272
Imputation 126
Income effect 158
Income identity 399
Increasing returns to scale 181
Independence of irrelevant alternatives 124 167
Indifference, curve 146
Indifference, relation 143
Indifference, sets 145
Indirect, utility function 172 286
Indirect, welfare function 286
Individual rationality 126
Inequality constraints 11
Inferior, commodity 159
Inferior, input 200
Infinite programming 69 103
Initial state 294
Initial time 294
Inner product 482
Input demand functions 191
Input space 178—179
Input vector 178
Input, complementary 201
Input, inferior 200
Input, substitute 201
Input-output, production function 187
Input-output, technology economy 227
Input-output, vector 270
Institutional economics 4
Institutions of the economy 3—4
Instruments 2 8 20 44 73 292
Integer linear programming 103
Interest, rate 250
Interior of a set 455
Interior point 455
Intermediate function 296
Intermediate good 271
Inventory theory 41—42
Investment good 417
Isocost 192
Isoperimetric problem 318
Isoquant 182
Jacobian assumption 31
Jacobian matrix 499
Key theorem 492
Kinky demand curve 217
Kronecker delta 156
Kuhn — Tucker, conditions 49—56
Kuhn — Tucker, theorem 56—60
Lagrange multipliers 31 33
Lagrange multipliers, interpretation 36—38 60—62 86—89
Lagrange multipliers, method 28—36 50 56 79 346—348
Lagrangian function 31 33 50—51 56 79 346—348
Lange — Lerner prices 285
Laplace criterion 134
Law of diminishing returns 181
Le Chatelier principle 41
Least squares 42—43 66
Least squares criterion 298
Least upper bound 456
Legendre condition 312 314
Leontief equation 228
Lexicographic preferences 175
Limit of a sequence 456
Limit point of a set 456
Linear decision rule 377
Linear equations 488
Linear inequalities 491
Linear production function 187
Linear programming 11 12 72—105
Linear programming, dual problem 69 77 77—79
Linear programming, infinite 103
Linear programming, integer 103
Linear programming, primal problem 77
Linear programming, stochastic 103
Linear tatonnement system 243
Linear transformation 459
Lipschitz condition 469
Local maximum 13
Local-global theorem 15
Locally stable equilibrium 242
Logarithmic utility function 148
Long run 189
Long-run expansion path 193
Lottery 166
Lower semicontinuity of a correspondence 457
Lower semicontinuity of a function 457
Lyapunov function 469
Lyapunov second method 469
Main equation 393
Marginal product 180 18$
Marginal rate of substitution 170 265
Marginal rate of technical substitution 264
Marginal revenue 202
Marginal revenue product 203
Marginal social significance 267
Marginal utility 146
Marginal utility of money 152
Market demand 174
Market failure 278—279
Mathematical programming problem 8—19
Matrix 476—500
Matrix, addition 480
Matrix, adjoint 487
Matrix, block diagonal 479
Matrix, block triangular 479
Matrix, decomposable 483
Matrix, diagonal 478
Matrix, game 111
Matrix, Hessian 465 485
Matrix, idempotent 482
Matrix, identity 478
Matrix, indecomposable 484
Matrix, inverse 487
Matrix, Jacobian 499
Matrix, Leontief 477
Matrix, Markov 477
Matrix, modal 495
Matrix, multiplication 480
Matrix, multiplier 229
Matrix, negative definite 496
Matrix, nonsingular 487
Matrix, order 476
Matrix, orthogonal 483
Matrix, partitioned 479
Matrix, permutation 479
Matrix, positive definite 496
Matrix, powers 481
Matrix, principal diagonal 477
Matrix, rank 486
| Matrix, scatter 483
Matrix, similar 488
Matrix, skew-symmetric 483
Matrix, symmetric 482
Matrix, time-series data 477
Matrix, trace 484
Matrix, transpose 482
Matrix, triangular 478
Matrix, zero 478
Maximax criterion 134
Maximaximum strategy 112
Maximum flow problem 102
Maximum principle 344—369
Method of artificial variables 103
Method of Lagrange multipliers 28—36
Method of least squares 42
Metric 454
Metric space 454
Minimax criterion 134
Minimax strategy 112
Minimax theorem 115
Minimaximum principle 374
Minimum effort control problem 299
Minors 485
Minors, ij minor 486
Minors, leading principal 485
Minors, principal 485
Mixed strategies 114
Money rate of interest 286
Monopolist, discriminating 217
Monopoly 201
Monopsony 201
Move of a game 107
Multiproduct firm 216
Multistage optimization problems 333
Multivariate regression 42
Nash cooperative solution 123
Negotiation set 124
Neoclassical growth model 399—405
Neoclassical optimal economic growth 405—416
Node, stable 471
Nonbasic variables 91
Noncooperative game 108 387—388
Nondegeneracy assumption 100
Noninferior set 145
Nonlinear programming 10 11 44—71
Nonlinear programming, infinite 69
Nonlinear programming, stochastic 69
Nonnegative orthant 46 492
Nonnegativity constraints 11 12
Nonsatiation 146
Nonstrictly determined game 113
Nonzero-sum game 108
Norm 460
Normal commodity 159
Normal equations 42
Normalized prices 235
Normative rules 6
Numeraire 154
Objective constants 73
Objective function 2 9 20 44 292
Objective functional 296
Odd man out 136
Oligopoly 205
Oligopoly and oligopsony 205—213
Oligopsony 205
Open loop control 299
Open set 455
Opportunity set 2 9 21 46 74 292
Optimal economic growth 398—448
Optimal lot size problem 41
Optimal performance function 328
Optimality over time 279—282
Optimization, dynamic 292—395
Optimization, static 8—139
Ordered pair 452
Ordering relation 453
Ordering relation, strong 453
Ordering relation, weak 453
Ordinal utilities 146
Ordinal utility function 146
Outer product 482
Output supply function 192
Outward pointing normal 54 85
Own rate of interest 286
Pareto, indifferent 282
Pareto, optimum 258 276 282
Pareto, superior 282
Payoff 106
Payoff, frontier 124
Payoff, function 106
Payoff, matrix 109
Perfect information 108 372
Pivot transformation 91
Play of a game 107
Player 106
Point rationing 173 216
Portfolio selection problem 67—68
Preference direction 16 22 46 75
Preference relation 143—148
Preference set 145
Preordering 144
Price line 278
Price program 281
Prices, adjusted 232
Prices, compensated change in 156
Prices, Lange — Lerner 285
Prices, relative 154
Prices, shadow 38 88 352
Primal problem 77
Principal diagonal 477
Principle of optimality 327
Principle of reciprocity 318
Problem of Bolza 296
Problem of Lagrange 296
Problem of Mayer 296
Problem of the second best 41
Product curve 184
Product curve, average 184
Product curve, marginal 184
Production frontier 277
Production function 178—189 189—196
Production function, activity analysis 187 189
Production function, Cobb — Douglas 187 189
Production function, constant elasticity of substitution (CES) 187 189
Production function, input-output 187 189
Production function, linear 187 188
Production possibilities set 270
Production possibility curve 262
Production set 180
Production surface 234
Profit 189
Proportionality equations 228
Public good 279
Pure exchange economy 249
Pure strategies 114
Pursuit games 377—383
Quadratic form 495—496
Quadratic, programming 65
Quadratic, utility function 148
Quasi-concave, function 464
Quasi-concave, programming 66 69
Quasi-convex function 464
Rate of balanced growth 248
Reachable state vector 295
Reaction curves 208
Real income 154
Reduction of compound lotteries 167
Relation 452
Relation, antisymmetric 453
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