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Gabbay D.M., Hogger C.J., Robinson J.A. — Handbook of Logic in Artificial Intelligence and Logic Programming: Volume 5: Logic Programming |
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Model-state, of disjunctive logic program 332
modus ponens see "Cut elimination" "Resolution
MTOSS deduction 180
MU-Prolog 622
Multiple-infix notation 4
N-Prolog 212 213 230
N-Prolog with quantifiers [QN-Prolog] 215
N-Prolog, propositional 214
NAF see "Negation as failure" "Negation
Naive implicational computation 53
Naive implicational computation with failure 53—54
Naming relation 423
narrowing 149
Natural language understanding, use of abduction 243
Near-Horn Prolog [nH-Prolog] 213 219—229 230
Near-Horn Prolog [nH-Prolog], intuitionistic soundness 220
Negation as failure [NAF; NF] 254—257 356—359 see
Negation as failure [NAF; NF] and 3-valued logic 390—391
Negation as failure [NAF; NF] and default abduction 307
Negation as failure [NAF; NF] as modal provability notion 406
Negation as failure [NAF; NF], 3-valued semantics 262
Negation as failure [NAF; NF], abductive interpretation 255—256
Negation as failure [NAF; NF], abductive, proof procedures 309
Negation as failure [NAF; NF], argumentation-theoretic interpretation 263—267 308
Negation as failure [NAF; NF], common-sense axiomatization 308
Negation as failure [NAF; NF], deductive calculi 409—412
Negation as failure [NAF; NF], incompleteness for 2-valued models 386
Negation as failure [NAF; NF], incompleteness for Clark completion 359
Negation as failure [NAF; NF], reasons for using 356
Negation as failure [NAF; NF], satisfactory, in completion 428
Negation as failure [NAF; NF], SLDNF-resolution 367—370
Negation as failure [NAF; NF], soundness for Clark completion 358 376
Negation as failure [NAF; NF], soundness for closed world assumption 357
Negation as failure [NAF; NF], used with caution 365
Negation as finite failure [NAF] 338 339
Negation, constructive 402—406
Negation, infeasibility of classical 365
Negation, semantics, in terms of classes of models 393—402
Negation, semantics, using non-classical logics 363—364
Negation, semantics, using special models 362—363
Negative call evaluation 368
Negative consequences, semantics 340
Negative sequential-or 146
NF see "Negation as failure"
nH-Prolog see "Near-Horn Prolog"
Non-monotonic logic 302 337
Non-monotonic reasoning 310 349
Non-standard procedural semantics, optimizing 491
Non-strictness, in equational logic programming 72
Nondeterminism 619
Normal form 70 83
Normal form for term 29
Normal form, uniqueness 83—84
Normal program 374
Normal program, correctness theorems 735 738 740 741
Notation, computational 2 3—6
Notation, logical 2 3—6
NR-Prolog 218
Object language 428
Objective formula 408
Omega-order predicate calculus 23
One-step strategy 97
options 661
Options, analysis of trading 661—664
Options, valuations 676
Oriented clause set 172
Orthogonality 85 96
Ostrich 293—294
OTAS 661
Overlaps 108—110
Paraconsistent logic 290
Parallel implementation of rewriting systems 139—140
Paramodulation 134—136
Partial completion 391
Partial deduction 481 764
Partial evaluation 481 764—771
Partial evaluation, approaches to 769
Partial evaluation, correctness 767
Passive constraint 645
Path compression 132
Perfect model 342 363 397 399 402 409
Pierce, C.S. 236
Pierce’s law 218
Planning, use of abduction 243
polymorphic types 454
Positive consequences, semantics 337
Positive Herbrand universe 523
Predicate calculus with equality 36—37
Predicate variable, extensional occurrence 509
Predicate variable, intensional occurrence 509—510
Predicate, reflective 448—453
Preferred explanations 237
Preferred extension semantics 297
Principal normal form 515
Probability theory, as alternative to common sense 244
Program clause 503
Program transformation 426 478—480 697—700
Program transformation, correctness 698
Program transformation, efficiency 698
Program transformation, formalization 699—700
Program transformation, objectives 699—700
Program transformation, reversible 716—719
Program transformation, rule 697 701
Program transformation, schemata approach 700
Program, analysis 772
Program, construction from modules 468—470
Program, improvement of efficiency 747—760
Program, specialization 426 478—480 481 765
Program, synthesis 773
Program, updating 471—473
Programming in FOPC 15
Programming system 37 44—49
Programming system and proof and query systems 51—53 55
Programming system, completeness 49—56
Programming system, determinate 45
Programming system, deterministic 45
Programming system, soundness 49—56
Programming, compositional style 752
Progressive nH-Prolog 223
Progressive search 223—224
Projection algorithm 640—643
PROLOG 2 15 21—23 186 325 500
Prolog as CLP language 596—597
Prolog II 622
Prolog Technology Theorem Prover 182
Prolog, development 429—430
Prolog, execution 651
Prolog, meta-programming 439—440
Prolog, notations in typical implementations 22
Prolog, removal of meta-programming overhead 431
Prolog, unsoundness 359
Proof calculus 38
Proof normalization 56
Proof procedure 163
Proof strategies for logic programming 56—57
Proof system 11 37—40
Proof system for SIC 38
Proof system, compact 37
Proof system, completeness 40—43
Proof system, soundness 40—43
Proof system, versus programming system 55
Proof theory 7 39 56
Proof, Hilbert-style 38
Proof, linear 38
Proof, natural-deduction style 38—39
Proof, uniform 196—198 213 230
Protected data 373
Provability, classical equivalent to intuitionistic, for Horn clauses 534—537
Provability, distinctions between sorts of 206
Provable correctness of answer 43
| Provable-consequence relation 40
Pure lazy Lisp 22
Pure Prolog 22 190 732 736
QN-Prolog 213 215
QN-Prolog, soundness and completeness 217
QNR-Prolog 219
Quantification over function symbols 209
Quantification over function variables 561
Quantification over functions 509
Quantification over predicates 505—509
Quantifiers, universal, in goals 574—577
Query 503
Query system 11—15 37
Query, allowed 391
Query, notations for, in relational database systems 25
Question 3
Question as formula 12
Question in query system 11
Question, determination of 33—34
Quick-checking CLP system 614
raising 210
Re-representation 444
Reachable parameters 118
Recursion removal 761—763
Recursive inseparability 101
Redex 97
Redex, needed 102 103
Reduction, in model elimination procedure 182—183
Reflective predicate 425 434—439 457
Reflective principle 425
Reflective Prolog 424 463 466
Reflective requirement 462
Regularity 85
Relational algebra 27
relational calculus 25 27
Relational database 15 23—28
Relational database, pure 24
Relational logic programming 151—153
Relevance Theory 248
Replacement law, validity 721—723
Representation, non-ground 431—434
Resolution inference rule 166
Resolution procedure, first-order 173—175
Resolution proof procedure 164
Resolution with merging 179—180
Restart rule 218
Restricting operation 712
Restriction site mapping [RSM] 668—669
Retractability 280
Retractability semantics 282
Rewrite-ambiguity 88—90
Rewrite-orthogonality 85
Rewriting logic 151
Rewriting sequence, completeness 97—100
Rewriting, optimal 106—108
Robinson’s arithmetic 19
RSM see "Restriction site mapping"
Rule-orthogonality 85 86 91
Rummage sale 137
s-linear resolution 170
s-resolution 176—179
Satisfaction completeness 606
Scheduling problems 670—671
Schema 760—761
Scheme 500
Scoping mechanism 209
Scoping mechanism, realization 207
Search problems 665—675
Search procedure, depth-first 168—169
SECD machine 138
Semantic correctness of answer 43
Semantic entailment 6
Semantic system 7—11 37
Semantic system, intuitive evaluation 42
Semantic-consequence relation 9
Semantics 7
Semantics, abductive 267
Semantics, answer set 289—290
Semantics, denotational 57 328
Semantics, fixpoint 328 329—330
Semantics, logical 2 57
Semantics, model-theoretic 328
Semantics, procedural 328
Semantics, proof theoretic 328
Semantics, relevant 707
Semantics, specifcation view 241
Semi-strict program 361 392—393
Semicomputable relation 3
Sentence 18
Sequent 195
Sequent calculus 517—518
Sequent derivation 39
Sequent-style proof systems 195—198
Sequentiality see "Strong sequentiality" "Weak
Sequentiality analysis 102
Sequentiality analysis, extensions 108—111
Set, decidable 3
Shallow implicational calculus [SIC] 8 9
Shallow implicational calculus [SIC], completeness 41
Shallow implicational calculus [SIC], soundness 41
Shallow implicational-conjunctive calculus [SICC] 14
Sharing, dynamic exploitation 133—134
SIC see "Shallow implicational calculus"
SICC see "Shallow implicational-conjunctive calculus"
Simplex algorithm 631 634 636
Skolem conjunctive form 165
Skolem — Herbrand — Goedel theorem 174
Skolemization, dynamic 210
SL-resolution 164 175 185
SLD 239
SLD derivation 329
SLD-resolution 163—164 187 189—190 229 328—329 see
SLD-resolution, important properties 220
SLDNF 239 260
SLDNF, computation space 259—260
SLDNF-resolution 359
SLDNF-resolution, completeness for Clark completion 361—362
SLDNF-resolution, incompleteness for closed world assumption 373
SLDNF-resolution, soundness with respect to Clark completion in 3-valued logic 390—391
SLI-derivation 334—335
SLI-resolution 333
SLINF-resolution 339
Solution compactness 605—606
Soundness of programming system 50
Special notations 6
Specialization of interpreter 482—484
Specialization of resolution procedure 484—485
Specialization, compared to compilation 487—488
Specializers, self-applicable 488—489
Stable model 256—257 342 401 402
Stable semantics 301
Stable set of assumptions 302
Stable state 345
Stable theory 265
Stationary semantics 347
Sterile jar problem 203—205
Stock cutting 666—667
Strategies for transformation 742
Stratification semantics 345
Stratified program 362 391—393 399 437n
Stream 73
Strict function 71
Strict program 393
Strictly normal equality formula 404
Strictness analysis 111 139
Strong sequentiality 103—104 105
Strong sequentiality, decidability 105
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