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Gabbay D.M., Hogger C.J., Robinson J.A. — Handbook of Logic in Artificial Intelligence and Logic Programming: Volume 5: Logic Programming
Gabbay D.M., Hogger C.J., Robinson J.A. — Handbook of Logic in Artificial Intelligence and Logic Programming: Volume 5: Logic Programming

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Название: Handbook of Logic in Artificial Intelligence and Logic Programming: Volume 5: Logic Programming

Авторы: Gabbay D.M., Hogger C.J., Robinson J.A.


Logic is now widely recognized as one of the foundational disciplines of computing and has applications in virtually all aspects of the subject, from software engineering and hardware to programming languages and artificial intelligence. The Handbook of Logic in Artificial Intelligence and its companion The Handbook of Logic in Computer Science were created in response to the growing need for an in-depth survey of these applications. This handbook comprises five volumes, each an in-depth overview of one of the major topics in this area. The result of years of cooperative effort by internationally renowned researchers, it will be the standard reference work in AI for years to come. Volume 5 focuses on logic programming. The chapters, which in many cases are of monograph length and scope, emphasize possible unifying themes.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1998

Количество страниц: 815

Добавлена в каталог: 01.12.2013

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Strong well-founded semantics      347
Structure      519—522
Subpattern set      124—128 129
Subset logic      149—151
Subset logic programming      150
Subsumption      618—619 see "
Subsumption elimination      167
Subsumption, computational hardness of checking      618
Supercombinator method      137
Supported Herbrand model      395
Supported state      345
Suspension      130
Syntax      7
system      423
T&S-folding      726
t-clause      333
Tactic      556
Tactic, implementation      556—559
Tactical      556
Tactical implementation      556—559
Tail-recursive program, recognition problem      570 573
Tautology, detection      13
template      571
Templog      664
Temporal reasoning      664—665
Term data structures, logical interpretation      117—120
Term rewriting      57 78
Term rewriting proof as shorthand for inferential proof      78 80
Term rewriting proof in equational logic      74 75—78 78—81
Term rewriting proof, status of Symmetric rule      80
Term rewriting, choice of redex to rewrite      100
Term rewriting, proof strategies using      96—108
Term, value of      17 129
Theory, decidable      3
Three wise men problem      473—477
Three-valued logic      364 385—391
Thunk      130
Tigre system      138
Time stamp      644
TM      see "Truth maintenance"
Top-down execution, for CLP systems      611—615
Top-down refutation      172
TOSS deduction      178—179
TOSS refutation      183
Tours protocol      146
Tranfac-derivation      334
Transformation      see also "Program transformation"
Transformation rule      704—715
Transformation rule, correctness      715—742
Transformation rule, correctness, for definite programs      723—726
Transformation strategies      697 699 701
Transformation, schema-based      760—761
Tree isomorphism algorithm      133
Truss structures, use of CLP      675—676
Truth maintenance system      249 310
Truth maintenance system, semantics      303
Truth maintenance [TM], and abduction      303—307
Tupling      753
Tupling strategy      702 743 745 746
Type theory      23
Typed interpretation of meta-program      434 438
Typed lambda-calculus      39 510
Types, in functional programming language      582—584
Unfolding      721—723
Unfolding rule      701 707—709
Unfolding rule, partial correctness      701
Unfolding selection rule      746
Unfolding step      478—480
Unfolding tree      745
Unification algorithm      118
Unification problem, higher-order, undecidability of existence      538
Unifiers, search for      538—541
Uniform proof      196—198 213 230
Unit nH-Prolog      223 227
Universal query problem      399
Unnecessary variable elimination      753
Value of a term      17 129
Value trail      644
Variable, bound      17
Variable, free      17
View updates      247
Wakeup      645
Wakeup conditions      647
Wakeup system      646—648
Wakeup system, implementation      648—650
Wakeup, implementation      645
Warren Abstract Machine      138 171 182 651
Weak generalized closed world assumption [WGCWA]      339
Weak sequentiality      102 103
Weakly complete programming system      50
Weakly perfect model      399 401 437n
Weakly stratified program      399 401
Well-founded model      264 400 402
Well-founded semantics      266
Well-founded semantics for logic programs      348
WGCWA      see "Weak generalized closed world assumption"
Yale Shooting Problem      252—253 258—259 305
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