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Berlekamp E.R., Conway J.H., Guy R.K. — Winning Ways for your mathematical plays |
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Moves, good 16 196
Moves, half 4 19 20
Moves, hotter 173
Moves, quarter 6 20
Moves, reversible 55 56 60 62—64 66 70 71 75 77 126 212 213
Moves, temperature-selected 132
Moves, three-quarters 17
Moves, worthwhile 213—216
Mueller, Martin 18 188
Multiples of positive games 256
Multiples of up 71 242 247 256 258
Multiples, fractional & non-integer 236
Multiples, fractional and non-integer 256
Munro, Ian 226
Musical series 96 117
Negative 28
Negative charge 254
negative numbers 19 147 148
Negative of a game 33—35
Negative position 28
Negative positions 29 30 68
Neyman, A. 117
NIM 15 40 42 53 55 56 114 173 191 240
Nim in hot games 173
Nim, Double Duplicate 114
Nim, Duplicate 114 116
Nim, Lasker's 99 113 114
Nim, Poker 53 55
Nim, Triplicate 114 116
Nim-addition 58 59 73 74 90 109 110 116 191—196 199 246
Nim-Addition Rule 60
Nim-Addtion Rule 59
Nim-heaps 41 42 56—59 82
Nim-heaps, bogus 56 57
Nim-position 41
Nim-sequence 82 84 86 87 94 98 99 101 103—105 107—109 113 114 116
Nim-sum 59 73 74 82 90 91 109—112
Nim-values 82 84 86 87 90—96 98 99 110—117 191—196 230
Nim-values, doubling 94
Nim-values, duplication 94 98 99 114 116
Nim-values, halving 195
Nim-values, periodic 84 86 91 92 94 98 99 101 103—105 107—110 112—117
Nim-values, reflected 109
Nim-values, replication 98
Nimber 231 258
Nimber arithmetic 42
Nimbers 40—42 56 57 65 74 84 110 119 199 200 262
Nimbers, adding 42 58
Node, tinted 48
Nodes, Col 47—51
Nodes, explosive 49 50
Nodes, game positions 40
Nodes, Hackenbush 191—194 201 202 204 222
Nodes, Snort 147 180
Nodes, tinted 204 206 208—210 222
Nodes, untinted 204 209 210
Non-number 147 148 159 160
Normal play 12 14
Northcott's Game 55
Norton's Lemma 220 243 244
Norton's product 247 256
Norton, Simon 145 168 188 247 256
Norton, Simon P. 220 243 244
Noughts-and-Crosses = Tic-Tac-Toe 14
Nowakowski, Richard Joseph 18 117 118 144 188 225 226
NP-complete 217 224 226
NP-hard 224 225
Number Avoidance Theorem 147—149 183
Number system, Hackenbush 78
Number tree and line 24
Numbers 22 119
Numbers, canonical form 22
Numbers, evil 110
numbers, negative 19
Numbers, odious 110
Numbers, overheated 176
Numbers, simplest 19 21 22
Numbers, Surreal 18
Numbers, thermographic thicket of 176
Numbers, triangular 254
Numbers, whole 19
O'Beirne, Thomas H. 79 118
Obtuse triangles 254
Octal games 101 103—105 107—116 262
Odious numbers 110
Officers = 6 95
Omar 42 72 109 138 188 262
ONAG = On Numbers and Games 18 22 48 52 78 117 139 144 188 193 225 234 236 262
One-upmanship Rule 242
Opposite sex 179
Option 14 154 155
Option, dominated 62 63 75 77 149
Option, Left 31 32
Option, reversible 60 62—64 70 71 75 77
Option, Right 31 32
Optional extras 84
Options, worthwhile 213—215
Ordinal addition 220
Ordinal sum 220
Ordinary sum 220 221
Outcome 28 35
Outcome classes 28 84
Outcome of sum 31 32
Overheating 174 176 187
Overheating operator 188
Ozery, M. 79
Pairing Property, Ferguson's 86
Parcels 187
Paricles 167
Parity 73 234
Parity Principle 191 194
Parted jungle 201 202 209
Particle 168—170
Partizan 15 65 187
Paths = tracks 193 202 204 222
Patience = Solitaire 15
Paul, Wolfgang J. 226
Pawns 89
Peek 224
Peg Solitaire 15
Pencil-and-paper game 1
periodicity 90—94 99 101 109 113—115 117 236
Periodicity, arithmetic 99 113—117 144 187
Periodicity, Blockbusting 187
Periodicity, Dawson's Chess 90 91
Periodicity, Domineering 144 187
Periodicity, Guiles 94
Periodicity, Kayles 91 92
Periodicity, non-arithmetic 115
Periodicity, octal games 101 103—105 107—109 113—115
Periodicity, subtraction games 84 86
Periodicity, ultimate 99 101 112
Perpetual check = draw 14
Petal 33 47 66 67 199 201 240 245
Petals 29 30
Phase change 167 168
Phase change, latent 168
Picture 1 2 192
Picture of farm life 145 146
Picture, childish 43
Picture, grown-up 43
Piebald node 47 48
Piebald spot 145—147
Pink, Norbert 117
Plambeck, Thane 109 112 117
Play, infinite 14
Play, misere 15
Play, normal 12 14
Player, first 28—30
Player, second 28—30
| Playing the averages 167 173
Ploy, Blue Flower 199 201 240 242
Ploy, Blue Jungle 201 210
Ploy, Red Jungle 210
Poker 15
Poker-Nim 53
Policy, Temperature 124 125 131 132
Polyominoes 139 142
Poroof 213
Position, active 149 150
Position, Domineering 120 121 139 142 144 153 177
Position, fuzzy 28 32 33
Position, hot 149
Position, loopy 16 188
Position, negative 28—30 68
Position, positive 28 68
Position, terminal 2 7 14 28 41
Position, zero 3
Positive 28
Positive charge 254
Positive house 38
Positive house and garden 33
Positive position 28
Positive positions 68
Positive posy 29 30 33
Prim 98
Prince of Mathematicians 254
Principle, Bogus Nim-heap 56
Principle, Colon 191 193 194 220
Principle, Death Leap 127—130 135
Principle, Enough Rope 16
Principle, Exchange 246
Principle, Fusion 192—195
Principle, Gift Horse 72 77
Principle, Parity 191 194
Principle, Star Shifting 250 258
Principle, Translation 149 153 158
Principle, Uppitiness Exchange 246
Problems, hard 223 224
Profit 161
Profit-consciousness 171
proof 115 147 148 165 166 183 188 201 212 214 216 217 220 221 224 236 240 248—250 256—259
Propp, James 118
PSPACE-complete 224 226
PSPACE-hard 224
Purchasing contract 127
Purple mountain 198 199
Pursuit 15
Quadruple Kayles 99
Quantity beats quality 201
Quarter-move 6 19 20
Quotation marks = eccentric cases 231 232
Rare values 110—112
Reader, assiduous 42
Reader, persevering 90
Reader, skeptical 130
Real number fine 24
Rectangles 25—27 142 234 236
Red edges 2 198 230 237
Red Jungle Ploy 210
Red tinted nodes 48 204
Red twig 213
Redwood bed 211 213—217 222
Redwood furniture 211—217 222
Redwood tree 214—217
Redwood twig 213 216
references 18 52 78 117 144 188 225 262
Reflexion of nim-values 109
Reisch, Stefan 226
Remote star 230—232 236 237 239 240 243—251 258 259
Remote Star Test 246 248 249
Remoteness 173
Replication of nim-values 98
Resetting the thermostat 185
Restricted Translation Rule 261
Reversible moves 55 56 60 62—64 66 70 71 75 77 126 212
Reversible option 75 77
Right 2
Right boundary 154—156 164 169 170
Right excitable 158 159
Right slant 158 159
Right stop 149 150 152 163
Right-excitable 169 170
Rip Van Winkle's Game = Kayles 82
Rita 25 51 234
Robertson, Edward 226
Robson, J.M. 226
Rule, Atomic Weight 242
Rule, Berlekamp's 77 78
Rule, Difference 74
Rule, Flow 201 202 204 210
Rule, Go "dialects" 16
Rule, Mex 56
Rule, Misere Play 15
Rule, Nim-Addition 59 60 73 74
Rule, Normal Play 12 14
Rule, One-upmanship 242
Rule, Restricted Translation 261
Rule, Simplicity 22 24 25 27 39 45 48
Rule, Two-Ahead 199 200 242 246 249
Rule, With 256 257
Rule, Without 256 257
Rule, Wythoff's Difference 74
Ruler function 98
Rules 14
Saltus 99 114 117 144 187
Sarsfield, Richard 79
Saskatchewan landscape 157
Scale, Grundy 87 90 91 94 96 101
Schaefer, Thomas J. 109 118 224 226 227
Schaeffer, Jonathan 18
Schaer, Jonathan 43
Schuh, Fred. 118
Scissors-Paper-Stone 15
Scorer, R.S. 117
Seasoned campaigner 164
Seating Boys and Girls 132 133 179 261
Seating Couples 44 45 95 132 133 261
Seating Families 95 261
Second cousin 101 103—105 107 109 114 116
Second player wins 28—30
Sente 161 188
Sentestrat 188
Set, empty 82
Set, subtraction 84 86
Set, variation 220 221
Seven-up 218 225
Severed head 205 220 221
Sex, opposite 132 261
Shakespeare, William 145
She-Loves-Me, She-Loves-Me-Not 67 262
She-Loves-Me-Constantly, e.g. 51 101 103
She-Loves-Me; She-Loves-Me-Not, e.g. 05 109 114 116
Shifting by stars 250 258
Shifting infinitesimally 177 198
Short hot games 225
Short-sighted view 159 160
Silber, Robert 79
Simplest form 19 22 71
Simplest number 19 21 22
simplicity 19 21 22
Simplicity Rule 22 24 25 27 39 45 48
Simplifying games 60 62 63 75 77
Singapore 16
Sipser, Michael 224 226
Sir Williams, Charles Hanbury 119
Ski-Jumps 7 9—11 14 15 19 27 40
Skittles 81
Slant, right = correct 163
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