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Berlekamp E.R., Conway J.H., Guy R.K. — Winning Ways for your mathematical plays |
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Fraenkel, Aviezri S. 18 78 224 226
Freezing point 154 168—172
French Military Hunt 15
Fulkerson, Delbert Ray 205 212 225
Function, mating 193
Function, ruler 98
Function, Welter 193
Furniture, redwood 211 212 213—217 222
Fusion 192—196
Fuzzy 28 42
Fuzzy flowers 29 30
Fuzzy games 28—33 35 36 39 42 239
Fuzzy positions 28 32 33
Gale, David 117
Gallimaufry 68 75
Galvin, Fred 253
Galvinized games 253 254
Game in the jungle 209
Game locator 103 109 113
Game of pursuit 15
Game trees 40
Game, big 65 75 202 206 222
Game, Bynum's = Eatcake 136
Game, cold 145
Game, comparisons of 35
Game, compendium 109
Game, compound 31
Game, coolest 173
Game, eating 136 234
Game, equitable 157—161 169 170 172
Game, eternal 46
Game, Ex-Officers 101 103
Game, excitable 157—161 169—172
Game, finite 46 115
Game, fuzzy 28—33 35 36 39 42 239
Game, galvinized 253 254
Game, Grundy's 15 96 112
Game, hard 211 217 223
Game, hexadecimal 116 117
Game, hot 125 133 145—174 176—185 187 225
Game, identification 65
Game, impartial 15 40 56 82 84 196 220
Game, Kenyon's 116 117
Game, loopy 15
Game, map-coloring 38 145
Game, negative of 33—35
Game, Northcott's 55
Game, octal 101 103—105 107—116
Game, ordinal sum 220
Game, partizan 15 65 187
Game, short hot 225
Game, simplifying 60 62 63 75 77
Game, subtraction 84 86 87 98
Game, switch 121—125
Game, take-and-break 81 82 84 86 87 89—96 98 99 101 103—105 107—117
Game, take-away 82 84 86 87 98 101
Game, tiniest 125 126
Game, tracking 65 222
Game, Wythoff's 15 60 74
Game, zero 4 9 28 33 41
Gamesman's Toolkit 142 144
Gangolli, Anil 109 112 117
Garden 33 199 229 230 240
Garden, flower 190 199
Gardner, Martin 18 52 144
Garey, Michael R. 217 224 226
Gasser, Ralph 18
Gates, Carrie 117
Gauss, Carl Friedrich 254
Gee-up 247
Generalized Geography 224
Generalized Kayles 224
Geranium 47 199 242
Gift horse 72 77
Gift Horse Principle 72 77
Giraffe 205 206
Glass, magnifying 151
Go 16 18 161 187 188 224 226
Go-Moku 14
Gobang 226
Godd 195 226
Godd's label 195
Goebel, Fritz 118
Golden number 75
Goldschmidt, E. 226
Golomb, Solomon W. 117
GONC = Games of No Chance 18 79 118 188 226
Good move 16 22 196
Good, Irving John 226
Graph 145—147
Graph, bipartite 217 224
Graph, spanning tree of 217 224
Graphic picture of farm life 145 146
Grass 40 42 199 240 242
Green chain 40
GrEen edge 230
Green edges 29 30 33 41 190—196 198—202 204—206 210 211 218 220 221 225 237 251
Green Girl 192 193
Green Hackenbush 39—42 190—196 225
Green jungle 198 199 201 220 221
Green shrub 193
Green snake 40
Green string 243 244
Green tinted nodes 204
green tracks 202 204
Green trees 191—193
Greenwood tree 34
Greenwood trees 34
Grounded cycles 196
Grounding cycles 193
Grown-up picture 43
Grundy scale 87 90 91 94 96 101
Grundy Skayles 91
Grundy's Game 15 96 112
Grundy, Patrick Michael 42 56 79 117 220 221
Guiles = 15 94 101 103
Guy, Michael John Thirian 112
Guy, Richard Kenneth 18 89 99 109 117 118 144
Hackenbush 1—6 14 19 20 28 42 43 75 190—196 198—202 204—206 208—218 220—222 224 225 240
Hackenbush Hotchpotch 29 30 38 47 66—68 198—202 204—206 208—211 225 230 238 251
Hackenbush is hard 211 217
Hackenbush number system 78
Hackenbush picture 1 2
Hackenbush string 22 24 77 78 194 195
Hackenbush, Blue-Red 1 2 4—6 15 17 20 22 27 29—33 35 36 42 77 198 200 211—217 224
Hackenbush, Childish 43 52 157 237
Hackenbush, Green 39—42 190—196 225
Half-move 4 7 9 19 20
Halving nim-values 195
Hanner, Olof 188
Hard game 211 217 222 223
Hard problems 223—225
Hard redwood bed 217 222
Hard-headed 171
Hardness 211 217 223—225
Hawaii 16
Hazlitt, William 1
Head, animal's 205
Head, girl's 193 196
Head, losing your 222
Head, severed 205 220—222
Head, shrunken 220 221
Heat 125 132 145
Heating 167 173
heirarchy 96
Heptominoes 139
Heuristic discussion 158 159
HEX 226
Hexadecimal games 116 117
| Hexominoes 139
Hickerson, Dean 51
Higher ground 209
Hillman, A.P. 79
Hockey 15
Hoey, Dan 112
Hoggatt, Vern E. 79
Holladay, John C. 118
Hollyhocks 36
Honest Joe 158 159
Horadam, A.F. 79
Horse 27 28
Horse, gift 72 77
Horse, working out a 28
HOT 125 133 145 149 151 171 173 225
Hot battle 145
Hot game 125 133 145 171 173 225
Hot position 149
Hotchpotch, Childish Hackenbush 236—238
Hotchpotch, Hackenbush 38 47 66—68 198—202 204—206 208—211 225 230 238 251
Hotstrat 188
House 43
House and Garden 33
Imminent jump 9—11
Impartial 15 40 56 82 84 196 220
Impartial Domineering = Cram 142 144
Impartial Maundy Cake 196
Incentive 147 148 256—259
Incomparable 35
Induction 115 234
Infinite delphinium 47
Infinite geranium 47
Infinite play = draw 14
Infinite repetition 14
Infinitesimal 36 169 170 173 229
Infinitesimally close 151 152 154
Infinitesimally shifted 177—179 198
Infinitesimally small 158
Infinitesimals 171
Inglis, Nick 51
integral 167—174 176—179
Interval, confusion 121 149—151 158 163
Invoices and cheques 126
Irregular values 90—92 101 108 187
Ish = Infinitesimally SHifted 177—179 198
Iverson, K.E. 51
Japan 16
Jmnpee 11
Johnson, David S. 217 224 226
Jumper 9
Jungle warfare tactics 210
Jungle, clearing 222
Jungle, green 198 201 220 221
Jungle, parted 201 202 209
Jungle, sliding 199 220 221
Jungle, smart game in 209
Jungle, tracking 204
Jungle, unparted 210
Kano, M. 118
Kao Kuo-Yuen 188
Karp, Richard M. 217 224 226
Kayles 224
Kayles = 77 15 81 82 89 91—93 95 99 110—112
Kayles, Dawson's 261
Kayles, Dawson's = 07 15 90 93 95 101 109
Kayles, Double 99
Kayles, Duplicate 99
Kayles, Quadruple 99
Kayles, Triplicate Dawson's 261
Kenyon's Game 116 117
Kenyon, John Charles 109 115 118
Kim, Yonghoan 18 144
King, Kimberly 222
Kite strategy 243 244 246
Knight, White 56—59
Knuth, Donald Ervin 18 51
Ko 16
Konane 16
Korea 16
kos 188
Koubek, V. 227
Kriegspiel 15
Lacrosse 15
Lake, Robert 18
Landman, Harold A. 18
Lasker's Nim 99 113 114
Lasker, Edward 99 118
Last move 171
Last player winning 2 9 12 14
Latent heat 132
Latent phase change 168
Left 2
Left boundary 154—156 164 165 169 170
Left excitable 158 159
Left stop 149 150 152 161
Lefty 25 51 234
Leg 211—213 215 222
Lemma, Norton's 220 243 244
Lenstra, Hendrik W. 117
Lichtenstein, D. 224 226
Life 15 53
Lightning bolts 50
Line, real number 24
Lollipops 237 238 240
Long periods 109
Loops 40
Loopy game 15
Loopy position 188
Loopy positions 16
Loyd, Sam 82 118
Lucky star 246 249
Ludo 14 15
M-plicate 98
Making tracks 204
Management of cash flow 126
Many-way Maundy Cake 220 221
MAP 38 145
Markert, D. 225
markup 161
Mast 152 154 163
Mast value = mean value 165 166
Mattress 215
Mauhin, Patrick 27
Mauldon, James G. 79
Maundy Cake 26 27 51 196 220 221
Maximal flow 202 204—206 209
Mean value 149 151—154 165—168 172 174 188
Mex = Minimal EXcluded 56
Mex = Minimum EXcludant 56 82
Mex Rule 56
Milnor, John 188
Milton, John 19 145
Minimal criminal 194 214
Minimal spanning tree 217 224
Miny 126—129
Miny-a-quarter 135
Miny-x 126
Misere play 15 86
Moews, David 52 188 224
money 171
Monopoly 15
Morra, Three-Finger 15
Morris, Lockwood 225
Mountain, purple 198 199
Moves 14 40
Moves, alternating 46 47
Moves, bad 16
Moves, chance 14
Moves, equitable and excitable 161
Moves, five-eighths of a 20
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