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Evans M.W., Kielich S. — Modern Nonlinear Optics
Evans M.W., Kielich S. — Modern Nonlinear Optics

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Íàçâàíèå: Modern Nonlinear Optics

Àâòîðû: Evans M.W., Kielich S.


The volume contains 14 review articles from the Poznan School, Poland, and associated laboratories, presenting state-of-the-art developments in nonlinear optics research.

ßçûê: en

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1993

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 24.11.2013

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Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Spherical tensors, second-harmonic scattering      94—96
Sprague, J.R.      90(52) 125 128(35) 156
Squeezed states of light      see also "Self-squeezing"
Squeezed states of light, anharmonic oscillator model      511—514
Squeezed states of light, background      497—498
Squeezed states of light, elliptically polarized light      560—564
Squeezed states of light, fundamental properties      508—509
Squeezed states of light, historical perspectives      498—501
Squeezed states of light, minimum uncertainty and coherent states      501—504
Squeezed states of light, nonlinear medium      514—521
Squeezed states of light, nonlinear medium, quantum treatment, self-squeezing      517—521
Squeezed states of light, nonlinear medium, self-phase modulation      514—517
Squeezed states of light, photon statistics, anharmonic oscillator      441—451
Squeezed states of light, photon statistics, antibunching and      414—418
Squeezed states of light, photon statistics, principal squeezing      411—413
Squeezed states of light, photon statistics, symbolic computational techniques      453—456
Squeezed states of light, photon statistics, three- and four-wave mixing      422—425
Squeezed states of light, quadrature operators      505—508
Squeezed states of light, quantum optics, Raman correlation spectroscopy      392—398
Squeezed states of light, quantum resonance fluorescence      461—463 471—472
Squeezed states of light, second-harmonic generation, classical treatment      521—526
Squeezed states of light, second-harmonic generation, self-squeezing      521—530
Squeezed states of light, single-atom resonance fluorescence      474—479
Squeezed states of light, third-harmonic generation, self-squeezing      530—534
Squeezed states of light, third-harmonic generation, self-squeezing, two-atom spontaneous emission      488—493
Squeezed states of light, two-mode squeezing      509—511
Srinivasan, T.P.      310(72) 319(72) 372
Srinivasan, V.      439(66) 458 566(222) 594
Stankus, J.J.      200(84 86) 211(86) 215
Stanton, L.      90(25 59) 125—126 128(16—17) 141(62) 156—157
Starostin, N.W.      309(41) 371
Stathis, J.H.      263(99) 304
Statistical perturbation calculus, light scattering of macromolecule solutions      62—63
Statistical perturbation calculus, magnetically ordered crystals      317—318
Stedman, g.e.      90(48) 125 128(27) 156 310(55 67) 343(67) 372
Steele, W.A.      60(52) 62(52) 75(52) 87—88 111(81) 121—122(88) 126
Stegeman, G.I.      251(21—22 34—35 43 50) 253(43) 258(75) 259(43) 265—266(34—35) 290—291(43) 301—303
Stenholm, S.      465(30) 495
Stepanov, B.I.      237(38) 246
Stepanov, D.Yu.      251(52) 251(60) 256(52) 283(60) 300(60) 302
Stepanov, Yu.D.      283(132) 300(132) 305
Stephen, M.J.      469(36) 495
Stephens, P.J.      309(39) 371
Stern, E.A.      310(62) 372
Stimulated Raman scattering (SRS), susceptibility tensor measurements      225—226
Stimulated Raman threshold (SRT), susceptibility tensor measurements      225—226
Stock, M.L.      266(108) 304
Stockmayer, W.H.      81(81) 88
Stoimenova, M.V.      52(10 12 29) 86
Stokes parameters, hyper-Rayleigh and -Raman scattering, elliptically polarized light      140—141
Stokes parameters, hyper-Rayleigh and -Raman scattering, light polarization properties      133—135
Stokes parameters, hyper-Rayleigh and -Raman scattering, scattered light      136—139
Stokes parameters, hyper-Rayleigh and -Raman scattering, unsymmetric scattering      150—155
Stokes parameters, magnetically ordered crystals      323—334
Stokes parameters, magnetically ordered crystals, elliptization of linearly polarized light      344—349
Stokes parameters, photon statistics, Raman and hyper-Raman scattering      429—433
Stokes parameters, quantum optics, Raman correlation spectroscopy      396—398
Stokes parameters, spectral distribution, hyper-Rayleigh scattering      107—109
Stokes parameters, squeezed states of light      500—501
Stolarov, A.D.      498(48) 537
Stolen, R.H.      250(5—6) 250—252(5—6 13 15 30) 259—261(13 15 82) 264—265(13) 275(13) 279(13) 290(13) 301 303
Stoler, D.      393(47—48) 402 447(91) 450(107) 459 462(4) 494 498(12) 499(72) 536—537 542(4) 543(52) 589—590
Storonkin, V.A.      81(80) 88
Stoyanova, K.      242(57) 246
Stoylov, S.      52(5—11) 56
Strey, G.      128(1 24) 131—132(1) 146(1) 148(1) 155—156
Strini, G.      499(64) 537 542(43 117) 590—591
Strizhevsky, V.L.      90(23) 125 128(12) 148(12) 148(64) 150(64) 156—157
Struve, W.S.      189(75) 215
Stuart, H.      2(21) 48 60(51) 71(51) 87
Sub-Poissonian behavior, photon statistics, optical phase conjugation      426—428
Sub-Poissonian behavior, photon statistics, photocount oscillations      413—414
Sub-Poissonian behavior, photon statistics, symbolic computational techniques      453—456
Sub-Poissonian behavior, photon statistics, three- and four-wave mixing      418—425
Sub-Poissonian behavior, self-squeezing, elliptically polarized light      557—560
Sudarshan, E.C.G.      414(14) 457 469(37) 495 541(3) 589
Sudo, S.      258(75) 303
Suesse, K.E.      542(159) 593
Sulimov, V.B.      251(61) 283(61) 300(61) 302
Sum-frequency generation (SFG), $X^{(2)}$ grating      292—293
Sum-frequency generation (SFG), self-organized nonlinear optical phenomena in fibers, background      250—251
Sum-frequency generation (SFG), self-organized nonlinear optical phenomena in fibers, techniques      253—254
Sun, S.G.      535(160) 540
Superradiance, quantum optics, kinetic equations      376
Superradiance, quantum optics, weakened correlations      388—392
Surma, M.      309(45—46) 371
Susceptibility tensor, nonlinear laser light propagation, component measurement      240—245
Susceptibility tensor, nonlinear laser light propagation, four-wave mixing (FWM)      238—240
Susceptibility tensor, nonlinear laser light propagation, single polarized beam measurements      223—230
Susceptibility tensor, nonlinear laser light propagation, single polarized beam measurements, ellipsometry measurements      223—224
Susceptibility tensor, nonlinear laser light propagation, single polarized beam measurements, refraction index measurements      224—227
Susskind — Glogower cosine and sine operators      445—451
Susskind, L.      444(72) 458
Sweet, J.R.      121—122(88) 127
Sylla, M.      231(24—26) 236(26) 242(24—25) 245—246
Symbolic computational techniques, photon statistics      451—456
Symmetry relations, self-squeezed light, nonlinear medium      523—530
Szivessy, G.      308(1) 370
Szlachetka, P.      396(53—54) 403 462(15) 494
Szpak, A.      266(108) 304
Taguichi, A.      212(116) 216
Takezoe, H.      212(116) 216
Tallet, A.      542(95) 591
Tanas, R.      4(55) 49 49(58 60 63 66—69 70 72 76 79—80 84—85 87 88 92 94 101—102 111—114 119 131 156) 244(63—64) 247 412(8) 439(58) 446(8 58 76) 447(76 84—85 88 92) 454(112) 455(110) 457—459 462(12—14 16 20) 469(35) 477(42) 480—481(45—46) 483(47) 493(55) 494—495 498(9) 498(49—50) 499(62—63 66—69 79—80) 500—501(87 90 94 101—102 111—114) 511(66) 513(66) 514(67—68) 521(67—68 87) 523(79) 528(79) 531—532(80) 535(67—68) 536—538 542(25—26 36 46—47 49 79 84 119 131 156) 543(49 60 63 68 70 72 204) 550(74—75) 555(74—75) 557(217) 559(72) 562(75) 563(49) 564—565(74—76) 565(220—221) 566(223—224) 589—594
Tang, C.L.      260(126) 296(126) 304
Tangonan, G.L.      262(88) 303
Tapster, P.R.      542(12) 589
Taranuckin, W.D.      90(55) 125
Tatanenko, V.      242(57) 246
Tatsenko, O.M.      309(38) 371
Tavger, A.C.      310(56) 358(56) 372
Taylor series, photon statistics      451—456
Tcherniega, N.      223(14) 227(14) 245
techniques      175—178
Teich, M.C.      456(115) 459 491(4) 536 542(148 196) 592—593
Temperature-dependence, fast molecular orientation of liquid crystals      191—194
Temperature-dependence, Smoluchowski rotational diffusion, DC-SHG frequency doubling      27—28
Temperature-dependence, Smoluchowski rotational diffusion, dispersion and absorption      23—24
Tensor forms, magnetically ordered crystals      339—340 356—370
Teraoka, I.      46(116) 50
Terhune, R.W.      90(8) 124 128(2) 132(2) 155 219(1) 221(5) 245 258—259(77) 288(135) 290(77) 303 305 312(110) 314(310) 373 517(124) 539 543(203) 553(203) 594
Third-harmonic generation, hyper-Rayleigh and -Raman spectroscopy      104—107
Third-harmonic generation, self-squeezed light, nonlinear medium      530—534
Third-harmonic generation, Smoluchowski rotational diffusion, nonlinear polarizability      33—34
Third-order electric polarization, fast molecular orientation of liquid crystals      203—211
Third-order electric polarization, fast molecular orientation of liquid crystals, degenerate four-wave mixing (DFWM)      203—211
Third-order electric polarization, fast molecular orientation of liquid crystals, laser field and matter      161—163
Third-order electric polarization, nonlinear laser light propagation, equations      219 221—223
Third-order electric polarization, nonlinear laser light propagation, relative values      243—245
Third-order electric polarization, nonlinear relaxation theory      12—18
Thirunamachandran, T.      90(45) 125 128(25) 131—132(25) 148(25) 156
Thoen, J.      212(113) 216
Thomas, C.H.      266(108) 304
Thomaseau, I.      238(44) 246
Three-body correlation function, hyper-Rayleigh and -Raman scattering      117—123
Three-photon scattering, elliptically polarized light and azimuth rotation      139—141
Three-photon scattering, hyper-Rayleigh and -Raman scattering      127—128
Three-photon scattering, linearly and circularly polarized light      148—150
Three-photon scattering, Stokes parameters      137—139
Three-wave mixing (TWM), photon statistics      421—425
Thurston, G.B.      18(79) 21(79) 49
Tian, D.      81(85) 88
Tildesley, D.J.      118(86) 121—122(87) 126
Time dispersion, elliptically polarized light      567—577
Time scales, quantum optics kinetic equations      376
Time-averaged free energy, second-harmonic generation (SHG)      522
Time-dependent autocorrelation function, light scattering of macromolecule solutions      61—68
Time-reversal symmetry, multipolar susceptibilities      321—322
Toby, B.H.      381(25) 402
Todorore, T.      242(57) 246
Togeas, J.B.      535(137) 539
Tolles, W.M.      3(45) 48
Tom, H.W.K.      250—252(13 30) 259(13) 261(13) 264—265(13) 275(13) 279(13) 290(13) 301
Tombesi, P.      172(61 90 174) 439(63) 447—448(63 90) 458—459 498(15) 501(106) 536 538 542(120 172 174) 543(54 61) 590 592—593
Toral, R.      498(19) 535(164) 536 540
Tornau, N.      542(92) 591
Townes, Ch.      225(9) 245
Transient birefringence, fast molecular orientation of liquid crystals      195—196
Transposition relations, multipolar susceptibilities      321—322
Treves, D.      310(68) 311(82) 372
Troshin, A.S.      535(130) 539
Tsai, T.E.      251(32 39 67) 262—263(38 67 96) 288(38) 301—303
Turaev, M.T.      389(37) 402
Turkin, A.A.      310(50) 372
Tutakina, O.P.      311(84 86) 349(84) 373
Twiss, R.W.      393(43) 402 498(51) 537
Two-atom spontaneous emission, squeezing states      488—493
Two-level atom concept, quantum optics      379—380
Two-mode squeezed state, properties of      509—511
Two-wave propagation, nonlinear laser light propagation      231—237
Two-wave propagation, nonlinear laser light propagation, intense waves      236—237
Two-wave propagation, nonlinear laser light propagation, polarization eigenstates      232—233
Two-wave propagation, nonlinear laser light propagation, signal wave in presence of pump wave      233—236
Tyuterev, V.G.      542(170) 593
Uhlenbeck, G.E.      69(56) 87
Uncertainty states, squeezed states of light      501—504
Unsymmetric scattering, hyper-Rayleigh and -Raman scattering      150—155
Uwe, H.      90(11) 124
Valdmanis, J.A.      266(108) 304
Vallade, M.      90(10) 124 128(7) 155
Vallerien, S.U.      210(110—111) 216
Valley, J.F.      463(22) 494 498(29) 511(29) 536 542(33) 589
van de Hulst, H.C.      52—53(34) 87
van der Ziel, J.P.      311—312(94 96) 373
van Duyne, R.P.      128(35) 156
Van Hove correlation, fast molecular orientation of liquid crystals      165—167
Van Hove, L.      165(50) 214
Van Stryland, E.W.      163(37—38) 164(39—40) 213—214 223(13) 226(12—13) 236—237(36) 244(36) 245—246
VanDuyne, R.P.      90(52) 125
Vanherzeele, H.      164(40) 214
Varada, G.V.      498(26) 535(161) 536 540
Varshalovich, D.A.      55—56(41) 59(41) 66(41) 87 121(82) 126
Vasil'eva, M.A.      177(66) 214
Vaucamps, C.      163(36) 213
Vaughan, W.E.      4(46) 18(82) 48 49 87
Veracini, C.A.      161(22) 213
Verdet constant, nonlinear magneto-optical effects      313—314
Verdieck, J.F.      128(14) 156
Vetri, G.      377(4) 401
Vibrational wave functions, second-harmonic scattering      97—98
Vidiella-Barranco, A.      535(163) 540
Vineyard, G.H.      4(63) 49
Vischakas, J.      177(66) 214
Vlasov, D.V.      242(54—55) 246
Vogel, W.      498(10) 536 542(145 159) 592—593
Vogt, H.      90(11) 124
Voight's hypothesis, molecular nonlinear polarizabilities      5
Voight, H.      462(7) 494 542(106) 591
Voight, W.      162(30) 213 308(11) 371
Voigt, W.      5(69) 49 312(112) 373
Volino, F.      160(17) 213
Vollmer, H.D.      4(67) 49
von der Weid, J.P.      251(37) 288(37) 301
Von Raben, K.U.      90(51) 125
Vonsovskii, S.V.      308(8) 310(8) 370
Vrscay, E.R.      446(80) 458 542(182) 543(57) 590 593
Vyas, R.      433(50—51) 458
Wachering, H.      312(106) 373
Waerenier, J.M.      201(92) 215
Wagner, G.      499(76) 511(76) 538
Wagner, J.      542(39) 590
Wagner, W.G.      225(10) 229(10) 245
Wagniere, G.      60(50) 69(50) 87 312(98—101) 373
Walker, J.G.      542(151 154 160) 592—593
Wallach, M.L.      52(4) 86
Walls, D.F.      9(13 15—17 18 23—24 30 32 34 43 52 60 61 64 110—111 118 120—121 125 137 141 144 185 190 193) 380(20) 402 413(13) 415(15) 418—419(22) 433(45—49) 439(57 60) 457—458 462(2 9 18) 479(18) 491(1) 494(59 61 64) 494—496 498(7 13 15—17 23—24 30 43 52) 499(53—59) 500(84) 511(30) 518(125) 535(153—154) 536—539 542(20 32 34 110—111 118 120—121 125 137 141 144 185 190 193) 589 591—593
Walraff, G.M.      241(46) 246
Walther, H.      542(115) 591
Wang, C.C.      4(47) 48 225(8) 229(8) 245 258(79) 303
Wang, J.      236—237(36) 244(36) 246
Wang, M.C.      69(56) 87
Warchol, M.P.      4(46) 48
Ward, J.E.      141(59) 157
Ward, J.F.      19(100) 28(100) 50 264(101) 270(101) 304
Watanabe, H.      3(31) 4(49) 21(31 38) 48
Watanabe, Y.      262(95) 303
Wave-packet interaction, self-organized nonlinear optical fibers      300
Wax, E.N.      2(4) 47
Weber, W.H.      251(49) 275(49) 302
Weeks, R.A.      262—263(97) 303
Wei, T.H.      163(37—38) 213 223(13) 226(13) 245
Wei-Min Zhang      504(116) 539
Weinberg, D.L.      90(13) 124 128(3) 155
Weinberger, D.A.      251(49) 258—259(77) 266(108) 275(49) 288(135) 290(77) 302—305
Weinreich, G.      90(1) 124 498(41) 511(41) 521(41) 537
Weisskopf, V.F.      388(34) 402
Wellwarth, R.W.      161(28) 176(28) 213
Welsch, D.G.      498(10) 536 542(145) 542(159) 592—593
Werner, M.J.      542(90 188) 591 593
Wheeler, J.A.      413(13) 457
Wherrett, B.S.      312(106) 373
Wiener — Khintchine theorem, light scattering of macromolecule solutions      69—70
Wigner functions, fast molecular orientation of liquid crystals      165—167
Wigner functions, light scattering of macromolecule solutions      59—68
Wigner functions, rotation matrix, hyper-Rayleigh and -Raman scattering      111—114
Wigner functions, second-harmonic scattering      93—96 101—104
Wigner — Weisskopf approximation, photon statistics      420—425
Wigner, E.P.      542(129) 571(229) 592 594
Wigner, R.      388(34) 402
Wilhelmi, B.      542(200) 594
Williams, D.L.      251(25) 251(46) 262(94) 284(118) 300(46) 301 302—304
Williams, L.R.      244(60) 247
Williams, M.L.      98(78) 126
Williams, W.E.      164(40) 214
Williams, W.L.      398(57) 403
Wilson, A.D.      550(212) 553(212) 594
Wilson-Gordon, A.D.      535(146) 539 542(86) 591
Wippler, C.      52(2—3) 86
Witko, W.      160(16) 213
Wittekoek, S.      310(61) 372
Wodkiewicz, K.      498(14) 536 542(6) 542(130) 589 592
Wolejko, L.      148(65) 157
Wolf, E.      133—134(47) 157 308(2) 310(2) 324—325(2) 329(2) 370 412(5) 457 541(2) 589
Wolinsky, M.      498(18) 536
Wong, G.K.L.      192(77—78) 215
Wonneberger, W.      4(67) 49
Wood, G.L.      164(39) 213
Wozniak, S.      60(50) 69(50) 87 310(53) 312(99—101) 343(53) 349(53) 372—373
Wright, E.M.      535(151) 539 542(85 87 171) 591 593
Wu, C.K.      241(20) 242(58) 245 247
Wu, H.      463(23) 494 542(10) 589
Wu, L.A.      463(23) 494 542(10) 589
Wyatt, R.      251(25) 301
Wyllie, G.      87
Xiao, M.      500(82) 511(82) 538 542(27) 589
Xiao-shen Li      535(169) 540
Xu, L.      542(179) 593
Yamamoto, Y.      415(17) 447(17) 450(17 101) 457 459 463(26) 495 500(88—89) 511(120) 521(88—89) 538—539 542(78 164 169) 543(77) 590—591 593
Yamaoto, Y.      447(81) 450(81) 459
Yan, P.Y.      201(87 89) 215
Yao, D.      542(13) 589
Yariv, A.      176(63—64) 202(93) 214—215 237(40) 246 289(123) 304 428(35) 457
Yatsiv, S.      90(26) 125
Yeh, I.J.      542(107) 591
Yeh, P.      428(35) 457
Yeung, J.A.      202(93) 215
Yeung, M.J.      263(91) 303
Yishin, Y.Y.      542(29) 589
You-bang Zhan      500(99—100) 538
Young table, second-harmonic scattering      94
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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