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Evans M.W., Kielich S. — Modern Nonlinear Optics
Evans M.W., Kielich S. — Modern Nonlinear Optics

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Íàçâàíèå: Modern Nonlinear Optics

Àâòîðû: Evans M.W., Kielich S.


The volume contains 14 review articles from the Poznan School, Poland, and associated laboratories, presenting state-of-the-art developments in nonlinear optics research.

ßçûê: en

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1993

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 24.11.2013

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Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Quang, Tran      380(17) 402
Quantum mechanics, hyper-Rayleigh scattering tensor      141—145
Quantum mechanics, magnetically ordered crystals      309—310
Quantum mechanics, magnetically ordered crystals, linear and nonlinear electric and magnetic multipolar susceptibilities      317—319
Quantum mechanics, nonlinear laser light propagation      245
Quantum mechanics, nonlinear magneto-optical effects      312
Quantum mechanics, self-squeezing of light, nonlinear medium      517—521
Quantum noise, photon statistics, compound-mode case      410—411
Quantum noise, photon statistics, definitions      406—411
Quantum noise, photon statistics, photon-number distribution oscillation      413—414
Quantum noise, photon statistics, principal squeezing      411—413
Quantum noise, photon statistics, single-mode case      409—410
Quantum noise, second-harmonic generation (SHG)      260—261
Quantum optics, background      357—378
Quantum optics, correlation weakening      388—392
Quantum optics, Dicke model      379—380
Quantum optics, equations      399—401
Quantum optics, hierarchical equation with eliminated Bose operators      384—386
Quantum optics, high $T_{c}$ superconductivity      381
Quantum optics, Markoffian approximation      386—388
Quantum optics, mixed correlation functions      381—384
Quantum optics, polariton-like system      380—381
Quantum optics, Raman correlation spectroscopy      392—399
Quantum optics, Raman scattering      380
Quantum regression theorem      481—488
Quantum resonance fluorescence, mutually correlated atoms, background      461—463
Quantum resonance fluorescence, mutually correlated atoms, master equation      463—469
Quantum resonance fluorescence, mutually correlated atoms, multiatom resonance fluorescence      479—488
Quantum resonance fluorescence, mutually correlated atoms, nonclassical light states      469—472
Quantum resonance fluorescence, mutually correlated atoms, single atom resonance fluorescence      472—479
Quantum resonance fluorescence, mutually correlated atoms, two-atom spontaneous emission squeezing      488—493
Quasidistribution, photon statistics      441—451
Raab, r.e.      144(63) 157
Rabi frequency, quantum resonance fluorescence      469
Racah algebra, multiharmonic light scattering      123—124
Raimond, J.M.      542(151) 592
Ramachandran, G.N.      309(44) 371
Raman correlation spectroscopy, quantum optics      392—398
Raman scattering, photon statistics, pumping and linear operator corrections      428—433
Raman scattering, photon statistics, quantum optics      380
Ramasechan, S.      309(43—44) 371
Ramm, W.      3(33) 48
Random phase approximation, quantum optics      391—392
Rapp, W.      4(48) 48
Rarity, J.G.      542(12) 589
Rateike, M.      542(115) 591
Rauch, J.E.      90(20) 124 128(13) 146(13) 156
Ravey, J.C.      52(18) 86
Rayleigh light scattering (LS), Smoluchowski rotational approximation      4
Rayleigh — Debye — Gans approximation      52
Razmi, M.S.      498(27—28 32) 536
Razmi, M.S.K.      542(124) 592
Refraction index, nonlinear laser light propagation, signal wave propagation      235—236
Refraction index, nonlinear laser light propagation, susceptibility tensor measurements      224—227
Refractive index, fast molecular orientation of liquid crystals      163—164
Refractive index, fast molecular orientation of liquid crystals, optical Kerr effect (OKE)      196—199
Refractive index, magnetically ordered crystals      312—313
Refractive index, self-squeezed light, nonlinear medium      517
Refractive index, self-squeezed light, nonlinear medium, second-harmonic generation (SHG)      525—526
Rehler, N.E.      391(39) 402
Reid, M.      498(24) 536
Reid, M.D.      434(52—53) 458 498(23) 536 542(32 34 141) 589 592
Reif, J.      312(109) 373
Reintjes, J.      186(71) 214 300(136) 305
Relaxation times, DRS vs. NLO techniques      169—170
Response tensor function, $X^{(2)}$ grating      268—276
Response tensor function, self-organized nonlinear optical fibers      299—300
Ressayre, E.      542(95) 591
Restricted rotational diffusion model      4
Reversal coefficients, second-harmonic scattering      102—104
Reversal ratio, hyper-Rayleigh and -Raman scattering      135
Reynaud, S.      412(10) 456(10) 457 463(24) 463(25) 494—495 511(121) 539 542(11 22 142 151) 589 592
Rhee, B.K.      241(50) 246
Ricard, D.      164(42) 214
Richardson, J.M.      160(18) 213
Richter, Th.      483(48) 495
Righi, A.      308(4) 370
Rimini, A.      398(55) 403
Risken, H.      4(67) 5(61) 49 437(56) 439(60) 458 542(90 188) 591 593
Risser, R.      164(41) 214
Ritsch, H.      494(60 64) 495—496
Ritze, H.H.      11(73 106) 462(7 11) 494 542(100 106) 543(71 73) 550(73) 557(73) 558(71) 559(73) 590—591
Rivoire, G.      219(3—4) 221(6) 223(4 14) 225(11) 227—228(6 14—16) 231(24—25) 232(28) 235(35) 237(16) 242(24) 245—246 313(117) 373
Rockower, E.      542(88) 591
Rodlike macromolecules, light scattering of macromolecule solutions      60—68
Rodlike macromolecules, light scattering of macromolecule solutions, expression of functions      81—85
Rodlike macromolecules, light scattering of macromolecule solutions, reorientation parameters      71—81
Rodrigues, S.      543(55) 590
Rodriguez, S.      446(78) 458
Roebber, J.L.      155(68) 157
Rokni, M.      90(26) 125
Romagnoli, R.J.      310(60) 372
Roman, M.      19(101) 50 313(116) 373
Rosenbluh, M.      535(157) 540
Rosenfeld, L.      309(24) 371
Ross, H.J.      310(55) 372
Rotating-wave approximation (RWA), quantum optics      380
Rotational Brownian motion, Smoluchowski rotational approximation      2—5
Rotational molecular diffusion, Smoluchowski rotational approximation      3—5
Rotational structure, hyper-Rayleigh scattering      107—109
Rotational-wave approximation (RWA), photon statistics, antibunching-squeezing relations      417—418
Rotational-wave approximation (RWA), second-harmonic scattering      96—97
Rotge, J.R.      251(43) 253(43) 259(43) 290—291(43) 302
Rouch, J.      163(36) 213
Rouede, D.      231(25) 242(25) 246
Rowe, J.E.      262(92) 303
Rowell, R.L.      52(30) 86
Rubanov, A.S.      237(38) 246
Rudd, P.J.      52(17) 86
Ruff, L.      18(96) 50
Ruhman, S.      244(60) 247
Russell, P.St.J.      250—251(16 18—20 39 55) 255(70) 256(71) 259(55) 262—263(16 19 39 93) 265—266(19 107) 288(39) 301—304
Rzazewski, K.      462(8) 494 500(81) 538 542(37) 590
Sadovnikov, B.I.      381(27) 388(27) 402
Said, A.A.      223(13) 226(12—13) 245
Saifi, A.M.      251(33 38 58) 262—263(38) 288(38) 301—302
Saito, N.      81(75—76) 88
Sala, K.      18(83) 43(110) 50
Sala, K.L.      313(115) 373
Saleh, B.E.A.      456(115) 459 491(4) 536 542(148 196) 592—593
San Miguel, M.      498(19) 535(164) 536 540
Sanders, B.C.      494(66) 496 542(91) 591
Santhanam, T.S.      542(143) 592
Santor, J.      542(163) 593
Sargent, M.      404(61) 495
Sasaki, Y.      250(9) 258(9) 301
Satyanarayana, M.V.      542(143) 592
Saunders, F.C.      202(94) 208(94) 215
Saupe, A.      189(74) 192(74) 215
Savage, C.M.      90(8) 124 128(2 14) 132(2) 155—156 219(1) 245 312(110) 314(310) 373 439(60) 458 517(124) 539 542(128) 543(203) 553(203) 592 594
Scaife, B.K.P.      87
Scalar electric susceptibility, nonlinear relaxation theory      14—18
Scattered light intensity tensor, hyper-Rayleigh and -Raman scattering      128—130
Sceats, M.G.      266—267(111) 304
Schack, R.      500(96) 538
Schadt, M.      192(81) 215
Scharf, G.      542(144) 592
Schatz, G.C.      90(52) 125 128(35) 156
Schaulow, A.L.      312(97) 373
Scheludko, A.      52(5) 86
Schkunov, V.V.      237(42) 246
Schlagcheck, U.      310(66) 318(66) 343(66) 372
Schleich, W.      413(13) 457
Schmidt, K.E.      164(41) 214
Schneider, C.M.      312(109) 373
Schoenfeld, A.      210(111) 216
Schroedinger equation, elliptically polarized light, self-squeezing      571—577
Schroedinger equation, quantum optics      400—401
Schroedinger equation, quantum resonance fluorescence      468—469
Schroedinger — Robertson inequality, photon statistics, antibunching-squeezing relations      415—418
Schroedinger — Robertson inequality, photon statistics, principal squeezing      412—413
Schubert, M.      542(145) 542(200) 592 594
Schumaker, B.L.      505(117) 539 542(7 146 202) 589 592 594
Schwartz, R.N.      262(88) 303
Schwarz.G.      19(102) 50
Schweitzer, J.      52(16) 86
Schwendimann, P.      378(9) 401
Schwenk, N.      210(111) 216
Sciesinska, E.      160(16) 213
Sciesinski, J.      160(16) 213
Scott, A.M.      202(94) 208(94) 215
Scully, M.O.      542(129) 592
Second-harmonic generation (SHG), $X^{(2)}$ grating, dopant defects      262—264
Second-harmonic generation (SHG), $X^{(2)}$ grating, monochromatic radiation interaction with dc poling field      278—283
Second-harmonic generation (SHG), $X^{(2)}$ grating, optical-rectification model      264—267
Second-harmonic generation (SHG), $X^{(2)}$ grating, quadratic nonlinear phenomena, nonresonant form      289—292
Second-harmonic generation (SHG), $X^{(2)}$ grating, quadratic nonlinear phenomena, resonant form      286—289
Second-harmonic generation (SHG), fast molecular orientation of liquid crystals      194—196
Second-harmonic generation (SHG), hyper-Rayleigh and -Raman spectroscopy      91—104
Second-harmonic generation (SHG), intrinsic generation of initial seed      258—261
Second-harmonic generation (SHG), intrinsic generation of initial seed, electric-quadrupole interaction model      258—259
Second-harmonic generation (SHG), intrinsic generation of initial seed, four-wave mixing model      259—260
Second-harmonic generation (SHG), intrinsic generation of initial seed, quantum noise with fifth-order nonlinearity      260—261
Second-harmonic generation (SHG), magnetically ordered crystals      312
Second-harmonic generation (SHG), photon statistics, symbolic computational techniques      452—456
Second-harmonic generation (SHG), self-organized nonlinear optical fibers, background      250—251
Second-harmonic generation (SHG), self-organized nonlinear optical fibers, bright visible spectrum generation      298—299
Second-harmonic generation (SHG), self-organized nonlinear optical fibers, conversion efficiency by irradiation and heating      256—257
Second-harmonic generation (SHG), self-organized nonlinear optical fibers, erasure experiments      257—258
Second-harmonic generation (SHG), self-organized nonlinear optical fibers, external seeding      252—253
Second-harmonic generation (SHG), self-organized nonlinear optical fibers, fiber preform      254—255
Second-harmonic generation (SHG), self-organized nonlinear optical fibers, poling technique      255—256
Second-harmonic generation (SHG), self-organized nonlinear optical fibers, self-seeding SHG      251—252
Second-harmonic generation (SHG), self-squeezed light, nonlinear medium      521—530
Second-harmonic generation (SHG), squeezed states of light      499—500
Second-order spherical harmonic, DRS vs. NLO techniques      168—169
Sein, E.      190(76) 194(76) 215
Self-focusing threshold (SFT) technique, susceptibility tensor measurements      224—226
Self-lensing, susceptibility tensor measurements      226—227
Self-organized nonlinear optical phenomena in fibers, $X^{(2)}$ grating      261—283
Self-organized nonlinear optical phenomena in fibers, $X^{(2)}$ grating, difference-frequency generation      293—296
Self-organized nonlinear optical phenomena in fibers, $X^{(2)}$ grating, dopant defect excitation      262—264
Self-organized nonlinear optical phenomena in fibers, $X^{(2)}$ grating, monochromatic radiation mode interaction      267—283
Self-organized nonlinear optical phenomena in fibers, $X^{(2)}$ grating, nonresonant second-harmonic generation      289—292
Self-organized nonlinear optical phenomena in fibers, $X^{(2)}$ grating, optical-rectification model      264—267
Self-organized nonlinear optical phenomena in fibers, $X^{(2)}$ grating, quadratic nonlinear phenomena at periodical gratings      283—296
Self-organized nonlinear optical phenomena in fibers, $X^{(2)}$ grating, resonant second-harmonic generation      286—289
Self-organized nonlinear optical phenomena in fibers, $X^{(2)}$ grating, sum-frequency generation      292—293
Self-organized nonlinear optical phenomena in fibers, background      250—251
Self-organized nonlinear optical phenomena in fibers, bright visible spectra      296—299
Self-organized nonlinear optical phenomena in fibers, erasure experiments      257—258
Self-organized nonlinear optical phenomena in fibers, second-harmonic generation (SHG), conversion efficiency by irradiation and heating      256—257
Self-organized nonlinear optical phenomena in fibers, second-harmonic generation (SHG), external seeding      252—253
Self-organized nonlinear optical phenomena in fibers, second-harmonic generation (SHG), fiber preform      254—255
Self-organized nonlinear optical phenomena in fibers, second-harmonic generation (SHG), intrinsic generation of initial seed      258—261
Self-organized nonlinear optical phenomena in fibers, second-harmonic generation (SHG), poling technique for fiber preparation      255—256
Self-organized nonlinear optical phenomena in fibers, second-harmonic generation (SHG), self-seeding      251—252
Self-organized nonlinear optical phenomena in fibers, sum-frequency and difference-frequency generation      253—254
Self-phase modulation, $X^{(2)}$ grating, degenerate two-wave monochromatic radiation interaction      270—271
Self-phase modulation, self-squeezing of light, nonlinear medium      514—517
Self-squeezing, elliptically polarized light, background      541—544
Self-squeezing, elliptically polarized light, effective interaction Hamiltonian      544—548
Self-squeezing, elliptically polarized light, field operator equations of motion      548—554
Self-squeezing, elliptically polarized light, molecular parameters      577—588
Self-squeezing, elliptically polarized light, photon statistics      544—560
Self-squeezing, elliptically polarized light, squeezing states      560—564
Self-squeezing, elliptically polarized light, time dispersion      566—577
Self-squeezing, historical perspective      499
Self-squeezing, nonlinear medium      514—521
Self-squeezing, nonlinear medium, quantum methods      517—521
Self-squeezing, nonlinear medium, self-phase modulation      514—517
Self-squeezing, second-harmonic generation (SHG)      521—530
Self-squeezing, second-harmonic generation (SHG), annihilation and creation operators      526—530
Self-squeezing, second-harmonic generation (SHG), classical treatment      521—526
Self-squeezing, third-harmonic generation      530—534
Selim, A.A.      542(14) 589
Selker, D.M.      251(44 47) 261(47) 302
Sence, M.      163(38) 213
Serber, R.      309(26) 371
Serinko, R.J.      160(2) 212
Shakir, S.A.      542(9) 589
Shank, C.V.      170(60) 214
Shape and symmetry factor, light scattering of macromolecule solutions      57—58
Shapiro — Wigner feasible phase concept, antibunching-squeezing relations      417—418
Shapiro, H.J.      542(28 30—31 99 147 158) 589 591—592
Shapiro, J.A.      415(16) 420(27) 457
Shapiro, J.H.      498(20—21 31) 511(31) 536
Sharf, G.      498(16) 536
Sharp, E.J.      164(39) 213
Sheik-Bahae, M.      163(37—38) 213 223(13) 226(12—13) 236—237(36) 244(36) 245
Shelby, R.M.      498(24 30) 535(157) 536 540 542(32) 589
Shen, Y.      138(51) 157
Shen, Y.R.      160(5—8) 160(13) 192(77—78) 197(13) 201(5) 211(13) 212 212(114) 213 215 216 250(4) 259(4) 286(4) 294(4) 297(4) 301 309(36—37) 371 380(16) 402 544(208) 551(208) 594
Shenzle, A.      500(96) 538
Shepherd, T.J.      542(135) 551(213) 592 594
Sherborne, B.S.      310(55) 372
Shi, L.P.      160(7) 212
Shibuya, K.      262(95) 303
Shin, S.      90(37) 125 128(36) 156
Short, R.      498(11) 536 542(123) 592
Shrubsall, R.G.      310(71) 372
Shtrikman, S.      310(68 70) 311(82) 319(70) 372
Shumovsky, A.S.      378(6) 380(17) 381(6) 381(27) 387(33) 388(27) 389(36—37) 391(36 40—42) 393(45—46) 401—402 493(56) 494(65) 495—496 498(35) 536 542(175) 593
Sibilia, C.      498(22) 536 542(140) 592
Siegman, A.E.      241(46) 246
Sigel, G.H.      262(86) 303
Signal waves, nonlinear laser light propagation, pump wave propagation      233—236
Signal waves, nonlinear laser light propagation, refraction index      235—236
Simaan, H.D.      462(6) 494 542(93) 591
Singh, S.      433(50—51) 458 535(129 165) 539—540
Single-atom resonance fluorescence, correlated atoms      472—479
Single-mode form, photon statistics      409—410
Sinii, I.G.      311(80) 372
Sipe, J.E.      251(21—22 34—35) 265—266(34—35) 283—284(119 131 134) 300(131 134) 301 304—305
Sivaramakrishnan, V.      309(43) 371
Sizman, A.      499(76) 500(96) 511(76) 538
Slusher, R.E.      498(29) 511(29) 536 542(33) 589
Slusher, R.M.      463(22) 494
Smectic-A (Sm-A) phase structure, fast molecular orientation of liquid crystals, basic structure      178—179
Smectic-A (Sm-A) phase structure, fast molecular orientation of liquid crystals, degenerate four-wave mixing (DFWM)      206—211
Smectic-A (Sm-A) phase structure, fast molecular orientation of liquid crystals, induced transient grating (ITG) investigations      202
Smectic-A (Sm-A) phase structure, fast molecular orientation of liquid crystals, sample preparation      182—183
Smectic-C (Sm-C), fast molecular orientation of liquid crystals, basic structure      178—179
Smectic-C (Sm-C), fast molecular orientation of liquid crystals, degenerate four-wave mixing (DFWM)      206—211
Smectic-C (Sm-C), fast molecular orientation of liquid crystals, optical qualities of sample      182—183
Smectic-C (Sm-C), fast molecular orientation of liquid crystals, sample preparation      182
Smirnov, D.F.      535(130) 539
Smith, S.D.      312(106) 373
Smithson, A.      255(70) 303
Smolensky, G.A.      311(80) 372
Smoluchowski kinetic equation, molecular rotational diffusion      9—12
Smoluchowski rotational diffusion      2—5
Smoluchowski rotational diffusion, nonlinear relaxation theory, electric polarization in liquids      18—19
Smoluchowski rotational diffusion, third-order electric polarization      15—18
Smoluchowski — Debye theory, electric polarization in liquids      19
Smoluchowski — Debye theory, light scattering of macromolecule solutions      62
Smoluchowski — Debye theory, light scattering of macromolecule solutions, model parameters      52
Smoluchowski, M.v.      2(2) 47
Snyder, A.W.      258(81) 270—271(81) 285(81) 303
Sobolev, N.N.      160(3) 212
Soileau, M.J.      163(38) 164(39—40) 213—214
Sokerov, S.      52(9 12) 86
Sokolov, V.O.      251(61) 283(61) 300(61) 302
Sokolovskaia, A.I.      223(14) 227(14) 245
Solimeno, S.      498(44) 535(143) 537 539
Somekh, S.      289(123) 304
Space-dependent coefficients, photon statistics      421—425
Spatial dispersion, magnetically ordered crystals      318—319
Spencer, E.G.      310(57) 372
Spherical representation, hyper-Rayleigh and -Raman scattering      114—123
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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