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Evans M.W., Kielich S. — Modern Nonlinear Optics |
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü |
"Crescent squeezing", historical perspective 500
"Nonreciprocal linear birefringence" 310—311
"Puzzle of the phase" effect, grating 288—289
"Self-pulsing" effect, squeezed states of light 499
"Transparency windows", magnetically ordered crystals 310—311
grating, optical-rectification model 264—267
grating, quadratic nonlinear phenomena 283—296
grating, quadratic nonlinear phenomena, difference-frequency generation (DFG) 293—296
grating, quadratic nonlinear phenomena, nonresonant second-harmonic generation 289—292
grating, quadratic nonlinear phenomena, nonresonant SHG 289—292
grating, quadratic nonlinear phenomena, resonant second-harmonic generation 286—289
grating, quadratic nonlinear phenomena, resonant SHG 286—289
grating, quadratic nonlinear phenomena, sum-frequency generation (SFG) 292—293
grating, self-organized nonlinear optical fibers 261—283
grating, self-organized nonlinear optical fibers, bright visible spectrum generation 298—299
grating, self-organized nonlinear optical fibers, dopant defect excitation 262—264
grating, self-organized nonlinear optical fibers, monochromatic radiation mode interaction 267—283
grating, self-organized nonlinear optical fibers, monochromatic radiation mode interaction, dc poling field 278—283
grating, self-organized nonlinear optical fibers, monochromatic radiation mode interaction, degenerate two-wave interaction 267—276
grating, self-organized nonlinear optical fibers, monochromatic radiation mode interaction, nondegenerate three-wave interaction 276—278
Abdalla, M.S. 542(14) 589
Abragam, A. 4(62) 49
Abram, I. 535(131 147) 539
Absorption coefficients, fast molecular orientation of liquid crystals, optical Kerr effect (OKE) 191—194
Adam, G. 433(44) 458
Agarwal, G.S. 376(2) 380(18) 401—402 433(44) 450(102) 458—459 464(27) 469(27) 472(27) 480(27 43) 481(43) 494(68) 495—496 498(26) 535(135 161) 536 539—540 542(81—82 132 157) 543(56) 590—592
Agostini, P. 241(20) 242(58) 245 247
Agranovitch, V.M. 310(65) 372 380(21) 402
Ainslie, B.J. 262(94) 303
Akerhalt, J.R. 387(32) 402
Akhmanov, A.S. 542(16 162) 565(162) 589 593
Akhmanov, S.A. 6(74) 49 230(22) 245 250(1) 286(1) 294(1) 297(1) 300
Akhmedev, N.N. 312(108) 373
Akhmedov, N.N. 311(87) 373
Albertsen, P. 309(29) 371
Alexiewicz, W. 2(8 10—14) 4(57 59) 10(8) 16(8) 19(8 10—11) 22—23(8) 35(10) 36(8) 37(13) 39(10) 43(111) 46(112) 47 49—50 58—60(44—45) 62(45 59—60) 80(44—45) 81(73—74) 87—88 91(64) 126 128(20 22) 156 163(33) 213
Alfano, R.R. 90(27) 125
Aliksenderov, E.I. 498(35) 536
Allen, L. 379(15) 401 467(31) 495
Allender, D.W. 164(41) 214
Alms, G.R. 165—166(44—45 48) 169(55) 214
Altmann, K. 128(1 24) 131—132(1) 146(1) 148(1) 155—156
Altshuller, G.B. 236(37) 246
Amer, N.M. 160(13) 197(13) 211(13) 213
An, S. 404(61) 495
Anderson, D.Z. 119(284) 283(131) 300(131) 304—305
Anderson, T.B. 500(84) 538
Andreev, A V. 376(3) 401
Andrejco, M.J. 251(33 58) 301
Andrews, D.L. 90(45—46) 125 128(25 29) 131—132(25) 135(49) 148(25) 155(67) 156—157
Angular distribution functions, second-harmonic scattering 102—104
Anharmonic oscillator, photon statistics 438—451
Anharmonic oscillator, self-squeezing, elliptically polarized light 543—544
Anharmonic oscillator, squeezed states of light, historical perspective 499—500
Anharmonic oscillator, squeezed states of light, model components 511—514
Anisotropy, first-order see "First-order polarizability anisotropy"
Anisotropy, laser field and matter third-order interactions 163
Anoikin, E.V. 251(52) 256(52) 302
Ansari, N.A. 542(35) 589
Antiferromagnetic ordering, elliptically polarized light rotation 340—342
Antinormal ordering, photon statistics 408
Antonetti, A. 241(62) 244(62) 247
Approximation techniques see also "Specific approximation techniques"
Approximation techniques, multiatom resonance fluorescence 480—488
Arago rotation, magnetically ordered crystals 307—308
Aragon, S.R. 51(1) 56—57(1) 60(1) 62(1) 68(1) 86
Arakelian, S.M. 160(4) 212 565(218) 594
Argyres, P.N. 310(59) 372
Armitage, J.R. 251(25) 301
Armstrong, J.A. 261(85) 262(94) 289(86) 294(85) 297(85) 303 498(42) 537
Armstrong, P.S. 141(57) 157
Aryeh, Y.B. 542(189) 593
Ashkin, A. 289(122) 304
Askins, C.G. 251(53) 259(53) 302
Aspect, A. 498(24) 536 542(32) 589
Asymmetric molecules, fast molecular orientation of liquid crystals, first-order polarizability anisotropy 165—167
Atkins, P.W. 312(102) 373 550(212) 553(212) 594
Atkins, R.M. 257(72) 303
Aumiller, G.D. 251(30) 301
Auston, D.H. 170(60) 214
Avakelian, S.M. 160(5) 201(5) 212
Averyanow, E.M. 160(4) 212
Aytuer, O. 498(39) 537 542(177) 593
Azimuth rotation, hyper-Rayleigh and -Raman scattering 139—141
Baboiu, D. 500(92) 538 542(89) 591
Bach, A. 542(92) 591
Bajer, J. 412—413(12) 418(23—26) 422(24—26) 424(26 28) 425(32) 435(54) 450(104—105) 452(104—105) 457—459 542(178) 593
Balescu, R. 389(35) 402
Bancewicz, T. 4(57—58) 49 88 91(62—64 66—70) 95(76) 111(81) 126 128(18 20) 155(66) 156—157
Bandilla, A. 462(7) 494 542(100 106) 543(71) 558(71) 590—591
Barak, S. 90(26) 125
Barakat, R. 517(125) 539 542(88) 591
Baranov, A.V. 90(50) 125 128(33) 155(72) 156—157
Baranova, N.B. 251(57) 283(57) 300(83) 302 310(51—52) 372
Barnett, S.M. 443(68—70) 445(75) 458 474(40) 492(51) 493(51) 495 501(109—110) 538 565(219) 594
Barone, G. 4(65) 49
Barron, L.D. 130(42) 139(52) 156—157
Bartoli, F.J. 88
Bashirov, E.K. 542(175) 593
Batdorf, B. 251(43) 253(43) 259(43) 290—291(43) 302
Batistic, I. 381(26) 402
Battaglia, M.R. 109(90) 126
Baudrey, P.J. 250(7) 301
Bauer, D.R. 169(55) 214
Becker, R. 284(120) 304
Becker, W. 542(9) 589
Becquerel, H. 308(5) 370
Beebe, N.H. 309(29) 371
Belinskii, A V. 500(93) 535(133—134 141) 535(133—134 141) 538—539 542(16—19 48) 589
Bell inequalities, photon statistics, antibunching-squeezing relations 414—418
Bely, L. 311(84) 349(84) 373
Bemandin, J.P. 251(23) 301
Bendjaballah, C. 542(104) 591
Benguigui, L. 212(112) 216
Benoit, H. 2(22) 48 52(4) 60(53) 74(53) 86—87
Berestetskii, V.B. 135(48) 157
Bergot, M.V. 255(70) 303
Bermejo, F.J. 498(19) 535(164) 536 540 542(163) 593
Bern, B.J. 4(50) 48
Berne, B.I. 52(36) 54(36) 87
Berne, B.J. 109(89) 126 161(23) 213
Berre-Rousseau, M.L. 542(95) 591
Bersohn, R. 90(12) 124 128(10) 156
Bersuker, I.B. 128(31) 156
Bertolotti, B. 498(22) 536
Bertolotti, M. 393(44) 402 542(140) 592
Bertucci, S.J. 165(48) 214
Bethea, C.G. 43(108) 50 163(34) 213
Bhagavantam, S. 311(79) 372
Bhanot, M. 52(31) 86
Bialynicka-Birula, Z. 447(89) 459
Birefringence effects, light scattering of macromolecule solutions 60
Birefringence effects, magnetically ordered crystals 310—311
Birefringence effects, self-squeezed light, nonlinear medium, elliptically polarized light 553—554
Birefringence effects, self-squeezed light, nonlinear medium, second-harmonic generation (SHG) 525—530
Birnboim, M.H. 241(51) 246
Birss, R.R. 309(47) 310(71) 372—373 572(230) 594
Bjork, G. 447(81) 450(81) 459 500(89) 521(89) 538
Bjorkholm, J.E. 250(6) 301
Blair, G.R. 262(88) 303
Blake, N.B. 155(67) 157
Blaton, J. 90(2) 124
Blau, W. 241(47) 241(49 52) 246
Blinc, R. 395(51) 403
Bloch, D. 176(65) 214
Bloembergen, N. 3(42) 48 141(57) 157 186(70) 214 258(78) 261(85) 289(85) 294(85) 297(85) 303 309(37) 312(94 96) 371 373 498(42) 515—517(122) 521(122) 537 539
Blow, K.J. 551(213—214) 594
Bobovich, Y.S. 90(50) 125 128(33) 155(72) 156—157
Bocchiery, P. 384(30) 402
Bochove, E.J. 428(36) 457
| Boetcher, C.J.F. 3(40—41) 13(40—41) 18(40—41) 45
Bogard, M.P. 5(73) 49
Bogdanov, Yu.V. 310(51) 372
Bogolubov canonical transformation, photon statistics, single-mode case 410
Bogolubov canonical transformation, quantum optics, polariton-like systems 381
Bogolubov canonical transformation, quantum optics, Raman correlation spectroscopy 392—398
Bogolubov canonical transformation, quantum optics, weakened correlations 388—392
Bogolubov, N.N. 376(1) 381(23 27) 384(29) 388(1 27) 391—392(23 40—42) 401—402
Bol'shov, L.A. 242(55) 246
Boltzmann constant, laser field and matter third-order interactions 163
Boltzmann constant, light scattering of macromolecule solutions 59—68
Boltzmann constant, statistical distribution function, second-harmonic scattering 100—104
Bonang, C.C. 90(58) 126 155(72) 157
Bondouris, G. 87
Bondurant, R S. 415(16) 457 498(21) 536 542(28 31) 589
Bonifacio, R. 378(9—10) 401
Bonneville, R. 90(31—32) 125 129(26) 131—132(26) 156
Bordewijk, P. 3(41) 13(41) 18(41) 43(109) 48 50
Borisov, S.B. 312(108) 373
Born approximation, quantum resonance fluorescence 466—469
Born — Markov technique, quantum resonance fluorescence 464—469
Born, M. 133—134(47) 157 162(31) 213 308(2) 309(13) 310(2) 324—325(2) 329(2) 370—371 412(5) 457
Bose operators, quantum optics, background 377—378
Bose operators, quantum optics, elimination, with hierarchical equation 384—386
Bose operators, quantum optics, polariton-like systems 381
Bose operators, quantum optics, Raman correlation spectroscopy 394—398
Bose operators, quantum optics, Raman scattering model 380
Bose, T.K. 212(113) 216
Bostick, J.M. 128(37) 156
Boswarva, I.M. 309(32—33) 371
Bothorel, P. 164(43) 168(54) 214
Boudebs, G. 227(16) 237(16) 242(59) 245 247
Bourdin, J.P. 221(6) 228(6) 245
Bowden, C.M. 378(11) 392(11) 401
Bowling, D.I. 18(79) 21(79) 49
Boyd, G.D. 289(122) 304
Boyd, R.W. 241(61) 247 425(33—34) 457
Boyle, L. 94(73) 126
Bradley, D.J. 241(52) 246
Bragg condition, fast molecular orientation of liquid crystals, induced transient grating (ITG) 174—175
Brambani, L.A. 251(53) 259(53) 302
Brand, H.R. 210(108) 216
Brandmueller, J. 311(77) 372
Brauman, J.I. 169(55) 214
Brekhovskhikh, G.L. 223(14) 227(14) 245
Breymayer, H.J. 4(67) 49
Bridges, T.J. 312(107) 373
Bright visible spectrum, self-organized nonlinear optical fibers 296—299
Brisudova, M. 449(97) 459 535(159) 540
Bron, W.E. 241(50) 246
Brosseau, C. 542(88) 591
Brown, B.L. 18(93) 50
Brown, R. Hanbury 393(43) 402
Brown, W. 310(68) 372
Brunet-Germain, M. 197(82) 215
Brunner, W. 542(94 105 112) 591
Buchert, J. 2(7—11) 10(7—8) 16(8) 19—20(7—8 10—11) 22—23(7—8) 35—36(8—10) 39(10) 47 58—60(44—45) 62(45) 80(44—45) 87 163(33) 177(67) 202(95) 213—215
Buckingham, A.D. 5(73) 49 139(52) 144(63) 157 161—162(24) 213 309(14) 309(39) 310(111) 314(111) 371 373
Budo, A. 3(29 35) 48
Buettiker, M. 4(66) 49
Bullough, R.K. 250(7) 301
Bunkin, F.V. 242(54—55) 246
Bunning, J.D. 207(102) 215
Bures, J. 261(83) 303
Burghardt, T.P. 81(83) 88
Burnham, A.K. 165(45 48) 214
Burstein, E.J. 310(49) 372
Butcher, P.N. 141(60) 157 250(2) 272(2) 300
Buzek, V. 446(77) 450(98—100) 458—459 493(56) 494(74) 495—496 535(146 152 163) 539—540 542(86) 543(64) 590—591
Byne, H. 241(47) 246
c-tensors, magnetically ordered crystals 358—370
Cabrillo, C. 535(164) 540
Cameron, S.M. 90(58) 126 155(72) 157
Campbell, R J. 251(26) 301
Camy, G. 463(24) 494 542(11) 589
Candan, S.J. 88
Candau, S. 206(97) 215
Carman, R.L. 186(71) 214
Carmichael, H.J. 462(2) 494(59) 494—495 498(15 17—18) 536 542(20 118 120 125) 589 591—592
Carrol, T. 309(23) 371
Carron, K.T. 90(52) 125 128(35) 156
Carruthers, P. 444(73) 458
Cartesian tensor, hyper-Rayleigh and -Raman scattering 130—133
Cartesian tensor, light scattering of macromolecule solutions 55—56
Cartesian tensor, magnetically ordered crystals, shape representation 357—370
Cartesian tensor, magnetically ordered crystals, Stokes parameters 323—330
Cartesian tensor, second-harmonic scattering 94—104
Cartesian tensor, self-squeezing, elliptically polarized light 546—548
Carusotto, S. 542(101 108) 591
Carvalho, I.C.S. 251(37) 251(54) 256(54) 288(37 54) 301—302
Cauchy — Schwartz inequalities, photon statistics 414—418
Caves, C.M. 505(117) 508(118) 539 542(7 146) 589 592
Chai, J.-L. 542(179) 593
Chambaret, J.P. 173(62) 214
Chamulitrat, W. 262(88) 303
Chan, V.W.S. 542(201) 594
Chandrasekhar, S. 2 5 9(3) 47 59(46) 87 160(10) 213 310(72) 319(72) 372
Chang, R.K. 90(51) 125 128(30) 156 258(78) 303
Characteristic functions, photon statistics 421—425
Charra, P. 235(31) 237(31) 246
Chaturvedi, S. 439(66) 458 566(222) 594
Chelkowski, A. 3(39) 13(39) 18(39 92) 21(39) 23(39) 48 50
Chemla, D.S. 90(31—32) 125 129(26) 131—132(26) 156
Chen, Y. 262(89) 303
Chetkin, M.W. 310(74) 372
Chevalier, R. 241(48) 246
Chiao, R.Y. 225(9) 245
Chilingarian, J.S. 565(218) 594
Chilingarian, Y.S. 160(4) 212
Chillag, L. 160(3) 212
Chin-lin Chai 535(150) 539
Chirkin, A.S. 535(133—134) 539 542(16—17 19 48) 589
Chis, M. 242(59) 247
Chizhov, A.V. 394(49) 402
Chmela, P. 251(59 64) 260(59 127) 261(64) 265(64) 266(109—110) 272(115) 288(121) 291(64) 294(125) 296—297(127) 298(130) 302 304 462(5) 494 499(78) 538 542(5) 542(40 96—97 109 114 126 165) 589—593
Chow, Y.T. 93(262) 303
Christie, J.H. 90(22) 125 128(15) 131(45) 156
Chrusciel, J. 161(20) 208(20) 213
Chu, B. 4(51) 48 52(37) 87
Chuang, T.J. 170(59) 214
Chumakov, S.M. 455(114) 459
Chung, Y.C. 90(56) 126 128(34) 155(69) 156—157
Churcher, C.D. 128(28) 156
Circular birefringence, self-squeezing of light, nonlinear medium 517
Circularly polarized light, hyper-Rayleigh and -Raman scattering, light polarization properties 134—135
Circularly polarized light, hyper-Rayleigh and -Raman scattering, symmetric-unsymmetric scattering 145—150
Classical electron theory, molecular nonlinear polarizabilities 5—8
Clays, K. 90(38) 125
Clebsch — Gordon coefficient, second-harmonic scattering 94—95
Close, D.H. 225(10) 229(10) 245
Coffey, W.T. 2(18—20) 3(26) 4—5(19) 36—37 47—48
Cohen, E. 535(147) 539
Cohen, N.V. 312(104) 373
Cohen-Tannoudji, C. 464(28) 495 542(22) 589
Coherent states, squeezed states of light 501—504
Cole — Cole graphs, DC-SHG frequency doubling 27—28
Cole — Cole graphs, nonlinear dielectric effect (NDE) 23—25
Cole — Cole graphs, Smoluchowski rotational diffusion background 3—5
Cole, K.S. 24(105) 50
Cole, R.H. 24(105) 50 170(57) 214
Colegrave, R.K. 542(14) 589
Colet, P. 498(19) 535(164) 536 540
Collett, M.J. 378(5) 401 500(97) 535(153—154) 538—539 542(127 150) 592
Collings, P.J. 183(69) 214
Commutation relations, quantum optics, mixed correlation function 381—384
Commutation relations, quantum optics, resonance fluorescence 464—469
Commutation relations, self-squeezing, elliptically polarized light 549—554
Commutation relations, self-squeezing, photon statistics 556—560
Compound-mode case, photon statistics 410—411
Corcoran, P.M. 3(37) 48
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