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van Paradijs J., Bleeker J.A.M. — X-Ray Spectroscopy in Astrophysics |
Предметный указатель |
PG 1634+706 329
PG 1718+481 329
Phillips, K.J.H. 176 178 228
PHL 5200 329
Photoionization equilibrium 190
Photoionization equilibrium, density diagnostics 229
Photoionization equilibrium, peak temperature 191
Photon-photon interaction 87
Photon-photon interaction, compactness parameter 88 97
Photon-photon interaction, cross section 88
Pic A 104
Pileup 378
Pion decay 84
Piro, L. 324 330
PKS 0745-191 335
PKS 2149-306 330
PKS 2155-304 330—331
Plasma diagnostics, electron density 167
Plasma diagnostics, electron temperature 166
Plasma diagnostics, elemental abundances 167
Plasma diagnostics, ionization balance 167
Plerions 307—308
Polarization 12—13 50 438—439
Polars 50 292
Policarpo, A.J.P.L. 495
Positronium 86
Pounds, K.A. 40—41 43 321
Poynting's theorem 9
Pozdnyakow, L.A. 73 193 197—198
Pradhan, A.K. 139 157 168 228 232
Pravdo, S. 297
Predehl, P. 387—388
Press, W.H. 258
Proportional counters 493
Proportional counters, spurious features 496—497
Protostars 286
PSR 0656+14 310
PSR 1055-52 310
PSR B1259-63 310
Ptak, A. 321—322
Pup A 305 365
Quasars 328ff
Quasars, beaming 330
Quasars, broad absorption lines 329
Quasars, radio loud 330
Quasars, radio quiet 328
Quasars, type 2 331
Quasi-steady state (QSS) 147 257
R CrA cloud 287
Radiation transfer equation 62
Radiationless capture 243
Radiative recombination continuum (RRC) 136 221—222 295 349 352 381
Raine, D. 195
Raman scattering 354
Ramana Murthy, P. 26 88
Ramsey, B.D. 495
Rando, N. 367 502
Rasmussen, A. 409 488
Rate equation 146
Raymond — Smith model 278
Raymond, J.C. 109—110 117—118 126—127 131 133—134 139 143—145 149 156 181 214 246 278—279
Rayner, J. 12
RCW 103 305
RCW 86 305
RCW 89 309
RE 1034+39 321
Recombination kinetics 224ff
Recombination rates 135ff
Recombination rates, density effects 140
Recombination rates, dielectronic 141ff
Recombination rates, radiative 137ff
Reflection grating 363 371 399 449 487—490
Reflection grating, reflectivity 400ff
Reflection grating, throughput at blaze 403—404
Reflection spectra 41—42
Refractive index 437 442—443
Reilman, R.F. 139
Relativistic accretion disk 316
Relativistic effects 92ff
Relativistic effects, beaming 52—53 81 89ff 94 330
Relativistic effects, blackbody radiation 95
Relativistic effects, frequency shift 54 93
Relativistic effects, shock acceleration 104—105
Relativistic effects, superluminal motion 89—91
Relativistic effects, time interval 94
Relativistic electrons 58—59
Replicated shells 459
Resolving power (diagnostics) 348—359 478 482
Resonant excitation 149—150 245
Resonant ionization 132
Reynolds, C.S. 318—322
Rice, S.O. 451
Riegler, G.R. 85
Rindler, W. 15 93
Rodriguez, L.F. 89
Rohrlich, F. 194
Romanik, C.J. 128
Roos, N. 389
ROSAT 2 33 35 37 275 280 282 319 323—324 335—336 338 460 467 469
Ross, R.R. 117 119 196 353
Rothenflug, R. 126—127 130—133 135 139 144 279
Rowland circle 369—372 457
Rowland circle, astigmatism 372
Rowland ghosts 393
Rowland, H. 393
RRC 136 221—222 295 349 352 381
Russell — Saunders coupling 157ff
RX J1713.7-3946 307
RX J1747.5-1145 335
Rybicki, G.B. 4 43 55 73 137 163 200—201 203 207 353
Rydberg 130
Ryle Telescope 37
RZ Cas 283
S5 0014+81 330
S5 0836+71 330
Safranova, U.I. 238
Saha equation 120
Sako, M. 213 228 235 411
Saloman, E.B. 214 259
Salpeter, E.E. 213—215
Salvati, M. 326
Sambruna, R.M. 331
Sampson, D.H. 132 154 156 175
Sandage, A.R. 33—34
Sanders, W.T. 365
Saraswat, P. 297
Sarazin, C.L.S. 123
SAS-2 26
Satellite lines 140 142 172ff 247 351 479
Satellite lines, density effects 174
Satellite lines, ionization diagnostics 177
Satellite lines, non-Maxwellian effects 177
Satellite lines, temperature diagnostics 176
Saunders, R. 38
Savin, D.W. 224 228 246
Scalar diffraction theory 399
Scattering factor 439 441—443
Schattenburg, M.L. 377
Scheuer, P.A.G. 44 57
Schindler, S. 335
Schmid, H.M. 355
Schmitt, J.H.M.M. 284 480
Schnopper, H.W. 384 412
Schrijver, C.J. 126 147 153 155 169 174—175 182 284
Schrijver, J. 248 202
Schwarzschild black hole 316 318
Sco X-1 213 436
Scofield, J.H. 210 259
Scudder, J.D. 177
Scutum Arm 311
| Seaton, M.J. 139 141 151 157
Seely, J.F. 177 238
Seidel, W. 497
Selection rules 161—162
Self-absorption 61—63
Serlemitsos, P.J. 235 270 330
Sevier, K.D. 357
Seward, F.D. 213 361 386
Seyfert galaxies 40—41 315ff
Seyfert galaxies, fluorescent K line 241—242 315—319
Seyfert galaxies, power law component 320
Seyfert galaxies, Seyfert 1 galaxies 315ff
Seyfert galaxies, Seyfert 2 galaxies 323ff 411
Seyfert galaxies, soft component 321
Seyfert galaxies, warm absorbers 319—320
Seyfert, C. 315
Sgr A* 312—313
Shapiro, P.R. 122 167 248
Shapiro, S.L. 207
Sharf, C.A. 333
Shevelko, V.P. 110 125 132 149—150 160—161 178
Shirai, T. 246
Shklovsky, I.S. 213
Shock acceleration 98ff
Shock acceleration, relativistic 104—105
Shortley, G.H. 110 157
Shull, J.M. 216 249 258 263
Siarkowski, M. 281
Siebert, J. 330
Silver, E. 507
Singh, K.P. 280 283
Skadron, G. 98
Skinner, S.L. 288
Slane, P. 308
SMC 310
Smith, B.W. 109 143 278
Smith, D.A. 411
Smith, S.D. 424
Smither, R.K. 462
SMM 480
Smoluchowski's envelope 30
Snell's law 445
Snow, T.P. 357
Sobelman, I.I. 228
Sobol, I.M. 73 193 197—198
Source function 63
Spacelab-1 495 497
Spectator electron 142 172 247 351
Spectral fitting 274ff
Spectral fitting, calibration 275
Spectral fitting, data binning 274
Spectral fitting, model binning 275
Spectral fitting, sampling of spectra 276
Spectral fitting, spectral deconvolution 275
Spectral resolution (diagnostics) 348—359 478 482
Spectrometers 361ff
Spectrometers, CCD 366
Spectrometers, crystal 364
Spectrometers, diffractive 361
Spectrometers, energy dispersive 492ff
Spectrometers, grating 361—364
Spectrometers, microcalorimeter 367 415—429 497 503—508
Spectrometers, non-diffractive 366
Spectrometers, STJ 366
Spectrometers, wavelength dispersive 485ff
Spectrum X/ 113 347 365 485 490 492
Spectrum X/ , OXS 365 412—415 490 492
Spectrum X/ , SODART 412
SPEX 113 165 171 278
Spitzer, Jr.L. 115—116 119 165
Spizzichino, A. 451
Spodek, J. 408
SQUID magnetometer 497
SS 433 296—297 308
SS Cyg 289
Stahle, C.K. 429 505
Stecker, F.W. 26
Stegun, I.A. 155 211
Stella, L. 234
Stellar coronae 279ff
Stellar coronae, abundances 283—284
Stellar coronae, flares 284
Stellar coronae, temperature structure 280
Stevens, I.R. 287
Storey, P.J. 143
Stroke, G.W. 370 400
Sugizaki, M. 322
Summers, H.P. 131 144 162
Sunyaev — Zel'dovich effect 36 40 338
Sunyaev, R.A. 38 73 193 196—198 207 355
Superconducting tunnel junction (STJ) 366 497 499—502
Superluminal motion 89—91
Supernova (SN) 1978K 311
Supernova (SN) 1993J 311
Supernova (SN) AD 1006 301 307
Supernova (SN) AD 1054 301
Supernova (SN) AD 1181 301
Supernova (SN) AD 1572 (Tycho) 301
Supernova (SN) AD 1680(?) 302
Supernova (SN) AD 386 307
Supernova (SN) AD 837(?) 307
Supernova remnant (SNR) 0102-72 310
Supernova remnant (SNR) 0509-67.5 310
Supernova remnant (SNR) 0519-69.0 310
Supernova remnant (SNR) 3C58 301
Supernova remnant (SNR) Cas A 73 302—304 311
Supernova remnant (SNR) Crab Nebula 2 64 69 301 307—308 496
Supernova remnant (SNR) CTA 1 307
Supernova remnant (SNR) Cygnus Loop 305—306
Supernova remnant (SNR) G 11.2-0.3 307
Supernova remnant (SNR) G 166.0+4.3 308
Supernova remnant (SNR) G 296.5+10.0 307
Supernova remnant (SNR) IC 443 307
Supernova remnant (SNR) Kes 73 305
Supernova remnant (SNR) Kes 75 307
Supernova remnant (SNR) N 103B 310
Supernova remnant (SNR) N 132D 310 380—381
Supernova remnant (SNR) Pup A 305 365
Supernova remnant (SNR) RCW 103 305
Supernova remnant (SNR) RCW 86 305
Supernova remnant (SNR) RCW 89 309
Supernova remnant (SNR) RXJ 1713.7-3946 307
Supernova remnant (SNR) SN 1006 301 307
Supernova remnant (SNR) Tycho 301 304
Supernova remnant (SNR) Vela 305
Supernova remnant (SNR) W 44 308
Supernova remnant (SNR) W 49B 308—309
Supernova remnant (SNR) W 50 308
Supernova Remnants 301ff
Supernova remnants, evolution 122 302
Supernova remnants, jets 308
Supernova remnants, plerions 307—308
Supernova remnants, synchrotron emission 304 307
Supernovae, type Ia 301
Supernovae, type Ib 302
Supernovae, type II 301
Supersoft sources 290
Supper, R. 314
Surface roughness 450
Surface roughness, TIS fraction 451
Swank, J.H. 211—212
Sylwester, B. 118
Synchro-Compton radiation 79ff
Synchrotron radiation 43ff
Synchrotron radiation, compared with inverse Compton 76—78
Synchrotron radiation, electron spectrum 57 68
Synchrotron radiation, energy loss rate 45—47
Synchrotron radiation, guiding center motion 45
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