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van Paradijs J., Bleeker J.A.M. — X-Ray Spectroscopy in Astrophysics |
Предметный указатель |
Constellation-X 364 367 430 479 483 485 487 493 507
Cooling flows 33ff 331ff
Cooper, J. 117—119 121
Corbet, R.H.D. 310
Corcoran, M.F. 285
Coronal model 111 115ff
Coronal model, assumptions 115
Coronal model, high-density effects 120
Coronal model, non-Maxwellian distribution 123
Coronal model, optical-depth effects 117
Coronal model, transient plasmas 121
Coronet cluster, 287
Corson, D.R. 444
COS-B 26
Cosmic rays 67
Cottam, J. 407 410
Coulomb — Born approximation 156
Coupling schemes, jj coupling 158
Coupling schemes, LS coupling 158ff
Cowan, R.D. 237
Crab Nebula 2 64 69 301 307—308 496
Critical brightness temperature 81 89
Critical density 169 231 234 350
Critical grazing angle 445—446
Cromer, D.T. 441—442
Crook, A.W. 446
Cross section, annihilation 86
Cross section, Klein — Nishina 81 84 194
Cross section, photon-photon 88
Cross section, scattering from grating 451
Cross section, Thomson 10 194
Crystal lenses 461 463
Crystal reflection 448
Crystal spectrometers 364
CTA 1 307
Culhane, J.L. 365
Curvature radiation 55
Cyclotron radiation 45ff
Cyclotron radiation, absorption line 48—49
Cyclotron radiation, frequency 45 54
Cyclotron radiation, gyroradius 45
Cyclotron radiation, spectrum 50—51
Cyg A 60 73 79 90
Cyg OB association 286
Cyg X-1 207
Cyg X-2 298
Cyg X-3 221 224 295 380 382—383
Cygnus Loop 305—306
Dalgarno, A. 135 137 149 165 244
Davis, J.C. 376 395
de Chambure, D. 477
de Korte, P.A.J. 497 504
Debye temperature 418 420—421 504
Debye — Waller factor 394 397 408
Debye, P. 394 420
Decaux, V. 356
Deiker, S. 367 505—507
Della Ceca, R. 322
Density diagnostics 167ff 349
Density diagnostics, critical density 169 231 234 350
Density diagnostics, f/i line ratio 168
Density diagnostics, He-like ions 229ff 349
Density diagnostics, L-shell ions 232ff 350
Density diagnostics, satellite lines 174
Density diagnostics, X-ray photoionised plasma 229
Detailed balancing 116 142
Dewey, D. 377
Dias, T.H.V.T. 496
Dielectronic recombination 136 141ff 243ff 351
Dielectronic recombination, branching ratio 142
Dielectronic recombination, comparison photoionised and collisional plasmas 246
Dielectronic recombination, density effects 144
Dielectronic recombination, effect of electric fields 144
Dielectronic recombination, rates 143ff
Dielectronic recombination, resonant excitation 245
Dielectronic recombination, satellite lines 140 142 172ff 247
Dielectronic recombination, spectator electron 142 172 247 351
Differential emission measure 170 220 280 281 283
Diffuse X-ray background 38—40
Diffusion loss equation 64
Dipole radiation 5 7
Dispersion equation 361
Distorted-wave approximation 156
Dolder, K. 157
Donahue, M. 336 339
Done, C. 289—290 325 411
Doppler broadening 353
dos Santos, J.M.F. 497
Doty, P.P. 495
Drake, G.W.F. 165
Drake, S.A. 283
Drawin, H.-W. 130
Dreicer, H. 177
Drury, L.O'C. 102
Dubau, J. 137 142 172
Duechs, D. 125 146
Dunford, R.W. 161
Dusi, F. 495
dwarf novae 290
E 1821+643 329
Eardley, D.M. 207
Ebisawa, K. 235 296
ECIP method 131
Eddington luminosity 195
Edgar, R.J. 365
Edlen, B. 172
Eichler, D. 102
Einstein Observatory 2 33 111—112 123 269 361 386—388 485 490
Einstein observatory, FPCS 269 365 490
Einstein observatory, OGS 111
Einstein observatory, SSS 269
Einstein, A. 422
EK Dra 171 283 285
Electron configuration (notation) 157
Electron impact excitation 151—156
Electron radius 10 23
Elvis, M. 330 389
Elwert, G. 111 115 130 137—139
Emission measure 219
Emission measure, distribution 281 283
Energy dispersive spectrometer 492ff
Energy dispersive spectrometer, imaging properties 484
Energy dispersive spectrometer, resolving power 493
Energy levels (notation) 157
Equilibrium, collisional ionization 190
Equilibrium, non-ionization 192
Equilibrium, photoionization 190
Equivalent electron 158
Eracleous, M. 322
EUVE 113 171 182 270 335 364 482 490 501
Evans, A. 358
EX IIya 290—292
EXAFS 358 444
EXO 033319-2554.2 51
EXO 055620-3820.2 318
EXO 055625-3838.6 331
EXOSAT 181 269 361 386—388 485 490 495
Fabian, A.C. 40—41 119 213 236 316 319 331 333—334 336 389
Fabricant, D. 32
Fano factor 366 493 495
Faraday's law 437
Favata, F. 281 284 303—304 310
Feigelson, E.P. 79
Feldman, U. 168 238 257
Ferger, P. 497
Ferland, G.J. 128 139
Fermi acceleration 98ff
Ferrario, L. 51
Fichtel, C.E. 26
| Flares (late type stars) 284 288
Fleming, T.A. 285
Fluorescence 191 236—237 355ff
Fluorescence, K fluorescence yield 238
Fluorescence, Seyfert galaxies 241—242
FO Aqr 292
Foils 458
For A 79 322 333
Forbidden line 162
Forman, W. 33
Forrester, M.G. 499
Frank, J. 195
Frank, M. 501
Fraser, G.W. 360 492 495
Fraunhofer diffraction 449
Free-free emission see "Bremsstrahlung"
Fresnel reflection 444
Friedrich, W. 364
Frontera, F. 270
Fujimoto, R. 291 308—309
Fujita, Y. 315 336
Fukazawa, Y. 235 324 333 336 339—340 355
G 11.2-0.3 307
G 166.0+4.3 308
G 296.5+10.0 307
Gabriel, A.H. 137 142 168 172 175—178 229 260 349
Galactic -ray emission 26
Galactic center 85 311—313 355
Galactic ridge 311
Gallagher, D. 461
Gallagher, J.H. 157
Garmire, G. 373
Gaunt factor 19 23—24 151 163—165 180
Gaunt factor, Born — Heitler approximation 180
Gaunt factor, free-bound emission 164
Gaunt factor, free-free emission 163
Gaunt factor, two-photon emission 165
Gaunt, J.A. 138
Gaussian optics 455
Gehrels, N. 495
George, I.M. 213 236 320 330—331
Giacconi, R. 490
Ginga 40 49 289 296 311 319 323
Ginzburg, V. 43
Goldie, D.J. 499
Goldstein, W.H. 115 257
Gorenstein, P. 32
Gotthelf, E.V. 283 304—305
Gould, H. 161
Gould, R.J. 73 77—78 198
Grainge, K. 37
Grating, disadvantage 490
Grating, equation 450 485 488
Grating, reflection 363 371 399 449 487—490
Grating, scattering 407—408
Grating, spectrometers 361—364
Grating, transmission 362 371 382ff 399 449 487
Grazing-incidence telescope 455ff
Grazing-incidence telescope, Kirkpatrick — Baez 455 458—462
Grazing-incidence telescope, Wolter type I and II 455—456 458—459 461 469—472
Greenstein, J.L. 165
Gregory, D.C. 131
Greiveldinger, C. 310
Grevesse, N. 148 166 242 259
Griem, H.R. 110 120 125 131 146 157
Grindlay, J.E. 81—83 213
Gronenschild, E.H.B.M. 109 123 126 156 164—165 167 169 175 278 352
GRS 1915+105 89
GSPC 495 497
Guainazzi, M. 318—321 324 330
Guedel, M. 283
Gullikson, E.M. 376
Guo, Z. 308
Gurman, S.J. 444
GX 301-2 297
H 1426+428 331
H 1829-591 327
Hahn, Y. 141 143—144
Halpern, J.P. 213
Hamann, F. 390
Hamilton, A.J.S. 123
Harrus, I.M. 308
Hasinger, G. 40 467
Hatchett, S. 221
Hayashi, M.R. 288 310—311 327
HD 104237 288
HD 193793 286
HD 35850 283
HD 89499 285
He-like ions, density diagnostics 229
He-like ions, G ratio 260
HEAO-2 85
Hearn, A.G. 118 147
Heavens, A.F. 102—103 105
Heitler, W. 23
Helfand, D.J. 307
Hellier, C. 292
Henke, B.L. 376 442—443
Henriksen, M.J. 337
Her X-1 48—49 298—299
Herbig Ae/Be stars 288
Herzberg, G. 110 157—158 160 162
Hettrick, M.C. 372 398
High-mass X-ray binaries 293ff
Hirayama, m. 310
Holland, A.D. 495
Holt, S.S. 119 193 211—212 303 366 479 503
Holzapfel, W.L. 338
Houck, J. 381
Houghton, J.T. 424
HT Cas 290
HTXS 467 479
Huaguo, T. 128
Hubble constant 37—38 338
Hubble, J.H. 216 259
Hughes, J.P. 310
HULLAC 115 258
Hwang, U. 304 338
Hya A 334
IC 4329A 316 321
IC 443 307
II Peg 283—284
Ikebe, Y. 333—334
Illarionov, A. 353—354
Imaging, Gausian optics 455
Imaging, geometric theory 452
Imaging, grazing-incidence 455ff
Imaging, principal surface 455
Imaging, projective transformation 452
Imaging, stigmatic 453—454
Inner-shell excitation 174
Inner-shell ionization 175
Inoue, H. 366
Intermediate polars 290—291
Interplanetary shock 101—102
Interstellar electron spectrum 59
Interstellar radio emissivity 59
Inverse Compton catastrophe 79—81 89 97
Inverse Compton scattering 73ff
Inverse Compton scattering, relation to synchrotron emission 76—78
Ionization balance 125ff 278
Ionization balance, atomic physics (accuracy) 126
Ionization balance, steady state 126
Ionization equilibrium, collisional 114 190
Ionization equilibrium, photoionization 190
Ionization parameter 122 214—215
Ionization parameter, Compton 218
Ionization rates 127ff
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