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van Paradijs J., Bleeker J.A.M. — X-Ray Spectroscopy in Astrophysics |
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annihilation 85ff
annihilation, cross section 86
Cet 283
Ori 285
Car 286
Vel 287
Ori 285
UMa 283
Ophiuchi Cloud 288
Sco 286
0102-72 310
0509-67.5 310
0519-69.0 310
1E 1048.1-5937 310
1E 2259+586 3103
3C 109 322
3C 120 322
3C 123 104
3C 273 89 90 104 330
3C 33 104
3C 371 89 91
3C 382 322
3C 390.3 3224
3C 58 301
4U 0142+61 310
4U 1608-52 298
4U 1626-67 298 300
A (Abell) 1060 336 338
A (Abell) 1413 37
A (Abell) 1914 37
A (Abell) 2142 38
A (Abell) 2163 332
A (Abell) 2199 338
A (Abell) 2256 38 332
A (Abell) 2319 332
A (Abell) 3558 332
A (Abell) 370 339
A (Abell) 399 336
A (Abell) 401 336
A (Abell) 478 38
A (Abell) 496 338
A (Abell) 665 332
A (Abell) 754 337
AB Dor 284
Abdali, S. 100
Abramowitz, M. 155 211
Absorption coefficient 438
Abundances, clusters of galaxies 338—340
Abundances, dwarf novae 290
Abundances, flare stars 288
Abundances, LBV stars 286
Abundances, LMXB 298
Abundances, OB stars 286
Abundances, stellar coronae 283
Abundances, supernova remnants 303—305 308 310
Abundances, Wolf — Rayet stars 287
Acceleration of charged particles 5—7 97ff
Active galactic nuclei (AGN) 322ff
Active galactic nuclei (AGN), BL Lac objects 89 331
Active galactic nuclei (AGN), broad-line radio galaxies 322
Active galactic nuclei (AGN), narrow-line emission galaxies 326—328
Active galactic nuclei (AGN), quasars 328ff
Active galactic nuclei (AGN), Seyfert 2 galaxies 315ff
Active galactic nuclei (AGN), unification scheme 322—323
Acton, A.W. 118
Adiabatic demagnetization refrigerator 497—498
Aggarwal, K.M. 153 157
Akkerman, A. 495
Aldrovandi, S.M.V. 139
Algol 283—284
Allen, C.W. 120 166
Allen, S.W. 322 335
Allison, S.K. 364 441
AM Her 292
AM Her systems 50 292
Ampere's law 437
Anders, E. 148 166 242 259
Angelini, L. 213 298 300
Anomalous X-ray pulsars 309—310
Antonucci, R.R.J. 238—239
Antunes, A. 283—284
AO 0235+164 331
AO Psc 292
AR Lac 275 280—283 479 481
Arimoto, N. 339
Arnaud, M. 126—127 130—133 135 139 144 246 278—279 332 337
Asai, K. 298
ASCA 113 171 181 213 221 224 235 269ff 366 380—381 411 458—459 467 481 495
ASCA, angular resolution 273
ASCA, effective area 271
ASCA, GIS 270 495
ASCA, spectral resolution 272
Aschenbach, B. 397
Astigmatism 372
Astro-E 113 182 269 367 428 479 505
Astro-E, microcalorimeter 415 428
Astro-E, X-ray spectrometer 428 505
Atmosphere model 111—112
Atomic physics, ionization rates 127
Atomic physics, recombination rates 128
Auger effect 141 237
Autoionization 131 141 237
Awaki, H. 314 323 326
AWM 7 333 336 338 340
AX J2315-592 293
AXAF 112—113 116 181—182 269 347 357 361 368—369 375ff 415 428 463ff 477—478 483 485 487—488
AXAF, ACIS 373 466 483
AXAF, ground calibration 378
AXAF, HETG 374—375 377 384 466—467 487 490
AXAF, HRC 373 466 484
AXAF, HRMA 373 460 462 466 483 484 487
AXAF, LETG 374—375 377 384 387ff 466 468 487
AXAF, pile up 378
Axford, W.I. 98
Azaroff, L.V. 449
Baez, A.V. 455
Ballard, K.R. 105
Bambynek, W. 238
Band, D.L. 81—83
Bandler, S. 497
Bar-Shalom, A. 259
Barber, H.B. 495
Barcons, X. 40
Barkla, C.G. 8
Bates, D.R. 134 137 172 244
Bautista, M. 221
Bautz, M. 339
Beaming 52—53 81 89ff 94 330
Becker, W. 310
Beckmann, P. 451
Begelman, M.C. 239
Beiersdorfer, P. 238 352
Bekefi, G. 43 50
Bell, A.R. 98 101—102
Bell, R.H. 141
Bely, O. 131—132
Bely-Dubau, F. 142—143
Bennett, W.R. 424
BeppoSAX 113 269ff
BeppoSAX, angular resolution 273
BeppoSAX, effective area 271
BeppoSAX, HPGSPC 270
BeppoSAX, LECS 270
BeppoSAX, MECS 270
BeppoSAX, PDS 270
BeppoSAX, spectral resolution 272
Bethe, H.A. 23
| Beuermann, K.P. 375
Bhalla, C.P. 128
Birkinshaw, M. 36
Biuggelli, B. 33—34
Bixler, J.V. 404
BL Lac objects 89 331
Black holes, Kerr 316—318
Black holes, relativistic accretion disk 316
Black holes, Schwarzscitild 316 318
Blaha, M. 149
Blandford, R.D. 4 98 102 206 212
Blanton, E.L. 307
Blaze angle 488
Blumenthal, G.R. 73 77—78 198
Bluzer, N. 499
Boehringer, H. 33—35
Boella, G. 270
Boltzmann equation 201
Born — Heitler approximation 180
Born, M. 382 436 439—440 452
Bose — Einstein distribution 201
Bowyer, S. 364 372 482
Braeuniger, H. 375
Bragg condition 364
Bragg crystal 486
Bragg spectrometer 486 490—492
Bragg spectrometer, disadvantage 492
Bragg's law 447 486
Brandt, W.N. 299 301 321
Bremsstrahlung 17ff 163
Bremsstrahlung, Compton heated gas 217
Bremsstrahlung, Gaunt factor 19 23—24 163—164
Bremsstrahlung, loss rate 24 163 217
Bremsstrahlung, non-relativistic 22
Bremsstrahlung, relativistic 24ff
Bremsstrahlung, spectrum 19
Bremsstrahlung, thermal 22
Brickhouse, N.S. 110 149 278
Briel, U. 488—489
Brightness temperature 61
Brightness temperature, critical value 81 89
Brinkman, A.C. 361 374 387—388 398 486
Brinkmann, W. 329
Bromiley, P.A. 499
Brown, J.C. 180
Brown, W.A. 118
Buff, J. 221
Buote, D.A. 315
Burbidge, G.R. 73
Burgess, A. 131 137 143—144 172
Burrows, D.N. 308
Butler, S.E. 135
BY Cam 293
BY Dra 284
Cabrera, B. 497
CAL 87 290
Canizares, C.R. 315 365 374—375
Capella 277 281 284
Cappi, M. 321 326 330
Carkner, L. 288
Carson, T.R. 164
Cas A 73 302—304 311
Cash, W. 461
Castor 283
Cataclysmic variables 289ff
Cataclysmic variables, dwarf novae 289
Cataclysmic variables, intermediate polars 290—291
Cataclysmic variables, non-magnetic 289
Cataclysmic variables, polars 292
Cataclysmic variables, supersoft sources 290
Cavaliere, A. 33
CdZnTe detector 495
Cen A 79 322
Cen X-3 235 296
Cen X-4 298
Centaurus cluster 333—334 339—340
Chardin, G. 497
Chidichimo, M.C. 131
Chlebowski, T. 213
Choi, C.S. 298
Christensen, F.E. 463
Churazov, E.M. 355
Church, E.L. 407
Cir X-1 299
Circinus Galaxy 327
Close-coupling method 156
Closed shell 158
Cluster of galaxies, Abell 1060 336 338
Cluster of galaxies, Abell 1413 37
Cluster of galaxies, Abell 1914 37
Cluster of galaxies, Abell 2142 38
Cluster of galaxies, Abell 2163 332
Cluster of galaxies, Abell 2199 338
Cluster of galaxies, Abell 2256 38 332
Cluster of galaxies, Abell 2319 332
Cluster of galaxies, Abell 3558 332
Cluster of galaxies, Abell 370 339
Cluster of galaxies, Abell 399 336
Cluster of galaxies, Abell 401 336
Cluster of galaxies, Abell 478 38
Cluster of galaxies, Abell 496 338
Cluster of galaxies, Abell 665 332
Cluster of galaxies, Abell 754 337
Cluster of galaxies, Centaurus 333—334 339—340
Cluster of galaxies, Coma 28 332 335 337
Cluster of galaxies, Fornax A 79 322 333
Cluster of galaxies, Hydra A 334
Cluster of galaxies, Ophiuchus 335
Cluster of galaxies, Perseus 33 35 332 337
Cluster of galaxies, Virgo 33—34 323 331 333 338 340
Clusters of galaxies 27ff 331ff
Clusters of galaxies, abundances 338—340
Clusters of galaxies, cooling flow 33ff 333ff
Clusters of galaxies, dark matter 28 34
Clusters of galaxies, evolution (mergers) 336
Clusters of galaxies, isothermal model 332
Clusters of galaxies, mass 28 34
Clusters of galaxies, mass distribution 32 335
Clusters of galaxies, mass-to-luminosity ratio 28
Clusters of galaxies, optical depth effects 337
Clusters of galaxies, structural index 30
Clusters of galaxies, Sunyaev — Zel'dovich effect 36 40 338
Clusters of galaxies, tidal radius 30
Cohen, D.H. 286
Collisional ionization equilibrium 190
Collisional ionization equilibrium, peak temperature 190
Collisional strength 152—154
Coma cluster 28
Compactness parameter 88 97
Compton GRO 89 91
Compton heating/cooling 208
Compton ionization parameter 218
Compton reflection hump 41—42 236
Compton scattering 193ff
Compton scattering, Doppler effect 193
Compton scattering, effect on line profile 196—197 353
Compton scattering, electron recoil 193
Compton scattering, energy transfer 195 199
Compton scattering, Kompaneets equation 201ff 206
Compton scattering, optical depth 36 194
Compton scattering, saturated 200
Compton scattering, spontaneous 201
Compton scattering, stimulated 201
Compton scattering, unsaturated 206—208
Compton scattering, y parameter 198 200
Compton temperature 210
Compton, A.H. 364 441
Comptonization see "Compton scattering"
Condon, E.U. 110 157
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