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Collins P.D.B., Martin A.D., Squires E.J. — Particle Physics and Cosmology
Collins P.D.B., Martin A.D., Squires E.J. — Particle Physics and Cosmology

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Название: Particle Physics and Cosmology

Авторы: Collins P.D.B., Martin A.D., Squires E.J.


This readable introduction to particle physics and cosmology discusses the interaction of these two fundamental branches of physics and considers recent advances beyond the standard models. Eight chapters comprise a brief introduction to the gauge theories of the strong and the electroweak interactions, the so-called grand unified theories, and general relativity. Ten more chapters address recent concepts such as composite fermions and bosons, supersymmetry, quantum gravity, supergravity, and strings theories, and relate them to modern cosmology and experimental astronomy.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1989

Количество страниц: 507

Добавлена в каталог: 17.11.2013

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Scalar curvature, R      262 264 266 372
Scalar particle      see "Higgs boson"
Scalar potential      289 see
Scale of SUGRA breaking      286
Scale of SUSY breaking      241
Scale, compactification      295
Scale, compositeness AH      200
Scale, GUT      159
Scale, hadronic energy      10
Scale, Planck, $E_{P}$      4 388
Scale, QCD      see "$\Lambda_{C}$"
Scaling      128
Scaling violations      26 128
Scattering matrix      312
Scattering of hadrons      26
Scattering, amplitude      20
Scattering, cross section      20 29
Scattering, deep inelastic      23 127
Scattering, diffractive      15
Scattering, experiments      18
Schwarzchild radius      447
Screening,9 Sea quarks      16 128
Second-order formalism      263
See-saw mechanism      184
Selectron $\overline{e}$      245
Self-dual lattice      355
Semileptonic decay      141 150
Sfermions      225
Silk mass      412
Simple group      164
Simply connected mainfold      360
Simply-laced group      367
Singularity, collinear and IR      130
Slavnov — Taylor identities      102
Slepton $\tilde{l}$      243 244 245
SN 1987A      458 462
Sneutrino $\tilde{\nu}$      245
SNU, solar neutrino unit      451
SO(10) GUT      166
SO(10) GUT from strings      360
SO(10) GUT, B-L violation in      184
SO(10) GUT, fermion representation      166
SO(10) GUT, neutrino masses in      185
SO(10) GUT, symmetry breaking of      185
SO(32)      345 360
SO(32), anomaly cancellation      347
SO(N)      165 345
Soft parton      29
Soft pion theorems      75
Solar lifetime      454
Solar luminosity      452
Solar model      443
Solar neutrino experiment      155 451
Solar neutrinos      155 451 452
Solenoid magnetic flux      49 421
Sp(2N), symplectic group      165 345
Space-time, dimensionality of      293 399 413
Sparticles      244
Spin $\frac{1}{2}$ baryons      12
Spin $\frac{2}{3}$ baryons      12
Spin $\frac{3}{2}$ particle      39
Spin $\frac{3}{2}$ particle and local SUSY      277
Spin $\frac{3}{2}$ particle in spinning string      341
Spin $\frac{3}{2}$, Lagrangian for      279
Spin 0 mesons      12
Spin 1 mesons      12
Spin 2 particle      5 35 277 298
Spin connection $\omega_{\mu}{}^{m}{}_{n}$      260 349
Spin connection $\omega_{\mu}{}^{m}{}_{n}$ and SUGRA      279
Spin connection $\omega_{\mu}{}^{m}{}_{n}$, covariantly constant      263
Spin connection $\omega_{\mu}{}^{m}{}_{n}$, transformations of      260
Spin degrees of freedom $g_{*}$      379 381 386
Spinning string      337
Spinning string and SUGRA      343
Spinning string, boundary conditions of      338
Spinning string, fermions in      341
Spinning string, mass spectrum      340 341
Spinning string, tachyonsin      341 342
Spinning string, unorientable      343
Spinor      35
Spinor for antiparticle      37
Spinor for spin $\frac{3}{2}$ particle      39
Spinor on d=2 world sheet      338
Spinor, adjoint      37
Spinor, antiparticle      37 159 182
Spinor, bilinear identities      38 227
Spinor, charge conjugate      37 159 182
Spinor, chiral, Weyl      38 69 159
Spinor, completeness relation for      41
Spinor, Dirac      35 181
Spinor, Majorana      39 182 224
Spinor, normalization of      41
Spinor, Weyl      38 81 159
Spinor, Weyl and Majorana      39 225 305
Splitting functions      129
Spontaneous symmetry breaking      70
Spontaneous symmetry breaking in Weinberg — Salam model      85
Spontaneous symmetry breaking of SO(10)      185
Spontaneous symmetry breaking of SU(5)      171
Spontaneous symmetry breaking of SUGRA      282
Spontaneous symmetry breaking of SUSY      234
Squark $\overline{q}$      243 244 246
Squashed 7-sphere      307
Standard model of cosmology      369
Standard model of cosmology, problems of      395
Standard Model of particle physics      10
Standard model, contained in isometry group      303
Standard model, exploring beyond      369
Standard model, limitations of      157 199
Standard model, parameters of      157
Standard model, tests of      122
Standard solar model      443
Stefan — Boltzmann constant a      379
Stefan — Boltzmann constant a in Kaluza — Klein theories      416
Stellar evolution      440
Stellar lifetime      455 446
Stellar luminosity      445
Stellar mass, maximum      443
Stellar mass, minimum      442
Stellar radius      442
Strange quark matter      469
String and cosmic string      436
String and duality      333
String and gravity      337
String and inflation      409
String and SUSY      341 359 367
String and UV divergence      319 332
String theories      311
String, anticommutation relations      340
String, centre of mass      327
String, classical bosonic      319
String, closed      319 322
String, commutation relations      326
String, constraints      322 324
String, coupling constants      334
String, diagrams      332
String, factorisation of amplitudes      344
String, fermionic degrees of freedom      337
String, four dimension      363 366
String, G-parity operator      341
String, heterotic      350
String, history of      312
String, interactions      331
String, internal quantum numbers      343
String, Lagrangian      321
String, mass of      324
String, momentum of      324 326
String, open      319 323
String, oriented      323
String, phenomenology      368
String, quantum      326
String, spinning      337
String, tension      16 321 329
String, type I      343
String, type II(a)\      343
String, type II(b)      343
Strong coupling      8 10 132
Strong CP problem      119
Structure constants of group and adjoint representation      173
Structure constants of group of SU(2)      44
Structure constants of group of SU(3)      45 46
Structure constants of group of SU(5)      168
Structure formation in universe      391 410 438
Structure formation in universe and dark matter      413
Structure formation in universe and the fundamental constants      412
Structure functions      24 129
Structure in universe      391 410 438
SU(2) of flavor (isospin)      14 44 48
SU(2) of Georgi — Glashow model      424
SU(2) of weak isospin      7 50 84
SU(2) transformation      44
SU(2) x U(1) gauge theory      83
SU(3) $\lambda$ matrices      45 46 68
SU(3) of color      8 45 52
SU(3) of flavor      14
SU(3) of hypercolor      203
SU(5) $\lambda$ matrices      169
SU(5) GUT      164 167
SU(5) GUT and inflation      407
SU(5) GUT and monopoles      426
SU(5) GUT and supersymmetry      247
SU(5) GUT, fermion masses in      174
SU(5) GUT, fermion representations      165 167
SU(5) GUT, gauge bosons of      168
SU(5) GUT, Higgs representations      172 174
SU(5) GUT, Lagrangian      168 171 172
SU(5) GUT, symmetry breaking of      171
SU(6)      166
SU(8) hidden symmetry      291
SU(N)      46 65 66 165
SU(N) of hypercolor      201
SU(N), anticommutator in      210
SUGRA (Supergravity)      242 276
SUGRA (Supergravity) and electroweak breaking      287 289
SUGRA (Supergravity) and electroweak theory      286
SUGRA (Supergravity) and inflation      409
SUGRA (Supergravity) and the cosmological constant      282 284
SUGRA (Supergravity) in 10 dimensions      309 346
SUGRA (Supergravity) in 11 dimensions      306
SUGRA (Supergravity) in spinning string      343
SUGRA (Supergravity), advantages of      292
SUGRA (Supergravity), antisymmetric tensor field      348
SUGRA (Supergravity), coupled to gauge fields      280
SUGRA (Supergravity), N=8      290
SUGRA (Supergravity), no-scale model      288
SUGRA (Supergravity), symmetry breaking      282 286
SUGRA Lagrangian      278 279 337
SUGRA Lagrangian, effective      243 285
SUGRA Lagrangian, including gauge field      280
Summation convention      11 254
Super-Higgs mechanism      243 282
Superconducting strings      436
Superconformal gauge      338
Supercooling and inflation      403 409
Supergravity      see "SUGRA"
Supernovae      446 458
Supernovae as cosmic ray sources      451
supernovae as source of      458
Supernovae, emission of neutrinos by      459
Supernovae, gravitational energy of      459
Supernovae, rate of      458
Supernovae, shock waves      459
Supernovae, SN 1054, SN 1572, SN 1604      458
Supernovae, SN 1987A      458 462
Supernovae, type I      459
Supernovae, type II      446 459
Superpartners      243 244
Superpotential W      231 235 236 239
Superpotential W and inflation      409
Superpotential W in SUGRA      282 283 285
Superpotential W of SU(5) GUT      247
Superstring      311 see
Supersymmetric gauge theory      233
Supersymmetric GUT      247
Supersymmetric harmonic oscillator      222
Supersymmetric multiplet      244
Supersymmetric multiplet, chiral      225 232 244
Supersymmetric multiplet, gauge      225 233 244
Supersymmetric multiplet, gravity      278
Supersymmetric multiplet, N-extended      251
Supersymmetric multiplet, N=8 SUGRA      290
Supersymmetry (SUSY)      221
Supersymmetry (SUSY) and composite models      212
Supersymmetry (SUSY) and GUT      247
Supersymmetry (SUSY) and inflation      409
Supersymmetry (SUSY) in string theory      341 359 367
Supersymmetry (SUSY), algebra      223 225
Supersymmetry (SUSY), anticommutation relations      224
Supersymmetry (SUSY), global      276 285
Supersymmetry (SUSY), local      see "SUGRA"
Supersymmetry (SUSY), N-extended      250 309
Supersymmetry (SUSY), operators      222 224
Supersymmetry (SUSY), particle spectrum      243
Supersymmetry (SUSY), partners      226
Supersymmetry (SUSY), phenomenology      244
Supersymmetry (SUSY), spontaneous breaking of      234
Supersymmetry breaking      234
Supersymmetry breaking and gravity      242
Supersymmetry breaking and GUT      247
Supersymmetry breaking, D-type      236 239
Supersymmetry breaking, explicit      234 243
Supersymmetry breaking, F-type      236
Supersymmetry breaking, scale      241
Supersymmetry breaking, soft      243 285
Supersymmetry breaking, via radiative corrections      286
Supersymmetry Lagrangian      227 230 234
Supersymmetry Lagrangian for chiral multiplets      232
Supersymmetry Lagrangian for gauge multiplets      233
Supersymmetry Lagrangian in terms of superpotential      232
Supersymmetry Lagrangian, auxiliary field terms      229
Supersymmetry Lagrangian, chiral and gauge      234
Supersymmetry Lagrangian, effective      243
Supersymmetry Lagrangian, global invariance of      276
Supersymmetry Lagrangian, local invariance of      276
Supersymmetry Lagrangian, mass terms in      230
Supersymmetry Lagrangian, Wess — Zumino model      230
Supersymmetry transformation of chiral multiplet      227 229 236
Supersymmetry transformation of gauge multiplet      233 236
Supersymmetry transformation of gravity multiplet      279
Supersymmetry transformation, global      228 276
Supersymmetry transformation, local      228 276
Supertrace relation      238 241
SUSY      221 see
Symmetry breaking and compactification      360
Symmetry breaking and fifth force      272
Symmetry breaking and inflation      404 409
Symmetry breaking and the formation of domains      437
Symmetry breaking in early universe      397
Symmetry breaking in GUT      158 166 247
Symmetry breaking of $U(1)_{PQ}$      121
Symmetry breaking of extended technicolor      195
Symmetry breaking of SUGRA      282
Symmetry breaking with composite scalars      189
Symmetry breaking, chiral      74 120
Symmetry breaking, dynamical      74
Symmetry breaking, E8 x E8      360
Symmetry breaking, spontaneous      70
Symmetry breaking, SU(2) x U(1)      85
Symmetry breaking, supersymmetry      234
Symmetry breaking, technicolor      191
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