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Collins P.D.B., Martin A.D., Squires E.J. — Particle Physics and Cosmology |
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Cosmic strings and galaxy formation 394 434
Cosmic strings and inflation 436
Cosmic strings and structure formation 432
Cosmic strings and superstrings 436
Cosmic strings, detection of 435
Cosmic strings, energy density of 399 423
Cosmions 391 453
Cosmological constant, 267 357 374 397
Cosmological constant, and GUT scale 404
Cosmological constant, and inflation 400 403
Cosmological constant, and supersymmetry 235
Cosmological constant, in d=11 SUGRA 308
Cosmological constant, in Kaluza — Klein theories 416 417 419
Cosmological constant, in natural units 397
Cosmological constant, in SUGRA 282 284
Cosmological constant, , problem 420
Cosmological principle 370
Cosmology 369
Cosmology and topological defects 421
Cosmology as laboratory for HE physics 419
Cosmology, higher dimensional 413
Coulomb gauge 34
Coulomb's law 5
Coupling, color, , 8
Coupling, electromagnetic, e, 5 122
Coupling, evolution of 65
Coupling, Fermi 7 81
Coupling, gravitational 4
Coupling, Higgs 91
Coupling, matching at thresholds 67
Coupling, minimal 48
Coupling, weak 7 87 124
Couplings in GUT 160
Couplings in Kaluza model 303
Couplings in string theory 334
Couplings, tables of 4 47 89
Covariant component 257 259
Covariant derivative 48 233 260
Covariant derivative for Weinberg — Salam model 84
Covariant derivative in general relativity 260
Covariant derivative of Georgi — Glashow model 424
Covariant derivative of SU(3) gauge theory 52
Covariant derivative of SU(5) gauge theory 170 173
Covariant derivative of SU{2) gauge theory 50
Covariant derivative 32
Covariantly constant spinor 357
CP conjugate state 143
CP eigenstates 144 148
CP invariance 68 81
CP invariance and creation of universe 404
CP problem 120
CP violation 149
CP violation and baryogenesis 387 407
CP violation and matter-antimatter asymmetry 387 407
CP violation and the critical density 394
CP violation by term 118
CP violation in decays 149
CP violation in B decays 150
CP violation in KM Matrix 94
CP violation, direct 151
CP violation, magnitude of 142
CP violation, strong 118
CPT invariance 144
Crab Nebula 446 458
Creation ex nihilo 404
Critical density 397
Critical density and dark matter 390 394
Critical density and structure formation 413
Critical density of universe 377
Critical density versus monopole density 399
Critical density , relation to CP violation 394
Critical temperature for Higgs symmetry breakdown 402
Cross section for 21
Cross section for W, Z production 135
Cross section for Z production 28
Cross section, differential 20 25
Cross section, pp, total 30
Cross section, total 29
Crossing 312 313
Current algebra 76 196
Current for spin particle 37 43
Current for spin 0 particle 33 43
Current quark mass 2 13 77
Current, charged 79 88 93 140
Current, electromagnetic 48 89
Current, neutral 83 89 93
Curvature 264 371
Curvature and inflation 400
Curvature in solutions of Friedmann's equations 375
Curvature of space 370
Curvature scalar R 262 264 266 372
Curvature tensors 261 263 372
Cygnus X3 464
Cylinder condition 295 296
D mesons 12 148
d quark 1 2 79 84 140
D'Alembertian operator 32
D-type SUSY breaking 236 239
Dark matter 377 see "Cold"
Dark matter and structure formation 413
Dark matter, detection of 394
Dark matter, evidence for 389
Dark matter, nature of 390
Dashen's formula 196
Davis's solar neutrino experiment 451
de Sitter universe 400
Decay constant 146
Decay constant 75 121 191
Decay constant 121
Decay width 20 315
Decay width for 97
Decay width for 98
Decay width for 97
Decay width for 97
Decay width for 98
Decay width for 156
Decay width for 75
Decay width for 111
Decay width , mesons 144
Decay width , mesons 148
Decay width , general formula 20
Decay width , muon 124
Decay width , semileptonic 141
Decay width , W boson 134
Decay width , Z boson 134
Deceleration parameter q 376 397
Decoupling temperature of microwave background 380
Decoupling theorem 211
Decoupling time 381 398 401 410 434 432
Decoupling time and causality problem 397
Decoupling time and Jeans mass 411
Deep inelastic scattering 15 23 127
Delta resonance 12
Density fluctuations in early universe 392 410
Density fluctuations, due to cosmic strings 432 435
Density inhomogeneities, limit on 381
Density of early universe 379
Density of universe 397
Density parameter 377 397
Density parameter and inflation 404
Density perturbations, Harrison — Zeldovich 410 413
desert 159 172 383
Deuterium in early universe 385 386
Differential cross section 20
Differential cross section for 26
Differential cross section for 24 25
Differential cross section for 26
Differential cross section for 25
Diffractive scattering 15
Dilaton field 297
| Dilaton field as the inflaton 409
Dimensional regularisation 61
Dimensional transmutation 10
Dimensions of fields 59
Dimensions of space time 293
Dimensions of space time for consistent string theory 326 328 331 340
Dimensions of space time, origins of 399 413
Dirac current 37
Dirac equation 35
Dirac equation in d dimensions 303
Dirac mass 181
Dirac matrices see "\gamma matrices"
Dirac spinor see "Spinor"
Dirac's quantization condition 423
Direct CP violation 151
Divergence, degree of 59
Domain walls and inflation 438
Domain walls and the microwave background 438
Domain walls in universe 436
Domain walls, energy density of 399 437
Domain walls, surface tension of 438
Domain walls, thickness of 437
Domains in phase transitions 398 404 407 436
Doppler shift of radiation from galaxies 389
Doppler shift, due to expansion of universe 378
Double -decay 154
Drell — Yan mechanism 28 134
Dual lattice 355
Dual models 311 318
Dual tensor 107
Dual tensor 111
Duality 317
Duality diagrams 344
Duality in string theory 333
Dynamical symmetry breaking 74
Dynamics of universe 375
e-folds of inflation N 406 408 409 410
E6 167 360 362
E6 x E8 360
E8 x E8 345 351 355 366
E8 x E8, breaking of 360
Early Universe 369
Effective field theory 67
Einstein Lagrangian 261 262 278
Einstein's equation 263 267 271 374
Einstein's equation and quantum theory 273
Einstein's equation in Kaluza — Klein theories 297 415
Einstein's equation in presence of matter 267
Einstein's equation, including 271 374
Einstein's general relativity 253
Electric charge 1 5
Electric charge, equality of 158 165
Electric charge, quantisation of 159 165 199 298 423
electric field 33
Electromagnetic coupling see " of QED"
Electromagnetic current 48 89
Electromagnetic interaction 5 46
Electromagnetic potential 33 49
Electromagnetism unified with gravity 293 297
Electron 1 2 84
Electron in cosmic rays 499
Electron , charge of 5 158
Electron , coupling to Higgs 91
Electron , magnetic moment 124 205
Electron , mass in W-S model 91
Electron , mass of 2
Electron degeneracy pressure 441 445
Electron number 2
Electron-positron annihilation and polarization asymmetry 127
Electron-positron annihilation and supersymmetry 245
Electron-positron annihilation, into 82 97 137 218
Electron-positron annihilation, into 20
Electron-positron annihilation, into hadrons 21 63 132
Electron-positron annihilation, into HZ 139
Electroweak model 83 see
Electroweak radiative corrections 126
Electroweak theory and SUGRA 286
Embedding 365
Energy density of baryons 377 384 387 390
Energy density of universe 377 390 397
Energy-energy correlations 133
Energy-momentum tensor 267 277 372
Energy-momentum tensor of matter 372
Energy-momentum tensor of matter at rest 373
Energy-momentum tensor of non-relativistic matter 373
Energy-momentum tensor of radiation 374
Energy-momentum tensor of relativistic matter 373
Energy-momentum tensor , during inflation 404
Entropy density of early universe 379
Eoetvoes's experiment 272
Equivalence principle 254 272
Equivalence principle, test of by SN1987A neutrinos 463
Equivalence theorem 100
ETC 193
Euler characteristic 359
Euler — Lagrange equations 31 32
Evolution equations, Altarelli — Parisi 130
Evolution of stars 440
Evolution of universe 367
Exceptional groups 165 167
Excited leptons 208
Excited quarks 208
Excited vector bosons 215
Expanding Universe 369
Extended technicolor (ETC) 193
Extensive air showers 449 450 464
Extra dimensions and observable effects 295
F-type SUSY breaking 236
False vacuum and inflation 404
Families 1 94 199 202 294 360
Family replication and high dimensions 294
Fayet — Iliopoulos model 239
Fermi coupling 4 7 81 124 216
Fermi coupling in composite models 216
Fermi coupling , determination of 124
Fermion masses 39 91 182 187
Fermion masses in compactified string theory 362
Fermion masses in GUT 163
Fermion masses in SU(5) 174
Fermion masses in SUGRA 286
Fermion masses in technicolor theories 192
Fermion masses, bounds on 127
Fermion masses, problem in composite models 212
Fermion masses, radiative corrections to 190
Fermion masses, table of 2
Fermion number density 378
Fermion propagator 41 47
fermions 1 35
Fermions in strings 337 341
Ferromagnetism and broken symmetry 403
Feynman gauge 41
Feynman rules 40 47
Field strength tensor in high dimensions 307 349
Field strength tensor of electromagnetism 33 297
Field strength tensor of Georgi — Glashow model 424
Field strength tensor of SU(2) gauge fields 52
Field strength tensor of SU(3) gauge fields 53 68
Field strength tensor, electroweak 85
Field theory at finite temperature 401
Fifth force 271
Fine structure constant 4 54 122 161
Fine structure constant from Kaluza model 299
Fine tuning 177 249 284
Fine tuning and universe density problem 397
First order formalism 263
Fixed points of non-freely acting group 363
Flat space 255 263 265 370 396
Flat Universe 370 376 396
Flatness problem in early universe 396 400
Flavor 1 2
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