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Collins P.D.B., Martin A.D., Squires E.J. — Particle Physics and Cosmology |
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Flavor changing neutral currents 93
Flavor changing neutral currents in technicolor theories 197
Flavor changing neutral currents, suppression of 93 146 197
Flavor symmetry 14 68
Flux 32 448
force 3 31 213
Force in composite models 213
Force, between hadrons 15 213
Force, between quarks 10
Force, gravitational 4
Force, Lorentz 37 46
Force, strong 8 213
Force, van der Waals 15
Force, weak 7
Form factors and compositeness 206
Four dimensional strings 363 366
Four vector 18 32
Four vector, potential 33
Four vector, scalar product 19
Four-fermion interaction 60 79 125 178
Free streaming Jeans mass 392 394
Free streaming of hot dark matter 392
Freund — Rubin compactification 307
Friedmann's equations 370 374
Friedmann's equations and inflation 400
Friedmann's equations and structure formation 413
Friedmann's equations in Kaluza — Klein theories 416
Friedmann's equations in natural units 397
Friedmann's equations, non-relativistic derivation 375
Froth and distribution of galaxies 394 438
Fundamental constants 4
Fundamental constants and structure formation 412
Fundamental constants in Kaluza — Klein theories 413
Fundamental constants, variation with time 413
Fundamental representation 45 46
G-parity in string theory 341
Galaxy, clusters 390 410 413
Galaxy, formation 394 410 413 434
Galaxy, halo of monopoles 429
Galaxy, luminosity of 389
Galaxy, magnetic field of 428 449
Galaxy, mass distribution in 389
Galaxy, mass of 389
Galaxy, motion within 389
Galaxy, rotation period of 429
Galaxy, seeded by black holes 448
Galaxy, size of 370
Gauge bosons 10 49 51 53
Gauge bosons of SU(5), GUT 168
Gauge bosons, table of 10
Gauge couplings see " " " " "
Gauge couplings and renormalization 57
Gauge couplings, variation with time 413
Gauge Fields 49 50 53 84 168
Gauge fields and SUGRA 280
Gauge fields and SUSY 233
Gauge invariance, global 42
Gauge invariance, local 48
Gauge symmetry 48 50
Gauge symmetry from Kaluza model 299 302
Gauge theories 42 83
Gauge theories as renormalizable theories 60
Gauge theories, symmetry breakdown at finite temperatures 402
Gauge theories, Yang — Mills 50
Gauge transformation 33 48
Gauginos 225 233 243
Gauginos in SUGRA 289
GCT, generalised coordinate transformation 259
Gell-Mann matrices 45
Gell-Mann — Okubo mass formula 77
General coordinates 254
General relativity 4 253 370
General relativity from local SUSY 277
General relativity in higher dimensions 296
General relativity, connection with Newtonian gravity 269
General relativity, curvature tensors of 263
General relativity, first order formalism 263
General relativity, Palatini formalism 263
Generalised coordinate transformation (GCT) 259
Generations 1 94 202 294 360
Generators 44
Generators in GUT 160
Generators of SU(2) x U(1) 84
Generators of SU(3) 46
Generators of supersymmetry 224
Generators, broken 73
Generators, isospin SU(2), 84
Geodesic 269
Georgi — Glashow SU(5) model 167
Ghosts 47
Ghosts in string theories 330
GIM mechanism 93 146 197
Gliozzi, Scherk, Olive (GSO) projection 341 342 351
Global gauge invariance 42
Glueballs 16
Gluino 244 246 392
Gluon distribution 25 130
Gluon emission 22 26 64 130 133 136
Gluon g 8
Gluon g as gauge boson 53
Gluon g, field strength tensor 53 68
Gluon g, self coupling 8 47 53 129
Goldberger— Treiman relation 76
Goldstino 236 237 239 240 245
Goldstino in SUGRA 282
Goldstone bosons 73 90 100
Goldstone bosons and cosmic strings 432
Goldstone bosons, technicolor 191 196
Graded Lie algebra 223
Grand Unified Theories (GUTs) 158
Grand Unified Theories (GUTs) and cosmic strings 431
Grand Unified Theories (GUTs) and inflation 407
Grand Unified Theories (GUTs) and monopoles 426
Grand Unified Theories (GUTs) and supersymmetry 247
Grand Unified Theories (GUTs) as origin of matter-antimatter asymmetry 387
Grand Unified Theories (GUTs), general consequences of 159
Grand Unified Theories (GUTs), possible gauge groups 164 167
Grand Unified Theories (GUTs), SO(10) 166 184
Grand Unified Theories (GUTs), SU(5) 167
Grand Unified Theories (GUTs), successes and problems of 186
Gravitational constant, 4 253 271 374
Gravitational constant, in Kaluza — Klein theories 297 416
Gravitational constant, in string theory 335
Gravitational constant, in SUGRA 281
Gravitational constant, , dimensionless form of 388 440
Gravitational constant, , magnitude of 271
Gravitational constant, , measurement of 271
Gravitational constant, , relation to 271
Gravitational constant, , variation with time 414
Gravitational energy 4 375 445 459
Gravitational lensing 435
Gravitational mass 254
Gravitational potential 4
Gravitational radiation 4 274 435
Gravitino 243 277
Gravitino as dark matter candidate 391 393
Gravitino mass 288 392
Gravitino mass and cosmology 289 392
Gravitino mass in broken SUGRA 281 283 284
Gravitino mass in no-scale model 288
Graviton G 4 243 274 277 298
Graviton G and anomalies 349
Graviton G as state of closed string 331 337
Graviton multiplet 278 309
Gravity 4 253
Gravity and string theory 337
Gravity and supersymmetry breaking 242
Gravity, quantum 272
Gravity, unification with electromagnetism 293
Greissen cut off 449
| Group, abelian 43
Group, exceptional 165
Group, freely acting 361
Group, generator 44
Group, grand unified 164
Group, isometry 300
Group, Lie 44
Group, list of Lie 165
Group, non-abelian 45
Group, order of 73 165
Group, parameter 44
Group, rank of 46 165
Group, structure constants of 44 173
Gut see "Grand Unified Theories"
GUT scale 159
GUT scale and inflation 404
Hadron 8 11 13 15 213
Hadron jets 22
Hadron scattering 26
Hadronic energy scale 10
Hadronization 22
Halo of dark matter 389
Haplon model 201 212
Hard partons 23
Harmonic coordinate system 274
Harrison — Zeldovich density perturbations 410 413
Hawking radiation 447
Hawking temperature 410 447
HDM, hot dark matter 391 413
Heavy elements in cosmic rays 448
Heavy elements, formation of 377
Heavy quarks 16
Heavy quarks and 67 131
Heavy quarks and Higgs detection 140
Heavy quarks, hadroproduction of 134
Heavy quarks, mass bounds 127
Hedgehog solution 425
Helicity 38
Helicity for spin particle 40
Helicity of photon 34
Helicity of spin 2particle 35
Helicity states, number of 378
Helium abundance and variation of fundamental constants 414
Helium abundance in cosmic rays 448
Helium abundance in early universe 385 386
Helium burning in stars 445
Hercules X1 464 470
Heterotic string 350 366
Hexagon diagram 346
Hidden sector 282 284
Hierarchy problem 175 187 189 221 241 247 249
Higgs boson H 8 72 189 401 424
Higgs boson H, conjugate 92
Higgs boson H, coupling to fermions 91
Higgs boson H, coupling to WW 91
Higgs boson H, decay widths 97
Higgs boson H, mass 91
Higgs boson H, mass bounds 99 138 187
Higgs boson H, mass corrections 221
Higgs boson H, plasma mass of, at high temperature 401
Higgs boson H, properties of 96
Higgs boson H, search for 137
Higgs bosons and SUGRA 285
Higgs bosons in Georgi — Glashow model 424
Higgs bosons in GUTs 171 388
Higgs bosons in SUGRA 287
Higgs bosons, composite 192 219
Higgs bosons, number density of 400
Higgs bosons, supermultiplet 244
Higgs coupling in technicolor theories 192
Higgs coupling, to fermions 91
Higgs coupling, to WW 91
Higgs doublet 86
Higgs doublet, conjugate 92
Higgs field 72 86 172 189
Higgs field and inflation 405
Higgs field in SU(5) and monopoles 426
Higgs field, expectation value of, at finite temperature 400
Higgs field, GUT symmetry breaking in early universe 397 400
Higgs field, vacuum expectation value of 86 88 172 189 221 243 286 400
Higgs mass 91 187
Higgs mass in SUGRA 287
Higgs mass, bounds on 99 138 187
Higgs mass, corrections to 221
Higgs mass, renormalisation corrections 188
Higgs mechanism 70 85 401
Higgs mechanism in GUTs 171
Higgs mechanism in SUGRA 282
Higgs mechanism in SUSY 234
Higgs potential 72 86 99 189 401
Higgs potential at finite temperature 401
Higgs potential in no-scale model 288 289
Higgs potential in SU(5) 172 174 176
Higgs potential in SUGRA 281 282
Higgs potential in SUSY 235 237 239 248
Higgs potential of Georgi — Glashow model 424
Higgs potential , effective 285
Higgs potential , not satisfactory for inflation 407
Higgs representation in SU(5) 172 174 247
Higgs representation in supersymmetry 244
Higgs representation in Weinberg — Salam model 86
Higgs scalar H see "Higgs boson"
Higgs symmetry breakdown, critical temperature for 402
Higgsino 244 392
High energy gamma rays 464
High temperature field theory 401
Higher dimensional cosmology 413
Higher dimensional theories 293
Higher dimensionality for strings 318
Holonomy group 358
Homogeneity of universe 370 410
Homotopy classes 113
Horizon and the formation of structure 410
Horizon problem 397 400
Horizon, distance to as function of time 397
Hot Big Bang 369 377 383
Hot dark matter (HDM) 391 413
Hubble expansion 370 375
Hubble radius 370
Hubble's constant H 374 376 397
Hydrogen burning in stars 442 445
Hypercharge, weak, Y 84 85 86 92
Hypercolor 200
Hypergluons 202 217
Hypersphere, 3 dimensional 370
Inertial coordinate system 255
Inertial mass 254
Inflation 399
Inflation and cosmic strings 436
Inflation and domain walls 438
Inflation and monopole problem 427
Inflation, chaotic 409
Inflation, double 438
Inflation, models of 405
Inflation, primordial 409
Inflaton field 403 406 409 418
Inflaton potential and the formation of structure 411
Inflaton potential in Kaluza — Klein theories 418
Infrared singularity 130 133
Inhomogeneities of early universe 410
Inhomogeneities, due to cosmic strings 432 434
instantons 118
Intercept, Regge 317 328
interval 255
Invariance of physical laws 257
Invariant interval 370
Invisible axion 121
Isometry group 300 301
Isoscalar vector boson 216
Isospin generators, Tiy 84
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