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Smith I.M., Griffiths D.V. — Programming the finite element method |
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Advection terms 49—50
Ahmad, S. 108
Analysis, axially loaded elastic rods ID 110—116
Analysis, Biot poro-elastic solid 3D 551—555
Analysis, elastic beams 122—128
Analysis, elastic pin-jointed frames 116—122
Analysis, elastic rigid-jointed frames 128—135
Analysis, elastic solid 3D 190—195
Analysis, elasto-plastic (Mohr — Coulomb) solid 526—532
Analysis, plane free-surface flow 332—340
Analysis, plane steady state Navier — Stokes equation 404—411
Analysis, plane steady state Navier — Stokes equation (element-by-element solution) 411—416
Analysis, plates using 4-node rectangular plate elements 148—152
Analysis, steady seepage ID 320—324
Applications software 5—9
Arrays 9—17
Arrays, computation functions 12
arrays, dynamic arrays 9—10
Arrays, inspection functions 12
Arrays, intrinsic procedures 12—13
Arrays, sections referencing 11
Arrays, whole-array manipulations 11—12
Aspect ratio 35
Assembly subroutines 72t 90f 90t
Axisymmetric analysis, non-rectangular elements 331
Axisymmetric elastic solids, non-axisymmetric analysis 184—190
Axisymmetric elements (2D) 578 579 580
Axisymmetric foundation analysis 180
Axisymmetric strain 36—38
Axisymmetric strain, degrees of freedom 88
Axisymmetric strain, elastic-plastic solid "undrained" 295—300
Axisymmetric strain, of elastic solids 77—78
Axisymmetric stress 36—38
Backward Euler method 263—264 265
Bai, Z. 67 68 106
bandred (main library) 71 595
bandwidth (main library) 595
Bandwidth optimisers 173
banmul (main library) 595
bantmul (main library) 595
Bathe, K.J. 43 52 63 72 106 468 507
bcast_inputdata_p??? (parallel library) 609
Beam analysis, nodal loading 124
Beam elements, mass matrix 27
Beam elements, node and freedom numbering 124f
Beam elements, slender 25
Beam elements, stiffness matrix 25—27 123
Beam geometric matrix 28
Beam-column elements 27
Beam-rod elements, node and freedom numbering (2D) 131f
Beam-rod elements, node and freedom numbering (3D) 134f
Beam-rod elements, stiffness matrix 129
Beams on elastic foundations 29
Beams with axial forces 28—29
Beams, 2-node beams 583
beam_ge (main library) 596
beam_km (main library) 596
beam_mm (main library) 596
bee8 (main library) 60 596
beemat (main library) 173 596
Bending moment 126
Bent plate, strain energy 40
Beowulf PC cluster, performance data 569—570
Berg, P.N. 49 52
BiCGStab (Stabilised bi-conjugate gradient) 66
BiCGStab(1) (Stabilised hybrid bi-conjugate gradient) 66 67 98 403 414
Biot poro-elastic solids, 3D analysis 551—555
Biot poro-elastic solids, plane strain consolidation analysis (absolute load version) 430—434
Biot poro-elastic solids, plane strain consolidation analysis (incremental version) 416—423
Biot poro-elastic-plastic materials, plane strain consolidation analysis 424—430
Biot's equations for coupled consolidation 67
Biot's theory of coupled solid-fluid interaction 50
Biot, M.A. 52 419 440
biot_cube_bc20 (parallel library) 609
biot_loading (parallel library) 609
bisect (bandred) (main library) 71 596
Bishop, A.W. 253 316
Black box routines 71—72 91 595—604
BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra) libraries 4—5
bmat_nonaxi (main library) 596
Body loads vector 257
Body loads, generation of 230—231
boundary conditions 68—70
Boundary conditions, fixed potential 328
Boundary conditions, free surface flow 334f
Boundary conditions, problem-specific routines 513—516
box_bc8 (parallel library) 610
Brick element (20-node), stiffness matrix 83
broadcasting 10
Buckling load 146 147 148f
Butress, domain compositions 518f 519
calc_nels_pp (parallel library) 610
calc_neq_pp (parallel library) 610
Cardoso, J.P. 60 106
Carslaw, H.S. 368 385 402
Cartesian stress tensor 226
Chan, S.H. 67 106
Chang, C.Y. 225 317
Character variables, glossary 436
checon (main library) 335 596
checon_par (parallel library) 610
Cholesky factorisation 92 93
Chopra, A.K. 446 464
Coefficient of consolidation 361
Compilers 5
computer strategies 1—19
Conductivity matrix, numerical integration 78
Conjugate gradient method 64—65
Consistent mass approximations 93
Consistent tangent matrix 265
Consolidation analysis (ID) 2-node "line" elements 358—363
Consolidation equation, general 2-(plane) or 3D analysis 382—385
Consolidation equation, plane or axisymmetric analysis 375—378
Constant stiffness iterations 223 224f 239 246
Constructors 10
contour (main library) 326 365 383 596
Contour map, excess pore pressure 368 369f
Contour map, nodal potential 328 329f
Convergence criterion 266
Cook, R.D. 21 52 445 464
Cormeau, I.C. 231 232 316 317
Coupled Navier — Stokes problems, solution of 96—98
Coupled problems 403—440
Coupled problems, exercises 439—440
Coupled problems, glossary 435—439
Coupled problems, programs 404—434
Coupled solid-fluid problems (3D), degrees of freedom per node 88
Coupled transient problems, solution of 98—100
Crank — Nicolson method of time integration 94 104—105 362 469 481
cross_product (main library) 71 79 597
cube_bc20 (parallel library) 610
Cuthill, E. 173 222
Dams, embankment free surface analysis configuration and mesh 338f
Dams, flow of water through 334—337
Dams, sloping sides 338
Dams, vertical face dam analysis 337f
Dams, vertical-sided 335
Davis, E.H. 176 222
deemat (main library) 597
Demmel, J. 106
determinant (main library) 71 597
Deviator stress 300
Diakoptics 518
Diffusion equation 47
Diffusion-convection equation 47
Diffusion-convection equation, plane analysis (self-adjoint transformation) 386—391
Diffusion-convection equation, plane analysis (untransformed solution) 391—396
Dijkstra, E.W. 16 18
Dilation angle 293
Direct Newmark method 468
| dismsh (main library) 597
Displacement vectors 242—243 253 259 260f 282 283f 292f 293
Distributed arrays, _pp appendage 512
Distributed memory systems 4
Dobbins, W.E. 391 402
Domain composition, parallel and serial programs 517—519
Dongarra, J. 106
Dongarra, J.J. 5 18
Duncan, J.M. 225 317
Dupuit formula 338
Dynamic character arrays, glossary 505
Dynamic integer arrays, glossary 154 213—214 312 349—350 397 437 461 504 573
Dynamic real arrays, glossary 154—155 214 312—313 350 397—398 437—439 461—462 504—505 573—576
ecmat (main library) 482 597
Effective stress 419
Eigenvalue analysis of an elastic solid, using 4- or 8-node rectangular quadrilaterals 446—452
Eigenvalue analysis of an elastic solid, using 4-node rectangular quadrilaterals (consistent mass) 452—457
Eigenvalue analysis of an elastic solid, using 4-node rectangular quadrilaterals (lumped mass) 457—459
Eigenvalue analysis, 3D elastic solids 556—560
Eigenvalue analysis, elastic beams 442—446
Eigenvalue equation 25
eigenvalue problems 43 52 64 441—464
Eigenvalue problems, exercises 462—464
Eigenvalue problems, glossary 459—462
Eigenvalue problems, programs 442—459
Eigenvalues, evaluation of 91—93
Eigenvectors, evaluation of 91—93
Elastic beams, analysis 122—128
Elastic beams, eigenvalue analysis 442—446
Elastic beams, forced vibration analysis 466—472
Elastic beams, stability analysis 145—148
Elastic cubes, analysis 524
Elastic pin-jointed frames analysis 116—122
Elastic rigid-jointed frames analysis 128—135
Elastic rod element stiffness matrix 112
Elastic rods, 1D analysis 110—116
Elastic solid in plane strain, eigenvalue analysis 446—452
Elastic solid in plane strain, eigenvalue analysis (consistent mass) 452—457
Elastic solid in plane strain, eigenvalue analysis (lumped mass) 457—459
Elastic solid in plane strain, forced vibration analysis 472—477 487—491
Elastic solid in plane strain, forced vibration analysis (theta method) 478—483 492—496
Elastic solid in plane strain, forced vibration analysis (Wilson's method) 483—487
Elastic solids, 2-(plane strain) or 3D analysis 195—204
Elastic solids, 3D analysis 190—195
Elastic solids, 3D strain 204—209
Elastic solids, axisymmetric strain 77—78
Elastic solids, eigenvalue analysis 556—560
Elastic solids, element stiffness 83
Elastic solids, forced vibration analysis 561—565
Elastic solids, plane or axisymmetric strain analysis 166—183
Elastic stress-strain matrix (3D) 40
Elastic-perfectly plastic stress-strain law 226f
Elastic-plastic (von Mises) solid in plane strain, forced vibration analysis 496—502
Elastic-plastic embankments, plane strain construction 276—283
Elastic-plastic excavation, plane strain construction 286—293
Elastic-plastic materials, plane strain bearing capacity analysis 243—247 266—271
Elastic-plastic materials, plane strain bearing capacity analysis (no global stiffness matrix assembly) 271—275
Elastic-plastic materials, plane strain bearing capacity analysis (viscoplastic strain method) 235—243
Elastic-plastic materials, plane strain earth pressure analysis 253—260
Elastic-plastic materials, plane strain slope stability analysis 248—253
Elastic-plastic slopes, 3D strain analysis 300—305
Elastic-plastic slopes, viscoplastic strain method analysis 305—309
Elastic-plastic solids, axisymmetric "undrained" strain 295—300
Elasto-plastic (Mohr — Coulomb) solid 3D analysis 526—532
Elasto-plastic rate integration 260—264
Elasto-plastic solids (3D), forced vibration analysis 565—569
Element assembly technique 266
Element conductivity matrix 319 328 334—335
Element local coordinate systems 135f
Element matrix assembly, structure chart 73
Element node numbering, shape functions and 583—589
Element stiffness matrix 43 129 150 328
Element stiffness, derivation 30—31
Element stiffness, integration and assembly 173
Element strain energy 35
Element-by-element techniques 64—68
Element-mass matrix 43 123
Elements, 1D elements 583
Elements, 2D elements 32—35 79—81 584
Elements, 3D elements 81—86 581 587
Elements, 4-node tetrahedron 85 197
Elements, 8-node brick-shaped 39
Elements, assembly of 86—91
Elements, cuboidal 81—83
Elements, multi-element assemblies 62—64
Elements, plate-bending 40—43
Elements, plate-bending elements 40—43
elmat (subroutines) 448
Embanking process 276—283
emb_2d_bc (geom library) 251 605
emb_2d_geom (geom library) 251 605
emb_3d_bc (geom library) 302 605
emb_3d_geom (geom library) 302 606
Energy, elastic plane elements 35
Equation solution subroutines 91t
Equilibrium equations 49
Equilibrium equations, solution of 91
Equivalent nodal loads 577—581
Ergatoudis, J. 57 58 106 108
Excavations 283—293
Excavations, forces formulation 284f
Excavations, vertical cuts 289
exc_nods (main library) 291 597
Exercises, coupled problems 439—440
Exercises, eigenvalue problems 462—464
Exercises, forced vibrations 506—507
Exercises, material non-linearity 314—316
Exercises, static equilibrium of linear elastic solids 214—222
Exercises, static equilibrium of structures 155—164
Exercises, steady state flow 350—355
Exercises, transient problems (uncoupled) 398—402
Failure criteria 228—230
Failure function, calculation 257
Failure surfaces, corners on 234—260
Farraday, R.V. 402
find_g (parallel library) 610
find_g3 (parallel library) 610
find_g4 (parallel library) 610
find_pe_procs (parallel library) 610
Finite element analysis, parallel processing 509—576
Finite element computations 55—108
Finite element mesh, 8-node quadrilaterals 10 11f
Finite elements, element stiffness matrix 59
Finite elements, spatial discretisation 21—53
Finlayson, B.A. 23 52
First order time dependent problems, solution of 93—96
Fix, G.J. 21 53
fkdiag (main library) 597
Flexural stiffness 127
Flow equations, simplified 46—50
Flow of fluids, Navier — Stokes equations 43—46
Fluid elements, stiffness/conductivity matrix 78
Fluid flow, mass matrix 83
Fluids, flow of 43—46
fmacat (main library) 597
fmcoem (geom library) 280 606
fmdsig (subroutine) 75
fmglem (geom library) 280 606
fmkdke (main library) 433 598
fmplat (main library) 598
fmrmat (main library) 598
Fokkema, D.R. 107
Forced vibration analysis of elastic solids, using 4- or 8-node rectangular quadrilaterals 472—477
Forced vibration analysis of elastic solids, using 4-node rectangular quadrilaterals 487—491
Forced vibration analysis of elastic solids, using 8-node rectangular quadrilaterals (theta method) 478—483 492—496
Forced vibration analysis of elastic solids, using 8-node rectangular quadrilaterals (Wilson's method) 483—487
Forced vibration analysis, 3D elastic solids 561—565
Forced vibration analysis, 3D elasto-plastic solids 565—569
Forced vibration analysis, elastic beams 466—472
Forced vibration analysis, elastic-plastic solids 496—502
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