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Smith I.M., Griffiths D.V. — Programming the finite element method
Smith I.M., Griffiths D.V. — Programming the finite element method

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Название: Programming the finite element method

Авторы: Smith I.M., Griffiths D.V.


This title demonstrates how to develop computer programmes which solve specific engineering problems using the finite element method. It enables students, scientists and engineers to assemble their own computer programmes to produce numerical results to solve these problems. The first three editions of Programming the Finite Element Method established themselves as an authority in this area.  This fully revised 4th edition includes completely rewritten programmes with a unique description and list of parallel versions of programmes in Fortran 90.  The Fortran programmes and subroutines described in the text will be made available on the Internet via anonymous ftp, further adding to the value of this title. 

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 4-е издание

Год издания: 2004

Количество страниц: 646

Добавлена в каталог: 17.11.2013

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Programs analysis of elastic pin-jointed frames      116—122
Programs analysis of elastic rigid-jointed frames      128—135
Programs analysis of elastic-plastic beams or rigid-jointed frames      136—144
Programs analysis of plane free-surface flow      332—340
Programs analysis of plates      148—152
Programs analysis of the plane steady state Navier — Stokes equation      404—411
Programs analysis of the plane steady state Navier — Stokes equation (no global matrix assembly)      411—416
Programs axisymmetric "undrained" strain of elastic-plastic solids      295—300
Programs eigenvalue analysis of 3D elastic solids      556—560
Programs eigenvalue analysis of elastic beams      442—446
Programs eigenvalue analysis of elastic solid in plane strain      446—452
Programs eigenvalue analysis of elastic solid in plane strain (consistent mass)      452—457
Programs eigenvalue analysis of elastic solid in plane strain (lumped mass)      457—459
Programs forced vibration analysis of 3D elastic solid      561—565
Programs forced vibration analysis of 3D elasto-plastic solid      565—569
Programs forced vibration analysis of elastic beams      466—472
Programs forced vibration analysis of elastic solid in plane strain      472—477
Programs forced vibration analysis of elastic solid in plane strain (theta method)      478—483 492—496
Programs forced vibration analysis of elastic solid in plane strain (Wilson's method)      483—487
Programs forced vibration analysis of elastic solid in plane strain using rectangular uniform size 4-node quadrilaterals      487—491
Programs forced vibration analysis of elastic—plastic (von Mises) solid in plane strain      496—502
Programs forced vibrations      466—487
Programs general 2-(plane strain) or 3D analysis of elastic solids      195—204
Programs general 2-(plane) or 3D analysis of steady seepage      344—348
Programs general 2-(plane) or 3D analysis of the consolidation equation      382—385
Programs non-axisymmetric analysis of axisymmetric elastic solids      184—190
Programs plane analysis of the diffusion-convection equation (self-adjoint transformation)      386—391
Programs plane analysis of the diffusion-convection equation (untransformed solution)      391—396
Programs plane or axisymmetric analysis of steady seepage      324—331
Programs plane or axisymmetric analysis of the consolidation equation (theta method)      378—380
Programs plane or axisymmetric analysis of the consolidation equation (theta_0 method)      375—378
Programs plane or axisymmetric consolidation analysis      363—370
Programs plane or axisymmetric consolidation analysis (theta method)      371—374
Programs plane or axisymmetric strain analysis of an elastic solid      166—183
Programs plane strain bearing capacity analysis of elastic-plastic material      235—243
Programs plane strain bearing capacity analysis of elastic-plastic material (initial stress method)      266—271
Programs plane strain bearing capacity analysis of elastic-plastic material (no global stiffness matrix assembly)      271—275
Programs plane strain bearing capacity analysis of elastic-plastic material (viscoplastic method)      243—247
Programs plane strain consolidation analysis of Biot poro-elastic solid (absolute load version)      430—434
Programs plane strain consolidation analysis of Biot poro-elastic solid (incremental version)      416—423
Programs plane strain consolidation analysis of Biot poro-elastic-plastic material      424—430
Programs plane strain construction of elastic-plastic embankment      276—283
Programs plane strain construction of elastic-plastic excavation      286—293
Programs plane strain earth pressure analysis      253—260
Programs plane strain slope stability analysis      248—253
Programs stability analysis of elastic beams      145—148
Programs static equilibrium of linear elastic solids      166—214
Programs steady state flow      320—350
Programs timings of vectorised      212t
Propagation problems      52 64
Przemieniecki, J.S.      125 164
Quadrilateral elements, global matrix assembly for mesh      63t
Quadrilateral elements, local coordinates      55—60
Quadrilateral elements, mesh      62f
Quadrilateral elements, plane elastic analysis      73—76
Quadrilaterals (8-node)      79—80 177 581 586
Quadrilaterals (8-node), element stiffness matrix      177
Quadrilaterals (8-node), global node and element numbering      179f
Quadrilaterals (8-node), local node and freedom numbering      180f 188f
Quadrilaterals (9-node)      581 586
Quadrilaterals (9-node), local node and freedom numbering      198
Quadrilaterals 4-node      176 177f 578 580 586
Quadrilaterals, analytical integration      58—60
Quadrilaterals, numerical integration      58
Ramp loading      420 422f
Rankine passive mechanism      259
Rao, S.S.      21 53
Rayleigh damping coefficients      101 483
rearrange (parallel library)      611
rearrange_2 (parallel library)      611
Rectangular plate bending elements      41
Rectangular quadrilaterals, plane or axisymmetric consolidation analysis      363—370
rect_km (main library)      448 601
reduce (parallel library)      611
Reid, J.K.      92 107 455 464
reindex_fixed_nodes (parallel library)      611
Rice, J.R.      264 317
rigid_jointed (main library)      602
Rod elements      21—24
Rod elements, 2-node rods      583
Rod elements, node and freedom numbering      114f
Rod elements, node and freedom numbering (2D)      119f
Rod elements, node and freedom numbering (3D)      122f
Rod mass element      24
Rod stiffness matrix      21—24
rod_km (main library)      602
rod_mm (main library)      602
Routines, special purpose      72
Ruhe, A.      106
Sakurai, T.      317
sample (main library)      173 602
Sandhu, R.S.      100 107
Scalar characters, glossary      213 311 349 397 460 503 573
Scalar computers      3
Scalar integers, glossary      153 212—213 309 348—349 396 435 459—460 502 570—571
Scalar logicals, glossary      154 213 311 349 397 436 503 573
Scalar potential problems, degrees of freedom per node      88
Scalar reals, glossary      153—154 213 309—311 349 396—397 435—436 460 502—503 572—573
scatter (parallel library)      611
Scattering, gathering and      517
Schiffman, R.L.      423 440
Schlichting, H.      43 53
Scott, F.C.      108
Second order time dependent problems, solution of      100—106
seep4 (main library)      60 334 602
Seepage analysis      328 329f
SELECT CASE, construct      16
Selective reduced integration (SRI)      220—221
Serial and parallel programs, differences between      511—569
Shape functions, and element node numbering      583—589
shape_der (main library)      79 80 81 85 602
shape_fun (main library)      79 80 81 85 602
Shared memory systems      4
Sleijpen, G.L.G      66 67 107
Smith, I.M.      4 5 19 23 47 49 50 52 64 65 66 67 83 84 85 106 107 108 147 164 199 222 223 276 285 317 396 402 423 440 449 455 464 489 507 509 519 524 569 576
Software, applications      5—9
Soil stiffness      127
Solid elements, testing admissibility      199
Solids, element equations summary      43
Solution of coupled transient problems      98—100
Solution of coupled transient problems, absolute load version      99—100
Solution of coupled transient problems, incremental load version      100
Solution of first order time dependent problems      93—96
Solution of second order time dependent problems      100—106
Solution of second order time dependent problems, damping      102
Solution of second order time dependent problems, explicit methods      106
Solution of second order time dependent problems, inclusion of forcing terms      103
Solution of second order time dependent problems, modal superposition      101—103
Solution of second order time dependent problems, Newmark or Crank — Nicolson method      104—105
Solution of second order time dependent problems, Wilson's method      105
solve_band (main library)      599 603
spabac (main library)      173 239 328 483 603
spabac_gauss (main library)      419 446 603
sparin (main library)      173 239 328 482 490 603
sparin_gauss (main library)      419 423 446 603
Spatial discretisation, by finite elements      21—53
stability (main library)      603
Stability analysis, of elastic beams      145—148
Static equilibrium of linear elastic solids      165—222
Static equilibrium of linear elastic solids, exercises      214—222
Static equilibrium of linear elastic solids, glossary      212—214
Static equilibrium of linear elastic solids, programs      166—214
Static equilibrium of structures      109—164
Static equilibrium of structures, exercises      155—164
Static equilibrium of structures, glossary      153—155
Static equilibrium of structures, programs      110—152
Static equilibrium problems      64
Static problems      43
Steady seepage, 1D analysis      320—324
Steady seepage, general 2-(plane) or 3D analysis      340—344
Steady seepage, general 2-(plane) or 3D analysis (no global conductivity matrix assembly)      344—348
Steady seepage, plane or axisymmetric analysis      324—331
Steady seepage, under sheet pile wall      326
Steady state equations      47—49
Steady state flow      319—355
Steady state flow, exercises      350—355
Steady state flow, glossary      348—350
Steady state flow, programs      320—350
Steady state Navier — Stokes analysis (3D)      543—551
Steady state problems      403
Stiff spring technique      123 173 360
stiff4 (main library)      60 604
Storage strategies      90f
Storage-saving strategies      106
Strain (3D), elastic solid      204—209
Strain analysis (3D) of an elastic-plastic slope      300—305
Strain analysis (3D) of elastic-plastic slope, viscoplastic strain method      305—309
Strang, G.      21 53
Stress invariants      226—228
Stress redistribution, initial stress method      256
Stress, and strain (3D)      38—40
Stress-strain behaviour      225—226
Structure charts      16—17 112 169 170f 455f 476f 477 481 485 499
Structure charts, Biot analysis      420f
Structure charts, element matrix assembly      73
Structure charts, element-by-element product algorithm      96f
Structure charts, explicit time integration      376f
Structure charts, implicit analysis of transient problems      360—361
Structure charts, matrix multiplication      17f
Structure charts, Navier — Stokes analysis with global matrix assembly      409f
Structure charts, pcg algorithm      207f
Structure charts, tangent stiffness approach      270
Structured programming      16—17
Structures, static equilibrium      109—164
subdomains      517—518
Subprogram libraries      14—16
subroutines      71
Subroutines for solution of linear algebraic equations      71t
Subroutines, equation solution      91t
Subroutines, geom library subroutines      605—607
Subroutines, main library subroutines      595—604
Subroutines, matrix-vector multiplication      72
Subroutines, parallel library subroutines      609—611
Subroutines, special purpose      86
Symmetric eigenvalue systems      67—68
Symmetric non-positive definite equations      67
Szabo, B.A.      34 53
Taig, I.C.      34 53 56 107
Tangent stiffness methods      264—275
Taylor, C.      46 53
Taylor, D.W.      282 293 317
Taylor, R.L.      21 53 108 186 222 232 317
Terzaghi's 1D consolidation theory      363
Tetrahedral elements      85—86
Tetrahedron, 14-node      581
Tetrahedron, 20-node      581
Tetrahedron, 4-node      85 197 200f 581 587
Tetrahedron, 8-node      581
Tetrahedron, constant strain      85 86
Tetrahedron, local node and freedom numbering      200f
Timoshenko, S.P.      32 36 37 38 40 53 101 107 147 151 164
Too, J.      108
Tracey, D.M.      264 317
Transient analysis, mesh-free strategies      371—380
Transient conditions      49
Transient flow (3D) explicit analysis in time      541—543
Transient flow (3D) implicit analysis in time      537—540
Transient problems      52 403
Transient problems, exercises      398—402
Transient problems, first order (uncoupled)      357—402
Transient problems, glossary      396—398
Transient problems, programs      358—396
Transient problems, structure chart for implicit analysis      360
TRANSPOSE, Fortran 95 intrinsic function      75
Tresca failure criterion      226 229 230 293
Tresca surface      234
Triangles, 10-noded      577 579 584
Triangles, 15-noded      174f 577 580 585
Triangles, 3-noded      169 170 172f 198 577 578 584
Triangles, 6-noded      81 577 584
Triangles, node numbering system      174 176
Triangles, numerical integration      61
Triangular elements, local coordinates for      60—61
Triangular elements, plane elastic analysis      76—77
Two-bay portal frame, proportional loading      140
Uncoupled problems      357—402
Uncoupled problems, exercises      398—402
Uncoupled problems, programs      358—380 382—396
Uncoupled problems, structure chart for implicit analysis      360
Undrained soil analysis      293—309
Unsymmetric systems      66—67
Valliappan, S.      317
van der Vorst, H.A.      67 106 107
Variable (tangent) stiffness method      224f
Variable names, glossary      212—214 309—313 348—350 396—398 435—439
vecmsh (main library)      604
Vector processors      3—4
Vector subscripts      10—11
Velocity shape functions      97
Verruijt, A.      338 356
Vertical elements, transformation angle      132 134f
Viscoplastic algorithm, structure chart      239 240f
Viscoplasticity      225 231—232
vmdp1 (main library)      604
vmflow (main library)      604
vmp1 (parallel library)      611
Von Mises criterion      228—229 264 591 594
Walker, D.W.      5 18
Wang, A.      524 576
Warburton, G.B.      472 507
Water, flow through dams      334
Weaver, W.      107
Whitman, R.      440
Wille, D.R.      3 19
Willson, S.M.      233 317 591
Wilson's method      105
Wilson, E.L.      43 52 100 107 186 222
Winget, J.      107
Woinowsky-Krieger, S.      40 53 151 164
Wong, S.W.      106 107 108 494 507
Yamada, Y.      233 317 591
Yoshimura, N.      317
Young, D.      107
Zienkiewicz, O.C.      21 53 57 58 60 106 108 186 222 231 232 233 235 259 317
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