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Smith I.M., Griffiths D.V. — Programming the finite element method |
Предметный указатель |
Forced vibrations 465—507
Forced vibrations, exercises 506—507
Forced vibrations, glossary 502—505
Forced vibrations, programs 466—487
formaa (main library) 598
formke (main library) 598
formku (main library) 445 598
formlump (main library) 598
formm (main library) 598
formnf (main library) 598
formtb (main library) 598
formupv (main library) 599
formupvw (parallel library) 610
form_s (main library) 599
Fortran-95 2 5
Fortran-95 and FORTRAN 77 comparison 13
Fortran-95, arithmetic 7
Fortran-95, array features 9—17
Fortran-95, conditions 7—8
Fortran-95, intrinsic procedures 12—13
Fortran-95, library routines 14—16
Fortran-95, loops 8—9
Fortran-95, typical simple program 5—6
Forward Euler Method 262—263
Foundation stiffness 127 147
Foundation stiffness matrix 123
Free surface flow, boundary conditions 334f
fsparv (main library) 599
gather (parallel library) 610
gauss_band (main library) 599 603
General 2-(plane) or 3D analysis, consolidation equation 382—385
General 2-(plane) or 3D analysis, steady seepage 340—344
General 2-(plane) or 3D analysis, steady seepage (no global conductivity matrix assembly) 344—348
Geom library subroutines 605—607
Geometric non-linearity 223
Geometry subroutines 165
Geometry subroutines, hexahedron_xz 192 607
geometry-8bxz (parallel library) 610
geometry_20bxz (parallel library) 610
geom_ freesurf (geom library) 334 339 606
geom_rect (geom library) 239 328 410 422 448 607
Gere, J.M. 147 164
Gilvary, B. 106 107
Gladwell, I. 96 106 107 108 507
Global conductivity matrix 319 328 335
Global gravity loading vector 197
Global node numbering system 114
Global stiffness matrix 112 114 123 127 138 151
Global variables 511—512
glob_to_axial (main library) 599
glob_to_loc (main library) 599
GMRES (Generalised minimum residual) 66
Goodier, J.N. 32 36 37 38 53
Gravity loads 251 276
Greenbaum, A. 66 106
Griffiths, D.V. 23 29 50 52 56 60 64 65 67 78 100 106 107 139 164 186 222 233 235 251 294 300 317 328 331 356 427 429 440 591
g_t_g (parallel library) 610
g_t_g_ns (parallel library) 611
Hardware 2
Heat conduction equation 47
Heshmati, E.E. 455 464
Hetenyi, M. 128 164
Hexahedron (20-node) 589
Hexahedron (20-node), global node and element numbering 192f
Hexahedron, 14-node 83—85 202f 588
Hexahedron, 20-node 192f
Hexahedron, 8-node 587
hexahedron_xz (geom library) 192 607
Hicks, M.A. 100 107 169 222
High Performance Fortran (HPF) 4
Hill, R. 225 317
hinge (main library) 599
Ho, D.K.H. 285 317
Hobbs, R. 50 53 276 317 423 440
Horne, M.R. 29 52 140 164
Hughes, T.G. 46 53
Hughes, T.J.R. 66 95 107 235 317
Humpheson, C. 317
IF ... THEN ... ELSE structure 7—8 16
Inconsistent tangent matrix 265
Initial stress methods 233—234
Initial stress redistribution 256
Integration, for quadrilaterals 58—60
Integration, for triangles 61
interp (main library) 600
invar (main library) 239 599
invert (main library) 71 600
Irons, B.M. 58 83 106 107 108 194 222
Iterations, constant stiffness 223
JACOBI algorithm 92
Jacobi — Davidson method 67
Jaeger, J.C. 368 385 402
Jennings, A. 43 52 64 107
Kelley, C.T. 66 107
Key, S.W. 488 507
Kidger, D.J. 83 84 85 107 199 222 410 440
King, I.P. 317
Koelbel, C.H. 4 19
Kopal, A. 58 107
Lambe, T. 440
Laminar fluid flow (3D), element conductivity matrix 83
lancz1 (main library) 72 600
lancz2 (main library) 72 600
Lanczos method 67 68 72 92—93 455 459
Lane, P.A. 251 317
Laplace equation, solution of 319 334
Laplacian flow (3D) 533—537
Leckie, F.A. 27 52
Lee, F.H. 106
Lee, G.C. 34 53
Levit, I. 107
Lewis, R.W. 317
Limiting bending moment 140
Limiting torsional moment 140
Lindberg 27
Lindberg, G.M. 52
Lindsey, C.H. 16 19
Linear elastic solids, static equilibrium of 165—222
Linear strain rectangle 34
linmul_sky (main library) 328 600
Livesley, R.K. 29 53
Load control analysis 138
Load displacement behaviour 143f
loading (parallel library) 611
load_function (main library) 419 600
Local coordinates, quadrilateral elements 55—60
Local coordinates, triangular elements 60—61
loc_to_glob (main library) 600
Loops 8—9
Lumped mass approximations 93
Main Library subroutines 595—604
make_gg1 (parallel library) 611
Malkus, D.S. 52 464
Mandel — Cryer effect 440
Maple (computer algebra system) 58
Mar, A. 169 222
Margetts, L. 519 576
Masking argument 12
Mass approximations 93
Mass matrix formation 78—79
Material non-linearity 223—318
Material non-linearity, exercises 314—316
Material non-linearity, glossary 309—313
Material non-linearity, programs 235—260 266—283 286—293 295—309
MATMUL 4—5 65 72 212
Matrix displacement method 109
Matrix, consistent tangent 265
Matrix, inconsistent tangent 265
Matrix-vector multiplication subroutine 72t
mcdp1 (main library) 257 601
| McKee, J. 173 222
McKeown, J.J. 43 52 64 107
Memory Management 2—3
Merchant, W. 29 52
Mesh (3D), numbering system and data 89f
mesh (main library) 166 173 326 365 383 601
Mesh generation routines 86
Mesh numbering 63f
Mesh-free techniques 64—68
Mesh-free techniques transient analysis 371—380
Meshes, deformed 243 305f
Meshes, numbering system and data 87
mesh_size (geom library) 607
Message passing 4
Method of fragments 328
Minimum residual method (MIN — RES) 67
mocouf (main library) 252 601
mocouq (main library) 252 601
Mohr — Coulomb (Tresca) surface 234
Mohr — Coulomb criterion 228 229—230 531 591—593 594
Mohr — Coulomb failure function 252
Molenkamp, F. 225 317
Moment-curvature relationship, elastic-perfectly plastic 136 138f
Morgenstern, N.R. 253 316
MPI (message passing interface) 4 18
MPI (message passing interface), libraries 5
MPI (message passing interface), library routines 512
Muskat, M. 48 53
Mustoe, G.G.W. 235 317
Navier — Stokes, 3D problems 88
Navier — Stokes, 3D steady state analysis 543—551
Navier — Stokes, equations 43—46 52
Nayak, G.C. 259 317
Naylor, D.J. 293 317
Newmark method 104—105 471
Newmark time-stepping 470
Nodal loads, equivalent 577—581
Node freedom arrays 88 516
Non-axisymmetric analysis, axisymmetric elastic solid 184—190
Non-vertical elements, transformation angle 132 134f
norm (main library) 601
ns_cube_bc20 (parallel library) 611
ns_loading (parallel library) 611
num_to_g (main library) 601
O'Connor, B.A. 402
OpenMP 4
Ortiz, M. 261 317
Paging 3
Parallel and serial programs, differences between 511—569
Parallel and serial programs, domain composition 517—519
Parallel and serial programs, gathering and scattering 517
Parallel and serial programs, global variables 511—512
Parallel and serial programs, load balancing 519
Parallel and serial programs, MPI library routines 512
Parallel and serial programs, parallel libraries 511
Parallel and serial programs, problem-specific boundary condition routines 513—516
Parallel and serial programs, reading and writing 512—513
Parallel and serial programs, reindexing 517
Parallel and serial programs, rest instead of nf 516—517
Parallel and serial programs, _pp appendage 512
Parallel libraries 511
Parallel library subroutines 609—611
Parallel processing of finite element analyses 509—576
Parallel processing of finite element analyses, glossary 570—576
Parallel processing of finite element analyses, programs 519—569
Parallel processing, benefits 510
Parallel processing, effect of mesh subdivision 510
Parallel processors 4
Parlett, B.N. 92 107 455 464
Partial differential equations, semi-discretisation 30t
Pascal pyramid of polynomials 84 86
Pascal's triangle 85
PCG see "Preconditioned conjugate gradient (pcg) technique"
Peano, A. 199 222
Penalty technique 123 173 360
Performance data, "Beowulf" PC cluster 569—570
Pettipher, M.A. 4 19 509 576
Phoon, K.K. 106
Pin-jointed frames, in 2D 118
pin_jointed (main library) 601
pipelines 3
Planar elements 577 578
Plane analysis of the diffusion-convection equation 386—391
Plane analysis of the diffusion-convection equation, untransformed solution 391—396
Plane elastic analysis, quadrilateral elements 73—76
Plane elastic analysis, triangular elements 76—77
Plane element mass matrix 36
Plane free-surface flow, analysis using 4-node quadrilaterals 332—340
Plane general quadrilateral elements 55 56f
Plane or axisymmetric analysis of steady seepage 324—331
Plane or axisymmetric analysis of the consolidation equation (theta method) 378—380
Plane or axisymmetric analysis of the consolidation equation (theta_0 method) 375—378
Plane or axisymmetric consolidation analysis 363—370
Plane or axisymmetric consolidation analysis (theta method) 371—374
Plane or axisymmetric strain analysis, elastic solid 166—183
Plane problems, degrees of freedom per node 88
Plane rectangular elements 55 56f
Plane steady laminar fluid flow 78
Plane steady state Navier — Stokes equation, analysis using 8-node rectangular quadrilaterals 404—411
Plane steady state Navier — Stokes equation, analysis using 8-node rectangular quadrilaterals (element-by-element solution) 411—416
Plane strain 32—35
Plane strain bearing capacity analysis of elastic-plastic materials 243—247
Plane strain bearing capacity analysis of elastic-plastic materials, initial stress method 266—271
Plane strain bearing capacity analysis of elastic-plastic materials, no global stiffness matrix assembly 271—275
Plane strain bearing capacity analysis of elastic-plastic materials, viscoplastic strain method 235—243
Plane strain consolidation analysis of Biot poro-elastic solids, absolute load version 430—434
Plane strain consolidation analysis of Biot poro-elastic solids, incremental version 416—423
Plane strain consolidation analysis of Biot poro-elastic-plastic materials 424—430
Plane strain construction, elastic-plastic embankment 276—283
Plane strain construction, elastic-plastic excavation 286—293
Plane strain earth pressure analysis, elastic—plastic material 253—260
Plane strain slope stability analysis, elastic—plastic material 248—253
Plane stress 32—35
Plane triangular grid 143
Plastic moments 140
Plastic potential derivatives 593—594
Plastic stress-strain matrices 591—593
Plate elements, node and freedom numbering 151
Plate stiffness matrix 110
Plates, analysis using 4-node rectangular plate elements 148—152
Plesha, M.E. 52 464
Popov, E.P. 261 317
Pore pressure 419
Potential 319
Potential surfaces, corners on 234—260
Poulos, H.G. 176 222
Preconditioned conjugate gradient (peg) technique 106 206 207f 308 347
Preconditioned matrix 346
Preconditioning 65—66
Pressure shape functions 97
Principal stress space 226—227 230
Principle of minimum potential energy 35
Programming, finite element computations 55—108
Programming, using building blocks 70—91
Programs 1D analysis of axially loaded elastic rods 110—116
Programs 1D analysis of steady seepage 320—324
Programs 1D consolidation analysis 358—363
Programs 2-(plane) or 3D analysis of steady seepage 340—344
Programs 3D analysis of Biot poro-elastic solid 551—555
Programs 3D analysis of elastic solid 190—195 519—526
Programs 3D analysis of elasto-plastic (Mohr — Coulomb) solid 526—532
Programs 3D Laplacian flow 533—537
Programs 3D steady state Navier — Stokes analysis 543—551
Programs 3D strain analysis of elastic-plastic slope 300—305
Programs 3D strain analysis of elastic-plastic slope (no global stiffness matrix assembly) 305—309
Programs 3D strain of elastic solid 204—209
Programs 3D strain of elastic solid (vectorised version) 209—212
Programs 3D transient flow-explicit analysis in time 541—543
Programs 3D transient flow-implicit analysis in time 537—540
Programs analysis of elastic beams 122—128
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