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Saha M.N., Srivastava B.N. — A treatise on heat: Including kinetic theory of gasses, thermodynamics and recent advances in statistical thermodynamics |

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Название: A treatise on heat: Including kinetic theory of gasses, thermodynamics and recent advances in statistical thermodynamics
Авторы: Saha M.N., Srivastava B.N.
Рубрика: Физика/
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Издание: 4-th edition
Год издания: 1958
Количество страниц: 988
Добавлена в каталог: 11.11.2013
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, by adiabatic expansion method 92
, determination of 92
, velocity of sound method 98
-rays 624
function, symmetry properties of 875
'National' gas engine 261
Abbe 551
Abbot 681 694 697
Absolute manometer, Knudsen's 218
Absolute null-point see "Absolute zero"
Absolute pyrheliometer 692
Absolute scale 7
Absolute temperature, negative 778
Absolute zero 7 530
Absolute zero, energy at 775
Absolute zero, match towards the 530
Absolute zero, measurement of temperature near 36 530
Absolute zero, pressure at 750 751
Absorption bands of HBr 719
Absorption coefficient 625
Absorption freezing machine, ammonia 489
Absorptive power 624
Accommodation coefficient 216
Adiabatic demagnetisation 530
Adiabatic demagnetisation, thermodynamic theory of 533
Adiabatic expansion of black radiation 655
Adiabatic expansion of compressed gases 491 516
Adiabatic expansion, by the method of 92
Adiabatic process in natural changes 342
Adiabatic process in natural changes, conditions of equilibrium in 348
Adiabatic stretching of wire 328
Adiabatic transformations 82
Adiabatic vacuum calorimeter 75
Adsorption, cooling due to 488
Affinity, chemical 802
Affinity, chemical, calculation of, from the equilibrium constant 805
Affinity, chemical, expression for, from thermodynamics 804
Affinity, chemical, measurement of 803
Age of the earth 614
Air liquefiers 514—516
Air thermometer 4
Air thermometer, differential 617
Air, liquefaction of 514 see
Air, magnitude of 17
Air, the pressure coefficient of expansion 10 17
Air, the volume coefficient of expansion 6 7 17
Aitken 480 481
Allen 900
Amagat 431 432
Amagat's, experiments 432
Ammonia machines, absorption 489
Ammonia machines, vapour compression 487
Ammonia, specific heat of 85
Ammonia, synthesis of (Haber process) 791
Anderson 300
Andrews 396 397 398 399 411 431 497 607
Andrews' experiments, on conductivity of gases 607
Andrews' experiments, on liquefaction of gases 398
Andronikashvilli 902
Angell 585
Angstrom 587 692 693
Angstrom's experiment 587
Anisotropic bodies, conductivity of 601
Anisotropic bodies, expansion of 558
Annual heat wave 612 614
Apparent expansion 561
Arcadiewa 623
Archer 608
Archibald 487
Artificial rain 482
Assembly, of N similar systems 885
Assembly, of two similar systems 881
Assmann 4
Aston 299
Astrophysics, application of Kirchhoff's, application of ionization formula to 813
Astrophysics, application of Kirchhoff's, law to 635
Athermancy 625
Atkins 916
Atkins and Osborne 910
Atom bomb 830
Atomic heat, Debye's theory of 727
Atomic heat, of Ni, discontinuity at the Curie point in 738
Atomic heat, of silver at different temperatures 725
Atomic heat, of solid methane 740
Atomic heat, of tin, discontinuity in the supra-conducting state 740
Atoms with metastable levels 760
Austin 561
Available energy 320
Average velocity 133
Avogadro 18 127 129 183 190 192 860
Avogadro number 129 183
Avogadro number, determination of, by various methods 860
Avogadro number, determination of, from Brownian movement 183
Avogadro number, determination of, from other methods 864
Avogadro's law 127
Awbery 54 446 461
Babcock 65
Backlin 865
Baille and Ferry 112
Bainbridge 299
Balmer 708 925
Band and Meyer 904
Barker 263 719
Barker's 263
Barnes 67 69 70 71 118
Bartoli 642
Bartoli's proof of radiation pressure 642
Bastick 916
Baths, fixed temperature 20 21
Baths, sulphur 21
Baumann 451
Baur 453
Beattie and Bridgman 423 509
Beau de Rochas 252
Beckmann 5 459 460 461
Becquerel 29
Behn and Geiger 102
Bell-Coleman 492
Bergeron 483 484
Berget 571
Bernheimer 698
Bernouilli 119
Bert helot's apparatus 462
Berthelot 13 99 343 422 462 775 802
Berthelot's principle 343
Berthollet 783
Beth 733
Bethe and Critchfield 838
Bhatnagar 831
Bichowsky and Copeland 795 796
Bielz 161
Biermasz 603
Biot 693
Bird 172
Birge 119
Birkeland 792
Bisson 105
Bjerrum 92 707 708
Black body 633
Black body of Pery 634
Black body of Wien 634
Black body, absorptive power of 627
Black body, definition of 627
Black body, emissive power of 627 649 655
Black body, spectrum emitted by 655 668
Black body, total radiation from 649
Blackbody curves 661
Blackbody radiation, analogy with a perfect gas 643
Blackbody radiation, spectral, law of 655 669 757
Blackbody radiation, total, law of 649
| Blackbody temperature 683
Blackbody temperature of the sun 695
Blackbody temperature, measurement of 683
Blackett 87
Blackman 737
Bleaney 41
Bloch 594
Blueh 914
Boardman and Wild 179
Bodenstein 789 796 801
Bodenstein and Starck 794 795 801
Bohr 427 671 708 882 883
Boiling point of watery 2
Boiling point of watery, effect of pressure on 353
Bolometer 680
Bolometer, linear 680
Bolometer, surface 680
Boltzmann 120 131 132 137 138 148 149 150 164 238 304 320 372 388 392 427 721 744 853 863 866
Boltzmann's H-theorem see "H-theorem"
Boltzmann's theorem 388
Boltzmann's theorem, deduction of law of perfect gases from 388
Boltzmann's theorem, deduction of Van der Waals' equation from 389
Boltzmann's theorem, proof of 845
Boltztnann's constant 129 389 854
Bomb calorimeter 106
Bonhoeffer and Harteck 716
Born 159 161 429 735 736 737
Born and Karman 736
Born and Karman's theory of specific heat 736
Bose — Einstein statistics 746
Bose — Einstein statistics, calculation of entropy and pressure from 750
Bose — Einstein statistics, integrals used in 877
Bose, J.C. 623
Bose, S.N. 423 669 745 757 891
Bouguer 694
Bousfield, W.R. & W.E. 65
Bowen 624
Boyle 7 128 431 433
Boyle point 398
Boyle's law 7
Boyle's law, deduction from kinetic theory 128
Boyle's law, deviations from 396
Boys 681
Bragg 557 560
Braun 453
Brickwedde 38
Bridge, Callendar and Griffith's 26
Bridgeman 423 509
Bridgman 443 566 606
Brill 698
Brillouin 190
Brode 162
Brodersen 98
Bronsted 776
Brown 121
Brownian movement 121 181
Brownian movement, Avogadro number from 192
Brownian movement, rotational 191
Brownian movement, translational, Einstein's theory of 188
Brownian movement, translational, in gases 190
Brownian movement, translational, theory of 185
Brownian movement, vertical distribution of particles in 182
Brunner 453
Buckingham 172
Bunsen 59 90 192
Bunsen's ice calorimeter 59
Burger 680
Burgess 25
Burnett 69 505
Cailletet 396 431 437 491
Cailletet and Colardeau 436 439
Cailletet and Mathias 435
Calculus of probabilities, some elementary theorems on 375
Callendar 23 24 26 57 67 69 117 265 266 439 440 565 606 724
Callendar and Barnes 67 69 70 71 117
Callendar and Griffith's bridge 26
Callendar and Griffiths 22 24 25 68
Callendar and Moss 565 566
Callendar's continuous flow calorimeter 67
Caloric theory 109
Calorie, mean centigrade 49
Calorie, the 49
Calorimeter, adiabatic vacuum 75
Calorimeter, bomb 106
Calorimeter, Bunsen's ice 59
Calorimeter, continuous-flow 67 85
Calorimeter, continuous-mixture 57
Calorimeter, copper block 53
Calorimeter, differential steam 62
Calorimeter, Jaeger and Rosenbohm's 54
Calorimeter, Jaeger and Steinwehr's 65
Calorimeter, Joly's steam 61
Calorimeter, micro- 105
Calorimeter, Nernst vacuum 72
Calorimeter, special types of 104
Calorimeter, steady-flow electric 67
Calorimeter, steam, Joly's 61
Calorimeter, vaporisation 64
Calorimeter, Wertenstein's differential 105
Calorimetry 49
Calorimetry, methods in 51
Campbell 645
Cannon (Miss) 701 820
Capacity for heat 50
Caratheodory 312
Carbon cycle 838
Carbon dioxide, critical constants of 401
Carbon dioxide, isothermal curves for 399 410
Cario 608
Carlton and Sutton 64
Carman 176
Carnot's cycle 230
Carnot's cycle with steam 242
Carnot's cycle, entropy-temperature diagram of 247
Carnot's cycle, mean effective pressure in 255
Carnot's cycle, reversibility of the 238
Carnot's engine, efficiency of 229
Carnot's engine, reversibility of 234 238
Carnot's theorem 239 303
Carnot, Sadi 19 228 230 231 238 239 246 254 257 295 305 309 355 493 630 656
Carre 488
Cascade process of refrigeration 498
Casimir 603
catalyst 780
CATH 16 36
Cazin 471
Cell, Clark 346
Cell, Daniell 344
Cell, galvanic 344
Cell, reversible and irreversible 347
Cell, thermodynamics of 344
Celsius 2
Centigrade scale 2
Chadwick 299
Chakravarti 649
Chandrasekhar 925
Change of state 352 442
Change of state, application of thermodynamics to 352
Change of state, methods based on 59
Chapman 164 169 174 178 180 913 914 917
Chapman and Dootson 180 914
Chapman and Enskog 173 179 180 913
Chappuis 408 565 566
Chappuis and Harlow 565
Charles 17
Charles' law 17
Chart of fixed points 47
Chattock 604
Chemical affinity 802 see
Chemical constant 477 769
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