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Saha M.N., Srivastava B.N. — A treatise on heat: Including kinetic theory of gasses, thermodynamics and recent advances in statistical thermodynamics
Saha M.N., Srivastava B.N. — A treatise on heat: Including kinetic theory of gasses, thermodynamics and recent advances in statistical thermodynamics

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Название: A treatise on heat: Including kinetic theory of gasses, thermodynamics and recent advances in statistical thermodynamics

Авторы: Saha M.N., Srivastava B.N.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 4-th edition

Год издания: 1958

Количество страниц: 988

Добавлена в каталог: 11.11.2013

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Steam jet, theory of      264—267
Steam turbine      263
Steam turbine of Curds      270
Steam turbine of De Laval      268
Steam turbine of Parsons      271
Steam turbine of Rateau      270
Steam turbine of Zolly      270
Steam turbine, efficiency of      274
Steam turbine, impulse      263
Steam turbine, impulse, blading in      269
Steam turbine, Mollier diagram of      248
Steam turbine, reaction      263 271
Steam turbine, reaction, blading in      272
Steenland      535
Stefan      611 649 650 653 659 683 685
Stefan — Boltzmann's law, experimental verification of      650
Stefan — Boltzmann's law, thermodynamic proof of      650
Stefan's constant $\sigma$      650
Stefan's constant $\sigma$, determination of      652
Stefan's constant $\sigma$, determination of, by Kussmann      652
Stefan's constant $\sigma$, determination of, critical review on the      653
Stefan's constant $\sigma$, determination of, recent work on      654
Stefan's constant $\sigma$, in terms of Planck's constant      672
Steinwehr      65 70 105
Stellar energy sources of      836
Stephens      599
Stern, O.      140 144 608 759
Sterne      768 770
Stewart, balfour      627
Stimson      21 71 117
Stirling      745 747
Stirling's theorem      377 865
Stock      451
Stokes      184 190 602
Stokes' Law      186
strong      683
Sublimation      442
Sublimation, heat of      466
Sublimation, thermodynamic treatment of      353
Sucksmith and Potter      75
Sulphur boiling apparatus      21
Sun, blackbody temperature of      695
Sun, divisions of      697
Sun, radiation from      691
Sun, temperature of      695
Sun, temperature of, from distribution of energy in the spectrum      697
Sun, temperature of, from total radiation      697
Sun, temperature of, from wavelength of maximum emission      699
Sutherland      172 860 864
SWAN      85
Symmetry properties of assemblies      887
Synthesis of ammonia      791
Tables of ammonia      927
Tables of steam      928
Tadokoro      601
Tammann      367 459
Tammann and Bridgman      367
Tammann and Juttner      448
Tandon      828
Tate      468
Taylor      156 608
Tears      623
Temperature of inversion      506
Temperature of the Sun      695—699
Temperature radiation      628
Temperature, absolute scale of      18 305
Temperature, baths      21
Temperature, blackbody      634
Temperature, colour      678
Temperature, critical      407 434
Temperature, critical, table of      499
Temperature, critical, value of, from Van der Waals' equation      413
Temperature, eutectic or cryohydric      486
Temperature, high, measurement of      42 683
Temperature, international scale of      44
Temperature, logarithmic scale of      43
Temperature, low, production and measurement of      see "Low temperature"
Temperature, measurement of, near the absolute zero      41
Temperature, production of      840
Temperature, standard      20
Temperature, ultra-high, sources of      839
Temperature, underground      612
Temperature, very high, materials for      843
Temperature, wave, wavelength of      612
Theorem, Boltzmann's      388
Theorem, Carnot's      239
Theorem, Nernst Heat      773
Theorem, virial      415
Theory of exchanges, Prevost's      626
Thermal capacity      50
Thermal creep      222
thermal diffusion      180 910
Thermal diffusion, apparatus of Grew      915
Thermal diffusion, apparatus of Grew, of Clusius and Dickel      918
Thermal diffusion, coefficient      912
Thermal diffusion, equations of transport due to      911—913
Thermal effusion      212
Thermal expansion      see "Expansion"
Thermal ionisation of alkaline earths      815
Thermal ionisation of alkalis      814
Thermal ionisation of calcium      811
Thermal ionisation of gases      807
Thermal ionisation of sodium      809
Thermal ionisation, equation of      810
Thermal ionisation, equation of, applications of      812
Thermal ionisation, equation of, applications of, to flash spectra      817
Thermal ionisation, equation of, applications of, to Fraunhofer spectra      813
Thermal ionisation, equation of, applications of, to spectra of sunspots      816
Thermal ionisation, equation of, applications of, towards a physical explanation of spectra of stars      819—826
Thermal ionisation, equation of, by Saba      811
Thermal ionisation, theory of      810
Thermal ionisation, theory of, electron pressure from maximum intensity of enhanced lines      826
Thermal ionisation, theory of, experimental proof of      828—830
Thermal resistance      569
Thermal state of a body      283
Thermal transpiration      212
Thermic axes      602
Thermionic emission      772
Thermionic emission, Richardson's formula for      773
Thermistor      28
Thermo-molecular pressure difference      938
Thermo-nuclear reactions      833
Thermocouple      29
Thermocouple for high temperature      33 44
Thermocouple for low temperature      39
Thermocouple, differential      35
Thermocouple, e.m.f. developed by      34
Thermodynamic conditions of natural change      341—344 348
Thermodynamic equilibrium of heterogeneous system      360 805
Thermodynamic equilibrium of homogeneous system      339 784
Thermodynamic equilibrium of physical and chemical systems      339
Thermodynamic equilibrium, between a liquid and its vapour      352
Thermodynamic equilibrium, general conditions of      348
Thermodynamic potential      342
Thermodynamic potential of diatomic gas      762 768
Thermodynamic potential of monatomic gas      475 759
Thermodynamic probability      850
Thermodynamic scale of temperature      18
Thermodynamic surface      351
Thermodynamical functions      339 350
Thermodynamical functions, absolute value of, for diatomic and polyatomic gases      762
Thermodynamical functions, absolute value of, for monatomic gases      475 759
Thermodynamical relationship (Maxwell's)      323
Thermodynamical relationship (Maxwell's), first      324
Thermodynamical relationship (Maxwell's), first, application of, to change of state      324
Thermodynamical relationship (Maxwell's), first, application of, to liquid film      326
Thermodynamical relationship (Maxwell's), second      326
Thermodynamical relationship (Maxwell's), third and fourth      329
Thermodynamical systems      339
Thermodynamical theorems      323
Thermodynamical variables      284
Thermodynamical variables, nature of      284
Thermodynamics of irreversible processes      930
Thermodynamics of irreversible processes, applications of      936
Thermodynamics, application of, to change of state      324 352 475
Thermodynamics, application of, to chemical equilibria      339 779
Thermodynamics, application of, to physical equilibria      339
Thermodynamics, application of, to radiation      629
Thermodynamics, first law of      111 270
Thermodynamics, first law of, application of      293
Thermodynamics, first law of, application of, to calculation of work done in some processes      295
Thermodynamics, first law of, application of, to chemical reactions      297
Thermodynamics, first law of, application of, to discontinuous changes in energy (latent heat)      295
Thermodynamics, first law of, application of, to specific heat      293
Thermodynamics, first law of, statement of      292
Thermodynamics, first law of, supposed violation of      300
Thermodynamics, of change of phase      352
Thermodynamics, of fusion      354
Thermodynamics, of radiation      628
Thermodynamics, problems on      334
Thermodynamics, Scope of      279
Thermodynamics, second law of      302
Thermodynamics, second law of, most general statement of, in terms of entropy      319
Thermodynamics, second law of, preliminary statement of      303
Thermodynamics, second law of, supposed violation of      320
Thermodynamics, statistical      371 744
Thermoelectric thermometry      29 see
Thermometer, Assmann      4
Thermometer, Beckmann      5
Thermometer, Centigrade      2
Thermometer, chemical      5
Thermometer, clinical      5
Thermometer, constant volume hydrogen      8
Thermometer, Fahrenheit      2
Thermometer, gas      6
Thermometer, lead resistance      38
Thermometer, liquid      4
Thermometer, maximum and minimum      4
Thermometer, mercury      2
Thermometer, petroleum ether      37
Thermometer, platinum      23 see
Thermometer, secondary      19
Thermometer, standard gas      8
Thermometer, standardisation of      19
Thermometer, thermo-electric      29 see
Thermometer, vapour pressure      35 39
Thermometer, weight      562
Thermometric conductivity      576
Thermometry      1
Thermometry, gas, accurate      10
Thermometry, high temperature      see "Pyrometer"
Thermometry, low temperature      36
Thermometry, resistance      23—28
Thermometry, standard temperatures for      20
Thermometry, thermoelectric      29
Thermopile, Melloni's      617
Thibaud      624
Thiele      478 761
Thiesen      473
Thilorier      497
Thomas      77
Thomsen and Berthelot      802
Thomson, G.P.      337 880
Thomson, W. (Lord Kelvin)      see "Kelvin"
Tisza      756 898 901 909
Todd      609
Total heat      248 502
Transformations, adiabatic      82
transparent      624
Transpiration, thermal      212
Transport phenomena      163
Trautz and Ader      723
Trautz and Dechend      462
Travers      518
Trehin and Cohen      65
Triple point      357 499
Triple point for sulphur      367
Triple point for water      356 442
Trivariant system      367
Trouton      472 473
Trouton's rule      472 473
Turbine, gas      276
Turbo-jet      277
Two-stroke engine      260
Tyndall      601 649
Ubbelohde      778
Uehling      173
Uhlenbeck      173 753
Ultra-violet rays      623
Unavailable energy      320
Uncertainty principle      883
Underground temperature      612
Unit of heat      49
Uranium isotope separation      206 208
Vacuum, measurement of      212
Valentiner      43 549 653
van der Waals      389 401 402 403 406 410 411 420 429
Van der Waals' equation      401
Van der Waals' equation, calculation of critical constants from      413
Van der Waals' equation, deduction of      402
Van der Waals' equation, deduction of, from Boltzmann's theorem      389
Van der Waals' equation, deduction of, from probability considerations      402
Van der Waals' equation, deduction of, from the virial theorem of Clausius      415
Van der Waals' equation, defects in      414
Van der Waals' equation, determination of 'a' and 'b' in      406
Van der Waals' equation, discussion of      410
Van der Waals' equation, in 'reduced' form      429
Van der Waals' equation, variation of 'a' and 'b' of      421
Van Dusen      37
Van Eyck      875
van't Hoff      182 784 787 803
Vaporisation      442 449
Vaporisation, coefficient      457
Vapour compression machine      487
Vapour density      467
Vapour density of saturated vapour, determination of      468
Vapour density, determination of      451 467
Vapour pressure of difficultly volatile substances      453 455
Vapour pressure of helium      41
Vapour pressure of solutions      458
Vapour pressure of tungsten      458
Vapour pressure of water      449
Vapour pressure over a curved surface      479
Vapour pressure thermometer      41 451
Vapour pressure, calculation of, from kinetic theory      479
Vapour pressure, calculation of, from statistical mechanics      477 761 768
Vapour pressure, calculation of, from statistical mechanics, for diatomic substances      768
Vapour pressure, calculation of, from statistical mechanics, for diatomic substances, experimental verification of      769
Vapour pressure, calculation of, from statistical mechanics, for monatomic substances      477
Vapour pressure, calculation of, from statistical mechanics, for monatomic substances, experimental verification of      477 478
Vapour pressure, change of on melting      445
Vapour pressure, formula for      474
Vapour pressure, laws of, for mixture of liquids      449
Vapour pressure, measurement of      449
Vapour pressure, measurement of, at high pressures, for water      450
Vapour pressure, measurement of, by dynamic method      451—453
Vapour pressure, measurement of, by effusion method      453
Vapour pressure, measurement of, by statical method      450
Vapour pressure, measurement of, from the rate of vaporisation      455
Vapour pressure, saturation      449
Velocity compounding, principle of      27
Velocity of reaction      784
Velocity of sound, measurement of      98
Velocity of sound, measurement of, by Kundt's tube      100
Velocity of sound, measurement of, by Partington and Shilling      103
Velocity, average      138
Velocity, distribution of      129
Velocity, distribution of, law of      see "Maxwell's law"
Velocity, mean      138
Velocity, mean square      138
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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