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Saha M.N., Srivastava B.N. — A treatise on heat: Including kinetic theory of gasses, thermodynamics and recent advances in statistical thermodynamics |

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Название: A treatise on heat: Including kinetic theory of gasses, thermodynamics and recent advances in statistical thermodynamics
Авторы: Saha M.N., Srivastava B.N.
Рубрика: Физика/
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Издание: 4-th edition
Год издания: 1958
Количество страниц: 988
Добавлена в каталог: 11.11.2013
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Draper point 62
Drude 593 678 738 754
Drude's theory of metallic conduction 593
Dufour effect 181
Dulong and Petit 58 77 78 153 331 564 640 724 726 767
Dulong and Petit's law 77 163
Dulong and Petit's law, deduction of, from kinetic theory 153
Dulong and Petit's law, illustration of 77
Dumas 467
Dunoyer 121
Dusen 37 45
Dushman manometer 212
Dushmann 212 708 772 773
Earth's crust, conductivity of 612
Earth, age of the 614
Earth, temperature inside the 612
Eckefots 624
Eddington 696 833
Edlen 624
Efficiency of engines 228
Efficiency ratio 250
Effusion, molecular 192 205
Effusion, practical applications of the principle of 205
Effusion, theory of 192
Effusion, thermal 212
Effusion, through a narrow opening 453
Egerton 455 478
Egy 599
Ehrenfest 358 707
Eigen-value 882
Eigenfunction 874 882
Eigenfunction, rotational 874
Einstein 185 188 189 191 222 298 299 644 671 726 727 746 756 835 880 888 891 898
Einstein function 727
Einstein function, tables of 872
Eldridge 141 147
Electrolux 490
Electromagnetic waves, chart of 621 622
Electromotive force, of Clark cell 346
Electromotive force, of Daniell cell 344
Electromotive force, of reversible galvanic ceils 344
Electron 762
Electron, affinity of halogens 831
Electron, charge on 863
Electron, chemical constant of 773
Electron, weight factor of 773
Electrons from heated solids 772
Elements, occurrence of 923—927
Ellett 145
Elliot 723
Emission, of electricity from hot bodies 772
Emission, total 649
Emission, total, on one side 627
Emissive power 626
Energy as a fundamental quantity 298
Energy of oscillator in a field of radiation 868
Energy of rotation 704
Energy of vibration 705
Energy relations in a reaction 782
Energy, conservation of 289
Energy, discontinuous changes in 295
Energy, distribution of, in the spectrum of a black body 655
Energy, distribution of, in the spectrum of the son 696
Energy, due to rotation 704
Energy, exchange of, between radiation and matter 629 669
Energy, forms of 288
Energy, free 342 345
Energy, intrinsic, variation of, with volume 329
Energy, kinetic, law of equipartition of 149
Energy, molecular and atomic 151
Energy, null-point, expression for 721 755
Energy, spectral distribution of 663
Energy, total, in a thermodynamical system 288
Energy, unavailable 320
Engine, 'National' gas 261
Engine, Carnot's 230
Engine, Clerk 261
Engine, diesel 257
Engine, Diesel, four-stroke 262
Engine, efficiency of 228
Engine, fuels for 262
Engine, irreversible 239
Engine, jet propulsion 277
Engine, Otto 252
Engine, reversible 238
Engine, semi-Diesel or hot bulb 260
Engine, two-stroke 260
Enskog 164 169 178 179 913
Entropy and probability 375
Entropy and unavailable energy 320
Entropy of a mixture of gases 316
Entropy of a perfect gas 315
Entropy of a system 313
Entropy of steam 247
Entropy, absolute, of a monatomic gas 391 750
Entropy, absolute, of diatomic gases 764
Entropy, absolute, of polyatomic gases 764
Entropy, change of, in irreversible process 313
Entropy, definition of 307
Entropy, effect of nuclear spin on 761 766
Entropy, evaluation of, from the three statistics 747
Entropy, increase of 319
Entropy, increase of, due to diffusion of two gases 318
Entropy, increase of, during conduction or radiation of heat 314
Entropy, increase of, in irreversible processes 314
Entropy, increase of, when a gas expands into vacuum 314
Entropy, molar, calculation of, by Lewis's method 777
Entropy, physical concept of 321
Entropy, principle of increase of 319
Entropy, statistical interpretation of 388
Entropy, theorem concerning 319
Entropy—temperature diagram 245
Equation of state for a perfect gas 396
Equation of state of Beattie and Bridgman 423
Equation of state of Bert helot 422
Equation of state of Dieterici 423
Equation of state of Fowler 424
Equation of state of K. Onnes 397
Equation of state of Reinganum 424
Equation of state of Saha and Bose 423
Equation of state of Van der Waals 421
Equation of state, definition of 396
Equation of state, experimental study of 431
Equation of state, reduced 429
Equation, Clapeyron's 325 353
Equation, Clausius's latent heat 355
Equation, fundamental 344
Equation, Gibbs — Helmholtz 344
Equilibrium constant 785 788
Equilibrium of physical and chemical systems 339
Equilibrium, chemical, application of thermodynamics to 783
Equilibrium, chemical, between and 788
Equilibrium, chemical, between and S 779
Equilibrium, chemical, between and 792
Equilibrium, chemical, calculation of new, from old 797
Equilibrium, chemical, illustrations of 788
Equilibrium, thermodynamical, general conditions of 281
Equilibrium, thermodynamical, of a heterogeneous system 805
Equipartition of energy 845
Equipartition of energy, law of 149
Ericson 624
Esson 783
Eucken 334 466 602 611 706 712 715 734 740 769 772
Eucken and Donath 466
Eucken and Schwers 74
Eumorfopoulos and Rai 505
Eutectic temperature 486
evaporation 463
Evaporation, cooling produced by 492
Evaporation, thermodynamics of 353
| Ewing 398
Examples on thermodynamics 334
Exchange degeneracy 886
Exchanges, Prevost's theory of 626
Exothermic reaction 343
Expansion, thermal, coefficient of 561
Expansion, thermal, coefficient of, measurement of 562—565
Expansion, thermal, linear 545 see
Expansion, thermal, of anisotropic bodies 558—561
Expansion, thermal, of crystals 559
Expansion, thermal, of gases 566
Expansion, thermal, of gold and iron 556
Expansion, thermal, of liquids 561
Expansion, thermal, of liquids, absolute 563
Expansion, thermal, of liquids, apparent 561
Expansion, thermal, of silica glass and invar 557
Expansion, thermal, of solids 545 see
Expansion, thermal, of water 566
Expansion, thermal, surface, coefficient of 558
Explosion method 90
Eyring 864
Fabry and Buisson 857
Fahrenheit 3 486
Fairbairn and Tate 468
Faraday 459 829
Fenning 92
Fermi 594 747 891
Fermi — Dirac statistics 747
Fermi — Dirac statistics, evaluation of entropy and pressure from 750
Fermi — Dirac statistics, integrals used in 877
Ferry 112
Fery 633 653 683
Film method of determining conductivity of gas 609
Finite breadth of spectral lines, Maxwell's law from 855
First law of thermodynamics 279
Fixed points, chart of 46
Fixed points, table 20
Fixed temperature baths 21
Fizeau 144 550 551 558
Flash spectrum 637
Fleming 37
Fletcher 190 864
Flow of gases through tubes 194
Flow of heat (rectilinear), aperiodic 590
Flow of heat (rectilinear), combination of steady and variable 579
Flow of heat (rectilinear), periodic 585
Flow of heat (rectilinear), steady 577
Fluid, caloric 109
Fogler and Rodebush 465
Forbes 580 582
Forbes' method 579—582
Forsythe 487
FOURIER 568 577 596 604
Fourier series 588
Fowle 865
Fowler and Milne 826 827
Fowler's method 394 893
Fowler, R.H. 421 424 722 724 745 768 770 778 818 824 893
Franck 608 788
Franck and Cario 608
Franz 579 591
Fraunhofer 635 636 695 813 817
Fraunhofer lines 635
Free energy 342
Free energy, calculation of 774 777
Free energy, theorem of Gibbs and Helmholtz 344
Free energy, theorem of Gibbs and Helmholtz, application to thermochemistry of 344
Free path 155 161
Freezing mixtures 486
Freezing mixtures, principle of 369 486
Freezing point, depression of, with increase of pressure 325
Fresnel 880
Fuerth 181 910
Fundamental, band 718
Fundamental, band, rotational-vibrational, of HBr 720
Fundamental, frequency 718
Fundamental, interval 24
Furry 919
Fusion 442
Fusion, effect of pressure on 353
Fusion, latent heat of 324 443 see
Gaede 71 209
Gaede molecular pump 209
Galileo 279
Galvanie cells, reversible, e.m.f. of 344
Galvanometer relay of Moll and Burger 680
GANs 451
Gas constant 9 18
Gas engine 251
Gas laws, deduction of 127
Gas scales, correction of 10
Gas scales, different, comparison or 16
Gas thermometer, constant pressure 8
Gas thermometer, constant volume 12
Gas thermometer, corrections for 10—16
Gas turbine 276
Gases, conductivity of 606 see
Gases, conductivity of, from kinetic theory 173
Gases, degeneration of 753
Gases, degeneration of, entropy and thermodynamical functions of 762
Gases, diffusion of 176
Gases, equation of state for 396 see
Gases, expansion of 566
Gases, flow of, through tubes 194
Gases, liquefaction of 496
Gases, low pressure phenomena in 192
Gases, molecular heats of 105
Gases, permanent 497
Gases, thermal conductivity of 175
Gases, two specific heats of 79
Gases, viscosity of 165
Gay-Lussac 81 123 450
Gay-Lussac and Joule 123 500
Geiger 102
Gerlach 608 653 760
Germer 880
Giacomini 92
Giauque 535 740 769 795 800
Gibbs 138 150 317 319 342 348 357 363 392 412 426 475 745 775 776 784 787 903
Gibbs and Helmholtz 344 345 774 775
Gibbs — Helmholtz relation 349 774
Gibbs' ensemble 392
Gibson 171
Gibson and Heitler 795 800
Giebe 590
Gilmour 449
Ginnings 117
Gladstone 36
Glass, conductivity of, apparatus for 600
Goerens 596
Goldschmidt 605 923
Goodwin and Kalmus 447
Gorter 532 535
Graetz 606
Graham 192
Graham's law 192
Gregory and Archer 604
Grew 181 914 918
Griffiths, E. 48 71 448 463
Griffiths, E.H. 23 25 65 69 71
Grosse 54
Grove 607
Gruneisen 332 556
Gruneisen and Goens 590
Gruneisen's law 556
Guard-ring 571
Guggenheim 717 722 724
Guldberg and Waage 783
Guoy 438
h, the Planck's constant 646 see
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