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Dresselhaus M.S., Dresselhaus G., Avouris Ph. — Carbon nanotubes
Dresselhaus M.S., Dresselhaus G., Avouris Ph. — Carbon nanotubes

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Название: Carbon nanotubes

Авторы: Dresselhaus M.S., Dresselhaus G., Avouris Ph.


This book gives a comprehensive review of the present status of research in this fast moving field by researchers actively contributing to the advances. After a short introduction and a brief review of the relation between carbon nanotubes, graphite and other forms of carbon, the synthesis techniques and growth mechanisms for carbon nanotubes are described. This is followed by reviews on nanotube electronic structure, electrical, optical, and mechanical properties, nanotube imaging and spectroscopy, and nanotube applications.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2001

Количество страниц: 453

Добавлена в каталог: 07.04.2006

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
$Al_{2}O_{3}$      95
$Al_{2}O_{3}$ whiskers      22
$BC_{2}N$      88 97 99 102 306
$BC_{3}$      88 99 306
$B_{x}C_{y}N_{z}$      97 113
$CdCl_{2}$ structure      95
$C_{60}$      257 261 264 274
$HfB_{2}$      96
$MoS_{2}$      84 106 198
$MoS_{2}$ nanotube      105
$MoS_{2}$, inorganic nanotube      88
$SiO_{2}$      95
$TiO_{2}$      84 95
$V_{2}O_{5}$      84
$WS_{2}$      104
$WS_{2}$ nanotube      105
$WS_{2}$ nanotubes      86
$ZrO_{2}$      95
$\sigma$-$\pi$ hybridization      166
1D particle-in-a-box      189-191
1D subbands      178 302
Ab initio calculations      300
ab initio strain energy      306
abstract      177
Acceptor doping, boron      136
acetylene      33 40
Achiral      178 179 192 193
Acoustic phonon modes      229 286 291 374
Adhesion energy      196 322-324
Adhesive interaction      168
Adsorption, gas, hydrogen      415
AFM      155 156 162 164-166 178 195 196 198 200 202 205 211 323-325 328
AFM cantilever      201
Afm manipulation      197 199 200
Afm probe      199 205
AFM tip      166 195-198 200-205 207 297 324
Aharonov — Bohm effect      334 342 351 369
Aharonov — Bohm flux      351
Aharonov — Bohm period      363
Aharonov — Bohm phase      362
Aligned single wall carbon nanotubes      3
Aligned structures      40-42
Aligned tubes, bundles      234
Aligned tubes, MWNT films      406
Aligned tubes, MWNTs      406
Aligned tubes, SWNT bundles      421
Andreev reflection      160
Angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES)      254
Angle resolved photoemission spectrum, graphite      257
Anti-localization      171
Anti-stokes raman      239
Anti-stokes raman, spectra      236 239 240 246
Antibonding orbitals      179
Antigen-antibody interactions      207
Applications, actuator, electromechanical      426
Applications, actuators      426
Applications, battery      26 415 429
Applications, biological      425
Applications, carbon fiber      22 432
Applications, catalysis      95 429
Applications, chemistry      425
Applications, commercial      431
Applications, composites      404 405 417 420
Applications, conductors (1D)      375
Applications, CVD fiber      22
Applications, display      408
Applications, electrochemical      411
Applications, electron emission      379
Applications, electronic      8 431
Applications, electronic device      402 429 430
Applications, electronic devices      118 404
Applications, EMI shielding      422
Applications, energy storage      415
Applications, field emission      334 379 405
Applications, graphite      17
Applications, hydrogen storage      404 416
Applications, inorganic fullerenes      111
Applications, intercalated nanotubes      26
Applications, light emission      333 379
Applications, lithographic techniques      8
Applications, lubrication      112
Applications, materials science      405
Applications, mechanical      385 420
Applications, mechanical reinforcement      393
Applications, medical      424
Applications, medical catheter      426
Applications, microelectronics      111
Applications, microprobe tips      118
Applications, microwave amplifiers      408
Applications, nano-lithography      424
Applications, nano-technology      426
Applications, nanolithography      112
Applications, nanoprobes      418
Applications, nanotube      430
Applications, nanotubes      3 9 401
Applications, optical      422
Applications, opto-electronic      108
Applications, PAN fiber      22
Applications, photo-voltaic      422
Applications, photocatalysis      113
Applications, reinforcement      86 430
Applications, scanning probe tip      334
Applications, scanning probe tips      86 93
Applications, sensors      426
Applications, structural      417
Applications, surface properties      402
Applications, thin-screen technology      336
Applications, tribological      113
Applications, vacuum electronics      405
Applications, vapor phase growth      336
Arc discharge      17 18
arc method      230
Arc-discharge      29-32 34 40
Arc-discharge growth      339 341 343 346 372 388
Arc-discharge method      379 386
ARIPES      254
Armchair      178 179 186 187 190-192 307 317 319 320 328
Armchair nanotubes      4-6 218 270
Armchair, (n, n) tubes      120
Asymmetric-digital-signal-line (ADSL), telecom network      411
Atomic force      177 178 201
Atomic force microscope      155 165 297 299 302
Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)      144
Atomic force microscope (AFM), experiments      391
Atomic force microscope (AFM), image      142 387 389 391 392
Atomic force microscope (AFM), instruments      425
Atomic force microscope (AFM), measurements      387 388 390 391
Atomic force microscope (AFM), method      388 391
Atomic force microscope (AFM), nano-lithography      425
Atomic force microscope (AFM), technique      387
Atomic force microscope (AFM), tip      404 424 425 431 432
Atomic force microscope (AFM), tips      392
Atomic resolution      184
Atomically resolved      177 181 182 188 192
Atomically resolved images      180 181
Au (111)      181 182
Auger peak, OKLL      262
Axial      190 195
Axial compression      309-311
Axial distortion      323
Axial tension      305 313 316 320
Back-scattering      167 169 174
Ball-milling      413
Ballistic conductor      171
Bamboo structure      90 338 339 341
Band gap      17 21
Band overlap      16 21
Band structure      180 190 192 200
Band structure, electron      254 256 257 259 264 274
Band structure, graphene      275
Band structure, graphite      257
Band-bending      156 188
Band-folding      120 122 128
Base growth mode      34
Bending      177 186 196 197 205 211 298 300-302 305 311 313 322 325 327 328
Bending angle      311
Bending angles      301
Bending mode      202 300
Bending modes      300
Bending modulus      301
Bending stiffness      296
Bending strength      198 294 297 302
Bent carbon nanotubes      166
benzene      39 44 45
Bernal stacking      15 16
BET characterization      413
Bifurcation      302 308 310 313
Bimetallic      35
Binding energy      196 322 323 325
Binding site recognition      208
Biotin-streptavidin interaction      210
Black body      232
BN      84 86 88 96 97 306
BN nanotube      88 96 97 127
BN particles, nano-cocoons      98
BN, nanotubes      97 298 306
BN, nanotubes, ropes      98
BN, polyhedra      102
Bond polarization theory      229
Bond-breaking      303 328
Bonding      177 179
Boron      135
Breaking strength      20
Breit — Wigner — Fano plot      236
Brillouin zone (BZ) $K$ points      221
Brittle      294 296 297 315 317 318 321 322
Brittle behavior      321
Brittle behaviors      321
Brittle failure      296
Bubble formation      328
Buckled      161 166
Buckling      98 166 196-198 202 203 293 294 297 302 303 308 309 311-313 325 328 418
Buckling, MWNT      419
Buckling, nanotube      425
Buckling, SWNT      418
Bucky paper      336
bulk modulus      19
Bundle      8 303 304 306 313
Bundle effect      240
bundles      389
Burgers vector      316 319
BZ, $K$-point      16 220 224 234
C-edge dislocations      297
Capacitance      158 159 193 194
Capillary forces      37
Capped end      188
Carbon bonding      12
Carbon bonding, $sp^{2}$ bond      12 14 25
Carbon bonding, $sp^{3}$      12
Carbon bonding, $sp^{3}$ bond      14
Carbon bonding, $\pi$-electrons      253
Carbon bonding, $\sigma$ bonds      253
Carbon bonding, bond length      6
Carbon bonding, chemical      254
Carbon bonding, covalent      12
Carbon bonding, hybridization      12 13 253
Carbon bonding, hybridization, $sp^{n}$      12
Carbon feedstock      33-36 38-40 44
Carbon fibers      11 12 18 19 57
Carbon fibers, bundles      19
Carbon fibers, composites      22
Carbon fibers, diameter      3
Carbon fibers, history      21
Carbon fibers, mechanical properties      20
Carbon fibers, mechanical strength      18
Carbon fibers, melting      25
Carbon fibers, PAN      18 19
Carbon fibers, performance      18
Carbon fibers, pitch      18 19
Carbon fibers, polymer-based      22
Carbon fibers, thermal conductivity      23
Carbon fibers, vapor grown      2 12 18-24
Carbon materials, liquid      12
Carbon materials, whiskers      11 12 17 18 22
Carbon materials, whiskers, mechanical      22
Carbon materials, whiskers, synthesis      18
Carbon monoxide      39
Carbon nanofibers      413
Carbon nanotube, parameters      7
Carbon nanotubeproduction      96
Carbon, $sp^{2}$ bonds      392
Carbon, liquid      13 24
Carbon, phase diagram      13 24
Carbon-soot      29
Carboxyl groups      208
Carboxylic acid      209
Carrier density      155
catalyst      230
Catalyst precursor      39 44
Catalyst species      8
Catalytic chemical vapor deposition      22
Cathode ray lighting element      408
Cathode ray tube (CRT), thermionic      409
Cathode stripes      410
Charge transfer      25 346
Charge-discharge      415
Charging energy      158 160
Chemical contrast      208
Chemical force      207
Chemical resolution      209
Chemical sensor      426
chemical vapor deposition      29 30 32-38 40-45 51
Chemical vapor deposition (CVD), deposition      22
Chemically sensitive      177 178 208 209 211
Chiral angle      3-7 218
Chiral nanotube      218
Chiral nanotubes      6
Chiral vector      4-7
Chiral vector, $C_{h}$      218
Chirality      102 103 217 306 307 318 319
CN      306
CO      39 40
Cobalt      31 34 38
Coherence length      168 169 171 172
Coherence lifetime      172
Coherent back-scattering      168 169 171
Coherent state      172
Coiling process      326 327
Coils      302 326 327
Collapse      302 303 312 313 328
Collapsed tubes      122 302
Composite tubes      298 306
Compression      295 297 300 308 311-313 322
Compression strength      297
Concentric structure      245
Conductance fluctuations      172
Conductance, intratube      142
Conductance, junction      142
Conductance, quantum      117 137 143
Conductance, tube      118 123 138 143 144
Conduction      153 164
Conductivity      275
Configuration $sp^{2}$      13
confinement      190
Conjugate waves      168 169
Conjugate-gradient method      309
Conjugated polymers      422
Constructive interference      167
Contact printing      43
Contact resistance      48
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