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Dresselhaus M.S., Dresselhaus G., Avouris Ph. — Carbon nanotubes |
Предметный указатель |
Intermolecular adhesion 207
Interstitial channels 429
Intramolecular junctions 164 165
Ion bombardment 173
IPES 254
Iron 33 34 39-41 44
Iron chloride 44
Iron oxide 40 204
Iron pentacarbonyl 39
Josephson supercurrents 159
Junction, metal-metal 118 127 130-132 143 148
Junction, metal-semiconductor 118 127-130 132 148
Junction, semiconductor-semiconductor 143
Junctions 117 118 120 127-129 148
Junctions, conductance 143
Junctions, crossed 143 144
Junctions, crossed-tube 141
Junctions, metal-metal 127 149
Junctions, metal-semiconductor 149
Junctions, semiconductor-metal 128
K point 179 180
Keating force model 305
Kink 161 162 164 186
Kinked nanotube 132 134 138
Kinked nanotube, I-V 132
Kinked nanotube, junctions 148
Kinks 297 300 301 303 308
Kondo 171
Kramers — Kronig analysis 255 259
Laminated structure 297
Landauer formalism 130
laser ablation 30 31 33 34 40
Laser vaporization method 230
Lateral resolution 208
Lateral stresses 196
Lattice constant 15
LDOS 182 188 189
Ligand-receptor 210
Light emission 379
Lindhardt formula 269
Linear dispersion 220
Lip-lip interaction 98
Lipid bilayers 209
Lithium battery 413
Local stress 319
localization 154 166 167 172
Localization length 172
Localization temperature 172
Loop test 297
Lorenz limit 311
Loss function 255 259 260 267 273 274
Luttinger liquid 153 154 160 162 166 170 171 262 342 366 369 372 375
Luttinger parameter 160 161
Magnetic field 159 167-172
Magnetic moments 171
Magneto-resistance 154 167
Magneto-transport 172
Magnetoresistance 351 352 362 363 365 366
Manipulation 177 178 196 197 200 294 297 324-326 328
Materials properties 386
Matrix-embedded carbon nanotube 303
MD simulations 308 309 311 319 321
Mean free path 134 144 148 149 163 168 172
Mechanical deformation 29 48 49 131 294 325
Mechanical properties 127 385 387
Mechanical properties, disorder effect 388
Mechanical stress 131
Mechanical stress, axial 392
Mechanical stress, compressive 20
Mechanical stress, MWNTs 386
Mechanics 294 308 325 326
Mesopore volume 35 37
Mesoscopic 153 154 156
Metal hydrides 415
Metal-metal junctions 164 165
Metal-nanotube contacts 167
Metal-semiconductor junctions 164 165
Metal-support interactions 36 38 39 43
Metallic 179 181 183-186 188-191 193 194 211
Metallic band structure 190
Metallic behavior 177 194 210
Metallic nanotubes 154-158 163
Metallic ropes 161
Metallic window 236
Metallic wires 340
methane 35-38 40 44 45
Methane CVD 35-38 43-45
Micro-cracks 301
Microelectrodes 412
Micromanipulators 202
Modulus, carbon fibers 19
Molecular mechanics 323 324 329
Molecular probes 425
Momentum conservation 174
Momentum relaxation 169
Monoatomic chains 314
Multi-wall nanotubes 168 170
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes 243
Multiwall carbon nanotubes 3 8
Multiwalled tubes 300 304
Nanocomposite 429
Nanofibers 20
Nanofibers, vapor grown 23
Nanoribbons 301
Nanorods 302
Nanorope 306
Nanoswitch 131
Nanotube devices 177 178
Nanotube hollows 428
Nanotube indices, (n,m) 218
Nanotube rings 325 328
Nanotube ropes 167 171 173
Nanotube tip 73
Nanotube, chiral angle 6
Nanotube, chirality 6
Nanotube, curvature 12 14
Nanotube, diameter 6
Nanotube, production 334-336 339 390
Nanotube, purification 334-337 376-379
Nanotube, zigzag 104 108
Nanotube-nanotube interactions 322
Nanotube-substrate interactions 322
Nanotubes, excited states 267
Nanotubes, intercalated SWNTs 274
Nanotubes, metallic 14
Nanotubes, semiconducting 14
Nanotubes, unoccupied states 267
Negative MR 168
Nernstian behavior 412
Nickel 31 33 34 40
Nitrogen 136
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), proton 417
Nucleation 55 296 303 315-317 320 321 328 329
Nyquist noise 365
One-dimensional band structure 177 178 188
One-dimensionality 2-4
Onion morphology 18 83 95 97 113 335 337 344
Optical 105
Optical absorption 231
Optical absorption spectroscopy 269 270
Optical density 236
Optical device 108
Optical measurements 85
Optical phonons 154 160 163
Optical properties 105 111
Optical transitions 108
Optical tuning 104 108
Organic amines 209
Organic light emitting diodes (OLED) 423
Over-voltage protection 411
| Oxide spinels 38
p-type 156 165
pair 79
Particle-in-a-box 158
Peach — Koehler force 316
Penetration depth 174
Pentagon-heptagon 7
Pentagon-heptagon defect 161
Pentagon-heptagon pair 315 316
Pentagons and heptagons 96
Perturbations 145
Perturbations, asymmetric 141
Perturbations, external 117 144
Perturbations, long range 139 145 149
Pes 257 258 262 264 266
Phase coherence length 159
phase diagram 13 14 24 84 87 88 100
Phase lag 209
Phase lag signal 207
Phase shifts 135-138
phase velocity 229
Phonon dispersion of MWNTs 284
Phonon dispersion relations 228
Phonon dispersion, SWNTs 284
Phonon modes, acoustic 280 282
Phonon modes, twist mode 282
Phonon scattering 162
Phonon scattering length 291
Phonon states 109
Phonon thermal conductivity 288
Phonon velocity 282
Phonon, dispersion 109
Phonon, K point 230
Phonon, twist mode 291
Phonon, zone-boundary 110
Phonons 163 298
Phonons, heat capacity 125
Phonons, subbands 281
Phonons, twistons 125
Phonons, zone-folding 281
Photo thermal deflection spectrum 232
Photo-thermal deflection spectrum (PDS) 232
Photoelectron spectroscopy (PES) 253
photoemission 170
Photoemission spectroscopy (PES), angle resolved (ARPES) 256
Photoemission spectroscopy (PES), angle resolved inverse (ARIPES) 256
Photoemission spectroscopy (PES), data 262
Photoemission spectroscopy (PES), fullerenes 266
Photoemission spectroscopy (PES), graphite 256
Photoemission spectroscopy (PES), nanotubes 262
Photoemission spectrum, graphite 256
Photoemission spectrum, MWNTs 256
Plasma assisted cvd 40
Plasma breakdown 411
Plasmon 233 255 259 267 269 270 273 274
Plasmon excitation spectrum 267
Plasmon, + 262
Plasmon, + plasmon 260
Plasmon, + -plasmon 267 270 273 276
Plasmon, -plasmon 259 262 267 269 270 272 273 274 275 276
Plasmon, energy 260
Plasmon, free electron 261
Plasmon, MWNT 273
Plastic yield 296
Point defects 296
Poisson ratio 300 306
Polarizability, static 123 126
Polarizability, tensor 124
Polarizability, unscreened 124
Polyacrylonitrile 22
Polyacrylonitrile (PAN), fiber 22
Polyhedra 84
Polyhedron 31
Polymer composite 420
Porous silicon 40-43
Potassium 274 276
Potential fluctuations 156
Potential well 167
Power-law 154 160 161 165
PPV 422
Precursor 39 44
Proteins 204 206 210
proximity effect 159 160
Pseudo-spin 146
Pseudogap 325
Pseudopotential 121 134
Purification 231
Quantum conductance 130 350-353 357 360 361
Quantum confinement 14
Quantum confinement, Coulomb blockade 123
Quantum dots 144 147 158 165 166 193 194 200
quantum size effect 86 105 107
Quantum size effects 190 191
Quantum wire, metallic tubes 123
radiaL 195
Radial breathing mode 21
Radial breathing mode (RBM) 217 229 231 233 236-238 240 242-247
Radial breathing mode (RBM), frequency 230 245
Radial breathing mode (RBM), raman intensity 236
Radial breathing mode (RBM), raman spectra 243
Radial breathing mode (RBM), spectra 236
Radial confinement 178
Radial deformations 308 324
Radiation dose 390
Radius of curvature 323
Raman intensity, 239
Raman peak, D-band 230
Raman spectra 109
Raman spectra, G-band 236
Rectifying behavior 164 165
Rehybridization 301
Rehybridization - 122
Relaxation 294 315 317-319 329
Resilience 293 300 301 328
Resolution 177 178 181 201-211
Resonance Raman 110
Resonance Raman effect 235
Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS), SWNTs 264 265
Resonant tunneling 154 158 190 191
Rhombohedral phase 15
Ribbons 300 325
Rings 154 165 168 169 171 172
Ripples 300 312
RIXS 254
Rolling 197
ROPE 15 266 269 270 276 416 421
Rope, (10,10) nanotubes 139
Rope, diameter 389
Rope, lattice 274
Rope, MWNT 343 354
Rope, SWNT 354 386 389 393 404 417 420
Ropes 7 8
Sample preparation 231
Saturation current 163
Scanning probe 91 101 195
Scanning probe microscope tip 425
Scanning probe microscopy 177 178 210
Scanning probe, microscopy 112
Scanning probe, tips 86
Scanning probe-microscopy 195
Scanning tunneling microscope 93
Scanning tunneling microscopy 177 178 180 194
Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) 4
Scanning tunneling spectroscopy 225
Scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) 350
Scattering 154 167
Scattering mechanism 154 160 163
Schottky barrier 164 165
Schottky, barrier 148
Schottky, barriers 127 144
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