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Dresselhaus M.S., Dresselhaus G., Avouris Ph. — Carbon nanotubes |
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contacts 154 156 158-163 165-168 171 173
Continuum elasticity 305 308 309 313
Continuum model 309 312 313
Cooper pair 160
Core electrons 12 254
Correlated electron systems 169
Coulomb barrier 170
Coulomb blockade 144 157-161 170 358 359
Coulomb charging 190
Coulomb charging energy 189
Covalent bond 86
Crack 296 314 317 318
Critical curvature 311
Critical strain 310 311
Cross-links 390 393
Cross-section 295 296 304 305 323
Crossed junctions 165
Crossed nanotubes 161 164 165
Crossed-tube junctions 118
Crystal momentum 173
Current density 408
Current-voltage 131
Curvature-induced hybridization 185
Cvd growth 210
Dangling bond 84 87
dangling bonds 14
DC breakdown voltage 411
Debye temperature 286
Defect pair 128
Defect, pentagon-heptagon pair 117 127-132
defects 164 167 169 173 174
Density functional, local 121
Density functional, method 134 142
Density of rope states, electronic 140 141
Density of states 180 183 194 210
Density of states (DOS), electronic 222
Density of states, electron 264
Density of states, electronic 131 139 149 256 258 262 266 267
Density of states, joint 141
Density of states, local 135 137 138
Density of states, phonon 280 282 285
Department of energy, benchmark 416
Dephasing 154 168-171
Depolarization effect 223
Diameter distribution 8 230 266 269 270 273 276
Diameter, 218
Diameter-selective formation 230
Diamond, bond 13
Dielectric function 234 255 259 260 269 272 274
Dielectric tensor 255 259
Differential conductance 157 158 161
Diffusive 156
Dimensionality, one to three 272
Dirac Hamiltonian 146
Dirac points 139
Discrete energy levels 154 158
Dislocation 294 315-320 329
Dislocation failure 301 315 316 320 321
Dislocations 296 297 315-320
Disorder 156 169 172 174
Disorder potential 147
Dispersion relations 23
Dissipation of energy 297
Distortion 293 322 323
DNA 206
DNA stretching 207
Dope 234
Dope, 240
Dope, Br 234
Dope, Cs 234
Doping, tubes 103
Doping, alkali metals 429
Doping, BN tubes 103
Doping, carbon materials 415
Doping, external 16 346
Doping, functionalization of tubes 422
Doping, halogens 429
Doping, inorganic tubes 113
Doping, intercalated swnts 274
Doping, intercalation tubes 429
Doping, internal 16 340
Doping, interstitial 16
Doping, K 275 276
Doping, metallic tubes 144
Doping, morphology 26
Doping, nanotubes 252
Doping, polymers with nanotubes 423
Doping, ropes 140
Doping, semiconducting tubes 118 144 149
Doping, substitutional 16
DOS 180 184-186 188-190 193 194 211
Drude resistance 345 352 363
Drude — Lorentz model 275
Drude-like tail 259
Ductile behavior 320 322
Edison 21
Eels 254
Elastic bending modulus 300
Elastic compliance 295
Elastic deformation 195
Elastic deformations 301 308
Elastic moduli 295 328
Elastic properties 18
Elastic scattering 163
Elastic stiffness 295
Elastic strain 199
electric polarizability 123
Electrical etching 202 203 209
Electrical resistance 323
Electrical transport 153 155 166-168
Electro-mechanical 48 51
Electrochemical intercalation 413
Electromagnetic induction (EMI), shielding 422
Electromechanical effects 164 165
Electron energy loss (EELS), nanotube spectrum 273
Electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) 96 97 99 255 258 267 273 274 276 413
Electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS), graphite 258 259
Electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS), nanotubes 267
Electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS), theoretical 267
Electron field emitters 404
Electron spectroscopies 252
Electron spin resonance 373
Electron spin resonance (ESR), -factor 373
Electron spin resonance (ESR), -shift 373
Electron spin resonance (ESR), signal 375
Electron spin resonance (ESR), technique 334
Electron tunneling 170 174
Electron, -electrons 252 269
Electron-electron correlation 153 160
Electron-electron interactions 154 160 169 170 174
Electron-phonon coupling 163
Electron-phonon interactions 160 162
Electron-phonon scattering 171
Electronic band structure 178 180 184 185
Electronic delocalization 173 174
Electronic density of states 402
Electronic properties 2 3 117 118 123 127
Electronic properties, rope 118
Electronic properties, SWNTs 119
Electronic properties, theoretical 119
Electronic specific heat 283
Electronic structure 14 86 120 121 127-129 134 139 140 146 148 149 256 264 267
Electronic structure, 224
Electronic structure, carbon fibers 21
Electronic structure, graphene 16
Electronic structure, SWNT 118 119
Electronic structure, symmetry gap 120 131 141
Electronic structure, turbostratic graphite 16
Electrons, -electrons 262
Electrostatic deflection 300
| Electrostatic energy 158
Elliott relation 374
Emission site density 408
Emission tips 405
End caps 188
End electronic states 183
End of nanotubes 198
End states 188
ends 204
Ends of nanotubes 186 188 193 203 208-211
Energy capacity 413
Energy contour plot 220
Energy dispersion relations, phonon 228
Energy dispersion, graphite 218 257
energy gaps 179 180 183 184 188 193
Energy loss spectrum 233
Energy storage 411
ethylene 33 35 40 42
Euler’s rule 188
Fabry — Perot interferometer 167
Facets 19 21 110 111
Failure 294 301-304 313 329
FeCo 38
Fermi level 25
Fermi level singularity 170
Fermi liquid 343 366 370 372
Fermi liquids 170
Fermi wavelength 191
Fermi — Dirac distribution 170
Ferrocene 39
Field emission 333 334 379-383 405
Field emission, current 382
Field emission, guns 379
Field emission, individual nanotubes 380
Field emission, induced luminescence 384
Field enhancement factor 405 406
Field-effect transistor 199
Field-effect transistors 153 154 156 157
Filled nanotubes 428
Filling nanotubes 428
Filling nanotubes, liquid metals 341
Finite size 177 178 187 195 201
Finite size effects 189 194
Flat panel display 409
Flat-panel screen 252
Flexural rigidity 310 313 326
Force constants 14
Force spectroscopy 207 208 210
Force titrations 208 209
Forward scattering 171
Four-terminal resistance 173 174
Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) 416
Fowler — Nordheim behavior 407
Fowler — Nordheim equation 379 405
Fowler — Nordheim model 380 382
Fowler — Nordheim plot 406
Fracture 294 297 314 315 318 319 324 329 418
Friction signal 207
fuel cells 411
Fullerene-like caps 3 5 7
Fullerenes 293 294 308
Fullerenes, discovery 3 14
Fullerenes, isolated pentagon rule 3 7
Functionalization 429
Functionalized tips 207
Furnace temperature 230
Gas discharge tube (GDT), nanotube-based 411
Gas discharge tube (GDT), nonlinear shunt 411
Gas discharge tube (GDT), protectors 411
GaSe nanotubes 104
Gate 154-159 165
Gate voltage 123
Gaussian potential 145
Glide 315-320
Grain boundaries 296
Graphene 4 6 12 178 179 190 280
graphite 85 88 96 99 101 103 255-259 264 266 269 270 276 281 288
Graphite intercalation compound (GIC) 274 275
Graphite, bond 17 101
Graphite, arcing 96
Graphite, crystalline 3d 12
Graphite, honeycomb lattice 12
Graphite, kish 17
Graphite, resistivity 347
Graphite, single-crystal 347
Graphitic 31 33 36 39
Greatest common divisor, 6 221
Growth 55
Growth methods 29 30 34 46 51
Growth, catalytic growth 68
Growth, close-ended mechanism 58
Growth, lip-lip interaction model 64
Growth, open-ended mechanism 59
Growth, root growth 75
Growth, ropes growth 74
Hairpins 207
Helicity 120 127 135 177-180 182 183 185 187 194 210 270 315 317 329
Heterojunction 164 319
Heterojunctions, semiconductor 127 129
Hexagons/unit cell N 220
High-resolution 201-203 205 208 211
Highly ordered pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) 22
Highly oriented pyrolytic graphite 22
Highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) 17
History, carbon fibers 3
History, carbon nanotubes 2-4
History, fullerenes 8
History, nanotubes 23
Hollow core 19 20 26 340
HOMO-LUMO gap 192
Honeycomb lattice 4-6 181
Honeycomb lattice, unit vectors 4 5
Hookean 300
HOPG 15 17
Hybridization effect 246
Hydrocarbons 33 37 39
Hydrogen storage 404 415 416
Hydrophobic 328
Hydrophobic functional groups 209
Hydrophobic functionality 209
Hydroxyl groups 208
Iijima 24
Impurities 134 375 378
Impurities, boron 135 136 138
Impurities, magnetic 379
Impurities, substitutional 134
In-plane stiffness 310
In-plane stretching 306 310
Indium-tin-oxide (ITO) stripes 409
Inelastic collisions 169
Inelastic relaxation 293 294
Infrared spectra 21
Innermost nanotube 245
Inorganic fullerene 84 85 109 113
Inorganic nanotube 84 85
Inter-layer interaction 243
Inter-tube transport 154 173 174
Intercalated nanotubes 274
Intercalation 113 413
Intercalation, bundles of SWNTs 275
Intercalation, graphite 260
Intercalation, K 274
Intercalation, Li 93
Intercalation, Na 100
Intercalation, nanotubes 251
Intercalation, SWNTs 260 274 275
Interface bonding 420
Interlayer, force 25
Interlayer, separation 15 16
Interlayer, spacing in MWNTs 338
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