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Forsyth A.R. — Theory of functions of a complex variable
Forsyth A.R. — Theory of functions of a complex variable

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Название: Theory of functions of a complex variable

Автор: Forsyth A.R.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

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Год издания: 1893

Количество страниц: 704

Добавлена в каталог: 31.08.2013

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Предметный указатель
Constant difference of integral, at opposite edges of cross-cut      375
Constant difference of integral, how related for cross-cuts that meet      376
Constant difference of integral, how related for cross-cuts that meet, for canonical cross-cuts      377 see
Constant modulus for cross-cut      377
Constant, uniform function is, everywhere if constant along a line or over an area      59
Contiguous regions      591
Continuation      55
Continuation, of function by successive domains      54
Continuation, of function with essential singularities      99
Continuation, of multiform function to obtain branches      151
Continuation, Schwarz's symmetric      57
Continuity of a function, region of      see "Region of continuity"
Continuity, region of      55
Continuous group      584
Continuous substitution      584
Contraction of areas in conformal representation      537
Convergence, uniform unconditional      127
Convex curve, area of, represented on half-plane, deduced as the limit of the representation of a rectilinear polygon      548
Convex normal polygon for division of plane, angles at corners of second category and of third category      597
Convex normal polygon for division of plane, changed into a closed surface      608
Convex normal polygon for division of plane, in connection with an infinite group      595
Convex normal polygon for division of plane, sum of angles at the corners in a cycle of the first category is a submultiple of four right angles      598
Convex normal polygon for division of plane, when given leads to group      600
Convexity of normal polygon      594
Corner of region      591
Corners, cycles of homologous      593
Corners, cycles of homologous, categories of cycles      596
Corners, cycles of homologous, closed, and open      596
Corners, cycles of homologous, how obtained      596
Corners, of first category are fixed points of elliptic substitutions      600
Corners, of regions      591
Corners, of second and third categories are fixed points of parabolic substitutions      600
Corners, open cycles of, do not occur with Kleinian groups      613
Corners, sub-categories of cycles of      607
Corners, three categories of, for Fuchsian group      592
Coupure      140 186
Crescent changed into another of the same angle by a linear substitution      514
Crescent changed into another of the same angle by a linear substitution, represented on a half-plane      554
Criterion of character of singularity      66
Criterion of character of singularity, class of transcendental integral function      91
Critical integer, for expansion of a function in an infinite series of functions      124
Critical point      15
Cross-cut      314
Cross-cuts, and irreducible circuits      330
Cross-cuts, chosen for resolution of Riemann's surface      352
Cross-cuts, defined      314
Cross-cuts, difference of values of integral at opposite edges of, is constant      375
Cross-cuts, effect of, on any surface      316
Cross-cuts, effect of, on connectivity of surface      319
Cross-cuts, effect of, on number of boundaries      323
Cross-cuts, effect of, on simply connected surface      316
Cross-cuts, in canonical resolution of Riemann's surface      354
Cross-cuts, in resolution of Riemann's surface in its canonical form      366
Cross-cuts, moduli of periodicity for      377
Cross-cuts, moduli of periodicity for, introduced in proof of existence-theorem      430
Cross-cuts, moduli of periodicity for, number of independent moduli      379
Cross-cuts, on Riemann's surface      351
Cross-line      339
Curvilinear polygon, bounded by circular arcs, represented on the half-plane      549
Curvilinear polygon, bounded by three arcs      555 see
Curvilinear polygon, bounded by two arcs      554
Curvilinear polygon, equation which secures the representation of      553
Curvilinear polygon, equation which secures the representation of, connected with linear differential equations      553
Curvilinear polygon, function for representation of      550
Curvilinear triangles, connected with solution of differential equation for the hypergeometric series      555
Curvilinear triangles, equation for representation of, on half-plane      555
Curvilinear triangles, when the orthogonal circle is imaginary      561
Curvilinear triangles, when the orthogonal circle is imaginary, cases when the relation is algebraical in both variables and uniform in one      564
Curvilinear triangles, when the orthogonal circle is imaginary, cases when the relation is algebraical in both variables and uniform in one, equations which establish the representation in these cases      567
Curvilinear triangles, when the orthogonal circle is imaginary, cases when the relation is algebraical in both variables but uniform in neither      574
Curvilinear triangles, when the orthogonal circle is imaginary, connected with division of spherical surface by planes of symmetry of inscribed regular solids      564
Curvilinear triangles, when the orthogonal circle is imaginary, stereographic projection on sphere so as to give spherical triangle bounded by great circles      562
Curvilinear triangles, when the orthogonal circle is real      557
Curvilinear triangles, when the orthogonal circle is real, any number of, obtained by inversions, lie within the orthogonal circle      558
Curvilinear triangles, when the orthogonal circle is real, discrimination of cases      559 560
Curvilinear triangles, when the orthogonal circle is real, equation is transcendental      559
Curvilinear triangles, when the orthogonal circle is real, particular case when the three arcs touch      561
Cycles of corners      593 see
Cyclical interchange of branches of a function which are affected by a branch-point      156
Cyclical interchange of branches of a function which are affected by a branch-point, when the function is algebraic      171
Darboux      20 46 57 69 538 549
De Sparre      92
Dedekind      633 637
Deficiency      356
Deficiency of a curve      356
Deficiency of a curve, is an invariant for rational transformations      367
Deformation of loop      357
Deformation of surface      333
Deformation, connected surfaces, can be effected from one to another if they be bifacial, be of the same connectivity, and have the same number of boundaries      334
Deformation, connected surfaces, geometrical and physical      333
Deformation, of a circuit on a Riemann's surface over branch-point impossible      350
Deformation, of loops      358
Deformation, of path of integration, how far it can take place without affecting the final branch      152 153—155
Deformation, of path of integration, of holomorphic function does not affect value of the integral      26
Deformation, of path of integration, of multiform function      see "Integral of multiform function"
Deformation, of path of integration, of multiform function, effect of, when there are more than two periods      208
Deformation, of path of integration, of multiform function, form of, adopted      190
Deformation, of path of integration, of path of variable for multiform functions      152
Deformation, of path of integration, on Riemann's surface      see "Path of integration"
Deformation, of path of integration, over pole of meromorphic function affects value of the integral      34
Deformation, to its canonical form of Riemann's surface with simple winding-points      365
Degree of pseudo-automorphic function      651
Derivative, Schwarzian      529
Derivatives, a holomorphic function possesses any number of, at points within its region      32
Derivatives, do not necessarily exist along the boundary of the region of continuity      32 133
Derivatives, of elliptic functions with regard to the invariants      265
Derivatives, superior limit for modulus of      33
Description of closed curve, positive and negative directions of      3
Differential equation of first order, not containing the independent variable      470
Differential equation of first order, not containing the independent variable, application of general results to binomial      482
Differential equation of first order, not containing the independent variable, application of general results to binomial, discrimination of solutions into the three classes      484
Differential equation of first order, not containing the independent variable, conditions that integral of, is a uniform function      471
Differential equation of first order, not containing the independent variable, conditions that integral of, when the integral is uniform, it is either a rational, a simply-periodic, or a doubly-periodic, function      476
Differential equation of first order, not containing the independent variable, example of integral that is two-valued      490
Differential equation of first order, not containing the independent variable, reference to functions which possess addition-theorem      490
Differential equation of first order, satisfied by function which possesses an algebraic addition-theorem      309
Differential equation of first order, satisfied by uniform doubly-periodic functions      237
Differential equation of first order, satisfied by uniform doubly-periodic functions, in particular, by elliptic functions      238
Dihedral function, automorphic for dihedral group      632 see
Dihedral group      623
Dihedral group, function automorphic for      632
Dihedral group, of homogeneous substitutions      624
Dihedral group, of linear substitutions      625
Dihedral group, of rotations      623
Dingeldey      335
Dini      vi
Diramazione, punto di      15
Directions of description of closed curve      3
Dirichlet's principle      408
Discontinuity, polar      16
Discontinuous groups      584
Discontinuous substitution      584
Discontinuous, all finite groups are      586
Discontinuous, division of plane associated with      591 see
Discontinuous, groups      584
Discontinuous, properly and improperly      585
Discrete group      584
Discrete substitution      584
Discriminating circle      111
Discriminating circle for uniform function      111
Discrimination between accidental and essential singularities      53 66
Discrimination of branches of a function obtained by various paths of the variable      152—155
Division of surface into polygons, Lhuilier's theorem on      325
Domain      52
Domain of ordinary point      52
Double (or fixed) circle of elliptic substitution      613
Double points of linear substitution      514
Double-pyramid, division of surface of circumscribed sphere by planes of symmetry      564
Double-pyramid, equation giving the conformal representation on a half-plane of each triangle in the stereographic projection of the divided spherical surface      567
Doubly-infinite system of zeros, transcendental function having      84
Doubly-periodic function of first, second, third, kind      273 274
Doubly-periodic functions      198
Doubly-periodic functions, are connected by an algebraical equation if they have the same periods      236
Doubly-periodic functions, can be expressed rationally in terms of a homoperiodic function of the second order and its first derivative      239
Doubly-periodic functions, differential equation of first order satisfied by      237
Doubly-periodic functions, differential equation of first order satisfied by, in particular, by elliptic functions      238
Doubly-periodic functions, equivalent      220
Doubly-periodic functions, expressed in terms of the $\zeta$-function      256
Doubly-periodic functions, expressed in terms of the $\zeta$-function, and of the $\sigma$-function      260
Doubly-periodic functions, fundamental properties of uniform      219
Doubly-periodic functions, graphical representation      199
Doubly-periodic functions, integral of, round parallelogram of periods, is zero      221
Doubly-periodic functions, number of zeros equal to number of infinities and of level points      226
Doubly-periodic functions, of any order with simple infinities can be expressed in terms of homoperiodic functions of the second order      234
Doubly-periodic functions, of first order do not exist      223
Doubly-periodic functions, of second order consist of two classes      223
Doubly-periodic functions, of second order, can be expressed in terms of any assigned homoperiodic function of the second order with an appropriate argument      223
Doubly-periodic functions, of second order, characteristic equation of      231
Doubly-periodic functions, of second order, properties of      see "Second order"
Doubly-periodic functions, of second order, zeros and infinities of derivative of      232
Doubly-periodic functions, order of      220
Doubly-periodic functions, possesses algebraical addition-theorem      299
Doubly-periodic functions, sum of residues of, for parallelogram, is zero      222
Doubly-periodic functions, sum of zeros congruent with the sum of the infinities and with the sum of the level points      228
Doubly-periodic functions, those considered have only one essential singularity which is at infinity      218 227
du Bois-Reymond      133
Durege      54 316 335
Dyck      335 583 585
Edge of region      591
Edges of cross-cut, positive and negative      374 375 438
Edges of regions in division of plane by an infinite group      591
Edges of regions in division of plane by an infinite group, congruent, are of the same kind      592
Edges of regions in division of plane by an infinite group, conjugate      592
Edges of regions in division of plane by an infinite group, each pair of conjugate, implies a fundamental substitution      593
Edges of regions in division of plane by an infinite group, of first kind are even in number and can be arranged in conjugate pairs      593
Edges of regions in division of plane by an infinite group, two kinds of, for real groups      592
Einaendrig      15
Eindeutig      15
Einfach zusammenhaengend      313
Eisenstein      85 87
Element      56
Element of doubly-periodic function of third kind      291 293
Elementary function of second kind      448 see
Elementary functions of third kind      449 see
Elementary integral of the second kind, third kind      396 402
Elementary integrals of third kind      402
Elementary integrals of third kind, connected with integrals of second kind      403
Elementary integrals of third kind, number of independent, with same logarithmic infinities      403
Elementary integrals, connected with those of third kind      403
Elementary integrals, determined by an infinity, except as to additive integral of first kind      398
Elementary integrals, number of independent      399
Elementary integrals, of second kind      396
Elements of analytic function      56
Elements of analytic function, any single one of the, is sufficient for the construction of the function      57
Elements of analytic function, can be derived from any one when the function is uniform      56
Ellipse, area within, represented on a rectangle      504
Ellipse, area within, represented on a rectangle, and on a circle      505
Ellipse, area without, represented on a circle      501
Ellipsoid conformally represented on plane      500
Elliptic functions, obtained by integrating multiform functions, in Jacobian form      193
Elliptic functions, obtained by integrating multiform functions, in Weierstrassian form      196 249
Elliptic functions, on a Riemann's surface      383
Elliptic substitution      517
Elliptic substitutions      517 519
Elliptic substitutions are either periodic or infinitesimal      521
Elliptic substitutions, occur in connection with cycles of corners      607 613
Enneper      637
Equivalent homoperiodic functions      220
Equivalent homoperiodic functions, conditions of equivalence      225
Essential singularities      17 53
Essential singularities of groups      522 606
Essential singularities of groups are essential singularities of functions automorphic for the group      606
Essential singularities of groups, lie on the fundamental circle      606
Essential singularities of groups, may be the whole of the fundamental circle      607
Essential singularities, classification of, into classes      146
Essential singularities, classification of, into species      148
Essential singularities, classification of, into wider groups      148
Essential singularities, continuation of function possessing      99
Essential singularities, form of function having finite number of, as a sum      100
Essential singularities, form of function in vicinity of      96
Essential singularities, functions having unlimited number of      vii
Essential singularities, lacunary space of      141
Essential singularities, line of      140
Essential singularities, of automorphic functions      651
Essential singularities, of pseudo-automorphic functions      642
Essential singularities, of transcendental integral function at infinity      74
Essential singularities, uniform function must assume any value at      54 94
Essential singularity      17 53
Existence-theorem      369 405
Existence-theorem for functions on a given Riemann's surface      xvii
Existence-theorem for functions on a given Riemann's surface, abstract of Schwarz's proof of      409
Existence-theorem for functions on a given Riemann's surface, methods of proof of      408
Existence-theorem for functions on a given Riemann's surface, results of, relating to classes of functions proved to exist under conditions      436
Expansion of a function in the vicinity of an ordinary point, by Cauchy's theorem      43
Expansion of a function in the vicinity of an ordinary point, within a ring, by Laurent's theorem      47
Expression of multiform function in the vicinity of branch-point      158
Expression of uniform function, having an assigned infinite number of singularities over the plane      115
Expression of uniform function, having an assigned infinite number of singularities over the plane, generalised      116
Expression of uniform function, having finite number of essential singularities, as a product when without accidental singularities and zeros      104
Expression of uniform function, having finite number of essential singularities, as a product, with any number of zeros and no accidental singularities      108
Expression of uniform function, having finite number of essential singularities, as a product, with any number of zeros and of accidental singularities      110
Expression of uniform function, having finite number of essential singularities, as a sum      100
Expression of uniform function, having infinity as its single essential singularity      117
Expression of uniform function, having unlimited singularities distributed over a finite circle      117
Expression of uniform function, in the vicinity of any one of an infinite number of essential singularities      113
Expression of uniform function, in vicinity of a zero      61
Expression of uniform function, in vicinity of accidental singularity      64
Expression of uniform function, in vicinity of essential singularity      96
Expression of uniform function, in vicinity of ordinary point      43
Factor, fractional, for potential-function      422
Factor, generalising, of transcendental integral function      81
Factor, primary      82
Factorial functions      464
Factorial functions, constant factors (or multipliers) for crosscuts of      465
Factorial functions, constant factors (or multipliers) for crosscuts of, forms of, when cross-cuts are canonical      466
Factorial functions, cross-cut multipliers and an assigned number of infinities determine a limited number of independent      470
Factorial functions, expression of, in terms of normal elementary functions of the third kind      466
Factorial functions, general form of      466
Factorial functions, pseudo-periodic on a Riemann's surface      464
Factorial functions, their argument      464
Factorial functions, zeros and infinities of      468
Factorial periodicity      586
Factors (or multipliers) of factorial functions at cross-cuts      465
Factors (or multipliers) of factorial functions at cross-cuts, forms of, when cross-cuts are canonical      466
Falk      201
Families of groups      606
Families of groups, for one set, the whole line conserved by the group is a line of essential singularity for the other set, only parts of the conserved line are lines of essential singularity      607
Families of groups, seven      606
Finite groups      586
Finite groups of linear substitutions      586 620
Finite groups of linear substitutions, anharmonic, containing two elliptic fundamental substitutions      587
Finite groups of linear substitutions, containing a single fundamental substitution      586
Finite number of essential singularities, function having, expressed as a sum      100
First kind of Abelian integrals      394
First kind of integrals on Riemann's surface      394
First kind of integrals on Riemann's surface, are not uniform functions      395
First kind of integrals on Riemann's surface, general value of      396 see
First kind of integrals on Riemann's surface, number of, linearly independent in particular case      395
First kind of pseudo-periodic function      273
First kind, derivatives of, as algebraical functions      461
First kind, derivatives of, infinities and zeros of      461
First kind, doubly-periodic function of the      273
First kind, inversion of, leading to multiply periodic functions      453
First kind, moduli of periodicity of functions of      439
First kind, moduli of periodicity of functions of, relation between, and those of a function of second kind      442
First kind, moduli of periodicity of functions of, when the functions are normal      447
First kind, normal functions of      446
First kind, number of linearly independent functions of      443
First kind, of functions on a Riemann's surface      436
Fixed (or double) points of substitution      514
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