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Wheeler J.A. — Topics of modern physics. Vol. I. Geometrodynamics |
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Geons, orientation-dependent forces between 171—172
Geons, physical quantities in, dependence of, upon distance (diagram) 160
Geons, refractive index barrier in, centrifugal versus coulombic 27
Geons, sample figures for physical magnitudes within 28
Geons, scaling law for 135 155 157—158
Geons, significance of for theory of motion 25—27
Geons, similarity transformation in 28
Geons, simple spherical, analysis of structure of 146—163 175
Geons, simple spherical, compared with thermal geons 192
Geons, simple spherical, energy density in 150—153
Geons, simple spherical, mass and radius as functions of action (diagram) 175
Geons, simple spherical, of different b-values, comparison of 165
Geons, simple spherical, quantitative features of, in dependence upon action 163
Geons, slow adiabatic changes of shape of 170
Geons, spherical, spontaneous transformation of into toroidal geon 147
Geons, thermal 168 186—224
Geons, thermal, analogy to blackbody container 191
Geons, thermal, compared with toroidal and simple spherical geons 192
Geons, thermal, coupled differential equations for 212—213
Geons, thermal, dependence of principal quantities in, upon distance (diagram) 194—195
Geons, thermal, eigenvalue determination for, by electronic computer 215
Geons, thermal, mass as a function of distance in 201
Geons, thermal, power series for metric coefficients in 213—214
Geons, thermal, statistical and JWKB analysis of modes in 196—200 206—212
Geons, thermal, variational principle for 216—218
Geons, tidal deformation of 172
Geons, toroidal, classical, of minimum size 138—139
Geons, toroidal, compared with thermal geons 192
Geons, toroidal, differences between, according as photons do or do not go around torus the same way 176
Geons, toroidal, mass spectrum of 146
Geons, transmutation physics of 173
Geons, two neutrino-containing, repulsion of 178
Geons, two toroidal, interaction of 170
Geons, upper limit to size of 136
Glashow, S. 130
Glass sphere, as model for geon 144
Glass, spherical block of, as model for a geon 27
Glove turned inside out one finger at a time, in connection with dynamics of universe 62
Goerss, R. 161
Gold, T. 118
Goldhaber, M. 6 117
Gottschalt, W.H. 187 n
Goudsmit, S.A. xv
Goursat, E. 283 n
Gradient, in intrinsic notation 261
Gravitation xii
Gravitation, geometrical description of 8
Gravitation, geometrical description of, acceptability of 234
Gravitational attraction, Newtonian 49
Gravitational attraction, of oppositely directed pencils of light 147 170—171
Gravitational bending of light 13
Gravitational contraction 4—6
Gravitational coupling, compared with Fermi coupling 110
Gravitational deflection of light, observation vs. prediction 46 47
Gravitational field, fluctuations in 71 72 75—83
Gravitational field, in geon, as wave guide for electromagnetic energy 26
Gravitational field, produced by gravitational wave 55
Gravitational forces, as feature of Rainich — Riemann geometry 253
Gravitational forces, coupling constant for, absence of 21
Gravitational radiation, as part of environment for two-body problem 49
Gravitational radiation, curving universe to closure 62
Gravitational radiation, detection of 7
Gravitational radiation, energy density of, in cosmos 7
Gravitational radiation, mass-energy density of, in universe 115—117 130
Gravitational radiation, possibilities to detect 113—114
Gravitational radius 141
Gravitational waves, as members of geometrodynamical zoo 50
Gravitational waves, generation of 7
Gravitational waves, gravitational field produced by 55
Gravitational waves, mass-energy of 57
Gravitational waves, plane 63
Gravitational waves, response of test particles to 58
Gravitational waves, symmetric in time and asymptotically Schwarzschildean, as example of geometry which is always free of singularity 54
Gravitational waves, time symmetric 63
Gravitational waves, time symmetric, strength of, measured by a parameter 55
Gravitational waves, weak, polarization 32 33
Graviton 6
Graviton-induced processes 109
Green's theorem 281—282
Griffin, J.J. 93 n
Grommer, J. 24 n
Gross, F. 115 n
Ground state, of electromagnetic field 8
Guggenheim, J.S. xvi
Gulmanelli, P. 90 n
Gurney, R.W. 143
Hamermesh, M. xiv 153 207 294
Hamilton — Cayley — Klein description of a rotation 92
Hamilton's canonical formalism xv
Hamilton, W., R. 222
Hamiltonian, and evolution of quantum system in time 85
Handle, topological see "Wormhole"
Hard core repulsion, ineffectiveness of, in big A problem 123
Harmonic integrals xv
Harmonic oscillator, as illustrative of method of sum over histories 84—87
Harmonic vector fields xv 289—293
Harris, A. 130 n
Harris, C. 115 n
Harrison, B.K. 5 121 122 123 125 128
Harrison, F.B. 1 n 106
Hausdorff, character of a manifold 256
Hedlund, G.A. 187 n
Heisenberg, W. 80 n 89 140 176 181 219
Helium, liquid, in connection with collective disturbances 79
Helmer, O. 73 n 231
Helmholtz instability 69 189
Histories, Feynman's method of sum over, extended to Fermi field 97—102
Histories, number of distinct, for source-free electromagnetism and geometrodynamics 37—40
Histories, number of, for source-free metric 43 44
Histories, sum over, topological aspects of 83—87
Histories, unruly, and Klauder's action option 101—102
History, of 3-geometry, as described by 4-geometry 35—40
Hodge, W.V.D. xv 260 278 290
Hoffmann, B. 24 n 49 133 237 302
Homeomorphism, defined 255
Homeomorphism, orientation-preserving 265
Homology groups xii 272
Homology theory 267—279
Hoyle, F. 118
Hubble constant, implications of for density of mass-energy 116
Hubble, E.P., and red shift 59
Hydrodynamical analogue to expansion and recontraction of universe 61—63
Hydrodynamics, analogies to geometrodynamics, in equation of motion of concentration of energy 25
Hydrodynamics, compared and contrasted with geometrodynamics (table) 187—189
Hydrodynamics, eventual singularity of wave in 67 68 72
Hydrogen spectrum 9
Hydrogen, density of, in space 116
Hydrostatic equilibrium, general relativity equation for 123 124
Imaeda, K. 91 n
Images, multiple, in an irregularly curved space 115 130
Imbedding of 3-space in 4-space, or of 2-space in 3-space 34
Impact parameter, for light rays in simple spherical geons 166—167
Impact parameter, in analysis of geodesies 191 196—200 205
Implosion of universe, maximum 63
Imposition of gravitational wave 56 57
Impulsive radiation, electromagnetic and gravitational 113—114
Incoherence, of modes in simple spherical geon 146—147
Indices, raised, defined 15
Inertia, origin of 58 59
Infeld, L. xv 24 49 133 234 237 302
Ingard, U. 115 n
Initial value data, contrasted with data required in two-surface formulation 42
Initial value data, for electromagnet ism 31 283—289
Initial value data, for electromagnetism in curved space, via Fourier analysis 289—294
Initial value data, for geometrodynamics 36—39 294—301
Initial value data, for geometrodynamics, compared in tabular form with case of electrodynamics 38—39
Initial value data, for time-symmetric gravitational waves 54—57
Initial value data, in two body problem 49
Initial value equations, applied to expansion and recontraction of universe 60
Initial value equations, for electromagnetism 32
| Initial value equations, for geometrodynamics 33—40
Initial value equations, of hydrodynamics and geometrodynamics, parallelism of 187
Initial value problem of geometrodynamics and question of superpotential 306
Integrals, harmonic xv
Interactions, gravitational 2
Interactions, neutrino 2
Interactions, weak 2
Interference, constructive, of wave trains, as determining geodesic 221—224
Intergalactic space, particle density in, relevant to geon losses 29
Interval, invariant relativistic, measurement of 10—12
Intrinsic 3-geometry, for time symmetric gravitational wave 54
Intrinsic curvature invariant, equations relative to a 3-surface 51 52
Intrinsic curvature, and initial value condition 41—43
Intrinsic curvature, for spherical universe 60—62
Intrinsic curvature, infinity of in Schwarzschild geometry 63—65
Intrinsic curvature, vanishing of, at moment of time symmetry for source-free gravitational wave 54
Intrinsic curvature, vanishing of, spelled out for 3-geometry of axial symmetry 55
Intrinsic description of vectors and tensors, contrasted with tensor analysis 259—260
Intrinsic geometry, Euclidean, of a, bent piece of paper 48
Invariants of electromagnetic field 229 238 240—242
IVANENKO, D. 6 79 80 91 96 109
Ivanenko, D. and Fock, V., coefficients 95
Jacobi, K.G.J. 222
Jacoby, K. xv
Jauch, J. 227 n
Jehle, H. 96 n
Jordan, P. 89 n 181
JWKB, Jeffreys — Wentzel — Kramers — Bril-louin approximation, for modes of electromagnetic oscillation in geon 196 199 224
Kaellen, G. 78 n
Karplus, R. 140 n
Kawaguchi, M. 90 n
Kay, W.C. xvi
Kelley, J.L. 255 n
Khalatnikov, I.M. 79 n
Kinetic energy, analog of, in dynamics of universe 60 61 64
Kircher, C.E. xvi
Klauder, J.R. 96 n 97—101 102
Klauder, L., Jr. 117 n
Klein bottle 231
Klein, O. 105 n
Kockel, B. 140 n 219
Kofoed-Hansen, O. 105 n
Komar, A. 53 n 66 161 187 286
Kompaneyets, A.S. 63
Kramers, H.A. 70 n 89 103 181
Kronig, R. de L. 89 n 103 181
Kruse, H.W. 1 n 6 106 127
Kruskal's coordinates for Schwarzschild geometry, used to bring out intrinsic singularity at r = 0 45 53 65
Kruskal, M. 45 47 48
Kuiper, Gr. 46 n
Kutta 215
Lagrange density, in variational principle for Rainich — Riemann geometry, not known 253
Lagrange function, and evolution of quantum system in time 85
Lagrange or two-surface formulation of electromagnetism contrasted with initial surface formulation 283
Lamb — Retherford, shift 69
Lamb, W., shift of level of hydrogen 66
Lanczos, C. 305 n
Landau, L. xiv 60 79 121 123 124 153 189 222 227 256 294 297
Laplace's equation, analogy to equation for minimal surface and to field equations of general relativity 52
Laurent, B.E. 93 n
Leakage of energy from geon see "Geon leakage
Lee, T.D. 104 n 105 106 107
Lee, T.D., and C.N. Yang, their 2-component equation for neutrino 95
Lefshetz, S. xiv 268
Lemaitre, G. 297 n
Lengths, as central concepts in the description of physics 13
Lens, for concentration of electromagnetic radiation 57
Lepton number, conservation of 6
Leptonic charge, wormhole picture not appropriate for 102
Lichnerowicz, A. xiv 31 33 62 187 260 295 297 301
Lie groups and question of solutions of equations of geometrodynamics 306
Lie, S. 306
Lifshitz, E. xiv 60 153 188 207 222 227 256 294 297
Light ray, as one of tools for measuring interval 10—12
Light ray, in thermal geon (diagram) 191 196—200
Light, deflection of, by gravitational field, in geon 141
Light, deflection of, by sun, observation vs. prediction 13 46 47
Light, scattering of, by light, in small dense geon 140 174—178
Lighthill, M.J. 188 n
Lindquist, R.W. 188 n 300
Lines of force, trapped in topology 232
Local linearity of gravitational field equations 80
Longitudinal field 289—291
Lorentz, force law, from field theory 301—302
Lorentz, force law, not given by non-Riemannian type of unified field theory 234
Lorentz, H.A. 70 n
Lorentz, reference system 11
Lorentz, reference system, chosen to simplify discussion of complexion 18 19
Lorentz, reference system, chosen to simplify Maxwell stress tensor 17
Lorentz, reference system, reducing Poynting flux to zero 16 17 see
Lorentz, reference system, used to discuss initial value equations of electromagnetism 40
Lorentz, reference system, view of wormhole mouth in 304—305
Lorentz, transformation, compared and contrasted with duality rotation 240 241
Luyten, W.J. 46 n
Mach, E., his principle 58 59 63 94 231
Mach, E., triple point 188
Maehly, H.J. 123 124
Magnetic charge associated with a given homology class 274
Magnetic field, as coordinate in field theory 42 44
Magnetic field, as projection or trace 285
Magnetic field, contribution of, to density of mass-energy in universe 116—117
Magnetic poles, absence of 304—305
Majorana equation for neutrino 108
Malkus, W.V.R. 305 n
Manifolds xv
Manifolds, defined 255—256
Manifolds, examples of 256—259
Manifolds, properly closed in space, eventual singularity of geometry of 58 61
Manifolds, Riemannian, enormous physical content of this hypothesis 12 13
Manifolds, Riemannian, subclass of, consistent with Einstein — Maxwell theory 21
MARIOT, L. 17 n
Markus, L. 228 n 244
Mars, perihelion precession of 46
Marshak, R.E. 105 n
Marzke, R.F. 10 n
Mass spectrum, of simple toroidal geons 146
Mass, alternative models for 25
Mass, as a length 13
Mass, as function of distance, in thermal geon 201
Mass, classical models for 234
Mass, geometrodynamical description of 8
Mass, geon as a model of 25—31
Mass-energy, effective density of, in source-free gravitational wave 55
Mass-energy, effective density of, in universe 46 60 61 116
Mass-energy, effective density of, of gravitational radiation, in universe 115—117 130
Mass-energy, of geon 26
Masses, nuclear, semiempirical formula for 122
Matter at high density, opacity of 4
Matter, nature of 68—71 76
Maxwell energy density, in initial value equation of geometrodynamics 33 295
Maxwell field, 2-form representation of, connected with vector representation of 275
Maxwell field, as a 2-form 261 263
Maxwell stress-energy tensor 15 16 21 132—133 237
Maxwell stress-energy tensor, in diagonal form 229
Maxwell stress-energy tensor, physical significance of individual components of 238
Maxwell stress-energy tensor, table of components of, in special reference system 17
Maxwell stresses, as aspect of Rainich — Riemann geometry 253
Maxwell's equations 14 15 20 21 91 178 234
Maxwell's equations, basic non-linearity in, when coupled with Einstein's equations 254
Maxwell's equations, consequences of, in a multiply connected space 49 50
Maxwell's equations, derived from condition lines of force never end 41
Maxwell's equations, derived from initial value conditions plus covariance 40—41
Maxwell's equations, for a non-null field, demand existence of complexion 249—253
Maxwell's equations, in a multiply connected space 233
Maxwell's equations, in curved space 227
Maxwell's equations, in curved space time, in (3+1)-dimensional notation 31
Maxwell's equations, in curved space, briefly summarized 132—133
Maxwell's equations, metric free half of 255
Maxwell's equations, metric-dependent part of 280
Maxwell's equations, number of solutions of 37—40
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