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Zhang K., Li D. — Electromagnetic Theory for Microwaves and Optoelectronics |
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Resonant cavity 221
Resonant cavity, biconical 263
Resonant cavity, capacity-loaded coaxial line 276
Resonant cavity, capacity-loaded radial line 275
Resonant cavity, circular cylindrical 247 252
Resonant cavity, coaxial 246
Resonant cavity, Fabry — Perot 276
Resonant cavity, Q of 222
Resonant cavity, radial line 260
Resonant cavity, rectangular 234
Resonant cavity, reentrant 267
Resonant cavity, sectorial 238
Resonant cavity, spherical 261
Resonator 233 352
Resonator, dielectric 352
Resonator, dielectric, cutoff-waveguide approach 356
Resonator, dielectric, cutoff-waveguide, cutoff-radial-line approach 358
Resonator, dielectric, in microwave integrated circuits 360
Resonator, dielectric, open-circuit boundary approach 353
Resonator, dielectric, perfect-magnetic-wall approach 353
Resonator, Fabry — Perot 276
Resonator, optical 569
Retarding Potentials 38 41
Right-handed polarized wave 62 66
Roots of the Bessel functions 244 248 261
Scalar potential 37
Scalar wave functions 169
Scale factors 166
Scattering matrix (S-matrix) 115
Scattering parameters (S-parameters) 115
Sectorial cavity 238
Sectorial waveguide 241
Self admittance 114
Self impedance 113
Separation of variables 178
Sheath helix 393
Shimdt chart 108
Short-circuit line 103
Short-circuit surface 19
Signal velocity 449
Simple media 7
Single dielectric layer 136
Skew ray (wave) 322 327
Skin depth 58
Slow wave (modes) 83 86 183 365
Slow-wave structures (systems) 365
Slow-wave structures (systems), dispersion characteristics of 366
Small-amplitude assumption 485
Small-reflection approach 147
Smith chart 105
Snell's law 70
Solution of Helmholtz's equations 165
Solution of Helmholtz's equations in circular cylindrical coordinates 188
Solution of Helmholtz's equations in rectangular coordinates 184
Solution of Helmholtz's equations in spherical coordinates 193
Solution of Helmholtz's equations, approximate 206
Source-free network 120
Space charge waves 488
Space harmonics 376
Spherical Bessel functions 197
Spherical cavity 261
Spherical coordinates 179 193
Spherical harmonics 195
Standing wave 77 98
Standing-wave ratio 98
Stationary formular 208
Stokes parameters 67
Sturm — Liouville problem 198
Suceptibility 7
Suceptibility, complex 434
Suceptibility, tensor 9
Surface acoustic waves 520
Surface admittance 21
Surface impedance 21
Surface loss 219
Surface wave 84
Symmetrical network 126
Symmetrical planar dielectric waveguide 299
Tape helix 402
TE wave (modes) 72 76 183
Telegraph equation 94
TEM wave (modes) 27 181
TEM wave (modes), cylindrical 257 259
TEM wave (modes), spherical 265
Thin lens 548
Time-harmonic fields 12
TM wave (modes) 72 75 78 183
Total (internal) reflection 81
Tramsfer matrix 122
Transformation of impedance 91 102
Transmission coefficient 74 76 116
transmission line 93
Transmission line chart 105
| Transmission line, biconical 263
Transmission line, coaxial 242
Transmission line, equivalent 110
Transmission line, parallel-plate 231
Transmission matrix 124
Two port (network) 122
Two port (network), lossless 124
Two port (network), reciprocal 124
Two port (network), source-free 124
Two port (network), symmetrical 126
Uniaxial crystals 464
Uniform plane waves 24 51
Uniform plane waves, sinusoidal 51
Uniqueness theorem 159
Uniqueness theorem with complicated boundaries 162
Unit vector 167
Variational principle of eigenvalues 206
Vector 2
Vector potential 37
Vector, complex 13
Velocity modulation 487 490
Velocity of energy flow 450
Velocity, group 192 216 445
Velocity, phase 56 443
Velocity, signal 449
Voltage-standing-wave ratio (VSWR) 98
Voltage-standing-wave ratio (VSWR), insertion 128
Volume loss 219
Wave equations 22
Wave equations, frequency-domain (complex) 27
Wave equations, generalized 22
Wave equations, homogeneous 23
Wave equations, inhomogeneous 22
Wave equations, time-domain (instantaneous) 22
Wave impedance 27
Wave impedance in good conductors 59
Wave impedance in lossy media 58
Wave impedance of metallic waveguide 217
Wave impedance of plane waves 27 52
Wave impedance of TE and TM modes 217
Wave impedance of transmission line 96
wave number 56
Wave number, angular 52
Wave vector 53
Waveguide coupler 416
Waveguide switch 416 418
Waveguide with different filling media 291
Waveguide, dielectric 299 310 317 322
Waveguide, dielectric, asymmetrical planar 310
Waveguide, dielectric, channel 317
Waveguide, dielectric, circular 322
Waveguide, dielectric, circular, nonmagnetic 334
Waveguide, dielectric, planar 299 310
Waveguide, dielectric, rectangular 317
Waveguide, dielectric, slab 299
Waveguide, dielectric, strip 317
Waveguide, dielectric, symmetrical planar 299
Waveguide, disk loaded 371 388
Waveguide, ideal 214
Waveguide, metallic 213
Waveguide, metallic, circular 247
Waveguide, metallic, cylindrical horn 255
Waveguide, metallic, general characteristics of 214
Waveguide, metallic, propagation characteristics of 215
Waveguide, metallic, rectangular 2
Waveguide, metallic, sectorial 241
Wavelength 56
Waves 24 51
Waves, circularly polarized 62 65
Waves, clockwise (CW) 62 66
Waves, counterclockwise (CCW) 62 66
Waves, damped 57
Waves, elliptically polarized 62
Waves, extraordinary (e) 459 468
Waves, in electron beam 485
Waves, inward 115
Waves, left-handed polarized 62 66
Waves, linearly polarized 62
Waves, monochromatic 69
Waves, nonpolarized 69
Waves, ordinary (o) 459 467
Waves, outward 115
Waves, partially-polarized 69
Waves, polarized 61 69
Waves, quasi-polarized 69
Waves, right-handed polarized 62 66
Waves, slow 88 90 193 365
Waves, TE 72
Waves, TEM 27
Waves, TM 72 75
Waves, uniform plane 24 51
Weakly guiding optical fiber 342
Yttrium iron garnet (YIG) 519
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