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Zhang K., Li D. — Electromagnetic Theory for Microwaves and Optoelectronics |
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diagram 216
-an isotropic media 454
-anisotropic media 454
diagram 216
diagram for coupled modes 413
diagram of DFB 423
diagram of periodic system 378
ABCD law 547
ABCD matrix 122
Admittance matrix 114
Admittance, characteristic 102
Admittance, mutual 114
Admittance, normalized 101 114
Admittance, self 114
Ampere force 4
Ampere's Circuital Law 2
Ampere's law of force 2
Angle of incidence 71
Angle of reflection 71
Angle of refraction 71
Angular wave number 52
Anisotropic media (materials) 8 453
Anisotropic media (materials), electric 454
Anisotropic media (materials), magnetic 454
Anisotropic media (materials), nonreciprocal 456
Anisotropic media (materials), reciprocal 455
Anti-reflection (AR) coating 136 155
Associate Legerdre functions (polynomials) 196
Asymmetrical planar dielectric waveguide 310
Attenuation 57
Attenuation coefficient 57
Attenuation coefficient in circular waveguide 250
Attenuation coefficient in metallic waveguide 219
Attenuation coefficient in optical fiber 349
Attenuation coefficient in rectangular waveguide 229
Attenuation of the metallic waveguide 219
Attenuation, absorption 129
Attenuation, insertion 129
Attenuation, reflection 129
Backward wave (BW) 367 379
Bessel equations 189
Bessel functions 189
Bessel functions of order n+1/2 197
Bessel functions of the first kind 189
Bessel functions of the second kind 189
Bessel functions, modified 191
Bessel functions, roots of 244 248 261
Bessel functions, spherical 197
Bianisotropic media 10
Biconical cavity 266
Biconical line 263
Biisotropic media 10
Binominal transducer 150
Biot-Savart law 2
Birefringence 471
Borgnis' potentials 165 167
boundary conditions 18
Boundary conditions for Helmholtz equations 177
Boundary conditions, general 18
Boundary conditions, impedance surface 21
Boundary conditions, open-circuit surface 21
Boundary conditions, perfect conductor surface 19
Boundary conditions, short-circuit surface 19
Boundary value problems 159
Brewster angle 79
Brillouin diagram 378
Carter chart 108
Cavity (resonator) 221
Cavity (resonator), biconical 263
Cavity (resonator), capacity-loaded coaxial line 276
Cavity (resonator), capacity-loaded radial line 275
Cavity (resonator), circular cylindrical 247 252
Cavity (resonator), coaxial 246
Cavity (resonator), Fabry — Perot 276
Cavity (resonator), Q of 222
Cavity (resonator), radial line 260
Cavity (resonator), rectangular 234
Cavity (resonator), reentrant 267
Cavity (resonator), sectorial 238
Cavity (resonator), spherical 261
Characteristic impedance 27 96
Characteristic impedance in good conductors 59
Characteristic impedance in lossy media 58
Characteristic impedance of metallic waveguide 217
Characteristic impedance of plane waves 27 52
Characteristic impedance of TE and TM modes 217
Characteristic impedance of transmission line 96
Chebyshev polynomials 144
Chebyshev transducer 146 151
Chiral media 11
Circular cylinder coordinates 179 188
Circular cylindrical cavity 247 252
circular polarization 62 65
Circular waveguide 247
Circularly asymmetric modes 347
Circularly polarized wave 62 65
Clockwise polarized wave (CW) 62 66
Coaxial cavity 246
Coaxial line 242
Codirectional coupling 414
Completeness 200
Complex index (of refraction) 437
Complex index (of refraction) for metals 440
Complex Maxwell equations 13
Complex permeability 14
Complex permittivity 14 434
Complex susceptibility 14 434
Complex vector 13
Complex wave equations 27
Conductivity 5 441
Constitutional tensors 453
Constitutive equations (relations) 7
Constitutive equations (relations) for anisotropic media 453
Constitutive matrix 11
Constitutive parameters 7
Coordinate system 165
Coordinate system, circular cylindrical 179 188
Coordinate system, cylindrical 172 180
Coordinate system, KDB 460
Coordinate system, orthogonal curvilinear 165
Coordinate system, rectangular 179 184
Coordinate system, spherical 179 193
Corrugated conducting surface 368 384
Corrugated conducting surface as periodic system 384
Corrugated conducting surface as uniform system 368
Corrugated conducting surface as uniform system, bounded structure 370
Corrugated conducting surface as uniform system, unbounded structure 368
Cotton — Mouton effect 517
Coulomb guage 39
Coulomb's law 2
Counterclockwise polarized wave (CCW) 62 66
Coupled cavity chain 373 379
Coupling coefficient 418
Coupling impedance 367
Coupling of modes 410
Critical angle 81
Crystals 463
Crystals, biaxial 464
Crystals, isotropic 464
Crystals, reciprocal 463
Crystals, uniaxial 464
Cutoff (angular) frequency 182 215
Cutoff (angular) wave number 182 215
Cutoff state 182
Cutoff wavelength 215
Cylindrical (coordinate) systems 172 180
Cylindrical harmonics 191
Cylindrical horn waveguide 255
D'Alembert's equations 38
D'Alembert's equations, complex 42
| Damped waves 57
Decaying field 83
Decibel 57
Degree of polarization 69
Density modulation 487 490
DFB laser 430
DFB resonator 424 427
DFB resonator, quarter-wave shifted 427
DFB resonator, transmission 424
Dielectric coated conducting cylinder 350
Dielectric coated conducting plane 310
Dielectric crystals 463
Dielectric layer 136
Dielectric layer, double 141
Dielectric layer, multiple 142
Dielectric layer, single 136
Dielectric layer, small reflection approach 147
Dielectric resonator 289 352
Dielectric resonator in microwave integrated circuits 360
Dielectric resonator, cutoff-waveguide approach 356
Dielectric resonator, cutoff-waveguide, cutoff-radial-line approach 358
Dielectric resonator, perfect-magnetic-wall (open-circuit boundary) approach 353
Dielectric waveguide 289
Dielectric waveguide, channel 317
Dielectric waveguide, circular 322
Dielectric waveguide, circular, nonmagnetic 334
Dielectric waveguide, circular, weakly guiding 318
Dielectric waveguide, planar 299
Dielectric waveguide, planar, asymmetrical 310
Dielectric waveguide, planar, symmetrical 299
Dielectric waveguide, rectangular 317
Dielectric waveguide, slab 299
Dielectric waveguide, strip 317
Diffraction 579
Diffraction in anisotropic media 597
Diffraction of Gaussian beams 592
Diffraction, Fraunhofer 585 587
Diffraction, Fresnel 585 590
Diffusion equation 23
Diffusion equation, complex 28
Disk-loaded waveguide 371 388
Disk-loaded waveguide as periodic system 388
Disk-loaded waveguide as uniform system 371
dispersion 8 14 434
Dispersion characteristics (relations) 216
Dispersion characteristics (relations) of asymmetrical planar dielectric waveguide 314
Dispersion characteristics (relations) of metallic waveguides 216
Dispersion characteristics (relations) of planar dielectric waveguides 305
Dispersion characteristics (relations) of slow waves 366
Dispersion curves 227 319 306
Dispersion, anomalous 439
Dispersion, normal 439
Dispersive media 8 14 433
Displacement current 4
Dissipation 15
Dissipation, conductive 30
Distributed feedback (DFB) structure 420
Dominant mode 228 230 347
Double dielectric layer 141
Double refraction 471
Dual boundary conditions 47
Dual equations 47
Duality 17 46
Effective-index surface 480
Eigenfunctions 198
Eigenfunctions, vector 203
eigenvalue problems 198
Eigenvalues 181 199 201
Eigenvalues, two-dimensional 203
Eigenvalues, variational principle of 206
Eigenwave (mode) expansions 615
Eigenwave (mode) expansions in anisotropic media 622
Eigenwave (mode) expansions in cylindrical coordinate system 617
Eigenwave (mode) expansions in inhomogeneous and anisotropic media 623
Eigenwave (mode) expansions in inhomogeneous media 620
Eigenwave (mode) expansions in rectangular coordinate system 616
Electric charge density 2
Electric charge density, bound 5
Electric current density 3
Electric current density, molecular 5
Electric current density, polarization 5
Electric field strength 3
Electric induction 6
Electric susceptibility 7
Electric wall 21
Electromagnetic waves in anisotropic media 453
Electromagnetic waves in dispersive media 433
Electromagnetic waves in ferrite 510
Electromagnetic waves in nonreciprocal media 506
Electromagnetic waves in plasma 507
Electromagnetic waves in simple media 24 51
Electromagnetic waves in uniaxial crystals 464
Electron beam 485
Elliptic Gaussian beam 550
Elliptic polarization 62
Elliptically polarized wave 62
Energy density 29 32
Energy density in anisotropic media 36
Energy density in dispersive media 357
Equal ripple response 151
Equation of continuity 3
Equivalent (fictitious) magnetic charge 17
Equivalent (fictitious) magnetic current 17
Equivalent transmission line 110
Expansion theorem 200
Extraordinary (e) wave 459 468
Fabry — Perot cavity 276
Faraday rotation (effect) 509 515
Faraday's law 2
Fast wave (modes) 78 86 182
Ferrite 496
Ferrite, lossy 500
Field matching 208
Field matching, approximate 208
Flatest response 150
Floquet's theorem 374
Forward wave (FW) 366 379
Fraunhofer diffraction 585 587 592 598 603
Frequency-domain Maxwell equations 13
Frequency-domain wave equations 27
Fresnel diffraction 585 590 595 606
Fresnel — Kirchhoff diffraction formula 581
Fresnel's law 72
Fundamental Gaussian beam 535
Gadolinium gallium garnet (GGG) 519
Gauss's law 2
Gaussian beams 535
Gaussian beams in anisotropic media 572
Gaussian beams in quadratic index media 560
Gaussian beams, beam radius of 539
Gaussian beams, curvature radius of phase front of 539
Gaussian beams, electric and magnetic fields in 541
Gaussian beams, elliptic 550
Gaussian beams, energy density in 542
Gaussian beams, fundamental 535
Gaussian beams, Hermite — Gaussian 554
Gaussian beams, high-order modes 553
Gaussian beams, Laguerre — Gaussian 558
Gaussian beams, phase velocity of 541
Gaussian beams, power flow in 542
Gaussian beams, reflection and refraction of 625
Gaussian beams, transformation of 543
Good conductor 59
Goos — Haenchen shift 86
Group velocity 192 216 445
Group velocity in reciprocal crystals 484
Guided layer 311
Guided modes 304
Guided optical waves 520
Guided waves 180
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