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Zhang K., Li D. — Electromagnetic Theory for Microwaves and Optoelectronics |
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Guided-wavelength 216
Gyromagnetic media 496
Gyrotropic media 492
Half far-field divergence angle 539
Hankel functions 190
Harmonics 191
Harmonics, cylindrical 191
Harmonics, rectangular 185
Harmonics, spherical 195
Helix 392
Helix, sheath 393
Helix, tape 402
Helmholtz's equations 28
Helmholtz's equations, approximate solution of 206
Helmholtz's equations, solution of 165
HEM modes 188
Hermite — Gaussian beam 554
Hertz vector (potential) 43 173
Hertz vector (potential), complex 45
Hertz vector (potential), electric 43 45
Hertz vector (potential), instantaneous 43
Hertz vector (potential), magnetic 44 45
High-order mode Gaussian beam 553
High-reflection (HR) coating 155
Ideal gas model 434
Ideal transformer 131
Ideal waveguide 214
Impedance 98
Impedance matrix 113
Impedance surface 21
Impedance transducer 136
Impedance transducer, binominal 150
Impedance transducer, Chebyshev 146 151
Impedance transducer, double-section 141
Impedance transducer, equal ripple response 146 151
Impedance transducer, flatest response 150
Impedance transducer, multi-section 142
Impedance transducer, quarter-wavelength 136
Impedance transducer, small reflection approach 147
Impedance transformation 91 102
Impedance, characteristic 27 96
Impedance, coupling 367
Impedance, interaction 367
Impedance, mutual 113
Impedance, normalized 101
Impedance, self 113
Impedance, wave 27 55
Incident wave 70
Inclined-plate line 256
Index (of refraction) 72
Index (of refraction), complex 437
Index ellipsoid 472
Insertion attenuation 129
Insertion loss 129
Insertion phase shift 130
Insertion reflection coefficient 128
Insertion VSWR 128
Interaction impedance 367
Interaction impedance for periodic systems 384
Inward wave 115
Isotropic media 7
Jones matrix 67
Joule loss 30 32
KDB coordinate system 460
Kirchhoff integral theorem 579
Kirchhoff's diffraction theory 579
Klystron 490
Kronig — Kramers relations 437
Laguerre — Gaussian beam 558
Lame coeficients 166
Left-handed polarized wave 62 66
Legendre equation 195
Legendre functions (polynomials) 195
Legendre functions (polynomials) of the first kind 195
Legendre functions (polynomials) of the second kind 195
Legendre functions (polynomials), associate 196
Linearly polarized modes 344
Linearly polarized wave 61
Liquid-phase epitaxy (LPE) 519
Lorentz force 4
Lorentz guage 39
Loss angle 16
Loss tangent 16
Lossless line 97
Lossless network 120
LSE mode 187 294
LSM mode 187 297
Magnetic field 6
Magnetic flux density 3
Magnetic induction 3
magnetic susceptibility 7
Magnetic wall 21
magnetization 5
Magnetization dissipation 15
Magnetization loss 32 58
Magnetization vector 5
Magnetoelectric material 11
Magnetostatic waves (MSW) 519
Magnetostatic waves (MSW), back volume (MSBVW) 525
Magnetostatic waves (MSW), forward volume (MSFVW) 530
Magnetostatic waves (MSW), surface (MSSW) 527
Matched line 103
Matrix 112
Matrix, admittance 114
Matrix, impedance 112
Matrix, network 112
Matrix, scattering 115
Matrix, transfer 122
Matrix, transmission 124
Maxwell's equations 1
Maxwell's equations for uniform simple media 7
Maxwell's equations in anisotropic media 16
Maxwell's equations in derivative form 2
Maxwell's equations in integral form 2
Maxwell's equations in KDB system 462
Maxwell's equations in material media 6
Maxwell's equations in vacuum 2
Maxwell's equations, frequency-domain (complex) 12
Maxwell's equations, time-domain (instantaneous) 2
Media, anisotropic 8 453
Media, anisotropic, electric 454
Media, anisotropic, gyromagnetic 496
Media, anisotropic, gyrotropic 492
Media, anisotropic, magnetic 454
Media, anisotropic, nonreciprocal 456 492
Media, anisotropic, reciprocal 455
Media, bianisotropic 10
Media, biisotropic 10
Media, chiral 11
Media, dispersive 8 14 433
Media, isotropic 7
Media, nonlinear 8
Media, simple 7
Meridional ray (wave) 322 328
Method of Borgnis' potentials 167
Method of Hertz vectors 173
Method of longitudinal components 174
Mode, circularly asymmetric 335
Mode, circularly symmetric 328
Mode, EH 328 335 340
Mode, HE 328 335 340
Mode, HEM 188
Mode, linearly polarized 344
Mode, LSE 187 294
Mode, LSM 187 297
Mode, TE 72 76 183
Mode, TEM 27 181
Mode, TM 72 75 78 183
Modified Bessel functions 191
Monochromatic wave 69
| monopole 2
Multiple-layer media (coating) 136
Multiple-layer media (coating) as DFB transmission resonator 426
Multiple-layer media (coating) with an alternating index 153
Mutual admittance 114
Mutual impedance 113
N wave 72
Nabla operator 167
Natural (angular) frequency 221
Natural (angular) wave number 221
Neper 57
Network 111
Network matrix 112
Network parameters 112
Network, lossless 120
Network, multi-port 112
Network, reciprocal 118
Network, source-free 120
Network, symmetrical 126
Network, two port 122
Neumann functions 189
Non-thin lens 549
Nonlinear media 8
Nonpolarized wave 69
Nonreciprocal media 492
Normal mode 198
Normal mode expansion 203
Normal surface 480
Normalized admittance 101
Normalized impedance 101 110
Ohm's law 5
Open-circuit line 104
Open-circuit surface 21
Optical axis 464
Optical fibers 322
Optical fibers, nonmagnetic 334
Optical fibers, weakly guiding 342
Optical resonators 569
Ordinary (o) wave 459 467
Orthogonal curvilinear coordinate systems 165
Orthogonal eigenfunction set 200
Orthogonal expansion 200
Orthogonality theorem 199
Orthonormal eigenfunction set 200
Outward wave 115
P wave 72 75
Parallel-plate transmission line 231
Paraxial approximation 538
Partially polarzed wave 69
Penetration depth 58
Perfect conductor 60
Periodic structures (systems) 365 374
Permeability 4 7
Permeability of vacuum 4
Permeability, complex 14
Permeability, tensor 9
Permittivity 4 7
Permittivity of vacuum 4
Permittivity, complex 14 434
Permittivity, tensor 9
Permittivity, tensor, for an electron beam 485
Perturbation 278
Perturbation of cutoff frequency 284
Perturbation of propagation constant 285
Perturbation, cavity wall 278
Perturbation, material 281
Phase coefficient (constant) 52 57
Phase matching 413
Phase synchronous 413
phase velocity 27 215 443
Phase velocity in dispersive media 443
Phase velocity in reciprocal crystals 484
Phase velocity of Gaussian beam 540
Phase velocity of guided waves 215
Phase velocity of plane waves 27
Phasor 12
Plane waves 24 51
Plane waves in biaxial crystals 478
Plane waves in lossy media 57
Plane waves in uniaxial crystals 464 480
Plane waves, sinusoidal 51
plasma 442 493
Plasma frequency 442
Poincare sphere 68
Polarization 5 61
Polarization dissipation 15
Polarization loss 32 58
Polarization of plane waves 61
Polarization potentials 43
Polarization vector 5
Polarization, circular 62 65
Polarization, degree of 69
Polarization, elliptic 62
Polarization, linear 61
Polarized wave 61 69
Polarized wave, circularly 62 65
Polarized wave, elliptically 62
Polarized wave, linearly 61
Polarizing angle 80
Potentials, scalar and vector 37
Potentials, scalar and vector, retarding 38 41
Poynting vector 30
Poynting vector, complex 30
Poynting's theorem 28
Poynting's theorem for anisotropic media 36
Poynting's theorem for dispersive media 33
Poynting's theorem, frequency-domain (complex) 30
Poynting's theorem, the perturbation formulation of 36
Poynting's theorem, time-domain (instantaneous) 28
Principle axes (system) 456
Principle mode 228
Principle of perturbation 278
Propagation coefficient (constant) 57
Q factor 222
Q factor in resonant cavity 222
Q factor in resonant cavity, external 223
Q factor in resonant cavity, loaded 223
Q factor in resonant cavity, unloaded 223
Q factor of circular cylindrical cavity 253
q parameter 543
Quality factor 222
Quarter-wave shifted DFB resonator 427
Quarter-wavelength impedance transducer 137
Quasi-polarized wave 69
Quasi-stationary fields 24
Radial (transmission) line 257
Radial line cavity 260
Radiation modes 306 316
Rayleigh — Sommerfeld diffraction formula 583
Reciprocal dielectric crystal 463
Reciprocal network 118
Reciprocity (theorem) 47
Reciprocity (theorem) in network theory 118
Rectangular coordinates 179 184
Rectangular dielectric waveguide 317
Rectangular harmonics 185
Rectangular resonant cavity 234
Rectangular waveguide 223
Reentrant cavity 267
Reentrant cavity, approximate solution 271
Reentrant cavity, exact solution 269
Reflected wave 70
Reflection 70
Reflection coefficient 74 75 116
Reflection, insertion 128
Refracted wave 70
Refraction 70
Refraction coefficient 74
Refraction coefficient, insertion 128
Refraction of Gaussian beams in anisotropic media 610
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