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Rucker R. — Mind Tools. The Five Levels of Mathematical Reality
Rucker R. — Mind Tools. The Five Levels of Mathematical Reality

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Íàçâàíèå: Mind Tools. The Five Levels of Mathematical Reality

Àâòîð: Rucker R.

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Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 30.07.2013

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Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Numeration systems, zeros-and-ones      280 312
Numerology      74
Numerology and labeling      31
Octagon, as number pattern      54 64 69
Octahedron as number pattern      53 56 57 64 66 70
Octahedron as regular      63
Omega $(\omega)$ bit      264—267
One      39—40
Opposites      See also "Dyads"
Opposites, table of      16
parabola      12 124—127 134 141
Paraboloid      158
Paradox of the Liar      221—222
Paradox, Chaitin's theorem based on      287
Parameter space      125—127 129 131 137
Parameters      122 137
Pascal, Blaise      133
Patterns      3 See spatial" "Mathematical "Shapes"
Patterns as inconceivable      290 291
Patterns, chemical elements composed of      73—74
Patterns, complexity of      304
Patterns, information in      89
Patterns, numbers as      49—72 91—92 293
Patterns, Wittgenstein's world as      215
Peano, Giuseppe      159—160 208 209
Pearls of Sluze      132 137
Penrose, Roger      108—111
Pentad      21
Pentagon as number pattern      53—55 58 60—65 67 68
Pentagram      54 56
Pentahedroid (pentahedron)      21 23 24
Perspective      272—277
Phase space      187
Phenomenology      185
Physical name for numbers      93—95
Physics and halting problem      241
Physics and higher-dimensional spaces      187—188
Physics and information processing      35
Physics and space      102
Physics, master equations for      313
Piero della Francesca      273
Pixel      112 116—117
Pixel and perspective      277 278
Plane      158
Plane and Euclid's axioms      12
Plato      19 20 156 200—201 290
Platonic solids      63
Point as degenerate conic      128 130
Polar coordinates      150—151
Politics and numbers      75—76
POLYGONS      103—104
Polygons and simplicity      161
Polygons, tessellations      104—111 221
Polyhedron, regular      63
Polynomial equation, endless      144—145
Population growth as exponential      146
Post, Emil      226
Postmodern era      34—35
Power, and number      99
Power-series curves      158—159
Precision and infinite $(\omega)$ bit      264
Precision golf      256—258
Precision, bits of      118 120 188—194 277
Predicate calculus      209 210 216
Presentation information      282 303
Prime numbers      56
Prime numbers, computability of      244
Prime numbers, Goldbach's conjecture on      241—242
Primordial soup for Life game      112
Principia Mathematica (Russell and Whitehead)      216
Principles of thought      See "Laws or principles of thought"
Procrustean bed      16—17
Propositional calculus      201 209—212 216
Provability and Church's theorem      237—239
Provability and formal logic      236—237
Provability and Godel's theorem      218 220—225
Pyramid as number pattern      55 59 63—65 71
Pyramid as tetrahedron      20
Pythagoras      50
Pythagoreans      32 50—51
Pythagoreans and dyads      16
Pythagoreans and even/odd numbers      50
Pythagoreans and number five      51 55
Pythagoreans and number six      56
Pythagoreans and number ten      60
Pythagoreans on numbers as reality      73—74
Pythagoreans, quaternity of      20
Quadric surfaces      158
Quadrivium      19—21
quantum mechanics      32 34
Quantum mechanics and Hilbert space      102 187—188
Quartic curves      129 130 132 136
Quaternity      17—21
Questions      See also "Explanations"
Questions in information measurement      4 27—29
Questions, "Why is there something instead of nothing?"      40
Questions, endless number of      264
Quincunx      21 23
Quintad as archetype      50
R-complexity      282
Radio waves, AM and FM      143—144
Randomization, in fractal curve construction      174 175
Randomness and simple explanations      289 314
Randomness as hidden predictability      198
Randomness in inconceivable and conceivable bit strings      300
Rating system, numerical      84
Rationality and Godel's theorem      223
Ratios, reciprocal      270—271
Real number line      13 261 268 See
reality      See also "World"
Reality as information pattern      31
Reality, complementary aspects of      6—9
Reality, mathematics and number based on      14—16 50 73
Reality, Wittgenstein's view of      215
Reciprocals      269—272
Reductio ad absurdum      211 212
Reflection principle      253 258 261
Relations, logical treatment of      207
Relativity theory      32 34
Renaissance      25 32 33 253
Rep-numbers      57
Reproduction      See also "DNA"
Reproduction by cellular automata      115—116
Richardson, Lewis Fry      166 168
Robinson, Abraham      268
Robots, self-reproduction by      115—116 See
Roman number system      40
Rosser, J. Barkley      225
runtime      219 301—306 314 See
Runtime for production of natural phenomena      314
Russell, Bertrand      208 209 216
Sand Reckoner, The (Archimedes)      77—78
Sand, infinitesimal grains of      278
science      See also "Astronomy" "Chemistry" "Physics"
Science and mathematics      14
Secret of Life or the universe      214 289 306 See
Segment as simplex      23
Self-knowledge, endless regress in      255—256
Self-reference and Godel's theorem      222 224 240
Self-reference and Turing's theorem      240
Self-reproduction by cellular automata      115—116
Self-similarity in logarithmic spiral      151—153
Self-similarity in snail shells      153
Self-similarity of fractal curve      167 175 177
Self-similarity of trees      162 163
Sensation      18 19
Set theory and infinity      4 32 251 259 278
Shannon, Claude      27 28 47
Shapes      See also "Geometric patterns" "Surfaces"
Shapes, "most natural"      21—23
Shapes, curves      100 see
Shapes, fractal      103 160—177 see
Shapes, polygons      103—104 see
Shapes, Sphere      158
Sierpinski carpet      172 173
Similarity and logic      15
Simple or short explanations      289—290 306 313—314
Simplexes      23
Sine curve      142—145 158
Size and infinite sets      259—260
Slide rule      46—47
Sluze, Baron Rene Francaise de      132—133
Smooth magnitude      5 6 10 See
Society, helical development in      155
Socrates      200—201
Software form compared to      157
Solids      See also "Cube" "Polyhedron"
Solids, fractal      175—177
Solids, sphere      158
Solomonoff, R.J.      284
Sophists      200—201
Sorites      206 213—214
Space      15—16
Space and feeling      20
Space and freedom      99
Space and Godel's theorem      220—222
Space and motion or change      99
Space and perspective      273—277
Space and Renaissance      25 33
Space and right brain      9
Space and simplexes      23—24
Space and vanishing point      274
Space as three-dimensional      100
Space in notation of line      122
Space patterns, numbers as      51—72
Space vs. number      5—6 9 10
Space, four-dimensional      63 186—187
Space, hand as      3—4
Space, Hilbert space      32 100 182 186—194 see
Space, logical space      213—217 220—221
Space, mathematical vs. real      100—103 273
Space, parameter space      125—127 129 131 137
Space, phase space      187
Spatial forms      100 156—157 177 See "Curves" "Fractals" "Polygons" "Sphere" "Surfaces"
Sphere      158
spirals      141 142 145 148 150—154
Spiritual development, helical pattern of      155
Spotty magnitudes      5 6 10 See
Square as number pattern      53—55 58 62—64 66 67 70
Square pentagon as number pattern      54 58 61—63 65 67
Star of David      54 56
Straight line as degenerate conic      128 130
String name      92 93
Surfaces, algebraic      157—158
Surfaces, fractal      170—175
Surfaces, quadric      158
Syllogism      202—207
Symbolic logic      32 207—212
Tally system      40 43
Tarski, Alfred      225—226
Tautologies      211—212
Taylor, Brook      159
Tessellations      104—111
Tessellations and Godel's theorem      221
Tetrad      17—20
Tetrad as archetype      21 50
Tetrahedral number      65 67—68 70
Tetrahedron(a)      20—22
Tetrahedron(a) as number pattern      53 54 57 61 67 69—70
Tetrahedron(a) as regular      63
Tetrahedron(a) as simplex      23
Theory and complexity      285—286
Theory and discovery of results      237
Theory, Chaitin's theorem on      286—290
Theory, ideal properties of      218—219
Thinking and Godel's theorem      226
Thinking and logic      20 see
Thinking, ingrained modes of      15—16 39
Thinking, Jung on      18
Thomas Aquinas, Saint      251
Thompson, D'Arcy      153 313
Thoughts, number of      81—83 88—89
Tiles, Penrose      108—110
Toffoli, Tommaso      308
Tone of voice as analog information      117 184
topology      32 160
Torsion of curve      154 155
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (Wittgenstein)      214—215
Transcendental curves, exponential curves as      145—147 158
Transcendental curves, logarithms as      147—148
Transcendental curves, sine curve as      144 158
Transfinite computer      258
Transfinite numbers      253—254 258
Transfinite numbers, countable      294—295
Transfinite numbers, nonstandard      267—269
Transfinite processes      254—258
Trees      See also "Binary trees" "Branches"
Trees and fractals      177
Triads      16—18 20
Triads as archetype      21 50
Triads in tetrahedron      20
Triangle(s) as number patterns      51 53—55 57 59 61 64 65 67 69—71
Triangle(s) as simplex      23
Triangle(s), God as eye in      51
Triangular number      56 60 63
Truth and Godel's theorem      221—223 225—226
Truth in modern times      34
Truth table      210—211 244
Truth, complementarity of      7
Turing halting problem      See "Halting problem"
Turing Machines      228—236 See
Turing machines and computability      226 243 244
Turing machines and listability      243
Turing machines and omega bits      264
Turing machines and runtime      302
Turing machines as CA      309—311
Turing machines as serial      307
Turing machines, integers/fractions from      271—272
Turing's theorem      238 See
Turing, Alan      226 228 238 247
Twenty Questions and information theory      27—29
Uccello, Paolo      273 275
Ulam, Stanislaw      11 115—116 283
Ultimate Desert and perspective      275—277
Uncertainty (unpredictability) and information theory      28—29 47
Universal Turing machine      234—236 283 See
Universal Turing machine and algorithmic complexity      282—285 296 300
Universal Turing machine and inconceivability      291—292 296 300
Universal Turing machine and runtime      302
Universal Turing machine, game of Life as      311
Universe      See also "World"
Universe and reflection principle      253
Universe as "this"      223
Unsolvable problems      236—242
Volta, Alessandro      33
von Koch, Helge      167
von Neumann, John      11 115—116
Wang, Hao      221
Waves      141 142
Waves, sine curves of      142—145
Whitehead, Alfred North      208 216
William of Shyreswood      205
Wittgenstein, Ludwig      214—215 217
Wolfram, Stephen      309 311—313
Words      See also "Information"
Words as numbers      73 84—89 92 222 243 280—282
World      See also "Reality" "Universe"
World, atomistic vs. phenomenological view of      185
World, mathematics as approximation of      156 177
World, simple explanation of      214 289—290 306 313—314
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