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Rucker R. — Mind Tools. The Five Levels of Mathematical Reality
Rucker R. — Mind Tools. The Five Levels of Mathematical Reality

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Íàçâàíèå: Mind Tools. The Five Levels of Mathematical Reality

Àâòîð: Rucker R.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ìàòåìàòèêà/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 30.07.2013

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Fractals, scheme-generated numbers as      300
Fractals, skin surfaces as      4
Fractions, binary point      118—120 188 261 262 271—272
Fractions, decimal point      117—118
Fredkin, Edward      116
Freedom and space      99
Frege, Gottlob      208 209
Fuller, Buckminster      226
Galactic Survey Number      93—95
Galen      207
Galileo      32 33
gambling      74 See
Gender Number      93—95
Geometric patterns      See also "Shapes"
Geometric patterns, numbers as      51—72
Geometrical inversion      270
Geometry and smooth magnitudes      5
Geometry in quadrivium      20—21
Geometry, Euclid's axioms in      12
God and number      51
God as infinity      11 251 253
God in the details      170
Godel's theorem      13—14 32 34 218—226 236 245—247
Godel's theorem and Chaitin's theorem      284 286
Godel's theorem and infinite bit      264
Godel's theorem and transfinite computer      258
Godel, Kurt      13—14 197 220 246—247 262
Goldbach's conjecture      241—242
Googol      73 79—80
Googolplex      80
Grains of sand as infinitesimal      278
Grains of sand, Archimedes' numbering of      77—78
Growth, natural and CA rules      313
Growth, natural, logarithmic spiral in      153—154
Halting problem      238—242 313
Halting problem and Penrose tile problem      110
Halting problem and runtime      302
Hand and base-ten system      41
Hand and number five      55
Hand, binary system on      43
Hand, mathematical patterns in      3—4
Hardware, content compared to      157
Hegel, G.W.F.      16—17 20
Helix/helices (corkscrew pattern)      141 142 145 154 155 157
Heptagon      56
Hexagon (six-sided figure)      53 56
Hexagonal grid      53 57 61 66 67 69—71
Hexagonal tessellation      104
Hilbert space      32 100 182 186—194
Hilbert space and quantum physics      102 187—188
Hilbert space, life as fractal in      182—183
Hilbert's tenth problem      242
Hilbert, David      197 208 216—218 220
History, helical pattern in      155
History, succession of mathematical concepts in      25 31—35
Hofstadter, Douglas      226
Hydrant (fractal surface)      171 172
Hyperbola      124 126 127 141
Hyperbolic paraboloid      158
Hyperspaces      100
Icosahedron as number pattern      54 62
Icosahedron as regular      63
Inconceivability      290—301
Inconceivable numbers      73 91
Indiscernibles, principle of      198
Industrial Revolution      25 32—34
Infinite (to) bit      159 264—267
Infinite binary tree      162 164 262 264 265 See
Infinitesimals      268—269
Infinitesimals and calculus      13 268
Infinitesimals and perspective      272—277
Infinitesimals and reciprocals      269—272
Infinitesimals, grains of sand as      278—279
infinity      10—13 15—16 251—252 See
Infinity and commutative law      254
Infinity and continuum problem      261—267
Infinity and Godel's theorem      13—14 221—223 225 264
Infinity and intuition      20
Infinity and number eight      59
Infinity and number seven      56
Infinity and real number line      13
Infinity and reflection principle      253 258 261
Infinity and simple explanations      289
Infinity and simplexes      23—24
Infinity and size      259—260
Infinity as God      11 251 253
Infinity as Modern      25 34
Infinity as transfinite processes      254—258
Infinity in fractional measurement      118
Infinity in notation of line      122
Infinity in parts of real world      157
Infinity of natural numbers      90
Infinity of one-dimensional number      188
Infinity, alef-one as      260—262 267
Infinity, Cantor's three types of      252—253
Infinity, hand as      4
Infinity, number and space connected by      25
Inflection, points of      134—135 138
information      3 25—27 29—30 35 See
Information and computer revolution      31
Information and dimensionality      188—194
Information and Godel's theorem      225—226
Information and mathematical form      177
Information and reciprocals      271
Information and simplexes      23—24
Information in Hilbert space      186—194
Information in notation of line      122
Information in parts of real world      157
Information mechanics      32 116
Information processing      30
Information processing by physical objects      35 306—307
Information theory      27—29 See
Information theory and continuum problem      263—267
Information theory and logarithms      45—47 49 91
Information theory and uncertainty/unpredictability      28—29 47
Information theory, algorithmic      284
Information theory, measurement of information in      4 27—29 47—49 51 91 279 282 285
Information, analog      116 119 122—125 137 145 183—184
Information, DNA as      4 155 303
Information, hand as      4
Information, levels of      25—26
Information, logical consequences as      212
Information, measurement of      4 27—29 47—49 51 91 279 282 285
Information, numerical coding of      73 84—95 222 243 280—282
Information, simple explanations behind      314
Instincts, and archetypes      21
Interpretation      See "Decoding" "Numeration
Intuition      18 20
Jung, C.G.      17—21
Justice and Pythagoreans      50
Justice as number four      53
Kaluza — Klein theory      102
Kasner, Edward      79 80
Kleene, Stephen      226
Koch curve      167—169 174—175
Kolmogorov, A.N.      284
L27 system of numeration      85—89
L27 system of numeration and Godel's theorem      220 222 223
Labeling      31
Language and logical principles      212
Language, Leibniz's conception of      197 214
Language, logic inadequate to      201
Large numbers      73 92
Large numbers as inconceivable      293—296
Large numbers, naming of      77—83 92—95
Laws or principles of thought of contraposition      211 212
Laws or principles of thought of double negation      211
Laws or principles of thought of excluded middle      211
Laws or principles of thought of indiscernibles      198
Laws or principles of thought of noncontradiction      198 208 211 221
Leibniz, Gottfried      116 197—198 208 214 216 268
Liar, Paradox of      221—222
Life as fractal      178—182
Life, game of (Conway's)      111—114 116 307 311
Life, logical depth in growth of      303
Life, Secret of      214 306
Line, as degenerate conic      128 130
Listability      243—247
Lo-shu (magic square)      52
Log log graph paper      148 149
Logarithmic spiral      150—154
Logarithms      45—47 49
Logarithms and fractal dimension      169
Logarithms and information      91
Logarithms and large numbers      81
Logarithms as transcendental function      147—148
Logic      11 15—16 197—200
Logic and Godel's theorem      13—14 34 223—225 236 see
Logic and Industrial Revolution      25 33
Logic and Lewis Carroll      199—200
Logic and Platonic dialogues      200—201
Logic and simplexes      23—24
Logic and space      12
Logic and thinking      20
Logic as relative      29
Logic in notation of line      122
Logic of mathematics      11
Logic, hand as      4
Logic, history of      197—198
Logic, limitation of      198 200 286
Logic, monadic-property sentences in      201—202
Logic, number and space connected by      25
Logic, predicate calculus in      209 210 216
Logic, propositional calculus in      201 209—212 216
Logic, syllogism in      202—207
Logic, symbolic      32 207—212
Logical depth      303
Logical depth and the world      314
Logical depth of 1-D CA      312
Logical depth of CAM      309
Logical space      213—217
Logical space and Godel's theorem      220—221
Lucas, J. Anthony      226
Luck      See also "Gambling"
Luck and number eleven      61
Luck and number fourteen      63
Luck and number seven      56
Luck and number thirteen      63
Luzhin hypothesis      278—279
Magic square      52
Magnitudes, spotty vs. smooth      5 6 10 See "Digital-analog
Mandelbrot, Benoit      160 164—168 175
Mao Zedong on 1000 flowers      214
Margolus, Norman      308
Martin's Axiom      279
Marx brothers, on thinking      197
Master equation      313—314
Mathematical logic      11 See
Mathematical name      92
Mathematical pattern, infinity as      4 15—16 see
Mathematical pattern, information as      4 see
Mathematical pattern, logic as      4 15—16 see
Mathematical pattern, number as      3 15—16 see
Mathematical pattern, space as      3—4 15—16 see
Mathematical space      99—100
Mathematical space and perspective      273
Mathematical space vs. real space      100—103
Mathematics      See also "Algebra" "Arithmetic" "Geometry" "Infinity" "Number" "Space"
Mathematics and Godel's theorem      220—226 see
Mathematics and halting problem      241—242
Mathematics and information      25 30 35 177
Mathematics and propositional calculus      201
Mathematics and reality      156—157 177
Mathematics and space-number gap      10
Mathematics as formal system      216—218 220
Mathematics, psychological roots of      14—16
Maxwell, James Clark      34
McLuhan, Marshall      33
Measurement and measuring unit (natural borders)      166
Measurement of information      4 27—29 47—49 51 279 282 285
Menger sponge      173—174
Metaphysics, and Boole's logic      208
Microcomputers      31 See
Middle Ages      25 31—33
Middle Ages and number five      55—56
Middle Ages, logic in      202 205—206
Mnemonic verse, on syllogisms      205—206
Modern Times      25 34
Modus Tollens      211 212
Monad and information mechanics      116
Monad as archetype      50
Motion and space      99
Motion, sine curve as describing      145
Mutual knowledge      254—255
Myhill, John      246
Names for large numbers      92—95
Nephroid      141 142
Nephroid of Freeth      132 137
Newton, Isaac      32—34 131—132 218 268
Noncontradiction, law or principle of      198 208 211 221
Nonstandard numbers      267—269
Notation, numerical      See also "Numeration systems"
Notation, numerical for large numbers      80—81
Nuclear arms and numberskulls      76
NUMBER      15—16
Number and left brain      9
Number and Middle Ages      25 31 33
Number and power      99
Number and sensation      19
Number and simplexes      23—24
Number as objective      14—16 50 73
Number as patterns      49—72 91—92 293
Number as spotty magnitude      5
Number as unbreakable units      49
Number games (gambling)      74
Number in notation of line      122
Number vs. space      5—6 9 10
Number, Conway's view of      269
Number, hand as      3
Number-log lines      148 149
Numbers and crowds      76—77
Numbers and Godel's theorem      220
Numbers and infinite sets      259—260
Numbers and Pythagoreans      50—51 55 56 60 73—74
Numbers and real number line      13 261 268
Numbers, alef-one $(\aleph_{1})$      260—262 267
Numbers, associations suggested by      50—65
Numbers, checking truth of sentences about      257—258
Numbers, Goldbach's conjecture on      241—242
Numbers, inconceivable      293—295
Numbers, infinitesimal      13 268—269 see
Numbers, information coded as      73 84—95 222 243 280—282
numbers, large      73 77—83 92—95
Numbers, nonstandard transfinite      267—269
Numbers, one      39—40
Numbers, perfect      56
Numbers, prime      56
Numbers, size ranges of      72—73 91—92
Numbers, tetrahedral      65 67—68 70
Numbers, transfinite      253—254 258 267—269 294—295
Numbers, triangular      56 60 63
Numbers, zero      39—40
Numberskulls      74—76
Numeration systems, base-ten (decimal)      40—42 49 91 92
Numeration systems, base-three through base-ten      42
Numeration systems, binary (base-two)      42—45 48 49 91 280—282
Numeration systems, L27      85—89 220 222 223
Numeration systems, power of      92
Numeration systems, Roman      40
Numeration systems, tally      40 43
1 2 3 4
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