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Synge J.L., Griffith B.A. — Principles of Mechanics
Synge J.L., Griffith B.A. — Principles of Mechanics

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Название: Principles of Mechanics

Авторы: Synge J.L., Griffith B.A.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Механика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: second

Год издания: 1949

Количество страниц: 517

Добавлена в каталог: 05.05.2013

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Surface density      77
Surface, level      29
Surface, rough      86—88 114
Surface, smooth      54 55 57 70
Suspension bridge      100 114
Symmetry, axis of      78 321 322
Symmetry, central      77
Symmetry, diagonal, trigonal, etc.      321
Symmetry, of central orbit      172 173 185
Symmetry, plane of      78 321 322
Symmetry, used to find mass centers      77 78 114
Symmetry, used to find principal axes      320—323
Synchronization of clocks      477—480
System of particles, angular momentum of      134—136 147 329 330 344 345 360
System of particles, dynamics of      131—139 146 147 189—222 223 343—346 360
System of particles, equilibrium of      41—52 57—67 70 261—266 295—301
System of particles, kinetic energy of      136 137 147 463
System of particles, Lagrange's equations for      463—472
System of particles, linear momentum of      132—134 146 147 343 360
System of particles, potential energy of      64—67 137 294—297 299 300 302
Tangential components of velocity and acceleration      118 119 125 305 306 332
Tension, in bar of frame      108
Tension, in beam      92—96 114 272
Tension, in cable      98—105 114 115 265 266
Tensor      316
Tetragonal symmetry      321
Tetrahedron, mass center of      79
Theory of dimensions      501—513
Theory of relativity      see "Relativity"
Thin beams      92—98 114
Thrust      108
Time, in Newtonian mechanics      12 13
Time, in relativity      476—480 483 487 490—493 498
Time, proper      491 492 498
Time, unit of      12—14 501 502
Timoshenko, S.      113
Top      429—441 453
Top, cuspidal motion of      436—438
Top, general motion of      432—436 463 469 470
Top, in steady precession      429—432 453
Top, Lagrange's equations for      469 470
Top, sleeping      438—440 453
torque      196
Torsion, radius of      264
Total angular impulse      357
Total energy      130 137 341 346
Total force      259 285 301
Total impulse      357
Total impulsive force      357
Total moment      259 285 301
Trajectory, of charged particle      384 386 389—392 412 413
Trajectory, of projectile      151—159 184 407 408 414
Transformation, Lorentz      480—491 498
Transformation, Newtonian      486
Transformation, of axes in space-time      488
Transformation, to principal axes of inertia      318—320 322 323
Translation      61 279
Transmissibility of force      64
Transport, acceleration of      349
Transport, of vector      348
Transverse components of velocity and acceleration      120 125
Triad, left-handed and right-handed      247
Triad, ordered      247
Triad, unit orthogonal      23
Triangle of forces      40
Triangular plate, mass center of      79
Trigonal symmetry      321
Triple products      250—252 257
Trusses      see "Frames"
Truth, mathematical and physical      7
Twisting couple      272
Two-body problem      182—184 186
Uniform field of force      67
Uniform field of force, electromagnetic      383—387 412
Unit coordinate vectors      23 247
Unit orthogonal triad      23
Unit, of force      16 34 35 502
Unit, of length      11 13 14 35 501 502
Unit, of mass      10 13 14 35 501 502
Unit, of time      12—14 35 501 502
Units, arbitrariness of      35 502
Units, c.g.s. and f.p.s.      13
Units, change of      504—508
Varignon, theorem of      44 45 255 256
Vector      17—19
Vector field      28
Vector function      24—26
Vector product      247—250 257
Vector triple product      252 257
Vector, binormal      264
Vector, bound      18 19
Vector, components of      22—24 32 35 36 245
Vector, differentiation of      24—26 35 250
Vector, electric      381
Vector, free      18 19
Vector, gradient      28—31 35 36
Vector, in space-time      494 495
Vector, magnetic      382
Vector, moment of      43—45 70 252—257
Vector, multiplied by scalar      19 20
Vector, notation for      19
Vector, position      24 36 305
Vector, principal normal      264
Vector, rate of change of      347 348 361
Vector, sliding      18
Vector, zero      21
Vectors, addition of      19—22 35
Vectors, coordinate      23 247
Vectors, products of      245—257
Vectors, subtraction of      21
Vehicle, self-propelled      204—206
Velocities, composition of      140 307 308 491
Velocity      26—28 36 305
Velocity, absolute      494
Velocity, angular      122 126 308—311 332
Velocity, areal      170 180 185
Velocity, in cylindrical coordinates      306 307
Velocity, limiting      159
Velocity, of light      27 479—481 483 485 496
Velocity, of particle of rigid body      308—313 332
Velocity, radial and transverse components of      120 125
Velocity, tangential component of      118 126 305 306 332
Vertical      85
Vertical, on rotating earth      145 403
Vibration, normal modes of      207—214 223
Vibration, of particle in plane      212—214
Vibration, of particle on stretched string      511
Vibration, of two particles on stretched string      208—212 see
Virtual displacement      53 58 60 461
Virtual work      57—60 70 111 115 295 296 301
Ways of thinking      3—5 508
Weight      17 86
Weight, on rotating earth      145 404 405
Whittaker, E.T.      xi 16
Work      53—67 70 292—301 302
Work, done by couple      64 293
Work, done by force      53 70
Work, done by forces on general system      293 294 302
Work, done by forces on rigid body      62 63 70 292 293 302
Work, virtual      57—60 70 111 116 295 296 301
Workless constraints      54—59
Wrench      269 270 285 301
Young's modulus      96 114
Young, D.H.      113
Zero vector      21
Zero, force equipollent to      48 261
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